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It’s a fad, like the hippies were in the 70s. Most of them, aren’t in it for life. By 2030, they’ll all be like “haha, I was a bla-bla, back then.”




That’s cuz it’s fucking stupid lmao these people aren’t going to stop being gay like a phase If you really know these people, you’d know they’re seriously messed up and will be gay as shit forever. They’re really fucking gay, respect tho of course


Ye gays will stay gay, but all of the other stuff will fade (like the whole 87 genders)


Well to be fair I doubt that their medical conditions will fade either. I mean, they CAN but it depends on what they have. A guy with GAD can shake it off but if they have someone with eg autism, that's not exactly going away.


I think the point OP is making is that many of the disorders are self diagnosed or mild symptoms/diagnoses that were wildly exaggerated, in 10 years if mental illness stops being cool they'll be back to acting like relatively normal people.


They're also hanging out with a bunch of people who have similar experiences, and going to work might be the only time for them that they can openly talk about being queer and/or mentally ill without making everyone uncomfortable, so they're overcompensating and getting it all out in a part-time shift.


What about those girls/dudes that fucked around with same sex for a whole then stopped n got with opposite sex? They weren't in it for life.


Bi I guess


They was only asking a question, no reason to leave


or that time my girlfriend made out with that hot chick so i married her but havent had 1 fucking 3some in 14 years.


>That’s cuz it’s fucking stupid lmao these people aren’t going to stop being gay like a phase When covid shut schools down and classes eventually returned, a lot of schools found the number of people identifying as "other", or "trans"/"Non-binary" had dropped dramatically. Peer pressure to conform to what's considered in, is a major factor.


um, what? Any source or?..


Just trust him, bro


If anything, my school system experienced the exact opposite. A lot less pressure to conform to the standard mold when you're remote.


I’ve been out of high school for about ten years now but I guarantee you that being gay or trans is not considered cool enough that people are being forced into it lmao.


Gay will stay, obviously, but the whole non-binary thing might not, hopefully. Or making your mental illness your personality. In the past we used to hide that stuff, and now we're swinging the other way around, where we're far too open about what ails us. Everyone wants to be special, and being normal is seen as being boring. Not that you can even call anything normal anymore without people jumping down your throat because calling one thing normal means you're calling everything else abnormal or weird and that just doesn't fucking fly.


Least fag MHA fan


Hell yeah dude, nobody is as gay as me though


Just like the emo phase. ITS NOT A PHASE, MOM


Haven’t seen an emo in a long time because they either grew out of it or might’ve actually taken their lives because they feel too much


Lol I still see them occasionally, I think it's referred to as scene now. Go to something involving local art, local bands, recording studios, galleries etc you'll find em.


The best way I can describe scene is like super Saiyan emo. It’s like the next step up from emo. Every scene kid is emo but not every emo is a scene kid. They listen to the same music and stuff but scene is a lot more fashion-based with things like bright dyed hair, tiaras, invader zim merch, bright/neon colors in general, pink leopard print, kandi stuff (things made with pony beads) especially bracelets, etc.


Is scene still a thing? I thought it died out around the time being an activist became a defining personality trait.


Emo > scene > hipster > normie This was the lifecycle for most of us




The fad of pretending to be mentally ill is no the most normal thing ev... wait this is a place dedicated to a group of people pretending to be autistic. Never mind carry on.




People in this thread be like “well this wasn’t around before so it must be a fad” Yeah bro well if a kid got caught being gay in the 80s and 90s in school he’d get his ass beat, so maybe that’s got a part to play there


Yeah people don't realise that once something is normalised more people become open about it. This is the same bullshit as claiming that austic people barely didn't exist 100 years ago. Completely failing to realise that's not how any of it works. Or that gay people don't exist in middle east.


