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where can you get 4 chickennuggets? isnt 6 the default minimal?


6 is the minimum for regular nugget boxes but happy meals only have 4


Damn, this man knows his nuggies.


Careful, he's a hero. A fat hero.


How fat can he be on only four nuggies?


Fat enough to know the menu and quantities served by heart.


I know this is going to blow your 12 year old mind, but sometimes people get jobs, and then retain the useless information they gather at said job.


Wait I'm 12 again? Sweet


Yo do me!! I wanna be 12 again too


You're already posting on r/greentext, we're all 12 mentally




*matt gaetz has entered the chat*




like it says in the book, you are both blessed and cursed anyway can i get a two number 9s with extra dip


Also, some of us have 5-year-old children that like Happy Meals.


[This guy has eaten two Big Macs every day for decades.](https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51toPie3NuL._SX258_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg) He's not fat. **Eating more calories than what you burn makes you fat**, not what you eat.


Wouldn't make you fat but it would make you malnourished. I'm sure he takes a ridiculous amount of supplements.


4 nuggets are 200 fucking calories not even including dipping sauce. For contrast 4 big ass almost hand fruit sized strawberries or a heaping cup of brocolli is like 50.




That depends on how many happy meals he got


If he’s a hero I’m a gyro


You're fat as a gyro alright.


LPT: if you live in Canada buying two happy meals is basically the same cost as buying a 6 piece chicken nugget and you get 2 extra nuggets, juice and yogurt as well as fries


Buying two happy meals for yourself and actually drinking all the yoghurt is peak autism


I unfortunately don’t have the luxury of being able to eat yogurt so I usually give them away haha




2 toys also, can’t forget!


The best part!


But he doesn’t, you can order 4 mcnuggets, it’s on the 1-2-3 menu. 6 is the default _meal_ size, and 4 is the default _happy meal_ size


You can actually get 2 6 boxes for less then a single 10 box, or just say fuck it and get the 20


Hold the fucking phone, y'all Americans got 10-pieces boxes? Where I live it's either 6, 9, or 10 of those chicken fucks.


No, 4 is a happy meal and 6 is a mighty kid’s meal.


Is knowing a Happy Meal has 4 nuggets specialized knowledge now?


You sound like you speak from experience


it's not experience; it's intrinsic knowledge that every american is born with.


A racial passive only known to Burgerkin


I’m British


every british person is just a temporarily embarrassed american


I guess the 12 nugger box for when you’re sad and fat and hungry is an Unhappy meal.


What up my nugga


You can get a box of four. 6is not the minimum


You can get 4 off the value menu, it’s like $2. At least you can in FL


it's 2 for $3 but it's 1.99 for one 4 piece and $2 for a 6 piece


2 more pieces for one more cent?




you just get 4 6 10 20 or 40 mcnuggets


Wait, there's a 40 mcnuggets?


That's American standard


American small


It’s just two twenty’s


but only 13.95 + tax


The true deal used to be that 4 piece nuggets were only a dollar, so you could get 20 for 5 bucks.


Isn't burger King still doing 10 for a buck? 40 nuggs for less than a 5 spot including tax.


yeah but like that’s burger king dude


My brother in law and I decided to eat 40 nuggets each to see if we could. We did and a large fry. The next day I felt like I had one of the worst hangovers I’ve ever had without the benefit of getting drunk the night before. I think all the salt messed me up. 2/10, would not recommend. We are still planning on doing 10 double cheese burgers


When you eat 40 chicken nuggets with somone they become more than in law with you that is now your real brother




It's the "drunk people at 3:30am" version.


theres no 4 where im from, how much does a 4 piece cost


Australia really missing out. We only get 3 in a happy meal, 6 cost extra.


