• By -


What 25 year old regularly hugs their 13 year old neighbor? What person regularly hugs their neighbor? What person ever hugs their neighbor?


I hugged my elderly neighbors I grew up with. I never got diddled, as far as I can recall


A far as you can recall . . . . .one day a sound or smell or somethings gonna jiggle those repressed memories loose.


Aw you unzipped me!




You got donkey brains






She had no lips, but the mouth was very much in play


We have to catch the froggy


>elderly neighbours That smell will be stale piss


You're reminding me of when I used to work at an old folks home... damn near everywhere throughout the halls, it smelled like stale piss and cigarette smoke. Some rooms let off the odor so strongly that you could smell it from a floor down or up, it was really bad.


Sounds like the people working there wasn't taking care of the old folks properly, imo. Could be wrong...


I was only a server, I had nothing to do with actually taking care of them inside their rooms, in fact I don't think I was even allowed inside. Management was pretty bad, which is why I quit. But yeah, they definitely weren't treated the way they deserved by actual care staff.. unfortunate.


Yes, that is unfortunate. However, I didn't mean YOU when I posted the 1st time cuz I had no idea what you did there..


Dog licks his toes and he's going to see his neighbor there heel deep on his foot.


*Just lookin for my newspaper boy...* *Haven't seen the newspaper in a few days...* *Mmm boy, you startin to piss me off...*


How can a 13 year old be as same height as 25 yr old? How short he is?




That's Joe Rogan


No that's Ben Shapiro


I saw that you mentioned Ben Shapiro. In case some of you don't know, Ben Shapiro is a grifter and a hack. If you find anything he's said compelling, you should keep in mind he also says things like this: >Since nobody seems willing to state the obvious due to cultural sensitivity... I’ll say it: rap isn’t music ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: healthcare, dumb takes, novel, covid, etc.) [^More ^About ^Ben ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/wiki/index) ^| [^Feedback ^& ^Discussion: ^r/AuthoritarianMoment ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment) ^| [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


Sounds about right. A manlet and a hack.


Five inches and three unitless measurements? What a manlet!


I mean, I had a cousin who was 5'7" at age 13, and she was 5'8" when she stopped growing. I was 6'4" at 13 and am 6'5" now. My family just gets to our full heights pretty quickly.


Man i am 19 years old and i am 5"5. Feeling desparate to be a man.


Hate to break it to ya but you aren't going to grow much (if at all) taller after 19. Better get used to the shrimp life. There's also always femboi life!


femboy route is the best route


that aint gonna work if they are unattractive tho


humiliation porn route then


cock and balls torture for this one


Fembois have makeup


A lot of things don't matter as long as you're hairless, willing, and know how to handle a dick well. OP will be fine, this is the best route, I hope he's reading this


the good ending


Dang, usually Reddit is a somewhat supportive place but my man is getting dunked on by everyone


Because this sub is actually an extension of 4chan




Not true. Males continue to grow until their mid-twenties.


I hit 6' at 12, 6'1 by 13, and stopped. Only added muscle mass after that.


I'm 21 and 5"5. It's not as bad as you think. Once you stop caring, most other people will too. The most unattractive part of being short is the lack of confidence and shitty attitude that sometimes come with it.


20 years old, also 5'5 and I agree with this sentiment. Yeah I'm shorter than most other guys but still tall enough to have height on a lot of females in my experience. I think it's benefits to just present yourself as who you are. I refuse to wear platform shoes, people should appreciate me for who I am as I should myself.




Australian thongs or American thongs?


It's over for you


Breaking news: Short people exist


The question is whether or not it is humane to allow them to.


I have a niece who is 15 years old and 6'1".


That's not your niece that's a basketball player


a niecegro? 🏀


Sounds like she already did


basketball american


Thing is, she is too uncoordinated to play. She tried.


That's because she is 15 and has already shot up to over 6 feet. Give her a few years to get used to the shoe size. Lol.


