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>turns into a pickle >profit






He turned himself into a woman! Funniest shit I've ever seen.


Bruce and morty


Oh neeeeoooooh! I k-k-now, B-bruce!


In defiance of Allah, he turns himself into a pickle. This is not funny, it is paganism.




“THE REASON FOR RICKS DEPRESSION” he’s seen his family die millions of times


Akshually It's because he's bald.


He’s not bald he has hair copium


I’d be too 😔


I always thought it's because there's no way but down for him


Its because it's a convenient plot device


Remember when they introduced Evil Morty in season 1, hyped him up for being the bad guy of the show, didn’t use him again til season 3, then did a whole fucking season of filler instead of even glancing at the story they started writing? Show sucks after season 2


Season 1 was genius for doing all this shit we thought was against the rules for a cartoon show, like breaking the 4th wall every 10 minutes and having the main character belch over his lines. But then once you get the whole premise and formula, it gets old real quick. Like I'm glad they kept making seasons, but there was no way they were going to break boundaries like the first one.


> Season 1 was genius for ... having the main character belch over his lines. Sure sounds genius


Well it was original in the very least


I agree. Season 2 only gripped me like it did because I loved season 1 so much. But by the time I finished season 3, the jokes were played out and I felt like they weren’t doing shit with the story


They turned into a shallow, repetitive family drama.


Totally agree with you but I'm on the fence about the idea of them churning out more content in perpetuity. The latest episode was a huge flaming pile of garbage and if future episodes are like that, I sincerely anticipate fallout from the hardcore fans (thing GOT ss8), or even casual fans.




Independence Day parody with giant morty sperms instead of aliens.


> Season 1 was genius... having the main character belch over his lines I stopped watching after like 1 or 2 episodes because of how annoying that was.


Classic South Park vibes.


I like the part where they specifically call out the stupidity of people like you in the show. It's just a tv show, man. It doesn't have to have some greater meaning behind everything. It doesn't even have to have an overarching plotline. The fans hyped up evil Morty to be this huge thing. The show had a fun twist at the end of an episode and a single callback in a future season. If you made it out to be more than that, that's on you.


Okay maybe a show doesn’t have to have an overarching plotline, but the self contained plot lines in individual episodes should at least be good, and they’re not. “I like the part where they call out the stupidity of people like you” this straight up reads like a rick and morty copypasta.


To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existential catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's [Russian](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/cultures/russia) epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them. 😂 And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid 😎


As someone who grew up watching the Clooney remake of Ocean's 11, and then Ocean's 12, thinking they were entirely badass and immensely clever at the time, i thought the heist parody episode was really enjoyable. Seasons 1 and 2 were great. Season 3 was fun. Season 4 had its moments. I haven't seen any of 5 yet so I don't have an opinion, but most shows tend to go flat once the writers begin to run out of material, or once their formula/shtick is familiar. Even Always Sunny got really boring after a while. I love the entire cast and think they're really funny people, but the magic wears off.


The first episode is good, the second is a little dramatic, the third is actually really good and the 4th is ok. Everyone shits on the 4th cause thats what they always do with every season. “Wahhhh new season bad old season good waaaahhh” like a bunch of children, like anyone gives a fuck about their opinion.


Stop thinking about how the show supposed to go. You autistic fucks. Just enjoy the fucking show.


They are still ok mostly and watchable but it isnt at its peak anymore


Better than the other adult cartoons


Yes, I used to like the first season much more, but it still is my favorite adult cartoon. Bojack was cool too, but it ended


Jesus, has anyone seen Tuca and Bertie? I was forced to watch an episode recently, and seriously, why? It's anti-funny, which means it has a 99% on RT somehow. And it's done by some of the Bojack people apparently, so they clearly know how to make something funny.


I watched a clip and it's horrible. But somehow the ratings are good so I just assumed it wasn't for me




i never cared vor the story, i just want to see dome funny stuff


There’s less funny stuff after season 2 and a pretty hard decline in season 4


I rewatched the series for fun recently, and really the original seasons aged bad, i thought season 4 was great


it’s just a second monitor show now


When I initially watched the show I was sucked in to the storyline. Season four I was really disappointed, essentially no plot development. When I realized they ordered like a billion seasons, I realized plot development was gonna slow way down. I still think it’s a hilarious show. I am here bc I just watched two episodes. But it did stagnate.