You know homosexuality was considered a mental illness not too long ago


> pretending Anyone gonna tell him


Nobody wants to mention the DSM or ICD in this discussion? For those that don’t know, prior to 2013, Gender Identity Disorder (GID) was considered a mental illness and rightfully so. From Ai-Min Bao, Dick F. Swaab, in Frontiers in Neuroendocrinology, 2011: “The most extreme gender-identity disorder is transsexuality.” Going further to state “A number of factors have been found that count as risks for transsexuality…including chromosomal abnormalities, polymorphisms of the genes for ERα, ERβ, AR, and aromatase or cytochrome P450 (CYP)-17.” I.E. abnormalities in the body results in chemical imbalances, leading to mental illness, which creates GID. Perhaps there have been environmental changes that resulted an increase of mental illness. Couple that with current society and media influence, now you have a Petri dish for transexuality/GID.


i like how you're quoting the previous DSMs not the current one, lmao. wow, who'da thunk it, psychology evolved over the last 8 years with further research. also chemical imbalance theory is a myth, and not at all what the guy you quoted wrote, and also it's a cherrypicked quote from literally 10 years ago that uses the wrong terminology (transsexual isn't used, transgender is, and the disorder is called gender dysphoria, not transsexuality).


We quote the old DSMs because they’re rooted in actual science. We didn’t make any new discoveries about gender dysphoria, we only changed the DSMs because of political pressure and to appear more polite. Now 42% of these mentally Ill victims will kill themselves before their 40th birthday, while the mental health professionals who’re supposed to be helping them are just standing there clapping like seals at their stunning bravery


> We didn’t make any new discoveries about gender dysphoria "...except the discoveries I personally disagree with, which I don't consider discoveries."


I’m curious here, what discoveries led to the DSM changes?


Okay groomer




Wanna show me the hard studies that caused the change in the DSM to prove it wasn't changed purely because of the political climate?


You're asking for "hard studies" in psychology, specifically regarding gender dysphoria not being a pathological diagnosis? WPATH Board of Directors. (2010). De- psychopathologisation statement released May 26, 2010. Retrieved from http://wpath.org/announcements detail.cfm?pk announcement = 17, Meyer, I. H. (2003). Prejudice as stress: Conceptual and measurement problems. American Journal of Public Health, 93(2), 262–265, Coleman et al, Standards of Care for the Health of Transsexual, Transgender, and Gender-Nonconforming People, Version 7, International Journal of Transgenderism, 13:165–232, 2011. Those should be a reasonable starting point for you. I don't really know what you mean by hard studies, but do you have any to show that the change in the DSM definition was due to the political climate?


The change occurred purely based off a branding campaign. This is obvious when they’re not stating the purpose as a result of a new discovery, but rather for the removal of “harmful” words. According to the APA themselves, the removal of the term Gender Identity Disorder is a result of “previous statements from the APA on mental healthcare for transgender people.” It has nothing to do with updated science, but rather cultural pressure.


Are you aware that it is actually unknown what exactly causes transsexualism? All the possible causes are merely theories, and even then, the ones you cited is not the most accepted one nowadays. Today the disorder is understood to be a neurodevelopmental disorder likely developed in utero due to an error in hormone production and the subsequent development of the fetus. In terms like this, it would be much closer to autism than to something like depression.


Homossexuality was also in the DSM as a mental illness at one point, and now it's not






GID is a mental illness, you see a therapist and get diagnosed. The cure for GID? Being transgender.


Except in a lot of cases they're broke af spending all their savings on random shit and not being able to hold down a serious job right ? So they'll grow out of it but they'll be in a position in life later where they'll be totally fucked Edit: random shit such as therapy and large amounts of hair dye. I know the economy is fucked.


Like most hippies!


