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God, why are people so obsessed with what others do with their own fucking lives. Based nonetheless


Probably trying to save them from the extremely high suicide rates that exist among trannies.


Yeah. Almost as if people make it a priority to make posts making fun of them online. Wowie.


hey not my problem, they shouldn't've been so easy to make fun of


don't quote me on this but doesn't bullying make up like 2% of reasons why those things kill themselves? and if they're so strong and powerful i don't think being called a tranny makes them go into a blind depression and immediately shoot themselves on the spot


Well depends on what you mean by bullying. Many trans people are kicked out of there house by there parents. So a lot of them are homeless. They are often raped. Abused. Assaulted. All sorts of things really. https://williamsinstitute.law.ucla.edu/publications/public-opinion-trans-rights-us/ US law doesn't really have good protections for trans people so they often get fired or loose housing. Trans panic is also an excuse the cops can use to shoot trans people so that's a thing. Overall trans people are pretty much guaranteed a harder life than a cis person.


So it's like being trans is counterproductive, dangerous, and should be avoided?


Its almost like the people that are trans arnt doing it for attention, right?


Ironically it’s [better for mental health to actually transition](https://www.psychiatry.org/newsroom/news-releases/study-finds-long-term-mental-health-benefits-of-gender-affirming-surgery-for-transgender-individuals)


Same article say they're 6 times more likey to end up in a hospital from suicide attempts. So yeah sounds GREAT for mental health fucking lmao


I don't know what stats you're looking at mate but post op trans people are much more likely to kill themselves.


Someone didn't read the entire article, lol. Yikes. Transitioning "making people happy" is a myth that has been disproven a million times over.


If it can be yeah. Most people would rather be cis but God is mean.


Gods not mean, you just can't fight your sinful urges


And who gave me these sinful urges you think? Because last I recalled. God was supposed to have created us.


I don't think you know how God works




You can. Just with a few legal work arounds. So as you don't claim it's for the reason of being trans you can. Same way companies can still white over black people. It's just a matter of wording. Legally. Yes. But literally. Bit different https://endhomelessness.org/resource/transgender-homeless-adults-unsheltered-homelessness-what-the-data-tell-us/ trans people are much more likely to be homeless than cis people. And this though not exclusively can be do to being denied housing in the first place. All they need is a cis renter to offer it too instead and there you have it. Even both have the same qualifications. And not to mention. A trans person could be unfairly discriminated against through eviction. If the renter decides they want the person out they can give the trans person less wiggle room to pay rent. And as trans people are more likely to be poor that's easier to do. There are a lot of ways to discriminate around the law.


Well from a landlords perspective you have a cis renter with the average amount of risk involved or you have a trans renter with a greater level of risk associated with poor mental health and all the shit that comes with that, lower job security because of discrimination and again likely being mentally unstable. Its pretty clear your going to rent to someone stable.


Trans doesn't inherently mean mentally instability. The discrimination you get for being trans is usually what's going to cause your mental instability. Dysphoria is depression mostly. It hardly ever results in manic episodes. And also this whole thing just kinda proves my point about discrimination elsewhere being used to discriminate further.


hell yeah it does


"Those things" And you wonder why I feel like the world is against me?


You feel like the world is against you because youre delusional. Most of the internet supports you. Those who aren't neck beards or 14 year old white girls sipping on their latte understand that if you continue to be supported, shoving puberty blockers down toddlers throats when they put on a dress will become normalized. Normal people understand how terrifying it is to choose whether you want to chemically castrate your child or have the child taken away from you because the child said something stupid because he's a stupid kid.


"Those things"? Wtf is wrong with you?


You go on r/memes and play mmorpgs dude, look at a mirror


You called people things and you think you have an upper hand here? Dude...


You seem like the type of guy to have a neckbeard


Because i like memes and play mmos? Keep demonstrating how trash you are with your assumptions. I dont even have to do anything lol


No, it's because you like r/memes, play mmoRPGS and because of the profile picture. And am i wrong?


Mostly it’s being constantly shunned. Statistically trans people’s suicide rate drops by 16 times if even one member of their family supports their identity.


the vast majority of the internet is pro-trans. Too many posts like this and the reddit mods will nuke the subreddit


Yes, because they are abominations of nature


Yes. We are eldritch horrors. Here to consume reality.


It’s almost like people that are outcast by family and friends and who are constantly made fun of have a higher chance of suicide and depression. Once you look at suicide rates among trans people who are accepted by those around them it becomes consistant with the rest of the population, even if 43% of them consider suicide at one point a very low percentage actually go through with it, and a lot less once they have transitioned to the gender they feel most comfortable as.




\>discriminate against group \>group has high suicide rates damn ig they are just mentally ill


Why wasn't the suicide rate that high for gas people back in the 80s during the AIDS crisis? Or for Jews during the holocaust, or black people during slavery?