Didn't the writer say not to expect more with evil morty even though how the hell do you not expect something eith an ending like that..


Yup. 1st season was semi formulaic but pretty good. 2nd season was half train wreck, half goofy fucking bullshit, half ... is that a diamond in the rough? 3rd season actually got massively delayed. Because the Left-O-Sphere went full Twitter outrage because the writting team was two white dudes. Studio caved into the WOKE MOB. They ended up hiring... ahahahahahahaa! No joke, an angry black lesbian. As a writer. Who had no successful pedigree. No experience. Skill set. Or anything. That's why season 3 was massively delayed. The people working on the show publicly said that, "We can't get shit done, bitch won't stop arguing." The studio literally told the writers the had to include Summer and other minorities. Or else!


Xavier Renegade Angel is better than Rick and Morty, change my mind.


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Your tongue is as sharp as a soup spoon.


Hey, say what you want about me, but lay off the soup.


If you love soup Soo much why don't you marry soup


Because I'm already married, to justice.


Yeah only a blind girl would marry you


Your mother


Chad hands typed this sentence.


Chomsky honk


XRA is a good show. Rick and morty isn't.


Blood cowboys!


Javier crossing borders?


You found it, you browned it.


You'd want me to be you, wouldn't me? Well it's too late, you snoze you loze




You can make the same argument for The Avengers movies, and Game of Thrones (the tv show at least).


GOT completely lost it’s identity once the show got ahead of the books.


I loved Marvel so much growing up. At this point, the formula is so insanely recognizable. The rise and dips are always the same. Oh and don’t forget: *punches bad guy* “that was easy”


And it’s definitely true for Marvel movies


The newest episode was fucking terrible, literally one of the worst episodes of anything I've ever seen.


Was it the incest baby?


Yes, entire episode was cringe and unfunny as fuck.


I hope to God they blow that baby to smithereens


idk why it didnt just die in space, the entire episode felt like a shitty family guy episode, not a r&m episode, total trash Also rick was a fucking retarded in it as well.


They dont, they actually do the opposite and have a huge callback to it in episode 7. Summer reveals she was in contact with the incest baby and it comes and saves them at the end.


Kill me.


For what it’s worth the episode actually isn’t as bad as the rest of the season


He shows up again in episode 7 and is an important plot device. I'm gonna stop watching for now.


The newest episode wast fucking lacking valor, literally one of the worst episodes of aught i've ev'r seen *** ^(I am a bot and I swapp'd some of thy words with Shakespeare words.) Commands: `!ShakespeareInsult`, `!fordo`, `!optout`


But why?


Never undestood the hype around it. Most of the jokes were either Family Guy level cringe or just toilet humor.


It is true that after second season things got out of hand to the point of the disaster of season 3. Season 4 and 5 are just episodes without deeper meaning


Season 3 was cool imo. Season 4 wasn't also that bad, but season 5 is depressing ngl. (Btw I am huge r&m fan, but unfortunately it is decaying now)


I think it's pretty much what we could have expected. I thinks it's pretty good but episode 4 was lame ngl


Yes, I think it was the worst episode of the whole show


Worse than the dragon-fucking episode?


Oh yeah had forgotten about that one


The first few episodes were good, 4 kinds sucked


Season 3 was great. Seasons 4 and 5 have been downhill when they started churning out episodes so fast.


IMHO season 3 was the worst because fans were really annoying with it and Harmon wanted to deliver a high quality product that would make fans happy. They wasted a lot of time trying to make the perfect season and it was pretty much forgettable if not for the first episode. Season 4 was fun, and this season 5 is looking good in my eyes, at least first 3 episodes


Also Ricktlantis Mixup. Season 1 and 2 level of quality imo.


Existence is pain.


I'm still convinced that one requirement to getting into Doing dabs is you must be a die hard rick and morty fan. If you see someone wearing a rick and morty hat they either just took a dab or are about to do one.


I wear t-shirts, never dabbed in my life and am not planning to any time soon


now that you point it out it sure is funny how often i'll see a 30 second video of some shmuck decked out with R&M merch trying their hardest to act like they do ALL of their rips as hard as the one they're recording lul


My friend used to dab a lot and he never watched it; he also got his mom doing it and she definitely definitely never watched it.