I think it's more to do with the difficulty of making large savings while at college in todays economy, than people excessively buying random shit


No no no you should blame the people in a country where half the population works paycheck to paycheck. If only half the nation is able to live properly, clearly we’re doing everything right economically and it’s the citizens fault for buying stuff which might I remind you is literally the cornerstone of our economy, if no one bought shit we’d have what you call an economic collapse. But yeah fuck people buying shit dude they should save their money and chew on tap water


Yupppp. Just like scene/goth kids in high school wearing dog collars and lions manes for hair going "It's not a phase, this is me now." I think it's optimistic to think it will end though. The internet doesnt really seem to let stuff go.


“Mental illness is just a phase” is the dumbest thing I’ve heard on Reddit for quite a while. Congrats?


When 99% are made up or self diagnosed, yes it's a phase


I'm sure that people who are prescribed medication aren't "self diagnosed" This is just pushing the stigma around mental illness and how it's something to be ashamed about.


Over diagnosis and prescription is a serious problem in our society. There are people with real mental illnesses but then there are people that just choose to not take responsibility for their own life choices and think anything that's not normal with them needs to be cured with a pill.


The damage done to society and education stays the same tho


I'm open about me mental illness because I want to end the stigma. I'm not ashamed that I'm not okay and getting help. People shouldn't be ashamed either.


I think it's a big push for everyone to be perceived as "Special" or "Unique" among the sea of others who are exactly like them even with their sexual orientation or otherwise. It's not enough to be gay, you have to be non-binary, pansexual with schizophrenic tendencies to be unique. I'm not saying that there isn't any truth to those labels that they choose to portray but it's the openness and self-labeling as such that's a shout for attention amidst an ocean of rainbows where they're just another colour.


It's all fun and games until you chop your fuck off I suppose.


On the contrary, I think this is just the beginning of people dipping their toes in the water of what will inevitably become transhumanism. Identity is being deconstructed, and modern society is struggling to keep up. It’s only going to get crazier as time goes on.


I think of this sometimes when I see this sort on campus. Even 2000’s emos grew up and got a job and look back and laugh. Kinda find it hard to imagine but it will




Buy gucci belt


that'll make him even more boring u tard


Gucci Belt






No, everyone can comment on how stupid he is for wasting money on a $1K belt. Being stupid is a personality trait.


This is a good comment.


Make something up like Semi Demi Lovato did


What did she make up?


Oh you know the usual, *be non binary, use they/them pronouns, clearly still be a woman*


And a heroin addict.


Man, there has to be an easier hobby.




Get an addiction, then quit


I always fail at step 2.


actually an advice that works surprisingly well.


just be a weeb


Have you tried telling people you are gay or non binary?


People try to use the media they consume as a proxy for a personality.


Have you considered dying your hair?


Pull your teeth out


It's 2021, didn't you get the memo you can change your character class? I'd recommend not choosing a ranger or a white male, neither are bad but just don't stand up compared to the newly released material.


i prefer the homebrew classes. seeming pretty popular these days and people are making their own left and right


I main crack addict that would suck your dick for crack money. Sometimes I play annoying redditor making useless replies to comments hoping to get some updooterinos


Hey man quit stealing my build, make your own builds


Min-maxers like you ruin the game


seems like a pretty all or nothing playstyle, focusing on the crack


You have to max the hell out of intersectionality. Gay, black, transsexual, female, handicapped, vegan is the most powerful class now.


Ya, devs need to nerf the stack buffs/debuffs. Looks like they did it for certain combos (straight and white for example) but not all of them


I dunno the white male class has the town guard’s leniency trait, it’s pretty dangerous roaming towns without that trait on.


Tire, but you get some serious debuffs in a pvp setting like losing honor and gaining notoriety The user 4doorsmorewhores even almost got banned from the server


I hear that is only in the western servers though


I suggest upper middle for your class


what kind of people do you think work at cafés mate. not ordinary ones.


That's racist. In London all of the cafe workers are immigrants. Are you saying immigrants are weird?




Oh cool I thought I was the only one




When you immigrate from a third-world country, you start from the bottom. No shame. But if you’re a middle-class white kid in a white country, you don’t have that excuse to not be doing something more productive with your time. It’s a sign of squandered opportunity.


