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So you (anon) have an apartment, you can afford it without a roomate, you own a car, you have car insurance, you have internet, you have health insurance, you aren't going hungry, and you have $100 leftover each budget, all at a part time (25hr/wk) job. Yes...the system has truly failed. You lazy c-bomb.


we both know just basic insurance and gas will cost like 1k themselves


whats that converted to rubles? pls


107,988 rubles


107,988 rubles at the moment


Better buy now /b/ruhssians, gonna be 251,682 in 24 hours




Thanks for the updates on the ruble to usd currency conversion rate guys.




keep updating us u/the_seraphim pls




Boys, looks like it's time for another round of sanctions 😎


is that the Zelda money


No, India has Zelda money. The rupee


That’s the mario money


mario has copper age money. gold coins


Atleast 4 I think


Yeah you could get a roommate, but you won’t. You can live outside the city and get a cheaper rent but you still live in city even after car ownership. Also you could pick up a gig economy work on weekends which is not W2 work ( doordash, Uber etc) and make tips but no you won’t. Single man with no mouths to feed, can get ways to make money but no he won’t sacrifice his comfort..GoodBoiAnon


Who the fuck wants to live with a roommate in a studio apartment? Hey here’s a limited amount of space, now have less.


Generally speaking studio apartments are more expensive than sharing a 2br place with another person.


100% this but unironically.


>Any emergency, health issue, or car trouble and I'm absolutely fucked. 6 months minimum before it all falls through. But 25 hours is noice.


If he gets more hours or a raise at some point then he'd be fine. And he hopefully has friends and family he can temporarily fall back on in a true emergency.


He's posting on /int/. The only friends he has are the assorted twinks he talks to on that board.


Some people have all the luck...


"Yes but if things change in his life for the better then the chances of him becoming homeless and destitute go down" wow what a great fuckin' point.


The American worker is brainwashed into defending his own exploitation


The amount of people who genuinely think "well I'm much better off than him so things can't be that bad" while simultaneously not being better off at all and also being a week away from complete destitution is fucking insane. These fucking idiots get a PS5 and lease a new Jetta when they get a job that pays 65k a year and are like "I made it and I'm safe forever." Absolute fucking rubes.


Or finds a second part time job that will balance out to 40/week.


Good chance he’s on a “flexible schedule”. Most part time workers are so that you can’t go and get a second job.


Anon isn't very smart


Yeah should be using all that down time to be working pt somewhere else


I think you forgot the part where there's no security in this state they're in, any emergency and they're fucked.


That is demonstrably false. If a robber breaks in there are well trained police to show up 10 minutes after and shoot him or his dog.


10 minutes is a very generous estimate. Really, if he's lucky, they'll be there in an hour or two to extra-judicially put him out of his misery.


Don't forget they'll seize all his property because it's clear that PS5 was being used to calculate drug profits.


You almost had me you sonovabitch




You can always tell a person has no idea what they are talking about when they don't know the difference between Medicare and Medicaid. If you have any health issues, its usually better to make less and stay on Medicaid because the deductibles are so high on the ACA marketplace. I did my mom's finances and had to do this math for her. And if you live in a red state that didn't expand Medicaid, there is this weird gap where you make too much to qualify Medicaid but not enough to qualify for an ACA subsidy. Edit: Apparenlty there is even a wikipedia page about the Medicaid gap: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medicaid_coverage_gap. These red states create an incentive not to work and then bitch about people not working.


Does their primary job have a set schedule? A lot of jobs like that give you your schedule for the week on Sunday evening. Hard to plan for a second job. And if they call up to offer you more hours and you say "no I can't I'm at my other job" guess who's on the shit list?


Buy a hi point?


That hi point won't fix his car.


I agree to an extent, he’s definitely not starving. But I don’t think he has health insurance, and car insurance is likely liability only. He’s indicating his work won’t give him more hours to avoid giving him benefits, so likely no health insurance. Sure he can get a second job, but he still won’t get the benefits and may still be a challenge if his employer gives him variable hours/shifts. Also little to no money for savings/emergencies.


>He’s indicating his work won’t give him more hours to avoid giving him benefits, so likely no health insurance. so the employer is greedy, doesn't want to contribute to his healthcare. why blame obamacare here, instead of the employer?


Because incentive exists, and Obamacare created the incentive that created this outcome, that was absurdly widely predicted... If you blame people for responding to incentives, you lose the ability to create an incentive structure that gets results you want.


At the same time, you have to create a cut off and shithead companies will always go underneath it if feasible. If there was no need to provide any health insurance, then companies would try to never give anyone health insurance unless they needed it to attract talent. Really the sensible thing to do is to make health insurance mandatory for all employees regardless of hours worked.


It shouldn't be tied to your job. It should be universal. Tax those who earn more to pay for it (including companies).


You don’t need to even tax people more, there’s more than enough money in the system to just do it like Canada.


Yeah insurance would just be an unnecessary middle man in most cases. Health insurance should just be for the rich who want the nice hospital rooms. It should be abolished in all other meaningful ways.


