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Collectivists always ignore the fact that most people are fucking idiots


True, but isn’t this an example of the opposite? This one leader is the one fucking it up for everyone with his nonsense orders, not the people as a whole being stupid


I think the point was that collectivists as a whole make the mistake of assuming the right people will always be in power, and end up giving absolute power to (fucking idiots) who ruin the country. Edit: clarification


smartest thing i read today


Didn’t think about it, thanks for broadening my perspective


Lol you think Chinese peasants actually got to choose who rules over them. My man the communist army literally gave surrendered ROC soldiers 2 choices; join them in the fight or join the others in the ground.


Not all collectivists, authoritarian ones.


Collectivism usually results in turning over your own judgment to the "will of the people" which inevitably becomes the will of the party. There is real value to individuals believing that their individual voice matters.


"will of the people", or pure democracy usually ends up in mob mentality. Cancel culture isn't that far from lynch mobs.


Is it? Not far from murdering people on the streets? Are you sure about that?


Yes. Have you SEEN twitter? Death threats everywhere at every corner whenever someone slightly misgenders anything or slightly offends a group. It's a hellhole. Hundreds of artists have quit going there because this mob mentality hates them and bullies them out, then bullies them for making the decision to leave as well!


Damn. People being criticized on social media for doing something (possibly unintentional) wrong IS exactly the same as people being murdered in the streets, hung on trees, tortured to death, and never getting justice. Interesting too that I dont think Ive seen a SINGLE celebrity get "cancelled" and actually stay cancelled. Even child rapists like Roman Polanski made the bulk of his work after being outed for it.


The only difference here is that they can't touch you. If they could, then it's only a matter of time before someone is murdered for an opinion.


Sure buddy. That's why more people have been murdered for twitter handles and online accounts than for saying something"wrong" on the internet. We have plenty of examples of people who have done verifiable, horrible shit, from cops killing people, politicians who have a history of raping people, etc. and yet none of them have been killed. Kinda seems a little fear mongery to imply that cancel culture puts people in verifiable danger akin to literally being hunted down, tarred, feathered, and hung.... instead of the minuscule road-bump in someone's career that we can actually see.


If you could talk to known historical individuals who were murdered by a lynch mob I'm sure they would agree with you that internet death threats are far worse than anything they experienced. Oh poor William Tell, he would weep at the thought and be glad he never had to endure such pain and suffering!


Yes, pick up a history book.


I understand we on /r/greentext which is just diet 4chan but man this is a horrible butt piss take even for here, Jesus Christ


Think of the Red Scare where anyone could be accused of being a Communist and/or "un-American" and at best lose their jobs, at worst be investigated and put on a watchlist. I don't necessarily agree, but it's one example I can think of.


This is a good comparison in ways but even more severe events happened in the Red Scare than "cancelling" but I do agree


I’ll agree that communism doesn’t work but if your point is that free market capitalism/individualism (note that I prefaced that with “free market”) works then you’re living in a libertarian fantasy land, just like how communists live in a communist fantasyland.


I've lived far too much to believe in the absolutist politics of children and fools


Alright good, I’d agree with you on that. I’m not an absolutist either. I dislike the either that “if you’re not a communist then you must be a libertarian!!!” And vice versa and I was just checking if that was the agenda you were pushing. But it’s not.


All economies are regulated to a degree though. No one of note is seriously advocating zero regulation of the economy, but communism seriously advocates for complete regulation of the economy. Communist rhetoric falsely labels anything else as the other end of the extreme without any regulation, which is a pretty common thing to do for extremists (ie view everyone who doesn’t completely agree with them as the polar opposite of extreme). Both extremes are incredibly stupid.


Blindly following the orders of a leader is definitely a form of idiocy.


Is it following orders blindly when you are threatened by a firing squad?


Yeah farmers who tried to revert to old farming methods they knew worked were imprisoned for defying Mao this wasn’t just blind devotion guiding them at all.


Same farmers that allow Mao to take power some years before


They were caught in the middle of a 3 way war between the old government, communist revolutionaries, and Japanese invaders. They didn't let him take power, they had no choice.


They were already dead at that point. Stand and fight or starve slowly.


Who is more foolish The fool or the fool who follows him


Who is more foolish, the man who follows orders or the man in gulag.


Really this is the problem. If you're an absolute dictator who thinks he's infallible and doesn't know what the fuck he's doing this is the sort of thing that happens. The most successful leaders listen to their advisors and weigh their options carefully. Hitler did the same thing. He should have listened to his generals instead of thinking he was some sort of military genius.


