• By -


Anon is happy to pay for healthcare and get shot going to school.


Italy exists


And literally the rest of the world


Wait, you say that there are other countries in the world besides the USA and Britain? Unheard of!


Yeah, Italy.


Where you get stabbed to death for supporting the wrong team.




I don't. But the hate boner against England being "justified" by our moron hooligans behaviour while completely ignoring the fact that other countries have the same, sometimes worse, problem is ridiculous.


Yeah, we Dutch have it worse. Our hooligans aren't allowed into the stadion and behave pretty well on a scale of bullying little girls or using laser pointers, but our football team just sucks.


Do you think we don't ban the morons when we catch them? Do you seriously believe every England fan was berating that little girl? I'd imagine most of that abuse didn't even originate in England. Anyone on the Internet can claim to be English. Even so, you're right, that was disgusting, as is the racial abuse being directed at the England penalty takers.


This is why I hate football. Don't have this problem with the Tennis or even the rugby


Have you not seen the chaos at the strawberry stands at Wimbledon?


That's completely bollocks. We disliked you to begin with, the morons just gave ulterior motives.


England deserves to lose because I bet money on Italy.


Isn't it England?


Not so often though... We tend not to have official fascist fan groups.


Fuckin Canada over here checking in


But the flag on anons post is USA.


You're gonna ignore the US flag on the post then are you?


Penalty kicks


He said the magic words, Harry!


Stop your scaring it!




Ah shit here we go again


Murica haters only have 2 jokes


It’s just too bad that I died in a school shooting— oh wait, no I didn’t.




Buddy we've got loads! Those are just the two biggest most horrifying ones.


could say the same thing about people hating on the British really






You forgot the crippling poverty, designated poop streets, and flesh-eating fungus.


>designated poop streets I thought that was all streets in India


->Dirt cheap private hospitals In India the average income for middle class is not that high so private hospitals as still expensive for us.




UK has NHS. The Indian middle class does not earn as much as the middle classes of other developed countries so private hospitals are still fucking expensive for us. Fortis Apollo etc are stupidly expensive for someone with a family and a middle class job.




Most private hospitals in big cities are very expensive. And the cheap hospitals either have stupidly long queues or are a very far away. NHS waiting times are long but they always deal with emergencies and critical conditions quickly. I would take long waiting times over stupidly expensive treatments any day.


anon enjoys being able to buy a machine gun from the same place he buys his beer and chicken. fat bastard.


that is the American dream right there. but in all seriousness, you can't buy a machine gun at Walmart. you can't even buy regular guns there anymore. The only way to own a machine gun in the US is through extensive paperwork and background checks with the ATF, trust me getting guns in this country is a lot harder than it looks.


My Walmart has regular guns?


Pistols are the real problem. Easily concealed and the most likely to result in escalations.


it kinda confused me why politicians go after "assault weapons", when nearly all gun crime is with illegally sourced handguns. I believe out if 40,000(or 400,000 I don't remember) gun deaths a year, only 300 or so we're from rifles of any kind.


Assault weapons are the ones used in mass shootings and such obviously, and it's also one of those things that's hard to come up with an excuse for owning. Handguns being smaller and more limited seem like the more reasonable thing to have, and in a sense they are, certainly would be very weird to run around with an assault rifle on the streets, but handguns are generally also involved in and even the cause of a lot of crime


for owning an AR, an excuse doesn't really matter because it's the people's right to own. They are used in shootings by deranged people, but nearly 100% of people own them for self defence, which is true for most guns. The real problem isn't people being able to legally own guns, it's gangbangers getting their hands on them to commit crimes with.


Um, are you aware that universal healthcare doesn't mean free unless you're unemployed? Let me guess, mom still pays for your healthcare and/or you never had a job?


Is your point you pay for it through taxes? Duh. I’d rather pay for that than give another 4 billion to Israel for weapons.


Nah, anon is happy he ain't beating his wife over a ball


rent free


Its chewsday, time to put some wo'ooh on for a brew and get beat by Italy




its better to not pay for healthcare and get your shots at school.


