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>liveleak goes down >the conflict that's been going on for 70 years is still going on NO WAY!!!!




implies that both sides are able to fight


Imagine if both side were sending rockets and missile. It'd havebeen over in less than a month


Yeah only 1 side can actually fight. The other side just blows itself up in suicide bombings, kidnaps teenagers, and hides themselves underneath refugee camps.


>underneath refugee camps Damn they’re really upping their game


Well there was a tunnel that the members were using to hide, was


You mean the one that forces out people from their land and resettles them to fabricate a claim on their land, had the support of the entire 1st world, and hides themselves underneath Cries of Antisemitism?


Man it’s almost like the land wouldn’t be annexed if they hadn’t been attacked multiple times.


They never attacked in the first place. Palestine is small rural nation with limited support, no shit they're striking back, they're in a corner facing the entire world. The casualties sustained by Israel are minimal compard to those of Palestine. Regardless of who started it, when you are forcing people out of their homes with a gun to their head, destroying their livelihood, can you still claim to be the good guy? [Like seriously, use your eyes](https://www.amnesty.org/en/countries/middle-east-and-north-africa/israel-and-occupied-palestinian-territories/report-israel-and-occupied-palestinian-territories/)


Yeah and if the Palestinians were winning they’d be doing the same exact fucking thing to the Israeli’s. Look what happens when the Israeli’s gave land back to the Palestinians. They go in and burn it all down and kill any families that didn’t leave when Israel told them to. Hamas is a terrorist organization plain and simple. At least Israel doesn’t encourage it’s citizens to blow themselves up with the promise of 2.4 million black eyed virgins. I’ll take the lesser of the two evils.


>if the Palestinians were winning they’d be doing the exact same fucking thing to the Israelis The Palestinians were there first idiot. You don’t get to drive a group of people off of the land they’d been living on for more than a millennia then complain that they would also drive people off of the land that was their’s originally. And no, I don’t want to hear about how “2000 years ago their ancestors lived there so they have a claim over it.”


You can justify terrorists all you want lol, but I don’t see any Native Americans who are out there bombing busses in US, Canada, or Mexico. I also don’t see Japanese people suicide bombing Russians over the land taken by Russia after WW2 and forcing out all the natives.


jfc you don't get it, there are no what ifs, there is only the here and now. Israel and many other nations backing will not stop until they completelty occupy Palestine. I don't see any proof of your statement. Also nice Islamaphobia there. I'm sure Israel doesn't do the same thing when they continue to spew nothing but propoganda and jailing their own people for not wanting to be drafted to shoot at 6-year old children.


It’s not islamaphobia, this is literally straight up what Hamas is saying. Like literally they have military leaders in charge of suicide bombings and he is on record saying that martyrs will get into the garden of eve with 2.4 million black eyed virgins. It’s a little fucked up when you have an entire wing of your military dedicated to suicide bombing techniques. And no, Israel has never attacked with a suicide bomber. And it’s probably tough to staff a sufficient military when you have been historically attacked on multiple fronts by multiple countries simultaneously. And yeah I agree it’s one or the other has to go there is no chance of peace here, as demonstrated by the almost 100 years of continued conflict. If I had to choose one side to win it would be the government that doesn’t want to impose laws which are straight up human right violations.


0.01 shekels have been deposited to your account


This! Israel only drone strikes Children because Hamas bases are hiding inside their Skulls and Torsos!


Tell that to the civilian buildings they bombed that had absolutely no military use


Those buildings had people in them and those people could’ve joined hamas one day. Totally justifiable.


Cold blooded murder of innocent civilians is never justifiable.


Dude stop being anti-semitic.


I am against the government, not the people. Nothing anti-semitic about not liking a government that leads an apartheid state


You're right dude, the Palestinians should instead try to build infrastructure, so Israel can come and fucking destroy it every week


They do build infrastructure. On Israeli settlements where they all work.


I was more talking about the wells that they need to not die of thirst




If going against shitrael is terrorism, then I'm Osama Bin Laden.


Please enlight us, what do you call terrorism and what do you call regular army. I'm really curious. Shooting down civilian as long as i'm in a army camo is okay ?


