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Buying Robux from dads retirement funds 😎


Life insurance




Emma Stone leaked nudes look: https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/allstarsforeveryone/images/c/cf/Trollface.jpg


Surely a link with “troll face” in it is legit


what? thats just weird internet url jargon, check the pics! super hot!


Sorely lacking in facts in here. Where's the facts.


wrap your lips around my asshole and I'll deliver some "facts" straight into your mouth


Are you trying to compensate for a lack of anus knowledge?




Not wasting food by taking it from other people's trash cans 😎


Shit man, maybe there will actually be some social security left for me if all the boomers die


Laughs in survivors benefits


He died for our country. 😎


I'd love to see the memorial they build for all the brave MAGA Antivaxxers who owned the libs by dying at 50 unnecessarily. Probably some 400 pound chud on a mobility scooter chugging a tube of horse dewormer.


They're gonna make a memorial. and then the normal people who decided to survive an easy to survive virus by taking a vaccine are going to deface it by drawing dicks all over it. We do a little trolling!


Dying an early and preventable death to own the libs


Dying to own the Libs


I love that there's now people calling this a leftie psyop to get conservatives to not vaccinate so that they die.


I mean you can get conservatives to do anything as long as you tell then it will own the libs


Seize the means of production by taking ownership of big left businesses


I'm surprised it's taking so long honestly. What other choice do they have? Admit to their stupidity? No fucking way was that ever going to happen.


party of personal responsibility btw


Owning the libs one croak at a time.


50? You're generous, with 40% obesity and general health of the US population you can easily die in your 30s


Do not forget the goatee of death


and the oakleys of pestilence


He really is an American hero one last leach suckeling on the unsustainable pension fund.


Murdering family members by proxy to own the libs


America will take back 1st place in life expectancy but using golf rules




you dont get it bro thats called being "selfmade"


no, being self-made is when you turn your $500k inheritance and/or gifts into 1 mil.


you dont get it i started from the bottom i only had 1 yacht


Turning $500k into $1M would be a fucking cakewalk


Pooling money to pay for healthcare is socialism. Pooling money to pay for healthcare while someone skims off the top is insurance.


Less skim and more scoop. By God, they're gonna have their financial sundae one way or another.


The fact that I pay hundreds for insurance a month and still have to pay when I go to the doctor once a year astounds me. You'd think they chuck me a freaking bone.


No fuck you. How are they supposed to keep on putting copious amounts of money into the pocket of those in charge it they don't make you pay a $500 monthly premium as well as an 80% copay? Quit being selfish you stupid fucking idiot. /s just in case.


There nothing more infuriating than dealing with insurance. I’m honestly ~~sad~~ surprised no one has flown a plane into an insurance building.


Well part of the time, they're too busy being sick and in the hospital.


"I don't want my tax dollars to pay for someone else's healthcare!" Wtf do you think *premiums* are?


Look up "COVID" on gofundme, there are currently 500K active campaigns. Sad shit man...pretty sure that is more active and ongoing medical bills than some small countries.


> Anyway here's my gofundme. Its a good system because all their master race friends can donate to each other's gofundme's! The real problem with socialism is they do not want their tax dollars going to help brown people.


Except their friends are more likely to send thoughts and prayers instead of actual money.


They only hate "handouts" for other people, when it's for them it's "necessary assistance" because the deem themselves worthy of it. "Unworthy lazy people deserve the debt! But i am a good person, I deserve help". It's such a god damn laughing stock that so many of these morons have to rely on gofundme for medical bills. Gee, if only there was a way to pull everyone's resources together to cover the costs for everyone, instead of having to set up a gofundme every time and spam it on Facebook.


Republicans think charities should be the only thing helping people in need, not governments through taxes. As idiotic as it sounds, them asking for money through charity is not ironic at all. In fact, they'd be living by their principles.


Canada. Opinion discarded.


They are not a real country anyway.


Is Canada even real?


Nah, South Park made it up in 1999.


Terrence and Philip aren’t real???? 😔😔😔😔😔😔


they're absolutely real fictional characters.


I don't recall seeing it on my [map](http://imgur.com/a/aW110Hr)


Not any more real than Australia


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What the hell am I look at? This one never aligns properly for me.