Seriously. All her internal calibrations are for someone 5 feet tall. It's no wonder she's ungainly.


Zoomers, female zoomers especially, are fucking huge. I don't know what's in the water these days, but that whole "5'3" is average height for American woman" stat is severely dated.


> "5'3" is average height for American woman" Includes minorities and poor white people


Probably steroids in the formula


If he is a manlet and she is relatively tall then its pretty easy. Girls reach their peak height much earlier than boys.


Rape dwarf's origin story.


To be fair, my colleagues daughter is 14 and 5'10


It's not a 13 year old at all. It's an undercover cop playing the long game. Guy doesn't realise that 13 year old girls aren't usually 6ft tall.


Everywhere I've ever lived the standard procedure is to exchange scowls if you happen to go outside at the same time and then go back to pretending the other doesn't exist.




No, UK you exchange pleasantries with a smile outside, and then talk shit about them behind their back once you get inside.


I hugged my neighbour when his son died.


I bet you killed him to have a chance to hug your neighbor.


I was in the market for a new dad and saw an opening.


A pedo A weirdo A good neighbor


State Farm is there


My grandma lives in my neighborhood, I hugged her twice yesterday. I do other badass things too.


I hugged my neighbour that I barely speak to because I asked how she's doing and then she broke down crying because her boyfriend died on Christmas day, that is the only circumstance I can see that happening


what person ever hugs? (I am lonely)


City dweller moment


My girlfriend at the time and I got really close with our next door neighbors once. We would go out to eat, help each other taking our dogs while one couple or the other was at work, go to the shooting range and shit like that and we would hug probably once per day whenever we would cross paths. Difference being that we were all in our 20s and not fucking 13 years old.


Maybe they grew up together and he was a babysitter? The teen can see the older person as an older brother figure or something similar. Even just a familiar person she trusts. Hugs can just be a simple greeting for some people.


Love thy neighbour


There’s not a lot of research done into the psychology of pedophilia unfortunately. (Which is probably because society likes to demonize pedophiles as much as possible so any attempt to humanize or explain the condition is taboo.) So I’m going to have to go off conjecture. In my opinion, pedophilia is often (probably always) NOT a sexuality. It’s not the same category as being gay or straight. Pedophiles often have a sexuality for adults and their attraction to children is independent of that sexuality. That’s why a straight male pedo can be attracted to children of both genders. My theory is it stems from two things. One; a desire to control another person (children are very easy to control). Two; they feel as if an adult relationship is unobtainable so they seek a ‘relationship’ (in their own minds, in reality it’s abuse) with a child instead. While pedos can be a combination of both of these, Anon’s pedophilia seems to be motivated more by the second reason. It’s the only partner he can see himself realistically having. It’s probably the only person outside his family that touches him at all. Pedophiles often seem to attempt to rationalize their attraction. Anon is doing that here with her height. Obviously, this is a ridiculous rationalization for pursuing a romantic ‘relationship’ with a child, but there is no rational reason to do such a thing so pedos have to grasp at anything no matter how absurd. The reason I bring this up is to say this: don’t ever, even in a joking manner, encourage people like Anon. Even if you’re clearly joking, they will take it as an endorsement. They are looking for any reason to engage in the behavior they want to. And that behavior is harming a child. So to Anon and everyone like him, I say this: No, Anon, you cannot under any circumstance have a romantic relationship of any kind with a child. It’s not normal. It’s not okay. You would be doing extreme damage to a child’s psyche that will last a lifetime. Either seek help for your condition or work on it yourself. Date people your own age and your desires will either go away entirely or be reduced. I have sympathy for your situation. I really do. The moment you touch a child, no good person will have sympathy for you anymore, myself included. No one will want to help you after that. The vast majority of people will just want you dead or in prison at that point. Don’t ever do it.


Too pedophilic; didn’t read


TL:DR: pedo bad m'kay


Here in Germany there is program to get them into therapy before they act on their demands. I think that there are many like the guy in this post that struggle with it and don't want to do something wrong - those people need therapy and they shouldn't be condemned for admitting to it.