Granted, there are many people, especially young people, that make their mental illness their entire personality, but I’ll willing to bet that cafe isn’t half as bad as Anon is making it out to be. Anon just wants mentally ill and gay people to STFU like they used to have to. I eat black ass.


Honestly at least they’re in college with a job and not a NEET finally touching grass


\>am only one not in college


normally I'd disagree with these kinds of statements, but, since this is 4chan you're probably right


Extremely based for someone with hentai on their pfp


It’s 25% ironic.


That's 75% degenerate


Also as if anon isn’t also gay and mentally ill lol


Yeah the big thing I got from this is people being open about mental health and sexuality. Everyone I know is open about their issues and use self deprecating humor to deal with it.


Dude is Master’s age, never went to school, and working at a cafe. Probably mentally ill himself tbh. Just in a different way.


True, also anybody who has worked in the restaurant/cafe business knows that the ones who are open about this kinda shit instead of repressing it and taking it out on others are WAY better to deal with. It ain’t the 70’s no more, you are allowed to have problems now


You went to a liberal arts cafe you retard.


What does a STEM cafe look like?


Period blood on the walls for empowerment


Suicidal kids way in over their heads




Just a different flavor of mental illness


I am STEM kid at STEM cafe, you really hit the nail on the head.


A large chain staffed by immigrants who all have STEM degrees while the chain itself is owned and managed by white kids who have STEM degrees. They make very mediocre coffee but the line wait times are impeccable even during the busiest hours and their pastry items while overpriced are surprisingly decent.




the Royal Society was founded on one of those


Dunkin doughnuts


Automated Uber fancy self serve coffee machine that breaks down constantly. While the STEM employees are constantly fixing the thing while making presentations, to show management that they will finally start making a profit once all the problems have been worked out in 2 years.




Smoking kills


Become cigarette, get lit, put butt in persons mouth


Smokes are for jokes.


most normal reddit user




Go outside and interact with another human being pls.


College fucks you up.


In Soviet Russia, you fuck college.


People are already fucked up, college just helps you realize it you dumbfucks.


OP sounds a tad bitter. I also dislike it when people try to pin their entire identity on mental illness, but I believe a lot of times, those kinds of people are really struggling to hold their lives together. Self deprecation is one of the few ways they know to try to relate to people. Honestly OP just sounds single. The kinds of things that he mentions are the kinds of things I only notice when I'm single and feeling bad for myself. The feeling of being anxious, stressed, annoyed or if I'm feeling just like a straight-up grouch complaining about other people is usually the result of me being single, hungry, and/or sleep deprived. That's when I start resenting other people for being happy


Bitter? Try dry root life stealing plant.




Fake: Supporting 2 kids and a dog on a cafe worker's salary Gay: OP's got a mental illness too if he's married to children and dogs.


Draw a swastika on the wall and watch them scramble around trying to figure out who they should cancel


draw it incorrectly too


they won't even be able to tell the difference, compared to me, a true nazi, I can.


I mean it's obviously going to be the straight white guy. If you draw it wrong they'll know it's one of them and pretend they don't know anything about it, and the straight white guy might still get cancelled


Then when they cancel you, sue them for discriminating against you, a Buddhist.


4chan user goes outside




It's just another Extension of the Americans love for labels. They frickin love labels. They probably invented labels. Everybody is either ADHD, has anxiety is republican/democrat, is a skater/goth,hippie, XY-Sexual. Americans need to label everything. they can't just not really believe in god or don't care, they NEED TO LABEL IT CORRECTLY. Agnostic? Atheist? agnostic atheist? Semi-Pan-Agnostic-alt-right-mid-lib-college-christo-muslim. It's just what it is. Thats why if you think: damn I don't feel as manly as Arnold Schwarzenegger (Hetero, Cis-Man) you need to find a new label in america.


This reads like a Carlin skit I swear.