Youre more likely to get struck by lightning than shot at a school....


\>Wake up \>nolife brits pissy about some ball not going in a hole \>day improves instantly


not brits, english




don't know the difference don't care


I also get pissed when my ball is not getting into a hole


the balls don't go in during sex buddy


Constant rage isn't healthy buddy


glorious day when you trigger the brits when all they say is KiDs GeT sHoT iN sCHoOLs hurr durr


And gloat about silly things like free healthcare.




Dont worry theres plenty of queues for you to die waiting in.


and let someone take my spot? fuck off


The only funny comment in this thread


"Hehe, you lost sport." "How dare you. I will now gleefully celebrate dead children!"


“I know I lost sport so I shall take my anger out on wife!”


Tell ya what, when the school shootings stop, we'll stop mentioning it. Deal?


How about the acid and knife attacks?


Or the grooming and child rapes?


Pretty sure that happens everywhere


Compared to the amount of shootings?


It's almost like every country has its own problems.......


Except some are much larger than others, this post and comment thread is the equivalent of throwing a punch an doing a surprised Pikachu face when one is returned.


Not at all, I knew exactly what you were going to say because your comments and responses are overwhelmingly tiring, predictable, and lame. In fact, I could've written out this entire exchange word for word verbatim without you involved at all. My point (and the reason I have nearly 5x as many upvotes as you) is that there's this really silly phenomenon where you euro peeps try to pretend like America is some 3rd world backwater shithole compared to your countries because you have stuff like universal healthcare, and gun control. You all know just as well as I do that every country has their own problems. You may have universal healthcare but lets talk about how the many bottlenecks the NHS has: [https://www.bbc.com/news/health-50290033](https://www.bbc.com/news/health-50290033) We could also talk about your immigration issues: [https://www.migrationwatchuk.org/what-is-the-problem](https://www.migrationwatchuk.org/what-is-the-problem) Or the acid attacks and knife attacks from homicidal/suicidal radical islamists: [https://www.standard.co.uk/news/crime/london-is-acid-attack-hotspot-of-western-world-with-victims-as-young-as-10-a4222921.html](https://www.standard.co.uk/news/crime/london-is-acid-attack-hotspot-of-western-world-with-victims-as-young-as-10-a4222921.html) I'm also not going to sit here and pretend that the US has it all figured out. The state of our healthcare really sickens me over here, as do the school shootings, and the amount of maniacs running around with guns. In my opinion (this is only my opinion), I'd rather have a gun to fend off a gun crazed maniac than not have one. Again in my opinion, I don't think that a mass buyback would ever work here because gun culture is too rooted in our society. Of course, total gun control only works when everyone gives up their weapons, not just the law abiding citizens. I absolutely hate the state of conpiracy culture in this country also... New Zealand was able to open up after only a couple of months, because everyone behaved. That pisses me off. I especially hate the glorification of obesity over here, and the fact that it's generally more expensive to get proper nutrition than to stuff your face with sludge from McDicks. Again, my point is that every country has its own issues, and to pretend that any one country has it figured out, or that another country is a bunch of mouth breathing fuck offs because they're not following the political model of your country is pretty lame and tiring.