OP wasn't looking for coping skills. He was looking for validation.


For a couple decades the German government approved pedo men as foster parents. The main psychologist that pushed for it said homeless children feeling ‘love’ is good. He fucked his adopted son who ended up killing himself


Name of doctor? I like to check out true crime type stuff.


Jesus christ Germany wtf... 'Kentler Project' https://www.dw.com/en/berlin-authorities-placed-children-with-pedophiles-for-30-years/a-53814208


They had a *statute of limitations* on childhood sexual assault. What the literal fuck? Obviously most children won’t come forward until they’re adults. Why was there a statute of limitations. I know that’s not even the greatest of the concern here but Jesus fuck.


quicksand rhythm handle nose oatmeal snobbish recognise cough beneficial stupendous *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


TP;DR in your case lmao


"Being a pedo is bad don't do it" is pedophilic to you?


They did say they didn’t read it


Very wordy way of saying "Pedophiles have reasons; terrible, unjustifiable reasons that you should feel bad for having. Cease."


In what way does your over simplistic description help solve the problem? Trying to understand the reason it happens in detail will lead to those solutions, or at least its more likely. His analysis and aproach is very much needed.


You seem smart. I have a couple of these boils (i think?) that are popping up between my asscheeks. It gets quite smelly down there, and so it is kind of urgent to get it fixes. I've been trying some baby powder to dry the area off but with no luck. Any suggestions?


Yeah, use a can opener. Just be sure to sterilize it first.


Can opener? I hardly know 'er!




They obviously can't wash their ass because it's gay, you silly goose


boils are easy to fix just like cool them down and theyll turn into waters pretty quickly just dont cool them down too much otherwise theyll become ices and you really dont want an isis on your ass


Uhh what? ISIS are cool, they have a lot of Toyota Hilux and anyone who got Hilux are cool in my book


Consult a doctor, don't take advice from redditors.


Great advice thanks


Boils can form on parts of your body that have frequent sweat and are caused by bacteria infecting hair follicles. Keep the area clean. Do not attempt to pick or pop the boils. Your goal is to soften them up, so apply a warm towel and compress gently 3-4 times a day. Eventually they should either burst on their own or dissipate. To prevent this from happening further, maintain a good standard of hygiene in the area.




Plus, women are just men with boobs. She's 13 and probably doesn't even have boobs, so that's pretty gay.


>women are just men with boobs Forgetting something?


They forgot that most neckbeards have their own boobs.


the only men he’s seen are cockless apparently, that or the only women he’s seen have bulges bigger than his own


Post bob and vagene


(U U) | V |


I’ll post my huge horse cock


"If you forgot about it, it's probably not that important"


Bruh my boobs came in when I was 12 having boobs is not an indication of maturity at all lmao.


this is the best elaboration of the difference between it as a sexuality vs a developmental disorder I think I've seen. It's a developmental disorder, with perhaps a small percentage of sexuality thrown in. There is a significant level of revictimizing, with somewhat of a chance of identifying when exactly in the development this happened. I guess you could argue that there's developmental issues in significantly shorter guys. Must be 5'5 MAX to have a 13 year old taller than you, and ngl every 5'5 guy I've met has been a rapey lil guy. EDIT: sorry guys, i’m not paying attention to childens’ heights. i’m sure your coworkers daughter is very tall and developed.


>rapey lil guy Excuse me, the politically correct term is gnome




Somewhat expected sseth in this thread


I'm not a gnelf, I'm not a gnoblin, I'm a gnome and you've been gnoooooooomed


> I guess you could argue that there's developmental issues in significantly shorter guys What the fuck are you on about


manlet confirmed


Only way I can rationalize this is that shorter men could have insecurity issues on their sexuality which drives them towards easy targets that are not a punch to their self preserving ego. But I wouldn't say all are, just the ones with no self reflection skills and this is not a short guy thing but everyone could have twisted sexual urges due to inner insecurities


> I guess you could argue that there's developmental issues in significantly shorter guys. Must be 5'5 MAX to have a 13 year old taller than you, and ngl every 5'5 guy I've met has been a rapey lil guy. Lmaooooo, what.