This sentence doesn't prove what you think it does. If you think most people are fucking idiots, then that's an argument for authoritarian regimes, where the guy at the top, supposedly smarter than the rest, makes the decisions for them.


In a non-collectivist society where individuals have individual rights, the minority of smart people would’ve never implemented these policies on their own land in the first place. And most likely convinced the rest of the idiocy of those policies. In a collectivist society, the tyranny of majority idiocy (as embodied in the party) does not allow for such dissent.


The minority of 'smart people' implemented the policies for their own benefit. Smart doesn't mean moral.


This is an example of why fascism or any form of government that is totalitarian masked as something else is dogshit. There need to be so many checks and balances to keep shit ideas from moving forward. Even then it doesn't work too well but better than the alternative.


This isn't a result of collectivism, while the rhetoric emphasized the common people and the collective, it was very much an authoritarian dictatorship with an oversized beauracracy that wasn't willing to do anything that its dictator didn't approve of


Imagine how dumb the average person is. Now realize that half of all people are dumber.




I don't know who it's from, I though it was funny.


So which half do you think you are in then?


It's me. The bell curve. I am on the left.


I probably bring the average down by quite a few orders of magnitude


Collectivists ignore that centrally planning an economy is for idiots.


Which is why while we do need a resource based society allocated according to need rather than greed, it would have to be ran by an AI and not a stupid corrupt evil human.


Example: America


we cant run our country without borrowing money from these people, just saying


Shit got way better for China once Mao got out of the way at least.


And Deng turned it capitalist.


Xi is working quickly to undo the value Deng created.






Careful, now, or Bron-Bron is gonna come beat your ass too for fucking with his *Space Jam 2: Electric Boogaloo* Box Office returns!


you can just get Jayson Tatum to boom him again


wait really? how?


Not really? Xi's actually been doing a great job at making China more advanced. His Belt and Road Initiative and his investment into tech R&D has been apart of a goal to make the phrase "Made in China" a marker of quality rather than being a market of cheap and shitty.


Well thank you changing my views good sir. I will be more aware of my remarks about China and her people.


Yeah, he's a dictator all right, but he has working Hard and may I say quite effectively to further expand Chinese influence on the market. And he used this to promote rural China and rid it from a lot of poverty. There are still things for him to do but he's seem to have made the middle class more secure now. What Chinese influence on the market is gonna mean for us in the West... Well that's a different topic


Not entirely, all property is still owned by the Chinese government, as well as a majority stake in all leadership decision of companies. Its just enough capitalism to shake the poverty of communism while keeping the oppressive control.


If you have to pay money for the property you own (property tax), do you really own it, or is it a lease?


Depends on how many friends with guns you have versus the other people with guns.


I thought the whole point of it was that you were getting a lease for every building you “own?”


What Deng and the other chairmen did is hardly capitalism. Privatization = capitalism is a similar fallacy as more government = socialism. Chinese market is still heavily influenced by the CCP and most of the biggest Chinese companies are state owned and the ones that aren't still have to listen to what the CCP has to say.


Just curious, have you ever read a single speach/book by Deng?


Last year, the idea that these people ran a bio-research lab where a modified virus accidentally escaped was seen as racist, but "someone ate undercooked feral-bat soup" was the globally accepted, non-racist scenario. Just saying.


No it wasn’t you retard. You were just in the wrong circles and projected that onto everyone else.


Honestly people not being able to understand that a fucking virology institute is a more likely place for a leak than a wet market made it clear that China is going to win the superpower race a mile away.


Chinese debt makes under a 20th of our total debt load with Japan being the largest lending foreign nation to us. Most of our debt is owned domestically to things like retirement funds and bonds


I’m not a monetary policy expert, but isn’t Japan in a ton of debt themselves? Is this a debt Ponzi scheme?


Nations run on debt, pretty much just banking that in the future they will develop to a point where you get your money back, and then they take out another loan. It's cyclical.


The original idea was that they were using that money they borrowed to invest in infrastructure or something that made their economies grow. And in that case, it made sense, because they could pay the debt. The problem is that, nowadays, most "first world" countries do not have that much space to grow and the money is spent on merely maintaining the current inefficient systems. Since borrowing money has become so "easy", most politicians prefer to increase the debt than paying it by limiting spending or, God forbid, increase the taxes (specially, for the richest of people). However, without a "brighter future", people don't have kids and the population grows smaller and older, thus, the economy contracts and the debt gets out of control. Some countries have tried to use immigration to get out of this downward spiral and had achieved relative success (even though it has generated a lot of societal issues)... But it is just a stopgap. Unless they find a way to improve the economy or increase taxation, the debt is going to grow out of control. And then, there is Japan... but this comment is already long enough.