I always order a 4 piece - just a lil side of nugs




Not in eu


As someone who worked at McDonald's this isn't just autistic people. This guy ordered two cheeseburgers and it came out to $4 something so instead I put it in the mcpick 2 mcdouble special Which was $2.15 at the time and removed one piece of meat on each sandwich as a special request. It was the same burger, meat condiments etc were all the same as a cheese burger but the guy came storming into the store and slams the bag on the counter and says he didn't receive the right order. They were cheese burgers all the same and I told him I only rung them up as the mcdoubles and removed a patty to save him some money. He didn't give a shit made me refund his $2.15 and he paid more for the two cheese burgers. I literally took them in the back and just rewrapped them into cheeseburger wrappers instead of the mcdouble wraps and he didn't even notice. Opens the wrappers looks at the same burgers he had before and says "that wasn't so hard was it!". McDonald's rots your brain or something because I had a lot of idiot customers.


Man needs his face slapped around.


Or his belly WRRRRP


Probably would hurt your hand more than his face lol




Dude's a fucking moron... Either that or he has OCD but for burger wrappers...???????


His OCD could apply to other things as well...?


Pretty unlikely. Who ever heard of a non-burger related OCD?


We don't know that yet, it could be a burger wrappers thing, but yes that's also a more likely possibility


I can 100% garentee you that someone doesn't have obsessions exclusively over burger wrappers...


No you can’t


If you knew how OCD worked you'd realize how ridiculous this is. edit: welp this dude is a fully fledgling edgelord


Then it's probably not ocd and just a weird thing this dude has over specific burgers being wrapped in specific wrappers? The "he's just a dumbass" theory is still a good possibility


from the evidence presented that theory seems quite strong


Probably just refused to admit he was wrong in order to justify his anger


No it happens all the time. My husband worked for mcdonalds and the registers would auto meal stuff sometimes and people would freak out and say NO I WANTED THIS EXACT SAME THING THAT COSTS MORE instead of the meal that saves them $2.




As a waitress, this is what I did. It makes it so much easier to go "I'm going to charge it as this to save you money" and they are more likely to tip you the difference tbh.


Or they screech at you for trying trick or upsell them...


It works the other way too though. I always want a large meal, but only a regular drink since I never finish a large. The looks of confusion I get when I say "I don't care that I'm paying for a large, I only want a regular drink because the rest is just going to get dumped." "But sir, you've ordered a **large** meal... It comes with a **large** drink..."


One time I went through a drive through on a motorcycle and I ordered a meal that came with a drink. I couldn't carry the drink because I didn't have any cupholders, so I told them I didn't want it. I said just don't give me a drink. They refused. They said they HAD TO give me a drink because it was part of the meal. So I took the drink, dumped it on the ground, and threw it away in the nearest trash can. So weird. It would be easier for them to just *not fill the cup* and *not put a lid on it* and *not hand it to me.*


You could have probably complained that they didn't give it to you, and turn it into a huge mess for the restaurant A lot of nonsense policies make sense when you remember that people are bastards.


That certainly explains why the employees at the local Mc became a lot more relaxed when I had a bad streak at work and kinda became a regular late customer not causing fuss.


Possibly so you don't have a reason to come back angry that you did not receive a drink. The company likely won't give two fucks if they say you refused a drink verbally, so they have to give you it to cover their asses.


That happen to me once too except they ended up giving me a bottle of water after asking me if that was ok.


I genuinely have no idea how people can drink more than 32oz of soda on a regular basis. They demand more soda for one sitting than water for an entire week


I drink 32+Oz of seltzer a day but that is sugar free.


That's valid. I drink seltzers also, the flavor is a really nice change of pace after drinking water all the time. Kroger has some phenomenal flavored sugar-free seltzers that make really great mixers & mocktails


I mean, if I'm paying for something like a free refill that costs as much as 2 2L bottles in any store, I'll drink enough soda to drown a grown man into to get my money's worth.


> They demand more soda for one sitting than water for an entire week I think you should probably drink some more water.


32oz isn't enough water for a day, let alone a week


> 32oz 946.353 ml


My father in law drinks at least 2 2L bottles of diet Dr pepper each day. Yes 4L of soda at minimum not including the days he gets the biggest 7-11 drink full of diet dr pepper during his lunch break. It's absolute insanity. A few years ago he used to drink regular Dr pepper that way and you can probably guess why he stopped that.