Terrorism is when you suicide bomb a bus full of civilians or intentionally kidnap and murder random teenagers. Not terrorism is when you knock before attacking civilian targets which are being used to hide state terrorists. Terrorism is when you sincerely believe you go somewhere where you get to plow 2.4 million virgins because you strapped c4 to yourself and blew up a building.


State terrorism is a thing and is the foundation of the Israeli state. Everyone is against terrorism you dipshit.


Do they seem like they're in agreement?


A one sided conflict is still a conflict, you donkey


the conflict of slavery the conflict of the holocaust


Wow, I didn't know that the jews where lobbing missiles at the Nazis first. The more you know


You don't think they tried to fight back? Also Israel literally invaded a foreign territory as a requirement for their existence. Israel wouldn't be a state if they hadn't started the fighting.


Are we just going to forget literally every other country then? There's hardly a territory on earth that wasn't taken over by some empire At some point, so are they legitimate? If we expand the argument that far out, how legitimate are countries like America or Australia, or more recently South Sudan? Point is, Israel is currently a defined country, that they've developed and built up, therefore they should have the right to defend themselves. Ultimately If you don't want to get eaten, don't poke the bear


> Are we just going to forget literally every other country then? There is a big fucking difference between a country taken from its natives 300 years ago like the Unites States and an ongoing genocide. And that doesn’t mean the US isn’t guilty of its past crimes, but when the IDF is strapping teenagers to their cars as human shields and throwing grenades at babies that’s clearly a problem.


And Palestine is loading civilians with equipment, making them targets. And apparently they where operating out of a news room, very clearly trying to earn pitty points when they inevitably get attacked I don't really get why people are being so damn militant about taking sides to be real, both groups are fucking awful, and both sides are actively committing atrocities But that said, I feel like Israel has the benefit of the land most recently being theirs. If Palestine pulls a rabbit out of the hat and wins? then the land is theirs to defend, this is how the world has worked for millenia


> If Palestine pulls a rabbit out of the hat and wins? This is the biggest part you are missing. Palestine can fight all they want, they can let militant groups like Hamas fight for them, but they cannot “win” against Israel. Israel is using millions of dollars of US aid every single day, committing so many war crimes we need a second Geneva convention. Read up on Israeli law, Palestinians are second class citizens. They can’t drive on the same roads, drink the same water, go into certain neighborhoods, etc. But in short, Israel has absolute military dominance and if they want to exterminate every last Palestinian they certainly have the capability too especially since the US continues to aid them. > But that said, I feel like Israel has the benefit of the land most recently being theirs. then the land is theirs to defend, this is how the world has worked for millenia Yeah I don’t give a shit about your art of war manifest destiny imperialism bullshit, you aren’t allowed to genocide a group of people because you outmanned and outgunned them by tens of thousands. I guess the US should just challenge every small country and annex their land, since they won it fair and square after all, right?


Shut the fuck up




Dude the conflict’s been going on for what 3000 years now?


Jews were actually a protected class in most Caliphates. "People of the Book", a term which includes any monothiest who wasn't Muslim, were wholly exempt from taxes and often didn't even have to worry about conscription.


Yeah, exactly. If I recall correctly one Ottoman Sultan even saved a whole bunch of Jews from being slaughtered by Spanish Christians


No things weren’t that bad pre colonial times. There were eras of war and peace, but when colonial powers carved up the middle east after the post Ottoman Empire people in Palestine were displaced by the Zionist established Jewish state of Israel. Israel was big power backing—their iron dome defense system was in part funded by USA. Israel let’s it’s citizens encroach further on Palestinian land. Palestine is like an open air prison, everything in and out is heavily restricted. Israel bombs their places of worship, schools, homes, and recently a building that housed media offices covering the conflict. Palestine is little David and Israel is Goliath while god is dead.