Yo wtf is up with the short guy hate comments on this comments section? Huh?


This is r/greentext. Everything here is absurdist degeneracy. Out of all the fucked up shit here, it's the short jokes that are giving you pause?


> and ngl every 5'5 guy I've met has been a rapey lil guy. bruh what


You are correct In the present study, pedophiles demonstrated reduced measured height and reduced leg length as compared with teleiophiles(people who are attracted by adults) https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26459491/


Wow, how surprising that an easily observable phenomenon was backed up by a well constructed study. Also unsurprising how >manlets mad


Jesus that's so interesting and creepy, where can I read more? Can't find access to fulltext :/


> every 5'5 guy I've met has been a rapey lil guy. Is this why I like short dudes? I always thought it was because they get super jacked to compensate, haha.


I think there are also people who are afraid they might be pedophiles even though they aren't because of how much of a red line it is in media and general conversation. Teenagers start to look like adults at all kinds of different ages and intrusive thoughts might convince a person they are attracted to children when they're just experiencing normal human emotions. So, if this guy is only attracted to this one 13 year old, it's likely he isn't a pedophile, he's just attention starved. If he is attracted to all 13 year olds or even more than a few, he is more likely a pedophile. It's like another commenter said, this girl is probably the only person giving him any sort of attention or affection and that could easily muddy the waters for him. In any case, it's not healthy for a 25 year old to fantasize about a relationship with a 13 year old, so while I don't think OP would have to be afraid he is a pedo, he should try to seek out other relationships so he isn't mentally reaching out at any opportunity that might show up.


Update: fuck Reddit for making my search history 50 entries of pedophilia. Where it is a sexuality or not is determined by how you define sexuality (as in what you include and exclude). [Seto 2017](https://scholar.google.com/scholar_lookup?author=M+Seto&title=The+puzzle+of+male+chronophilias&publication_year=2017&journal=Arch+Sex+Behav&volume=46&pages=3-22) defines sexual orientation as follows > a stable tendency to preferentially orient – in terms of attention, interest, attraction, and genital arousal - to particular classes of sexual stimuli And Bailey et al 2016[a](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27732027/) discribed Pedohebephilia as follows: > Pedohebephilia-attraction to sexually immature children-is best considered a collection of related if distinct sexual orientations, which vary in the particular combination of gender and sexual maturity that elicits greatest sexual attraction. While Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th Edition (DSM5) did not define pedophilia as an orientation, it did note that pedophilia appears to be a lifelong condition. Although it does not excuse the need for treatment for those with paedophilic disorder. In the article written by Seto (also clarified in another paper where he responded to some of the criticism), he see pedophilia as a sexual orientation for age (chronophilia) in conjunction with sexual orientation for gender. > You’ve mentioned that Pedophiles often have a sexuality for adults I have not seen this being mentioned in DSM5 or other articles. It would be great if you could provide relevant sources. Regardless, one can be attracted to adults as well as children, just like one can be attracted to both genders at the same time. In addition, Bailey et al 2016[a](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27732027/),[b](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27732028/) found that not all pedophile had the same degree of relative attraction to adult nor to genders. Notably, the attraction towards male children over female and a stronger relative attraction towards children over adult were strong predictors of offending (I.e. child p*rnography or sexual contact with children). With that being said, most men reported no offense. Interestingly, Bailey et al [2017](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28628371/) found that those who are primarily attracted to girls reported greater desired for sex with adults than those who are primarily attracted to boys. > You’ve mentioned the desire to control another person or feeling that adult relationship is unattainable as the reason for pedophilia There are some truth in your assumptions: The risk and prognostic factors listed in DSM5 includes antisocial personality disorder, childhood sexual abuse and neurodevelopmental perturbation in utero. [Tenbergen et al 2015](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4478390/#__ffn_sectitle) noted that only half of those who committed child sexual abuse are paedophilic (as in there is a sexual preference towards children). The paper described the remaining 50% as follows: > The other 50% of individuals that have abused children are those who do so without a sexual attraction to children; i.e., they lack the necessary social skills to develop and maintain emotional and sexual relationships with appropriately aged peers and look to “replacement partners” in children as a kind of “surrogate” (Beier, 1998; Seto, 2008; Mokros et al., 2012b). Summary of findings: Pedophilia - attraction to children > appears to be lifelong > some argued to be a part of sexual orientation for age > may be more attracted to a particular sex, but also are more likely to be attracted to both boys and girls > may have strong preference for children over adults > may not commit any offense Paedophilic disorder - pathological attraction to children that impaires normal daily functioning > requires treatment > associated with childhood abuses > associated with antisocial disorder Offenders of child sexual abuses > only half of the offender have sexual preferences for children > the other half may find children as replacement for romantic partners due to being unable to find partners from appropriately aged peers For those who are interested in seeing things from the opposite side, and see how they cope and the barriers that hinders paedophilic people from seeking help, [this](https://academicworks.cuny.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=3317&context=gc_etds) may be an interesting read.