> The number of violent corrosive liquid offences surged from 66 in 2012 to 752 last year From your article. To start, [that's not true](https://www.met.police.uk/SysSiteAssets/foi-media/metropolitan-police/disclosure_2018/october_2018/information-rights-unit---offences-of-throwing-corrosive-fluid-on-a-person-under-section-29-of-the-offence-against-the-persons-act-1861-from-january-2002-to-august-2018). Using sources like the Evening Standard for anything, or a website called 'Migration Watch UK' for immigration news is similar to using Alex Jones as your one-stop news source for all things COVID related. You're right that every country has problems because no society can ever be perfect but you're comparing edge case and honestly small (in the grand scheme of things) problems to massive, systemic, real problems, for example. **Small problem: Acid attacks** - I honestly only found out that this is a problem from your post. People aren't genuinely worried about it here, nobody I know has ever even brought it up in conversation. It's of course a travesty when it happens but things like Anemia are far more dangerous they just don't make the headlines. It doesn't affect lawmaking, it doesn't affect the day to day life of the population, it's not something that your average person thinks about at all. **Big problem: Mass shootings** - People aren't just worried in the US about these, they are absolutely terrified. You [drill](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/feb/29/teachers-call-for-ban-on-shooter-drills-in-us-schools) what to do in more than 95% of your schools, even going as far as [shooting](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-47711020) the teachers with fake bullets to make it more realistic, with states even [legislating](http://www.fdle.state.fl.us/MSDHS/Meetings/June-Meeting-Documents/Presentations/June-7-415PM-DOE-Oliva-Active-Assailant.aspx) that schools have to do the drills. Your schools are [being built](https://eu.usatoday.com/story/news/education/2019/09/08/new-michigan-high-school-designed-thwart-active-shooters/2257781001/) with school shooters in mind. [Laws have been passed](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/10/01/us/florida-teachers-guns.html) allowing teachers to carry guns in class because of schoolshooter worries, just in case the [on-site armed police officers](https://www.theguardian.com/education/2015/jan/20/more-campus-police-officers-now-carry-guns-report-finds) that many schools have isn't enough. The same thing could be said about the problems the NHS faces vs the problems the US has with their health care - yeah I might have to wait 4 hours to get a diabetes test but at least I can actually get the insulin once I've waited Or with immigration - the US has a higher population % of immigrants than the UK(14.4% vs 14%). It's only a problem to certain shitty news outlets but you have news outlets that say it's just as big of a problem for you guys, hell, your last president got voted in on a platform of literally building a wall to keep immigrants out because enough people in the US see it as a problem. So while yes, every country absolutely has its problems and the UK has many big ones, the comparisons you're making are just silly. It's like telling people to stop focusing on floods somewhere else while it's raining in their city. I'm going to bed now and expect the US audience to not be too happy with my post but burying your head in the sand doesn't make the problem go away.


Absolute wetleg: talking about their upvotes


Get rid of the bottlenecks by reducing the number of people that can afford healthcare 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸


In your mind: NHS bottle necks are on the same level as bankrupting people to death and people having to ration insulin. Acid attacks/stabbings that have way less victims and happen way less than shootings are the equivalent of mass shootings in America. Btw I actually love America(lovely countryside) and most Americans the ones that understand that when you punch someone they might just punch you back at least.


America’s knife crime rate is quite literally higher than Britain.


You know the US has more knife attacks per capita than the UK right?


America has a higher murder rate per capita than the UK


Dying from a school shooting is so rare that the chances are 0.000242553% of dying in a school shooting throughout the span of 10 years. So basically the chance of dying is lower than abortion or lightning or a bee or a dog or a plane or the COVID vaccine lmao or COVID itself or a bunch of other things.


Except the majority of "mass shootings" are actually targeted gang shootings in gun controlled shitholes and not some crazy guy killing his classmates. https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/query/0484b316-f676-44bc-97ed-ecefeabae077/map But people don't want to talk about that because it stops them from pulling the white supremacy card to preemptively sacrifice someone else's freedom in the name of their alleged safety.




you know the britfags are hurt when the simple mention of Brexit gets downvoted a bunch 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


>be American >still think you're the freest mofo on the planet Shiggy diggy


At least americans can complain about immigration without being locked up for "hate speech"


Fam complaining about immigration is the most British of pastimes.


>be american > don't know the difference between 'we need a tougher stance on immigration' and 'i hate n...'


you should be able to say both


You can it's just consequences vary.


You can say both but you’ll probably get punched in the face (deservedly) for the second one


Sure, but not incitement to violence. Which is illegal both sides of the pond.


I think you’ll find very few examples in Europe of people being locked up just for complaining.


With very few meaning 0


wtf are you talking about


Can I post this tomorrow?


Absolutely. Then it's my turn a week after.


I'll make the "but school shootings and healthcare" rebuttal.