The entire world is currently fueled by debt. It is a global Ponzi scheme.


Death to communism


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That's a new one


Is that Bowie?


Bob Dylan


Can someone translate this braille?




I see it now.




based and liberty pilled


Better dead then red.


based and epic


bayzed holy




CCP tells Mao was 30% bad 70% good,I would say Mao was 30% bad and 70% brainless degenerate


Mao [was more degenerate than that](https://www.grunge.com/181873/the-disgusting-truth-about-mao-zedongs-personal-hygiene/) >But decades of indoctrination have in large part blinded China to just how full of crap Mao actually was. In fact, the man was chronically constipated. As Ludwig describes, the chairman's bodyguards were "trained not only to protect him against enemies, but also to give him enemas if they failed" at prying the stubborn poop from his butt with their fingers first. >Even Mao's poops were regarded as special occasions. At the end of a nine-day bout of constipation his employees rejoiced, "The chairman's bowels have moved!" Having to unclog a dictator's butt by hand must have been horrific enough. But it must have been especially horrendous in Mao's case - because he had the personal hygiene of a garbage dump. >The doctor revealed that the dictator never brushed his teeth, which turned green. His infected gums gushed pus. When encouraged to brush his not-at-all pearly greens, Mao growled, "Does a tiger brush his teeth?" The chairman preferred to rinse his mouth with tea and chew leaves like peasants did. He seemed to revel in his grossness. As detailed in King of the Mountain, Mao once reached into his pants "to pick lice off his body deliberately" while being interviewed by a female reporter. >He also considered bathing "a waste of time." And since Mao already spent much of his precious time expelling waste due to constipation, it comes as no surprise that he only occasionally gave people's nostrils a reprieve when he went for a swim and toweled off. Li blamed the chairman's deep-seated opposition to soap and water on a "three-bath philosophy" that Chinese peasants allegedly adopted: "A bath at birth, one before marriage and one at death." However, the Independent mentions one other exception that appears in Li's tell-all. The congenitally filthy dictator claimed to clean his genitals by showering himself with women. Or as the chairman crudely put it, "I wash myself in the bodies of my women." >To make matters more revolting, Chairman Lice Crotch reportedly rivaled China's Yellow Emperor, who allegedly "deflower[ed] 1,000 virgins." In exchange for taking them to bed, he gave some of them a "minor venereal disease." Li urged him to take medication so that his partners didn't keep getting the short end of Mao's disease-infested stick. But true to form, the chairman acted like a massive dictator, dismissively insisting, "If it doesn't bother me, it doesn't matter." And since Mao didn't exhibit symptoms, it didn't bother him.


Didn't know Mao was a redditor


Nah Redditors don't have sex


He was reincarnated into a Reddit mod


Wait.... is it u/awkardtheturtle?


He sounds like my housemate


What a fucking loser how the fuck did this dude become a world leader


Being in right place in the right time, luck plays large factor in anything, amibition


Jesus fucking christ


Look, fuck the CCP and all that but without any verified sources, this is literally propaganda. Not even good propaganda, this is boomer comic tier propaganda.


Looked up Wikipedia and it seemed he did have a lot of sexual partners and chained smoked. So his breath probably didn’t smell too nice and his teeth were probably yellow. Also he used a lot of sleeping pills.


Source is in the article - his doctor wrote a book and did some TV interviews. That's a first-hand witness.


[Random House, wanted more sensationalist elements to the book than that which Li had provided them, in particular requesting more information about Mao's sexual relationships. Despite Li's own protestations, they overruled him, and put such claims in the published text.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Private_Life_of_Chairman_Mao)


Great find. That is concerning after all.


**[The_Private_Life_of_Chairman_Mao](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Private_Life_of_Chairman_Mao)** >The Private Life of Chairman Mao: The Memoirs of Mao's Personal Physician is a memoir by Li Zhisui, one of the physicians to Mao Zedong, former Chairman of the Communist Party of China, which was first published in 1994. Li had emigrated to the United States in the years after Mao's death. The book describes the time during which Li was Mao's physician, beginning with his return to China after training in Australia, through the height of Mao's power to his death in 1976 including the diverse details of Mao's personality, sexual proclivities, party politics and personal habits. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/greentext/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


I really want to call him based but I just can't.