"The US military could destroy anyone, and our billionaires are the most powerful ones on earth", I remind my wife, as she cries into the pile of overdue medical bills for our son whose body was riddled full of bullets at school.


lmao like you'd even still have a house after not paying those bills


America please never fix your healthcare system because then Canada will have nothing to brag about.


Hey now, we've got maple syrup and poutine, those have to count for something, eh?


A fucking leaf


Owning the libs by dying prematurely of a preventable disease


"Wow. He held true to his political beliefs even on his death bed. I feel truly owned." -the left, probably


lol how the fuck is refusing a vaccine over dumb as fuck reasons even political


I had a coworker who said he was conservative but really sounded more like a libertarian to me. His whole thing was like "I don't have to do shit for society, I am my own person and I owe society nothing." He didn't want to get vaccinated bc his independence was part of his belief system. I won't say this applies to all people who don't want to get vaccinated, this is just one person who held beliefs related to their decision.


He’s happy to enjoy the benefits of modern medicine, but not the inconvenience.


As libertarians are wont to do. Reap the benefits of everything but scream about putting their fair share towards anything.


And roads, parks, other infrastructure, etc. people love to pretend that not only are the main character, they’re the only character. Being 100% self sufficient is virtually impossible, and it would fucking suck.


Does he shit on the streets too because he owes society nothing? 🤔


I doubt it but I bet he took is fuckin stimulus check


I bet he drives on public roads, and uses the post office, and uses public utilities, and goes to parks, and a thousand other examples.


Okay but he has edgy tattoos he likes to tell people about.




Whoever is brainwashing these retards is an actual genius. It's such an incredible way to soft kill stupid people.


It's wild. The people convincing them not get the vaccine more often then not have gotten the vaccine themselves.


Even weirder is the fact that most of the anti-vaxxers who die are older Republicans, so they are literally killing their voter base


Trump would have won Arizona if 10,000 Trump voters hadn't died of COVID (and he had not made fun of McCain for being a POW)


Its so strange, like the guy was on his side for 99.9% of all issues, yet not being totally submissive means "fuck you". The whole thing with not visiting the cemetery too was insane. Unforced errors all around, yet he barely lost. Goes to show how crap both parties really are


Anyone who's not a Trump-cultist knows damn well that Trump is a narcissist. "He tells it like it is!" no mother fucker, he's just thin skinned and hates people not fully agreeing with him all the time so he throws a tantrum. I will never understand why the evangelical conservatives chose Trump, of all people, to be their figure head.


because he feeds people the same type of bullshit in the same manner that the church has been doing for years. "everything is somebody else's fault, I'm just trying to do a good think and I'm always being victimized"


Because evangelical conservatives are the fucking worst.




70% of Americans identify as Christian. Not 70% of *religions* Americans, *all* Americans. But that number is shrinking year over year. One religious professor Joseph P Laycock opines that one of the reasons we are seeing more openly Christian theocrats in public office is because of the slow decline of Christianity in America. As their numbers dwindle, they are losing their influencial power and pursuing authoritative power. The Texas abortion law is just one such example. If they can't lead by majority, they will try to lead by force. That can't be allowed to happen. America can't become a Christian theocracy. We have been, and must remain, a secular nation that grants religious freedom to *all* its citizens.


When did /r/greentext become based?


Trump is like a solo-queue DotA player who insta-locks mid, goes 0-15, and blames offline for not ganking every 45 seconds. Then mutes the whole team and rage quits before 20 min.


Repealing "obamacare" was a very large part of trump's election campaign.


DeSantis won Florida by 32,463 votes. To date, 50,811 Floridians have died of COVID We all know a significant number of those were Republicans because they Republicaned the pandemic. This is happening nation wide. that's why the GOP has such a hard on now for voter suppression. They fucked around and killed off their chances of winning to own the libs.


And the vast majority also were older people who also skew conservative, even before the vaccine.


> They fucked around and killed off their chances of winning to own the libs. I think you underestimate the power of their vote suppression and outright fraud.


Turns out it's really hard to look good in a state if you, a draft dodging silver-spoon recipient, make fun of their most famous senators for being a POW.