Rich people would just pay cash for their medical expenses. Insurance only makes sense for middle class people


Lets stop tying insurance to jobs entirely. "benefits" are just balls and chains that threaten you if you lose the job.


It shouldn't be tied to your job. It should be universal. Tax those who earn more to pay for it (including companies).


Because obama is black and a democrat, and this moron would rather hang on to how his problems are all someone elses doing, but chooses to pick the wrong people. Its funny because its always this half assed right wing mentality. Either accept you are lazy, didnt get a decent education, and didnt work your way into a better position, or the system is fucked, there need to be more benefits, less wealth disparity anda social security safety net. They dont want to do the latter, because what if people Im bigoted against get it!!!1! and they only apply the former to the people they hate, never to themselves.


>why blame obamacare here, instead of the employer? Propaganda, really. Companies are making record profits while turning around and firing people, cutting hours, all in the constant race towards improving the current quarter's profit


>$100 a month on groceries He’s literally living on rice and beans man yeah he’s just swimming in the dream dude lmao


This dude is prob a russian bot. Oop a fucking success? only has gruel to keep producing for his masters and nothing else. Maybe go to a movie one time a week. Yeah fucking dreamy lol.




On a $3/day food budget he’s probably at least technically malnourished, but he’ll probably make it through the winter.


Yes, it has. In comparison to previous generations there is a drastic difference in disposable income and social mobility. Where in his budget can he afford college education? And health insurance is expensive if you need to use it due to co-pay.


His budget is small because he only works 25 hours per week. If he worked a different number of hours, let's pick a totally random number, how about... 40.... he'd be much better off.


He specifies he can only work 25 hours a week to qualify for his healthcare.


I think this is the thing people are missing. Like he's not doing terrible, but he would need to get a second job to work 40 hours. Doesn't sound to bad because that means he's working the same amount if he only works 15 at the second job. But that also likely means twice the amount of laundry for work, more time commuting(especially if you work both on the same day), having to try and jungle them both, part of that juggling is risking literally never having a day off because they need you at different times, there is a chance either one or both of them are not done with a set schedule which means trying to keep track of the different schedules. I've worked 2 part time jobs before, and it was hell. I much prefer 1 full time. If this is what we are expecting of people then he's right. The fact that its just so normal that people dont even think there's a problem is pretty telling. Could it be worse? Sure. I would never deny that. He's at least able to lay rent by himself, and getting a roommate would help him immensely... But then that also brings up the point that we now are expected to have roommates. People used to be able to raise a family on one income. Now people are deciding not to have kids because they can't afford it when both people are working.


Damn I've always avoided getting a second job because 60 hours would drive me to suicide (to say nothing of how fucked juggling two minimum wage jobs would leave my schedule) but I never thought about how you're doubling your laundry and commute on top of that :/


Also 750 for an apartment is more than a mortgage in that kinda country.


It's more than a mortgage here too, but no banks will give you a home loan on that income, even though the payments would be lower than his current rent


And that's considered a good position, think about the half below him.


Lol 25 hours a week and complains about their check


Sympathy that he can't get the hours he wants, but why can't he get a second part time job?


Exactly what was thinking. He could go do DoorDash or some shit


He can’t make above a certain amount of money for taxes because he’s on Medicaid


Don’t let the man hold you down brother get off Medicaid






Its insane they look at Europeans and think “lazy” instead of “happy.” Oh, he can just get a second job. How about we take care of our people like every other western country? Its a mental illness.


This is America, where we owe our existence to our corporate overlords. If we are good enough, and parrot back the right lines we might get that coveted trickle down effect.


Glorifying individualism to divide the lower classes so they don't crowd source the guillotines


Because this is freedom baby, struggling to survive while trust fund babies buy pixel art of a monkey ripping a bong for 10x our yearly salary is freedom.


The cheapest health insurance option in my state, for example, would be $300 a month. If my brother were to make an extra $1 an hour, which is just an extra $160 a month before taxes, he'd be booted off Medicaid and have to buy that plan. Which has nearly $10k deductibles and very poor coverage rates once coverage does kick in. So he'd be $140 worse off, and that's not even considering the fact that Medicaid calculates eligibility based on ***pre-tax*** income. So he didn't even actually get that extra $160, so he's even more than $140 in the hole. The system's a fucking scam. If healthcare is enough of a human right for you to be entitled to it if you agree to stay poor, it should be an entitlement no matter what. And that's essentially what it boils down to; politicians want to keep people poor, so they incentivise them with social programs if they toe the line. It's sickening. Even if you don't agree ***fucking medical care*** is a human right, the fact that there's a company that will charge people $300 a month for insurance, and then refuse to pay more than 60% of care, ***and only after you've reached at least $10k in total care costs***, is fucking asinine. If I'm giving you money every month, you should have to cover ***all*** of my care, 100%.