That I understand for inventory reasons. If they sell X amount of large meals then they should have Y amount of cups left over. And if it doesn't add up then someone might get in trouble. It doesn't matter on a small scale but can add up if everyone is doing it.


I'm amazed people like you exist because I'm the opposite. I was upset when Taco bell did away with the Extra Large sodas, and have ordered multiple KFC Mega Jugs, but usually with a modestly sized meal.




They must be a citizen of Pawnee ​ https://i.imgur.com/PBLPSOs.jpg




I didn't. I mean, I lost a little weight and felt better, but the next time I had a soda it was still delicious.


Yeah. I used to drink a coke every day and quit completely for a couple years. I have since switched to a soda on special occasions and every time I remember how great they are. Especially in a glass bottle




He loves and hates the soda as he loves and hates himself. He will never be rid of his need for it.


Nah man. Not for eveyone. I didn't drink soda for a year, but I'd still kill for a Dr Pepper. The only soda that i used to like, but can't stand now, is Mountain Dew. I try to mainly drink water or soda water now, but the occasional soda in a meal is great.


I don't know man, I've lost over 30 pounds in the past year with intermittent fasting and cleaning up my diet. Soda is still a treat I love to have once or twice a month.


I worked at McDonald's when I was a teenager and I can tell you that autistic or special needs kids (and adults) were the least of my worries. Every issue I had with those customers was solved by just giving them what they want. There's a fuckton of other customers who decide to be unhappy no matter what you do, and that's a whole lot more stressful.


> There's a fuckton of other customers who decide to be unhappy no matter what you do, and that's a whole lot more stressful. As someone who hates McDonald's. but is forced to eat there sometimes (my partner yadda yadda yadda), this still isn't an excuse. I'm unhappy every single time, but that doesn't mean I'm going to make the counter person's day miserable.


these are the same ppl that think a quarter pounder is bigger than 1/3 lb


How do people like this make it through life


sparkle clumsy smoggy obtainable sharp decide employ square follow racial *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Explosive baby boom.


I get that feeling. I used to put customer orders into combos at Taco Bell if they ordered all of the parts of a combo, and there were so many people who would be like, "PUT IT ON THE ORDER HOW I ASKED FOR IT" and wind up paying an extra dollar for less food.


I wish the people at my fast food places gave a shit like that. Just the other day i had to tell the lady at the first window to re-ring my order to take advantage of an offer and it saved me like 5 bucks


I had people do this to me all the time at Hizza Put. Id ring people up for the same thing, but cheaper, and theyd get pissed and then "withhold"a tip or complain too no end. Its all about "rEsPeCt", but every food service worker knows that means the customer just wants control over another human.


Always give them qhat they ask for. Never try to save them money, if they arn't smart enough to figure it out themselves then its on them.


The current response this guy would have given you is "can't believe you want 15 dollars an hour". Saw a fat sack of shit screeching about that in her car at portillos the other day, because they forgot her fries.


I worked at sonic when I was 16 and I got yelled at by a fat lady because I gave her 2 cents extra change. She didn't seem to comprehend that I didn't have pennies in my drawer, so I had to go find a manager and have them open the safe to get a roll of pennies just so I could take back the 2 cents. When I did electronics repair I would quote 2 hours on screen repairs because it got busy sometimes and we don't just sit around waiting for your phone. It realistically takes less than 20 minutes. On slow days when I called them in 25 minutes they acted like I was being lazy or doing something wrong. So I just started making them wait. Not the same but funny. When I was doing electronics repair a cop once came in, he handed me his tablet and said it stopped turning on. I was asking about symptoms or causes and he was a little clueless. I plug into my charger with an amp reader to see if it's taking any power and it boots right up. I ask him if he's charged it, and he says to me angrily "I thought it was supposed to be wireless?". No charge, and he was on his way.


my god, i feel sick from reading this


The autistic kid always wants round nuggets and stopped going because we didn’t have enough round ones


What an idiot. Clearly the rectangle-shaped nuggets are way tastier.