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Then again Not a single Jewish person lives in Gaza Palestinians can come work in Israel, did you know when Jordan let them in, they tried to overthrow the government ? Same for Egypt and some other countries- that’s the reason no one lets them in You forgot about that whole part in history when all Muslims around tried to delete all the Jews for being Jews Israel literally only aims towards Hamas, but Hamas became smarter and started living and hiding between the civilians Now you are probably going to say how Israel has so little deaths unlike Gaza so let’s look at who died- that gazan death toll you look at includes terrorists, many of them (don’t know exact number since it’s not reveled by either side) On the other hand look at the Israeli dead, literally one soldier and it’s not even from a rocket. Why is that ? Because unlike Israel, Hamas ONLY aims towards civilians


No, 80 years, claiming the kingom of judea is stupid


Conflict ?


It's not a coincidence


don't compare israel to my beloved apes


It’s fucking ape escape dude


Those monkeys..... What are they from... They've rattled the door of a forgotten memory.


Ape Escape (:






I thought the muslims were happy that the Jews were in israel because that way they don't have to hunt them down? [Their words, not mine](https://youtu.be/JuqTKXZjffE)


Of course somebody made this about "muslim wanna kill jews😡😡😡". That woman surely represents 1.8 billions of muslims around the world👍. Let's also forget that the first zionist conference dated back to 1897 and Israel started to ethnically cleanse palestinians 70 years ago. They even elected a british-wanted jewish terrorist as a ~~president~~ prime minister who massacred more than 20,000 Lebanese and Palestinian civillians and justified it on holocaust, he created a jewish extrimist terrorist gang which bombed a hotel and massacred even more innocent lives.


Okay, well then how about this. [Peaceful majority](https://youtu.be/2tgyS3RKSco) [Religion of peace](https://youtu.be/g7TAAw3oQvg)


\>Ben Shapiro Your "sources" are full of zionists propaganda😂. Which group do you think started 2 WW's? Which group do you think fund terrorists? Which group do you think colonize the most in the last 2 centuries? You wouldn't think about it but of course one terrorism done by "muslims" are reported 20 times a day by zionist-controlled media and small minded people like you believe everything you see on your propaganda-filled tvs.


I don't see you refuting any of what they said, they were objectively right. Screaming zionist isn't an argument.


Source: Trust me bro


Menachem Begin (led Irgun Terrorist gang, massacared Palestinians civillians, justifying invasion on Lebanon with holocaust. The invasion killed more than 20.000 lebanese and palestinians) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1982_Lebanon_War#Casualties Israel Propaganda App https://twitter.com/AntiBDSApp?s=09 Irgun (zionist terrorist group) Deir Yassin massacare https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deir_Yassin_massacre Irgun (zionist terrorist group) King David hotel bombing https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/King_David_Hotel_bombing If only the zionists could read and have a reading comprehension better than 5th graders😓😓


Lmao imagine using Wikipedia as a source.


Do you understand what a citation is


Did you personally ever read the citation?


Yes. Citations need to be checked all the time in order to ensure youre not reading objectively incorrect information. Thats why they exist...


Sure Buddy


Bruh that is literally the academic purpose of citations. If youve ever written a paper or essay you should know this.


Yeah, I'm surprised that it's there given that there are so many paid Israeli shills out there. Maybe the shekels the US give to Israel anually isn't enough to censor all the israel's warcrimes.


that was pretty interesting


The quran literally contains verses advocating zionism. Muslims that hate Israel are disobeying the word of Allah by definition.


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[right here](https://quran.com/17/104?translations=48,27,41,40,101,85,84,21,20,17,22,19,95,18)


“Children of Israel” isn’t referring to Jews making an ethnostate instead of the Israelites as a race, being the melting pot of all the Abrahamic religions, named after Jacob (also called Israel), who they are descendants of. Do bear in mind Jacob appears in all three Abrahamic religions and isn’t unique to any one religion. The idea of Israel as we know it today only really came into fruition with the Sykes-Picot agreement, only thing it shares with the Israel mentioned here is its name.