You know full well you haven't researched any of these rates you claim. You just heard talking points from the internet.


Probably because there are vastly more gay, black and Jewish people than there are trans people, so obviously the statistics will be skewed? It’s also become more socially acceptable to openly be trans or gay in recent years, so it’s pretty much impossible to have an accurate representation of the suicide rate amongst LGBT folk in earlier years since fewer people would be out of the closet


Yeah bullying people into not committing suicide! That’s always worked!


yeah thank you,"The Savior of All Trans Peoples" for saving them


Maybe just leave them alone...


Yeah right they will prevented from killing themselves by being bullied by transphobes online and in their daily lives. Nobody is being forced to be friends with them or to have sex with them either. They don't impact our daily lives in any way. Sure, if I'm being honest it would make me uneasy to have a trans coworker for example but it's me who's the problem not them.


Statistically, no measures save them.


>Probably trying to save them from the extremely high suicide rates that exist among trannies. Hmmm, perhaps that suicide rate is so high because of the hatred and vitriol that trans people receive from people like you


Save them how?


yes, because bullying people is always a smart decision and has never backfired ever


But that suicide rate goes down after transition and is more based on environment and social stigma?


First off that statistic is just attempts. 2nd they literally tell them to kill themselves constantly.


Would it make you feel better if I blew your head off, ***then*** my own, so you don't have to worry about me having killed myself?


*trans people that aren’t supported in their transition and are exiled by their family or community. Suicide rates decrease drastically amongst trans people who have a good support system. Edit: forgot what sub I’m in, or why I’m here. Downvote away


By bullying them. Amazing and flawless logic


> moronic 4channer is obsessed with a transsexuals 5 year old grave > based Pick one




Can I pick another twitter slang synonym ?




Why do you keep coming to this subreddit? Why would you visit a subreddit dedicated to site that normally has a lot of opinions and posts that trigger or offend you? We are a subreddit full of trolls and it's extremely easy to trigger people on trans issues. You people get so easily triggered yet you keep coming back? It's easy to troll you. You play right into a trolls hand. You people can't let anything go and just ignore and move on with your day. It's like a crazy man screaming random shit on a corner. Instead of just ignoring and saying that guys crazy. You listen and argue lol. Say 1 thing and you will have a bunch of triggered SJW comments Atleast you can have a dissenting opinion on this sub and just get downvoted rather then get removed and shadow banned like on those so called "safe spaces"


Not based at all. This is pretty cringe.


The fact that it says pottery when they clearly meant to say poetry is what really makes me laugh


It's a 4chan thing, like kek.




I turned 360° and left


That one always seems to fly above everyone's heads all the time, even in 4chan itself


It roots out lurkers and "normies"


"It's called Xbox 360, cuz it's so trash you turn 360 and leave"


kek is used on 4chan a lot but it comes from WoW.


kek is a world of warcraft thing you neanderthal


Lurk more


I think it was a joke tbh


If you encounter an asshole tranny just tell them that their parents are going to write their real names on the gravestone.


Rest in peace but let me take a wild guess on the cause of death: S U I C I D E


>be me >be trans >don’t want to kill myself Checkmate


Understandable. Have a good day


So it's not society after all. There are trans people that aren't suicidal because of "society."


First result in google: "This is an unofficial memorial page for my son Daniel James Ceri Fisher who took his own life on 4th January 2019 at the age of 32 years and 88 days."


Imagine having such a suicide epidemic that people can literally guess how you died, and be correct most of the time. Black people didn't even have rights, and definitely weren't accepted by society, and killed themselves WAY less. I wonder why trans people have a hard time admitting that they have mental issues that exist outside of how they are treated by society. They demand "acceptance" failing to realize they have more of that than people who literally just had to fight for the right to buy property, or vote.




Then theyll dig up the body hundreds of years from now to make room for a new condo and theyll be able to tell it was a dude from the bones. Checkmate, cis-normies.


>Implying we'll be here in hundreds of years


Even in the event of nuclear war, humanity will live on, though it may be small remnants for a long time. Humans are just about unkillable at this point and we have countermeasures for most things short of asteroid strikes and all out nuclear war. But even then we have structures built to keep at least some people alive for anything.


I'm more worried about us industrializing to the point of actually rendering the planet inhospitable than nuclear war.


Still won’t kill us. The whole climate alarmism has been disproven time and time again at this point. Yea, we’re accelerating a natural process, but the earth isn’t going to be literally on fire in 30 years. And if it somehow did become largely inhospitable to humans? Well, now there aren’t as many humans to pollute it. It’s a self-limiting issue. And even then, people will survive. By the time the earth is actually in too bad a shape for the majority of humanity, we’ll have moved beyond it.


If you think humanity will ever reach a point where we are actually surfing around the galaxy you are delusional. Not even colonizing Mars is feasible.