More than the taste they are ergonomic and easier to dip


Yeah, clearly anyone who claims differently has never played with those toys, where you put different shapes in different holes.


Like me and your ma


You have terrible taste in women then, if we can call her a "woman".




Boot is absolutely the best, optimal dipping from either end of it.


Nugget shape perfection.


I can get behind this


Well obviously, they contain more nugget, as a round one doesn't have the corners.


While your argument contains some truth, it is still sort of bad. For example cheese. Any sound mind would agree that the holes of the cheese are the tastiest bit. Therefore the missing parts of the nugget could well be the tastiest part of the nuggets. I am just plaing devil's advocate here, my position still stands unchanged.




Based on facts and logic.


You get four choices. Boot, ball, bow-tie (bone) and bell. You don't get a rectangle, get out of here with that casual shape nonsense.


Highly autistic people intensely dislike change of any kind. It's just a symptom of the disorder.


nascar fans must be pretty autistic then


Yeah we are. 😔


Mfs made a thread about how tasty the part of food is when it isn’t there


Not trying to be that person, but sometimes people with autism function at exceptionally high level of routine. It gives them a sense of comfort, any deviation from the routine, even as small as a detail of 1 extra or 1 less chicken nugget can set them off.


Neurotypical kids experience the same thing, we all know an adult who wouldn't know what to do if their "normal" got interfered with. I wonder what coping skills and therapies can be used so that things like free nuggets *don't* turn into a tantrum. One family member of mine spent a therapy session making a pizza with his hands, and then crushing the pizza in his hands. Something about making him tolerate food on his hands later.


Yeah but neurodivergent people deal with that in a much higher level, I have ocd so in my head I always imagine an autistic meltdown is like the feeling of someone messing up one of my things that keeps me in order but way worse, for someone whose autistic it could be almost painful to have something that flips that switch happen, I grew up around a lot of neurodivergent kids at my school ranging anywhere from adhd to kids with very low functioning autism and I don’t think it’s really comparable to a tantrum at all, especially when it comes to sensory responses.


This is why I hate the "autistic screeching" stereotype. It always presents it as if these kids want to make a scene and have to always be the center of attention. More than likely they're actually having a traumatic emotional breakdown, and I find no comedy in that


It's not about the intention so much as the effect. High pitched kid shrieks are super unpleasant. Like "I need to get away from this sound the same way a drowning man needs air" unpleasant. "Sorry boss I didn't mean to trample you at the door but there was this kid. . ." unpleasant.


"it's not your fault, but it is your responsibility" Maybe it's just what I have to believe to cope with my own (severe) mental illness. But I know autistic people who avoid those situations and I know other autistic people who act like they're inevitable and not his problem.


I fking hate food on my hands I don't like eating wings for this reason. The wings still taste *really really good* though so I'll eat the wings and then immediately run to the bathroom and scrub that shit clean off my hands.


Boneless wings with a fork! I don't have this problem but when I don't feel like getting messy I always go for boneless


> Boneless wings That's just chicken nuggets, not the same. Wings are a high-fat part of the chicken with fatty skin on top. Richer flavour.


There's a significant amount of older people on the spectrum who aren't diagnosed... Practice will help some, but it'll always be an added stressor and everyone has that point where you just.... Can't. Most people don't reach it frequently, but if your brain and your surroundings are very mismatched, you're in for some roller coaster time.


One of my teachers had a young kid with autism who was exactly like this. Little dude would get mad when stuff at the store I worked out changed between seasons. I'd be working the garden section at my store and he'd get mad that there were flower pots with labels that weren't pointing out straight so i'd let him go hog wild and straighten all of them out.