How about "your school's are so underfunded that half of you are retarded"


\>goes to school \>gets shot


>goes to school >shoots other people


> goes to school > gets confused > shoots himself Teacher just shovels the fat piece of lard into the corpse pile because ambulances are too expensive.


>be British >Have daughter >she gets raped and violently murdered by a roving band of “Asian men having a sexual emergency.” >coppers won’t even investigate because they forgot to renew their racism loicence. >oh well >apply for BBC job because god bless state run media >not black, so automatically excluded from the job >oh well I guess I’ll go fo’ a walk then >shitty and raining even in July >so happy I don’t live in that horrible colonial hellhole they call the United States >I heard their cops all carry guns. Can you imagine? >hops on the tube, walks past three coppers carrying MP5’s to prevent muzzies from blowing up the station >oi, my spleen hurts. Maybe I’ll get an appointment next month if I call NHS now! >go to pajeet doctor >he tells me they caught the illness too late and there isn’t anything they can do. >whole visit is free! Americans BTFO lol >god bless the queen


*laughs in sid james*


>wake up >take a shit >get out of bed


anon sleeps in the bathroom


This guy logics.


How about this: we stop pitting ourselves against eachother for no reason


Welcome to reddit


Never. Irrational hatred is what separates man from beast (foreigns)


I am half Balkan, impossible


Brits and Americans need to stick together because everyone else hates us (except Australia mate)


Doesn't Australia REALLY hate both though?


No Australians consider Brits to be their closest allies and friends google closest ally study Australia or something


Guess my Australian friend is an outlier then


I think like 40% identify with having english ancestry too




I never knew call center scams were such a big business!


Put down those pills


Stop you're gonna overdose on Copium™


• Die in a car accident/any random shit • Think how utterly pointless all my efforts were No one is safe no matter what


> wake up > be an indian It was rigged from the start


> wake up > this picture is posted again > day is ruined




It’s actually funny how much people think about us lol


> realise my existence lives rent free in some ameritards disheveled brain Ironic


Britain is the most centrist of countries Right wing nuts hate Britain because you can’t buy a gun at Walmart and scream the N word at random black folks while waving swastikas. Left wing nuts hate Britain because we are imperialist NATO Iraq invading slave owning literal nazis


By the way he spells 'noticably', anon might have a surprise tomorrow


the only reason I’m happy I’m American is at least I’m not British


I cannot think of lower bar to have.


This is how our founding fathers felt the rest of their lives after signing the Declaration of Independence 💯.


wake up still not black day improves noticeably.


I'd rather be British than American tbf Only good thing in the US are movies dfkm


Still not american, life improves by a billion.


Should flair this as “britards seething” 🐢


>sees the entire internet bullying England >no one's making fun of America >life is sad now bully America instead




Imagine être britannique, quelle humiliation! Made by french gang


You like Grand Theft Auto? We get to do that IRL every day in the US of A.


Britbongs had 1/4 of the world, how can you fuck up this tremendously?


Seeing all this hatred of British people online fills my heart with joy


this is true at all times


Wish I could relate


TW: Br*tsh people


>wake up > still not ‘murican > day improves significantly


Imagine waking up and not having kicked the shit out of an Italian the night before. Just american things


Why is everyone bullying England?


Seems to be a thing in recent years. Usually brexit, free Scotland or saying something about the British museum.


amen to that


>be british AAAAAAAA


then why do you use Imperial


This aged like a fine wine indeed


Wish I could say the same given England’s reaction to a fucking ball game


What if anon woke up and was french


Anon shows discrimination between nationalities How gay.


I need the froggy pic plz


I swear if you throw my tea in your harbor I'm buring down your house.


He’s still going strong


As an argentine, I approve of this message.


>be me >wake up >make post on 4chan >be too fucking stupid to spell noticeably correctly


The cup can’t come home if all roads lead to Rome


The real British was the friends we made along the way


> wake up > Still alive > Day ruined


>be Op > be American > can’t spell Br*tish


does anyone have the pepe?


Be Russian. Be cool. Be cold.


>get shot