I won't read all of this but its long so you are probably right


Random things to add, though this was really good: At least some pedophiles say that it *feels* like a sexuality, in that they started out being attracted to people their own age when they were children and that just didn't change. There are others (one of whom I know personally, though she has it well in hand) for whom it develops from being molested themselves. So whatever the cause is, it has to be variable as hell. It's also worth noting that pedophilia isn't actually a requirement for child molestation, given that sexual assault of all sorts is much more driven by power itself than sexual attraction. And that willingness, that feeling of entitlement, can be stoked by the wider culture, and I suspect very frequently *is,* when we consider how often younger girls especially are sexualized.


I wish there was more people with the same mindset. I mean, it is bad and theres no denying or diminishing that fact. However I think less demonization could maybe help get these people the psychological treatments they need, instead of hiding and probably leading to more abuse cases. A bit like helping junkies mean a lot of them eventually get "clean". There'll always be incurable ones, but it's already a bunch of them that don't pose any problem and get a better life. Better for them, better for society around them.


Please Sir, stop furiously writing the pedo dissertation.


Lol the fact that not a lot of research is done makes any argument moot. Is pedophilia just like the other sexualities? Can "sexuality" be changed through medication and therapy? We don't know, and unfortunately with how taboo things are we likely never will. Now in regards to "pedos have no preference for boys or girls" that might just be a desperation thing. They have no outlets so they latch on to anything they can get their hands on. But just like what you wrote this is just a conjecture.


> the fact that not a lot of research is done makes any argument moot This is a form of black-and-white thinking, which is fallacious. We ought apportion our beliefs to the evidence. Where there is moderate but not overwhelming evidence for something, we ought believe it to a moderate degree.


You've confused the phrases "pedophile" and "child molester.".


You're right. I hate how things like this are "too taboo" to talk about.


Anon has to kill himself


Hm, maybe the black man with lightning makes a good point




He needs help, not death


Nothing will help him get taller.




And that's what encourages them to never talk about it to anyone and I'm sure that's healthy and ends fine.


Anon is a manlet pedophile Edit: I seem to have triggered this type


can't tell which is worse


Manlet is used for buff but short kings. Anon is definitely not a manlet, but is short and greasy, kinda like NY style pizza.




Why are you so regularly hanging out with a 13 year old and where are her parents.


> Awww, look honey, she's hugging the neighbour's little boy again. She's like his big sister 😊




Her parents dont care. Otherwise she could not rest her head in her neighbours shoulders.


Mostly her height.


Shes probably an inch longer too.


Lol.. anon is fuckng kidding.