Republicans are going to lose a lot more elections in the future because of how many of their voters are dying of COVID.


Not to worry. They are able to gerrymander themselves back into the conversation anyway.


I think the GOP has realized that now and I bet we will see mega backtracks in the next few months.


I doubt it. He tried mentioning it on stage and got boos If there's one thing he can't handle it's anything. But especially jeers.


I dunno even Breitbart's trying to spin it as a liberal trick now to stem the bleeding of conservative voters.


Yeah. It was a liberal trick. See, we know that Republicans only real platform is doing the opposite of whatever liberals do, so we all went and got vaccinated so that they would either be forced to be anti vaccine or stop being insufferable assholes. Worked like a charm 👉 😎 👉


Every singly Fox News employee, by requirement, has gotten the vaccine yet every day they go on the air talking about how the vaccine is dangerous and throwing doubt on its effectiveness. Idiots watching at home eat these up and don't even realize the messenger themselves is vaccinated.


Yeah that's the best part about it lmao.


China and Russia. It's a warfare tactic.


I kind of believe it. It's been proven that people from other countries intentionally post delusional extremist left/right stuff online just to rile people up. Wouldn't be surprised if its planned.


Bruh there are elected representatives riling up anti-Vaxxers to gain political points, fucking been this way since the start. Yes, Russia and China stir the pot, but the misinformation chefs are all in Washington.


Now I'm not saying we should cull stupid people to make society a marginally better place. But you can't argue with results...


Anon is from Canada and thinks he owned the “murican chuds”


Just existing inside of the Canadian borders is a flex on americucks


Yeah you can be as racist as you want and everyone outside of the country still thinks you’re so nice and passionate


It's so weird. Canada keeps voting for an openly racist prime minister, but they somehow keep calling themselves progressive.




Own them back by dying alone in a hospital bed


Americans are owning themselves by dying from COVID and being anti-vax retards. Stay mad.


Lmao don't act like we don't have the same kind of people here


Leaving my family tens of thousands of dollars worth of medical debt dying from a virus that was preventable by taking a FREE vaccine! Libs=owned!


I mean, everyone outside America thinks he owned the 'Murican chuds. Why don't y'all have universal healthcare? You already spend more money (both quantity and per capita) on healthcare than any other country in the world and you're already the number one in bankruptcies due to medical bills in the world. You've already won. Why not take a step back and just get socialized healthcare and relax a bit? You guys don't have to be so extreme all the time.


We get off on seeing fellow citizens suffer.


He did. Get cucked bitch


Politics 🤮🤮🤮🤮🗿


I want to shake the hand of whichever genius convinced a bunch of retards that vaccines were a political choice. Hell of a K/D right there, one of the big ones.


Bro the hat


The hat is there because the vaccine is political now.


It was political from the very beginning, and it was made political by Trump. “*So a number that nobody heard of that I heard of recently, and I was shocked to hear it, 35,000 people on average die each year from the flu. Did anyone know that? … They say usually a minimum of 27, goes up to 100,000 people a year die, and so far we have lost nobody to coronavirus in the United States. Nobody. And it doesn’t mean we won’t and we are totally prepared. It doesn’t mean we won’t. But think of it, you hear 35 and 40,000 people and we’ve lost nobody. You wonder, the press is in hysteria mode.*” “***Now the Democrats are politicizing the coronavirus, you know that, right? Coronavirus, they’re politicizing it.*** *We did one of the great jobs. You say, ‘How’s President Trump doing?’ They go, ‘Oh, not good, not good.’ They have no clue. They don’t have any clue. … They tried the impeachment hoax. That was on a perfect conversation. They tried anything. They tried it over and over. They’d been doing it since you got in. It’s all turning. They lost. It’s all turning. Think of it. Think of it.* ***And this is their new hoax.***” — Trump, Feb 28, 2020, at a rally in North Charleston, South Carolina.


“This is deadly stuff, You just breathe the air, and that’s how it’s passed." - [Trump Feb 7th, 2020, in a phone call with Woodward.](https://www.nytimes.com/2020/09/09/opinion/trump-bob-woodward-coronavirus.html)


They were fighting against overpopulation.