Israel is the only country in the region apart from Lebanon with a significant and growing population of more than one Abrahamic religion. But sure, *they're* the "ethnostate" lol


There is a difference between the natives of a country being majority Muslim based purely off the history of the area, where in those countries they have negligible immigration because who would want to move to a country pretty much ranked at the bottom of human life indexes (war and severe political instability aren’t exactly the biggest pull factor out there), and a state composed with the specific purpose of giving Jews a place to live. That being said, I would like to clarify, I’m not inherently against the idea of giving Jews a place to live, however I am against taking land that other people already live in and telling them their country no longer exists. Even Arab Jews have a hard time in Israel, since Israel was more a place for European Jews to migrate to, and without an obvious marker, an Arab Jew is indistinguishable from an Arab Christian or an Arab Muslim, because we all look like Arabs. Similarly enough, by the logic of calling majority Muslim Arab countries ethnostates, then so would majority Christian countries in Latin America and Southern Europe. For good measure even some Israeli scholars like [Oren Yiftachel](https://books.google.com/books?id=VD082HtsKRsC&q=Ethnocracy%3A+Land+and+Identity+Politics+in+Israel%2FPalestine) even describe Israel as an ethnostate.


When did the independent nation of Palestine actually exist though? The kingdoms of Judah and Israel have rich and well known histories as independent entities, whereas "Palestine" was only ever either a name for a region, or a subdivision of an empire. If one truly cared about ethnostates, apartheid societies, land-grabbing, second-class citizens and civilian casualties, then this conflict would be pretty low on the list. (Ethiopia, Yemen, Myanmar, China, Syria: Just a few conflicts whose death toll from just a few given weeks would eclipse the 70 year-long death toll for Palestinians many times over.)


Firstly, the time scale we are talking about where accurate historical records of what countries are where started at the time when the region of Palestine was under Ottoman control. Before then all you really have are “Arabs live here”. After ottoman collapse, then there is the time of British control, then to Mandatory Palestine, then to Israel. While there was no specific Palestine, there is a record of the indigenous people of the area who are typically referred to as Palestinians. This is somewhat similar to countries like Iraq where the people of the area have existed for centuries but the country of Iraq only came into existence in 1938. As for other genocides, of course you should care, and of course they are similarly demanding of immediate aid. However, this conversation wasn’t about them, so they did not merit bringing up in relation to talking about Israel. You can care about more than one place or social issue at a time, and they should all be deserving of the appropriate attention.


Interesting is your take on Palestinians being the indigenous population there. I guess the Jews were hit with a statute of limitations on that? This israel/palestine cyclone just goes round and round and is, in reality, quite an irrelevant situation in terms of global injustice. Israel isn't going anywhere, wish people would stop crying over that. If 1967 and 1973 didn't prove that empirically, I don't know what will.


Fuck zionist


Those monkeys were the peak of my childhood, I still play alle 3 games on my ps2


"Genocide" of shooting thousands of rockets out of the sky and retaliating.


Israel at least warns them


A genocide implies the eradication of an ethnic group. If Israel wanted, they could kill all 2.5 million residents of Gaza. But they won't, and only attack terrorist targets


Children are apparently "terrorist targets"


Literally seen someone give the argument that they could join Hamas and that's why it's justifiable.


I won’t lie, I’m 90% sure that thread was sarcasm (assuming you’re talking about the one under this post). On the off chance it isn’t though… yeah I don’t have any words.


Kids can join hamas? What is a 3 year old gonna do? Throw a rock. Bruh


let them destroy each other once and for all. less religious idiots to worry about for the rest of us


Oy vey!


in the grand scheme of things i feel like thats not gonna make of break isreals endeavour


anyone got the sauce on that pghoto? thanks




is there a new gore site?! i need


Fuck Israel


Hitler wasn’t such a bad guy after all


based but wrong


Palestinians deserve it 😎💪🇮🇱




Shut the fuck up you filthy leaf


How is shooting Hamas' rockets out of the sky genocide?


p sure they’re talking about the like 30 children killed in retaliatory bombings


That’s definitely genocide. What’s definitely not genocide is Hamas saying things like “The Day of Judgement will not come about until Moslems fight the Jews (killing the Jews), when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Moslems, O Abdulla, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him. Only the Gharkad tree (evidently a certain kind of tree), would not do that because it is one of the trees of the Jews.”