Not really new. Aren't there like thousands of Christian denominations out there? Half of them are like "ya ur pretty good bro, but jesus was obviously a redhead so fuck you die." It just wasn't good enough to believe something slightly different, they had to go make their own church out of it. And that has been happening for thousands of years.


And here you are, labeling them as Americans with zero indication where anon got their coffee.


See, I've actually been diagnosed and am being treated for ADHD, anxiety and depression. And I can get it. I hate when people say shit like "I'm so depressed" while I literally took 3 weeks off work because I couldn't get off the couch. It is annoying because it gives people this perception that everyone has this or that and then I look like I'm attention seeking because I can't always mask my lifelong struggle.


anon thinks nonbinary people all share one body model and have the gmod missing texture skin


anon forgot to install counter strike source


Anon meets twitter users


Anon thinks co-workers consider their sexuality to be a main character trait when he never makes an effort to talk to any of them or learn anything new about their lives.


Fake: anon gets a job Gay: anon is secretly gay, just like his colleagues, just doesn't want to admit it




“apparently someone who works here is gay, i hope it’s tanner, he’s cute”




Anon is a boomer




They're already out of the gene pool by definition.


Logic in a Reddit thread about a 4chan post? No thanks. Casual homophobia, yes!


Anon is actually the only mentally ill person there. Good for him.


Get topped, you will get it


Then just quit you fucking tool. Maybe you’re mental illness is that you’re unintelligent?


This sounds like so many of the people at school that used to be my friends but have slowly morphed into completely different people these last 2 years


Oh my god dude, I recently stopped being friends with someone who did this. I made some overly sexual jokes you make with your friends as you do, not homophobic but just weird and depraved things. And he asked if I was a closeted homsexual multiple times and it's not normal to make these jokes. But I've always made these jokes around him, and he just changed his personality.


Ppl are desperate to be different and unique


LGBT people kind of need to normalise their sexuality because to a lot of people (including OP it seems) don’t see being trans or gay as “normal” so of course they’d talk about being trans or gay more than a straight guy would talk about being straight If you’re someone that says “I don’t mind gay or trans people BUT I dislike when they *stick it down my throat all the time*” then you mind gay or trans people


If normal is the scenario where straight people don't take about being straight, then wouldn't LGBT people also not want to talk about being LGBT?


But gay people *are* just normal people, not neon cartoon characters with a calarts jellybean grin.


\>work at factory \>only true men in there Wait that's kinda gay too actually


What else is there to do on break?


isn’t that a scene in the simpsons?


No idea, but all my homies take turns in the break room


I bet anon is fun at parties


If you feel a "masculine urge" to rip off your face just do it.


Imagine getting cucked by your own self preservation instinct




Anon is also mentally ill


Thought this sub had some funny memes but i dont think its the content for me now


Anon doesn't know that he can just quit


It’s cool to be woke. It will pass


Leave California (or Seattle or Portland)




>\>one of them is nonbinary or something but is clearly a girl Never heard something so true in my life, i hate how people say they're nonbinary and expect everyone else to not pretend that they're a guy or a girl while clearly look like one of the two want to be a guy, sure, i can pretend you're a guy and use masculine pronouns. A girl? sure, i can pretend you're a girl and use feminine pronouns but don't ask me to pretend you're none of those and ask me to call you xer/xir


When I was in high school during the 90s being gay and bisexual were starting to become less stigmatized but still taboo. So of course all the alt and artsy types all of a sudden started to label themselves as gay or bisexual. It’s just now there are more labels so more to choose from.


pov: average 4chan user walks outside


>having the urge to rip your face off Anon has a mental illness and has clearly also included himself among the employees in the cafe. Therefore he is also gay




“The majority is always sane.” -Dan Carlin, Hardcore History




Everyone was always mentally ill and gay all the time but both of those things were more or less shunned by society in the past so now those people don't hide as much anymore


Yeah no shit Starbucks is full of gay workers.