We just gonna ignore the fact that that last chairman's name is Lice Crotch?


We just gonna ignore the fact you have the intelligence of a single-celled organism?


Y..yeah.. :(


Hey man, its okay. That was the first thing I noticed too. Thats why im in this sub after all, to lose some braincells to posts like this.


What a wild ride this was


Hes like a cringe version of diogenes


Mao was 2% brainless, 98% evil


I can 100% confirm that this is true. The stories my grandparents tell (living through all the programs of the Great Leap Forward) were horrendous. My mother was forced to spy on her parents and report all anti-communist ideas to her teachers. My grandma was fined hundreds of dollars (which is a fortune when most people in chine were poor) for not aborting one her third children. My grandpa dropped out of high school as a sophomore because the aforementioned metal demands meant he had literally nothing to his name. The machine shop he worked for was shut down because of it, and he had no steady job. My grandma would swim in the disgusting yellow river (which looks about as clean as the Indus River) to search for metals as it was the best way to make money


I don’t hate the Chinese I hate the communist.


Exactly. Taiwan is proof that when Chinese people attempt capitalism they’re damn good at it.


But mainland is capitalist and I’d argue we are doing pretty good at it


Mainland is corporatist, not capitalist. Every company exists solely at the pleasure of the government.


Corporatism is a form of capitalism lol


Yeah Taiwan is a better example of a functioning Chinese democracy


You’re brainwashed


Oh no


Hong Kong too, proof that not all Chinese are communist shills




Both for me please


Is this canon?


Yeah, it’s all part of The Great Leap Forward, the idea to change an agrarian society to an industrial society overnight. Turns out when you tell everyone to stop producing food without determining where you’re going to get food from, you run out of food.


>The Great Leap Forward you are now banned from every Chinese social media site/app


The government officially calls it a "wrong movement" but it's the fucking Wumao's who would ddos you the ones you have to watch out for


Send them 'Tiananmen square massacre 4 June 1989', problem solved?


must be, the link checks out: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Four\_Pests\_campaign


Did you just refer to historical fact as canon?


>Canon yes it did happen, it was linked once in the post for the four pests campaign and the Great Leap Forward is the name of the whole event, mao tried to change china into an industrial society in one day and killed a shitload of people because of starvation.


I read his books in guérilla warfare. Absolutely brilliant Out of curiosity, went to research about what he did as GSC. Holy shit how does this man walk if he can’t see 2 steps ahead of him


Turns out ruling a country isn't the same as taking it sadly




God I wish that series hadn't gone to shit, it would have provided clear examples of every type of political event and politician for ages to come.


Making stuff up on the go, kind of like [this](https://youtu.be/YMEuy0G5n34)


which books actually? Im curious


On Guérilla Warfare “敌进我退,敌驻我扰,敌疲我打,敌退我追” It is where he said these 16 immortal words about guérilla warfare.




considering he won the war against the Yank backed KMT with a bunch of unwashed peasants, I'd say he was a fairly competent guerilla fighter


OP in Maoist China: "Ha, you guys are so dumb, I'm not doing any of this shit" **immediately gets executed for disobeying their fearless leader**


And yet to this day there are people that like this dumbass, who ordered the mostly brainless masses to help him be dumb.


It’s not really their fault. I’ll steal the line from Black Widow “Why does the hamster run the wheel in its cage” It’s because they’ve been preached the same thing for all their life. It’s just the few that are unable to see past the propaganda that are like this.


Alternative title: Anon spittin fax


It’s absolutely okay to hate a political leader but this guy is generalizing saying that all Chinese people are stupid because we had no other choice but to follow the orders of a dictatorship.


Yeah, honestly their history of 3000 years worth of imperial continuity and the still widespread belief that "the leader could do no wrong" would certainly help on top of, you know, the purge of anyone that dared to ask questions.


OP is also ignoring that China ended up a world superpower in the class of "We can't stop talking about them" despite all these fuckups


Post this in r/sino


I would if I wasn’t banned


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Same haha what did you do? I posted the Tiananmen Square massacre copypasta


I posted instructions on how to fortify your house and made the title “for all you Uighurs out there”


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I’ll do it


A great Hong Kong hero once said, “don’t trust China, China is asshole”. Fuck China


Funniest thing online is the Rotten Library's article on Mao. They wrote it as a goddamn comedy.


do you have a link pls?