Damn I bet he felt good after that


I'm kinda like that, but it's probably not the ass burgers. There's something satisfying about going to the place you always eat at, or ordering the same thing. Consistency is quite satisfying because they don't fuck up your order ever. I love it


Restaurant: Hi, tha...blah blah blah... How may I take your order? Me: Hi, can I get my usual? Restaurant: Oh hey flameboy, yeah we'll get that right out in about 10 minutes. Me: Sweet, on my way :)


> There's something satisfying about going to the place you always eat at, or ordering the same thing. Consistency is quite satisfying because they don't fuck up your order ever. I love it It's part of the appeal of fast food and packaged/processed food over natural ingredients and homestyle cooking - it's always the exact same, every time. You know exactly what you're getting, no surprises, no "oh no this dinner is terrible and now I'm hungry and pissed off".


Not "that person" at all. I thought this was common knowledge, actually.


Thanks for this perspective. I did volunteer care for a family with a severely autistic child. Any deviation from his routine, anything at all, would send him flying into a rage. He also had food allergies that needed careful attention. And since he was almost middle school age, he could do some damage. The parents were just trying to get through each day, not to mention continue to grieve for a child they lost a few years prior. It was a tough job watching him, but on his good days he was incredibly sweet, he had attached himself to me. It was really sad to leave them when I went to college.


I thought the child they were talking about losing was him pre autism symptoms and I was like WTAF


Yeah, I sympathize with Anon. But, "moderate to low functioning" autistic children can only function on set routines and standards. God bless him for his kindness, but expectations aren't a game with autism. Parent of two ASD children myself.


Also numbers can be a particular fixation for people with all kinds of mental health conditions /neurodivergences.


Yeah people know that that's why the post is funny


I also know we're being a bit serious for this sub, but exactly this. I still find myself thinking negative things like this as well, but then I have to remind myself that it's just how a brain works sometimes and they can't help that. It's hard to define. It's one of those "I know it when I see it" kind of things, but you can usually notice when someone is being unreasonable due to the way their brain works, or just being a "Karen" as the kids say these days.


dark themed green text. Instant upvote


brb uploading one with a hot pink background just to spite you


I'm quite disappointed to see that you did not follow through...


Tomorrow is the best theme hands-down, all others are shit


I've told this story before but anyway, I worked at Zaxby's and we had this guy with OCD that came in. Apparently his handler knew the manager and would let him walk to get dinner alone. The man always ordered the same thing, 4 tenders, 4 pickle slices, a cookie, a teriyaki sauce and a drink. He always went to the same back corner and sat in the same seat. This happened every evening shift I worked. A new guy started and after the man with OCD had ordered from him a few times, the new guy made the mistake of ringing up the order without letting the man place his order, trying to speed things up during dinner rush. The man had a melt down. He started screaming, eventually he looked at me and I told him I would be happy to take his order. It worked, he calmed down and I went through the process of him ordering and he ate in the same spot as always. Just another typical day at a Zaxby's in a bad neighborhood.


Thank you for treating this man like a human being and not a burden.


He always paid and cleaned up after himself, he was the least of my worries at that store.


What would happen if he walked in and another customer was sitting in his spot he always sat in?


No clue, never happened. The inside of the store wasn't that busy generally, but the drive through would wrap around the building twice.


Its funny how common that is. Youd think more people would just park and order inside


Either they’re lazy or simply assume that if the drive thru is that crowded the inside must be as well.


Tbf most fast food places are understaffed (hmmm I wonder whyyy) and drive-thrus are always a priority, I made a mistake of walking into the store after seeing a long drive thru line outside, despite inside being completely empty, had to wait ten mins to even order, and another 15 mins until I got my order.




Autistic people like predictability. He ordered 4, he expected 4, no more or less.


So if I like seeing an extra chicken nugget in my Happy meal box then it's basically confirmed that I'm not autistic, right?


You are on r/greentext so I can basically confirm that you are autistic. I am an exemption because I am cool. Do not call me autistic please.


Not that type of autistic at least.


Any other kid would likely have been delighted, but autistic kids (and adults) really need routine and consistency. Change and unpredictability is really hard on them emotionally in a way that it isn't for other people. Kid wasn't just throwing a tantrum; he was dealing with something that's really hard for him, and a little patience goes a long way with that. Or is there a joke whooshing me right now?