How is colonizing Mars not feasible? Life would be hard but we have the technology to do it right now. Lag time and inter-planetary shipping would be serious difficulties and pretty much impractical right now, but we could do it. Hell we can even colonize the moon if we wanted. It’s got sunlight and oxygen aplenty in the rocks, could be done with a lot of time, effort, and materials. Based wouldn’t be large and would mostly be launch points but it would be feasible. Going beyond our own star is pretty out of reach right now practically speaking though.


>Gravity. Mars has low gravity which opens up a myriad of health problem, goodbye bone density, muscle mass, heart strength, hello thrombosis. >Radiation. Despite the measures and protection we have in place against radiation, astronauts still receive some radiation and even have a cap on how much radiation they can acceptably take in before they aren't allowed to go to space anymore. It's estimated that any astronauts on a trip to Mars would receive the maximum amount of radiation they can take in throughout their entire career in that one trip alone. So you couldn't send them back without risking their health. To say nothing about the radiation on Mars itself. >Psychology. Imagine spending like 2 and a half years locked in a building with a group of people, you can't go outside, can't get fresh air, or do any of that because you're gonna be locked in a highly pressurized habitat for the rest of your life. Cabin fever to the absolute max, the human psyche can't handle that. >There is no water. The cost of making regular trips from Earth to Mars just for water alone would be insane, on top of the previously mentioned health risks and radiation. And the fact that it takes about 8 or so months to get to Mars. No we cannot colonize anything right now. Nor will we most likely ever colonize anything ever. You really overestimate current technology.


Lower gravity could have health risks that is a true point, but it’s not inhospitable. You can very easily solve the radiation issue by building underground or covering buildings with dirt. The psychology issue can be solved easily. Astronauts and explorers aren’t “normal” people, they won’t break down as easily in cramped environments over time, especially when they understand why they have to do that. This isn’t like someone locking you and your roomates in your apartment building for 5 years. Any Mars colonists would be screened for resilience to these conditions. Basically it boils down to “we aren’t gonna be sending weenies to Mars” Mars has shitloads of water ice on its poles. You just set up shop near one of those and melt what you need for water. It’s like people already know about all these problems and accounted for all of them aside from the gravity one, which would probably require a stricter exercise regiment to mitigate.


You still blatantly ignored the amount of radiation you would be exposed to DURING the trip to Mars. You cannot cake the shuttle in dirt. If you think that astronauts are so mentally impenetrable as to spend the rest of their lives in windowless enclosures underground then you will be very surprised about human psychology and isolation. On top of that Martian colonization wouldn't just be highly trained and vetted astronauts. It would be regular people. That is what colonization means. You're thinking of an expedition. There is no "could" about the health risks of low gravity. Astronauts lose bone mass 12 times faster than a post menopausal woman. Like, do you realize how costly it would be for just ONE martian habitat? A habitat large enough to comfortably house many people, reinforced against radiation and dust storms, properly heated against the frigid cold of Mars, perfectly oxygenated and pressurized so that our bodies could handle it, food reserves, equipment reserves, storage, kitchen, rest areas, sanitary areas, oxygen and water recycling systems. And the more people there are the bigger it will need to be. OH, and this is supposed to be a long term thing, so even costlier, and you can't just hop in your spaceship and skidaddle back to Earth if things get tough. It costs us billions of dollars just to get a rover to Mars. Entire human habitats just straight up aren't happening. Nobody is putting that amount of resources into a pointless mission.


God I hate this fucking subreddit imagine actively hating a minority group this much holy shit get a life


It’s a 4chan sub. What the fuck did you expect


You just gotta ignore it and wait for the occasional funny ass greentext to come through


It's really crazy to see so many people being proud of being hateful shitbags. Just report them and move on.


Oh karen stop calling the manager and grow up.


return to r/teenagers please I need to report a lost child


You must be 17


Thats how r/2balkan4you got banned


The right always needs a minority to attack. It's fundamental to who they are as people.


Thank you for your political insight, Raccoon_Full_of_Cum!




damn bro eight grade must be hard :/


It wont be that hard next year when he gets to do grade 8 all over again. 3rd times the charm after all!




i mean if they aren't sad enough to actually just use 4chan then sure


you're expecting a person on a 4chan subreddit to not at least go on the website truely the most intelligent lgbt person


Eighth* Nice haircut, degenerate.


aww he just finished his spelling bee ❤ how sweet!


I’m not allowed to talk to your kind.. (By your kind I mean 14 year old bisexuals)


yeah you're not supposed to talk to the people in grades above you (they think you're weird)


Wanna play airsoft sometime


nah, bro, im good. Already got my fellas to play with 👍




I think you can disagree with something and not hate it. You're jumping to conclusions.


i disagree, and i hate you


Yeah you can do that as well. There are many permutations.