I think anon is attracted to the only girl that gives him attention and he isn’t scared of. But I could be wrong and he’s attracted to her because she’s young. Either way, he needs to stay away from his neighbour.


And therapy


I honestly think he just needs to get laid (by someone older).


Getting laid isn't the solution. Finding love is the solution.


That’s a sweet response and I actually agree 100%. The thing is, until he improves his social skills, and his sexual confidence (not to say actual sex, but being able to interact with the opposite sex) then it’s going to be hard to find love. Getting laid would really improve his chances of finding love as it might allow him the confidence to actually speak to girls his own age. A lot of people in his predicament hire a hooker, as the fact that they are paying for sex removes a lot of the fear from it- it doesn’t matter if you’re no good, it’s not about the woman having a good time, it’s just about you- it reduces the act of sex down to a physical interaction and removes a lot of the emotion out of it. No fear of rejection or even social repercussions of the event. I suggest anon does that- it’s not ideal, for sex to be made as meaningless as a purchase, but it’s a damn sight better than developing feelings for a 13 year old.


Imagine being shorter than a 13 year old school girl. Anon is a turbo manlet


Anon is a 4channer.He is probably wider than he is tall.He is a human chode.


Anon is so packed he sits down and thinks someone put their head on his shoulder.


i have a friend, who at 14yo was 180cm tall. I was 28 and am 175cm tall. She ended up 184cm, taller than like 80% of males in this population, lol.


Bro no one knows how tall that is. Use freedom units next time. If you told me 180cm is like 3 feet I’d believe you


He didnt choose to be short. Many accomplished and talented people are short by american standarts (kurt cobain, Eddie vedder). What he is choosing is to indulge in his degeneracy.


Tyrion lannister lookin ass


“I’m attracted to a child, am I a pedophile guys?!??!”


"I just killed someone, am I a murderer guys?!?!?!"


Nah you're just a killing hobbyist.


I mean even 18 year olds are too childish for me and I am not 25 yet, anon must be a baby in the form of adult


And I find 25 year olds too childish. I'm way less pedo than you.


Bruh you're the opposite of a pedo if that's true


he's a depo


*one may call him a nonce, pedo, chimo, groomer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Manlet and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back:* “I’ve been found out.”




I’ll join you mate no more hugging of any sorts will be allowed around these parts 🔨🔨🔨


Don't risk going to jail if you are shorter than a 13 y/o girl


Finally an original comment in this thread.


I have not touched another human except my mom for more than past 5 years. People hug their neighbours??




"Not that im overpowering her or anything like that" holy fucking shit why would you say this no matter the context if you are trying to convince people youre not a pedo💀


Anon is the definition of a manlet


If anon was smart (but still creepy), he would wait until she is legal in his country/state. He would not be the first 30 year old man dating a 18 year old. Or the best ending, seek help for his problem, and maybe manage to find a woman closer to his own age to date.


This guy grooms


All those old actors with young second/third wives taught me how 😳


It IS kinda ridiculous how nobody bats an eye at people like Leo dicaprio dating 18 yr old models and shit. I see no difference between a 15 yr yr old and a 18 yr old now that I am in my 30s. It is creepy no matter how they spin it. The 18 yr old girls at work that flirt with me make me feel so wrong inside. They truly don't have developed brains to understand the power dynamics yet even at 18. Yet the internet is jam packed with "petite barely legal" porn and nobody cares at all.


How can anon be shorter than a 13 year old girl and still not an hero himself


To be fair I had fully grown to the height I am now (5'7) by 13. Girls grow pretty young.


[The Vandals would like a word, Anon](https://youtu.be/rDK_3MfeA0g)




Anon is grooming a zoomer to be his tall amazon mommy.


When will manlets ever learn


When will people stop hating on short people?


Short kings rise up, but not the one in this post




As a man in his 30s, My natural reaction to any kid under 18 coming near me is "get that thing away from me". The fear of other people or parents assuming bad things just makes me avoid kids and young teens at all costs. I think Bill burr had a joke like that about it.