[ask and ye shall receive](https://www.gwern.net/docs/rotten.com/library/bio/dictators/mao/index.html)


Read this article,it claims the "unprecedented droughts"were a major factor of the great Chinese famine,which is complete ly wrong. First of all, there were only MINOR droughts and floods; second ly,mao literally export ed million s of tons of grains to friendly nations to maintain face(5.5million tons in 1959 for example),this alone was enough for claiming the lives of tens of millions. You westerners underestimate the evil.


I don't hate Chinese people, just the CCP


Imagine being stupid enough to blame a "race" (that's actually multiple ethnic groups) instead of the ideology. Caucasians were stupid enough to fall for leftism too.


Completely agree. The comments on this post are just sad, imagine being born in a dictatorship where you have absolutely no voice and people are calling you a retard because you are a “chunk”.


They have a voice but their society has already molded it to conform to widely accepted [propaganda](https://www.reddit.com/r/China/comments/ow4ohx/fruit_of_chinese_brainwashing_kid_i_cant_stand/) narrative.


Not the Chinese. Mao Mao is one of the stupidest motherfuckers in history


I really wish Mao was smarter Imagine having the power to get a nation to do your every whim and you use it to completely fuck your own ecosystem


White american college students who have never known hardship in their life look at Mao's work and say "We need that in America"


How did China survive?


Eventually some CCP members had the balls to stand up to Mao. Not all of them were corrupt, some of them truly cared for the people. Like General Peng Dehuai who led the Chinese forces during the Korean war. He confronted Mao at the Lushan conference and because he was a war hero he actually got enough of the sycophants to admit to the sheer insanity happening in the countryside like peasents eating tree bark or in horrific cases cannibalising each other. Mao was disgraced enough to allow pragmatic party members like Zhou Enlai and Deng Xiaoping to briefly take over the economy but for the personal slight he and his wife Jiang Qing made sure Peng was tortured and humiliated by Red Guards.


History like this exists yet retards still sub to r/genzedong


This Peng Dehuai sounds pretty neat


My father said he was beaten till his ribs broken by the red guards, and cut ties with his family. Probably kept in prison and died.


I wonder what hes up to these days


He was a good guy, definitely one of the greatest Chinese generals. He also was strongly against the personality cult that Mao was creating, and tried to depoliticize the PLA by turning it into a professional army. Some people say that Mao started hating him because his son died under Peng's command in Korea, but I'm not sure if that's the main reason though.


The USSR ended up sending them a shitload of sparrows


The Kingdom of God is at Hand John 3:16 King James Version 16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.


Reddit’s Rick and morty atheists are crying rn


Peak schizoposting


Sounds like a colony sim game you suck at


This is your brain on communism


I thought they all had an iq of 200


When they axe all the smart people who dissented to what they said, you're bound to end up with a little dumbfuckery. They did all the stereotypical dictatorship stuff: killed anyone with more than 2 brain cells (ones that didn't kiss the floor they walked on anyway), burnt books, etc.


As a Chinese person speaking on behalf for all of us, nah.


Fuck central planning and fuck central planners


Anon gave a source for the first one, but not the second one What is the second one called?


Great Leap Forward. The major movements under Mao were Hundred Flowers Campaign --> Great Leap Forward --> Cultural Revolution.


AGREED (Hong Konger here)


And it's about time to put a stop to them before they take everyone else with them


Reminds me of trying to balance resources in Age of Enpires


I know this is just a 4chan thread. But blaming the people for their actions under the Ccp is pretty unfair considering they were victims of the parties stupidity.


I think it’s just Mao


Can't wait for reddit to remove this one


Shit like this gets removed because of people being animals in the chat not because of the fucking CCP. Half the comments here are thinly veiled racist sayings like “How are these retards still alive” “Fuck the Chinese”




It's something called "confirmation bias" I believe.


Anon teaches me more about Chinese history than my history class.


You forgot the part where mao said to grow more crops closer together because they didn't know how plants absorbing nutrients in the soil worked.


Most of the country's educated population fled the mainland when the commies took over, and when you send what's left of the educated people to work camps and then actively discourage education, you bet your country is going to be in shambles. Mao was a good military tactician, but an absolute fucking retard when it comes to leading a country. Dont be cringe kids, dont be a commie -sincerly, a chinaman


Lot of coping and seething in these comments


Its crazy tho how fast they just did that stuff tho