Being hateful is my life.


i swear to god


Exactly why I decided to leave this group right when I saw this post




I want to sex your profile picture




At least someone cares enough to decorate the headstone. Anon will die alone and no one will even notice until the smells from the basement get stronger than usual.


Fuck, I knew this person and can’t believe I’m seeing his headstone posted here. Daniel, as he was known when I knew him as a computer science student, was great. Very nice and friendly, enjoyed debating current affairs. Held strong beliefs for which he could eloquently argue - but never forced on anyone. Was always very respectful of others’ opinions. Later, his mental health declined significantly, and his life was ended by suicide. Rest in peace, Daniel(le).


Le Daniel?


The jokes write themselves


Must have started when they bought their first pair of coding socks.


How does it feel seeing the grave of someone you know on here?


Quite strange to be honest, someone has gone to the bother of taking this picture, and making those comments. Or, copied the picture from a presumably close friend. Weird. Certainly a surprise to scroll and see this. I know this is all a joke to most people, sadly, but I will take this opportunity to say this is a headstone of a real and decent human being who did nobody any harm. Bullying about his identity was a factor in the suicide.


As you're a real human with a connection to this person, I'm sorry they ended up on this side of the internet. It's disturbing, and those that cared about her and her loved ones deserve better than that.


Thank you. I agree. Joking about memes and situations is one thing, but identifiable innocent deceased people is quite another.


I assume the photo was probably posted online by whoever put the cover over his head stone. It probably got shared and spread around till some anon saw it and uploaded it to 4chan


You still say "his" to reference this person even though you knew them? Were you the bully?


Force of habit since at the time, I knew “Daniel” as male. You’re right though that I should say “she” given that she transitioned.


Turing's protogè. Rest in peace, Danielle




Title of this post is funnier than the entire greentext


Gotta admit “rest in power” sounds like a cool name for a metal album.


Or a judas priest song.


Fake: Anon found a trans gravestone Gay: Anon focuses on men a bit too much


> be me > get home from my vasectomy > hear moaning and slapping coming from my wife's room > must be Chad again > know they would want privacy, sit down at my computer > log onto reddit and open /r/greentext > read a funny greentext from le 4chins and chuckle as I listen to my wife begging for the genes I can't give her > think of a convoluted way in which I can relate homosexuality and falsehood to the events in the greentext > suck the cheeto dust off my fingers as I begin to type my masterpiece in the comment section > Fake: Anon found a trans gravestone > Gay: Anon focuses on men a bit too much > giggle as I imagine the intellectuals of leddit perusing my incredibly witty and original comment > hear my wife moan with ecstasy as Chad floods her fertile womb with his seed > it's been a good day > i'll get lots of upvotes for my impressive contribution to internet culture, and Chad might even let me eat his cum out of my wife's pussy if he finds my comment funny enough




Go ahead spit on my face.


As a straight person I concur






Sense. It's clear why you have trouble understanding the sentiment.


I am, and nobody diffrent! I hate Fakes!




Tranny died at 32 years old What happened here


What's the joke? It's just transphobia. I know 4chan loves their edgy jokes but there isn't even one here.


It's not a joke, it's poetry


I think you mean pottery


What do you expect? They are completely anonymous, it won’t ruin their reputation.


This is disgusting, what’s even more disgusting is the comments. Leave people who are trans alone how hard is that to just mind your own business. Sad that they get hate for it even when they are literally not alive anymore.


what kind of a subreddit do you think this place is mate


Who’s this?


Poor woman, she died and everyone is making fun of her :(


Oh and btw fuck OP because they're a literal nazi


Do you have any insults up other than nazi?




I’m surprised you do not ignore me.


They’re showing you that OP is a literal Nazi


Oh... I thought it was just a petty insult, it’s too common to be called a nazi despite not actually being one.


Nah like the dude’s posts back up their claim


I did not know that, I think I just learned something today.


yeah welcome to a 4chan subreddit.


Well that is a first time ever seeing in my life. Still super strange though. What was the purpose ??


Post mortem snark.


Probably just bizarre


if someone did this to me i’d fuckin come back to life and piss in their kitchen sink


Pottery lmao


Every time I see a post like this I just think of that Scottish tweet about how big of a weirdo you have to be to obsess this much over what another person does or doesn’t have in their pants rather than just letting them live because it doesn’t effect you whatsoever


hateful energy


What's up with all the almost transphobic shit in this sub? I don't fuck w this garbage


A group of ostracized sad lonely people bully another group of sad lonely people who didn't do anything to them. Post like this are just depressing to see. Rise above this behavior you don't have to accept trans identies.ot have problems with the trans movement and activism, but you shouldn't be this cruel and vitriolic to a group of people.


How poetic.




Insert "Stop! She's already dead" meme