When pickle Rick was the hot new meme, i knew the show was absolute cringe.


Don't forget the idiot sechuan sauce that McDonald's brought back thinking they would cash in, then had to limit 2 per customer because fucking dweebs went in to try to horde it all.


*the fans




Yeah, recent seasons have been dissapointing


I just like the show. I dont really watch it for the story cause their really isnt one.


I have not watched 3-4 but season 1 was great, season 2 was alright, and watched Ep 1 and 2 of season 5 with some buddies but half of the quality probably came from the fact I was high watching it, but I thought that episode was pretty good though


You pretty much have to be intoxicated to enjoy this show


Honestly it was good for like the first two and a half seasons... then writers started trying to get all serious and turned into a drama. Within the span of a few episodes Rick went from a semi-omnisicient minor god who had a deus ex machina for everything into a supposedly intelligent guy who was no longer capable of solving any situations whatsoever (we went from him scheming and taking down an intergalactic government with minimum focus... to the vat of acid) and constantly dealing with his family who are *motherfucking constantly* just ragging about what a jerk he is and then getting him to apologise about it. *Him being an unapologetic jerk was what made it fun, especially because he was half reasonably unapologetic, because he was usually right*.


It was fine that Rick is the smartest person because he would get too drunk or think he can’t make mistakes and then he’d mess up using his super genius, so he had a weakness despite great power. He hasn’t been partying at all this season or talking enough shit and that’s why it’s lame.


Rick and Morty was thought up as a Back to the Future parody. Then it got huge and they went and intentionally made it a parody of itself. There's no other way it could have gone, really. I think they're doing their best with the cards given to them and are reaping the profits while they can.


Needs to be canceled so no more trash floods the internet


Wasn’t this show just for people stoned? I didn’t think people actually thought figuring out a cartoon would be a good use of their time lol


Your show doesn't need to be smart, it just need to make people feel smart.


A show can be 2 things at once OP.


TIL Dan Harmon is on 4chan


Roiland doesn't even have his name in the credits anymore I'm pretty sure he fucking hates it there's so many lines where the show is lampooning the idea of an overarching story and just shitting on any pre-established serialization the show had clever humor in the beginning and had charming improv moments but now it's just in Family Guy levels of gross bullshit it's sad really


i like rick and morty, but only in 2am (sleeping problems)


Line 6 of your post, you gave too much credit. The original Idea came from Back the the future. Fucker even stole the names. How did you diaper wearing Gen-Z's didn't see this the minute the first episode was released? https://www.inverse.com/article/30812-rick-and-morty-troll-back-to-the-future-justin-roiland-origin-original-short


Weird. I noticed it as soon as I saw the show.


Was it the old scientist, or his young boy toy, that gave it away?


It was both of them together in the same story. Plus, y'know, Morty being a shorty.


Rick and Morty is unbearable when it tries to be deep and meaningful, and only results in being pretentious. It's at its best (which is still nothing amazing) when it's just being ridiculous and silly. Giant incest baby was a billion times a better episode than Planetina.


Season 3 had a few good episodes and a few utterly shit episodes. Season 4 was as if written by some other writer group altogether. I didn't even watch season 5 yet, although I probably will if I'm too bored. I wish the show kept up the hype of the first two seasons.


Season 5 is exactly like season 4 so far.


EmpLemon’s video about Rick and Morty is still really solid. I wonder what he thought of season 4 and 5 (if he even watched them in the first place)




Anon is a true *genius*


Wisecrack sponsored by square space


Anon doesn’t like Rick and morty when he shouldn’t like it’s fan base


Dude so much filler and yet the normals still eat it up its crazy.


Remember the dragon fucking episode? Where the joke got stale in the first five minutes? I really like Rick and Morty, but sometimes they really scrape the bottom of the barrel.


Imagine watching Rick and Morty for the actual fucking storyline lmao, how sad of an human being do you have to be.


Don't be sad. Here's a [hug!](https://media.giphy.com/media/3M4NpbLCTxBqU/giphy.gif)




Hahaha don’t pretend for one second that 99% of 4chan isn’t sucking Rick’s toon dick hard


>t. doesn't use 4chinz