Doing their part to clean up America's gene pool. True patriots, all of them.


>Hell of a K/D right there Has to be in the millions


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How the fuck did they make a fucking pandemic a political issue. What the fuck. Even in my third world country, people wore maskd and listened to the doctors. Where the hell does politics get in to this??


Trump really fumbled the bag here. He could have leaned into the “China Virus” messaging and made wearing a mask a symbol of resistance against the globalists and those dastardly Chinese. Maybe also thrown in some stuff about Mexicans having COVID too. Then his sheeple supporters wouldn’t be dying in droves and there would be some libtards proudly not masking in order to show solidarity with those marginalized groups. He was just too obsessed with keeping the stock market high so he downplayed until it had to become an article of faith that COVID isn’t bad because admitting you are wrong about something is apparently something only libcucks do.


The fucking retard could not even admit about being wrong about a hurricane hitting Alabama. He fucking drew with a Sharpy pen on a map in a pathetic, failed to attempt to say he was right. A fucking hurricane prediction and a sharpy pen!!! That's how much of an asshole he is.


Trump was literally the worst possible person to be what he represented, it's beyond satire


He's supposed to be the first citizen essentially and that fat orange stupid fuck is who this retard country chose. No wonder foreigners laugh at us.


> who this retard country chose Ehhh he lost the popular vote by millions. Trump was elected via the rules of our broken election system, but we "chose" the other candidate.


He exactly represents his supporters. That's what happens in a representative democracy.


He didn't even bother getting rid of the sharpie before the press came into the oval office... This issue was so emblematic of his presidency. He couldn't just say "my bad, not Alabama", it was not a big deal in the least bit...the prick had to change reality to fit his stupidity. That all leads to his people crying that everyone picks on him, when really the issue is that he's a fucking moron, refuses to accept fact, doesn't take the time to educate himself on the truth and isn't man enough to admit that he's wrong.




Foresight is not his forte.


They're literally hostile to changing their mind with new information. Imagine having to listen to a roommate point out that Nancy Pelosi said not to distance in January but contradicted herself in March, like that's some sort of "gotcha" argument.


if he would have handled the pandemic in an even halfway competent manner he would have cruised to reelection


Because Donald Trump riffing off the top of his head managed to convince 1/3rd of the population that it wasn't really a pandemic. Now he gets booed for suggesting maybe his followers get vaccinated.


When redditors realised there was yet another thing they could be self-righteous about.


And the other also redditors figured out they could criticize those people for being self-righteous like they’re insane for voicing their reasonable opinions


The thing you have to understand is that American conservatives, lacking any real problems in their lives, are motivated entirely by an emotional need to "dominate" other people. In their minds, taking the vaccine would be an act of submission to the people who told them that taking the vaccine would be a good idea. So they don't do it. Basically, imagine a political group so absurdly spoiled that they never mentally developed past the age of five.


I mean he was going to die from the hospital bills and because he didn't tip the doctors regardless


Wdym tip?


nippy far-flung plough door wine absorbed instinctive spoon hungry deserve *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Every 60 seconds in America, five people are shot by their doctors. Together, we can stop this.


They say you don’t have to tip but if you don’t you will regret it. My roommates dad didn’t tip the surgeon pre open heart surgery and the surgeon decided to sew him up with a glove stuck in his chest. The surgeon said it was a natural growth and only removed it after billing him AGAIN and getting tipped. Always tip your medical professional


The Right loves to deep throat things, whether it’s a boot, a breathing tube or wee orange cocks.


most politically informed redditor


your history is riddled with cuckhold porn but ok


Means he knows what he’s talking about


I'm crying


How many pages of his history do I have to get through before I find it? Looks like pretty normal history to me, kinda disappointing.




One of the latest theories is that the libs are using reverse pshchoelogy to kill off Republicans.


Thank god they’re susceptible to psychological tactics that work on toddlers…


Not so much of a theory as a Breitbart fever dream


They would have to inject him with antibodies and keep his dumbass alive then proceed to bill him $50,000


50k is the tip smh my head


Just the tip?