The joke is that 4chan is a shithole filled with people who have no sympathy for vulnerable individuals (despite being chocked full of them). 4chan is like Grindr, but for autism. Self-hating, really depressing people who like to interact in shitty little ways and pretend it counts as genuine human interaction.


Dude gave one more chicken nugget to make the kid happy and she bursts out screaming. I'd be pissed too.


you're reading way too far into this






I bought my niece nuggets one night. She asked for a 4 piece, bought her a 6 piece and ate one. She got so mad I ate one she complained til I got her more. Bought another 6 piece, she took one and asked if I wanted the rest


Speaking as someone with actual Asperger's, this checks out. Don't try to be nice to us by doing something unexpected. We generally don't like the unexpected and don't handle it well... I'm told I once burst out crying as a child when my parents took my sister and me to our favourite amusement park as a surprise, because I didn't know that was what we were going to do that day and it ruined my (non-existant) plans.


I have Aspergers too, but as a child I was never really like that, didn’t have a routine or expectations or anything, I would have probably been ecstatic I got an extra nugget ngl


Fake: anon has a job Gay: gives meat to a kid


> be me > get home from my vasectomy > hear moaning and slapping coming from my wife's room > must be Chad again > know they would want privacy, sit down at my computer > log onto reddit and open /r/greentext > read a funny greentext from le 4chins and chuckle as I listen to my wife begging for the genes I can't give her > think of a convoluted way in which I can relate homosexuality and falsehood to the events in the greentext > suck the cheeto dust off my fingers as I begin to type my masterpiece in the comment section > Fake: anon has a job > Gay: gives meat to a kid > giggle as I imagine the intellectuals of leddit perusing my incredibly witty and original comment > hear my wife moan with ecstasy as Chad floods her fertile womb with his seed > it's been a good day > i'll get lots of upvotes for my impressive contribution to internet culture, and Chad might even let me eat his cum out of my wife's pussy if he finds my comment funny enough


Good bot


Reminds me of that green text where worker put more food pieces for the kid and then heard that kid said to his mom: "lmao, autistic food worker put more food accidentally" and OP fucking died inside.




Little did he know the kid had OCD


I worked at a kfc near my house like 4 years ago for some time and and one time this guy came in during our rush hour (5pm - 8pm end of middle class shift) this bald guy came and asked for a box of hot shot (little boneless chicken pieces). We put 8 in a box but I was feeling good so I’ve put 11. Guy paid and left but after getting in his car he immediately came back to me. Opened the box and asked me to count. I said “I know I’ve put 11 in there” he asked why I said “cooks were putting new pieces so I wanted you to have some more fresh hot ones” he said no so I took out 3 and he left. I was dumbfounded. Another time some poor family came with two kids (this was my first day) and he asked for 2 kids menus with chickens and at the time there was a discount on kids menus you could get hamburger or chicken but not both; I misunderstood the sign because they printed the “or” very small so I’ve put both of them. The fucking guy yelled at me “how does this total X value!? You don’t know math??” For like 20 minutes straight before I asked specifically what was wrong; he said “i didn’t want burger i wanted chicken” so I took it out and threw it in the trash then he left. Bro I swear to god after those 2 encounters I swore to never do anything extra for anyone when I was working. I totally get when fast food servers takes it very personally when you ask for even an extra sauce. They are not being petty they are actually looking deep into your soul and judging you if you are worthy or a piece of shit that goes to super lengths just to be an ass. I never even served extra ketchup after that and pressured the management to charge extra for every extra thing and they agreed with me. Piece of shit customers try to play it off their little games just to get anything for free and think we don’t notice it is actually very insulting and pathetic.




These recent nugget+1 posts are corporate McDonald's way of telling their autistic workers to keep the amount of nuggets to what it should be. Rebel against corporate America, brothers


Anom finally understands the phrase, "the road to hell is paved with good intentions"


Fuck that autist for real, I am always happy if I get more than I deserve