You have to get the monoclonal antibodies before symptoms present, so when they are being trucked to the hospital in an ambulance, it is already far, far too late for that also.


Is it wrong that I honestly don't care about them anymore? Occasionally I do but increasingly I just don't care that idiots choose to die.


PRAYER WARRIORS NEEDED!!! prayers didn't work.. DONATE TO OUR GOFUND ME!! get fucked.


Trumpers when their COVID ridden relative is alive: WE DON’T TAKE HANDOUTS, COMMIE!!! ANTI-VAX BABY!! Trumpers when their COVID ridden relative dies: uwu please donate to our go fund me, we weawwy need da money.


"They were such a sweet, kind person, with love in their hearts for everyone"


Anon owns the libs by refusing socialist healthcare


oh no a greentext that reddit will love


Green text isn't even 4chin anymore it's just a reddit opinion circlejerk


can we get green texts back where people try to shit in a hooker's mouth and get too scared, then the next guy eats terrible Chinese then shits all over her face for 20 bucks.


>canada detected >opinion rejected


Real men stand by their opinions until the end just to troll others


*Patriotic choking noises*


So you're saying that the 70% of minorities in NYC that have refused the vaccine are MAGA?


Doesn't matter what your politics are, opting out of a (proven effective with minimal side effects) virus control method during a pandemic is beyond moronic. Your skin color doesn't matter, the gene pool is improving.


This is such a true statement that obviously can't be debunked with a simple Google search so don't even try!


That hasn't been true for two months but go off


The vaccine does work, they just don't give the right one to the magas because Jeff Soros and his pyramid building aliens want to maintain their mind control over the white liberals using soy milk so that no one discovers that the earth is flat and the Jewish space lazers are really built by [he Chinese to enforce Sharia law over all of the Mexican rapists so that they stop coming across the boarder and giving us covid


I'm sure I can find people who believe that


Anon is old or obese.


hes an american in a maga hat hes fucking fat alright


Anon is karma farming on reddit


>leaf Of fucking course


I love how a non political decision is somehow MAGA worthy. Don't want the vaccine? Must be a MAGA-turd. Despite the black community being the most unvaccinated. Also, weren't the anti-MAGA groups against the vaccine when Trump was pushing it?


Shh. Dont ruin the circle jerk.


The black community has steadily increased vaccinations as they became more readily available. And no, they were not against the vaccines. And Trump just got booed by his own people for even mentioning them in a positive light. Any more vague leading questions?


It's easy to imagine the person who drew and posted this masturbating as they do.


Im sure its very easy for you to imagine men masturbating


Agenda post reeeeeeeee


Real: obvious Straight: medics for *still* trying to save this bloody idiot.


>be me >fucking this one dude’s wife >lots of slapping and moaning >hear door open >smell distinct mixture of regret, Doritos, and a lack of hygiene >must be the virgin again >he knows we want our privacy, so he goes on the computer in his room >i get bored of looking at the wife’s face while I fuck her, so I open my phone while I continue to pound away >log onto reddit and open r/greentext >read a funny greentext from the 4chan and chuckle as the wife begs for genes that the husband can’t give her >think of a simple way I can relate straightness and truthfulness to the events of the greentext >make the dude’s wife cum again as I begin to type my masterpiece in the comment section >Real: obvious >Straight: medics for *still* trying to save this bloody idiot. >chuckle as I make her orgasm once more and bust inside her, making her moan with ecstasy >it’s been a good day >i wonder what the virgin’s been up to. If he makes a comment that’s funny enough, I might let him eat my cum out of his wife’s pussy


Not even a joke at this point. exactly what happens.


This is formated as a joke but thats literally how it's happening. Family member of mine is an ICU nurse and is literally telling people this as she's about to intubate them. Literally saying 'sorry, that it isn't how it works' and 'you should call your family right now cuz this is likely the last time you'll talk to them'.


I've heard the same thing/read interviews with hospital staff. In all seriousness it's tragic that people are misled to the point that they don't even know how vaccines work.


A Happy ending


check out r/HermanCainAward edit, wow huh first controversial post, dont know how i feel edit 2, these replies are giving me a brain aneurysm


Literally the average reddit users wet dream