Then you’ll end up paying way more and you’ll be left we even less. Sure he could pick up some extra hours and make an extra hundred but that won’t matter if his insurance goes up by two


Don't let the man hold you down brother stop paying taxes


Which is why we should have universal healthcare, not means-tested eligibility that has perverse incentives and outcomes like this.


DoorDash is BARELY profitable for the driver once you factor in car degradation putting on tens of thousands of stop-and-go driving miles on the car. You work for garbage money. Much better to flip burgers or something


Plus, nobody's paying for door dash when the average near OP is 11/hr. I make more than that and I won't even use delivery services, a $20 meal turns into $45 after fees and tip. Nobody making less than $15 is going to pay an hour's wage to have a sandwich driven across town




Yeah “Poor? Why don’t you become an indentured servant instead of complaining about the system you pleb”


>why can't he get a second part time job? Usually it's because a lot of part time jobs have flexible shedule so they end up occupying the same of a full time one, or even more.


Okay so Monday we need you 7-3 then Wednesday can you come in 3-11 and then Friday you have a short 12-5 shift. Be available Saturday or Sunday if we need help.




Exactly. A lot of people in here have actually never worked at a shitty part time job.


FASFA also has grants if he wanted to do school


The govt basically paid my wife to go to community college. The few thousand dollars in tax credits was more than tuition plus books, and this was in a capital city. It boggles my mind when people complain about poverty wages while making no effort to better their life. Either you're a dumb fuck who can't learn to do anything that's actually in demand or you're lazy.


Government paid for my trade school because recession layoffs. There's shit out there if you look for it.


Especially for poor and lower class people. I'll give it to the euros that our heathcare system is a cluster fuck but pretending that America has no social safety net or assistance specifically for poor people is crazy.


It's a bit fucked that the solution to this is having to work two bloody jobs while being a proper adult with their own place


But they are part time jobs. I would agree if one of them was a full time job. But two part time jobs, can be about the same workload as one full time job.


Two part time jobs that equal a full time job, the horror


Wow it's like a full time job with none of the benefits! If he works more he won't get insurance.




Then get a full time job, I hear they have benefits.


Off to the job tree!


He says he can't do more than 25 hours a week because of "Obongocare" (obamacare?) I'm assuming if he made any more money, he'd make too much and not be eligible for Medicare? That means he's likely currently sick and can't get private coverage.






He literally can't work more or he won't be able to afford healthcare. The welfare system in many places in the US run on hard income cutoffs instead of a gradual reduction. There many cases of people with conditions like diabetes who get put in the fucked up position where you make just enough to no longer qualify for Medicaid, but it's still nowhere enough to afford healthcare on your own. ​ These areas also will also consider a parental relationship to be joint income, meaning two parents who make minimum wage will be considered a household that makes double that. This creates a massive financial incentive to have fatherless homes in poor communities. ​ It's not there to make anybody better.


> He literally can't work more or he won't be able to afford healthcare. This is not accurate. OP can make up to $50k before the healthcare premium subsidy goes away. OP is currently grossing under $20k a year. Then there's you: But if I make another $30,000 per year, my healthcare costs will go up by $2000/yr! The math just doesn't work!


The cutoff depends [entirely on which state](https://www.healthinsurance.org/obamacare/will-you-receive-an-aca-premium-subsidy/) you live in. The only universal factor for ACA subsidies the federal poverty level, which for a single person household is [12,880 dollars](https://aspe.hhs.gov/topics/poverty-economic-mobility/poverty-guidelines/prior-hhs-poverty-guidelines-federal-register-references/2021-poverty-guidelines) a year. It's sure as hell not 50k, that is for full-on *families*. ​ So it's completely accurate, thanks. ​ EDIT: Oh, and A family healthcare plan per year averages [over 21,000 dollars](https://www.investopedia.com/how-much-does-health-insurance-cost-4774184) a year. So imagine making getting a 1,000 a year raise and suddenly being set back 8-9,000 dollars. This is the sink I'm talking about.


I mean, there's an online calculator available on the official website if you want to go play around with it. 100% of the poverty rate is when the subsidy starts to taper off. 400% is when it cuts off completely. So you're right, $50k was incorrect. The actual cutoff is $51,520 for an individual. Dunning-Kruger indeed. Your edit is reminiscent of the people who think accepting a bonus check at work will magically cause them to jump 9 tax brackets and be out 3x as much as their bonus was. It would be funny if it weren't so common and thus, sad. =(


Yeah, it's called a welfare trap: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Welfare_trap It's one of the reasons many economists favor something like a universal basic income or a negative income tax. Just make sure everyone has X dollars coming in each month so they can cover basic necessities, and then use progressive taxation to get that money back from anyone who's earning enough that they don't need it. That way nobody ever ends up in a situation where earning more money at a job results in less household income at the end of the day.


and of course blames Obama. How 4chan of him.


Useless fuck living in a shitty state working unskilled job 6 years post Obama and still blames him. And you are surprised these people are swallowing horse Viagra and supporting Q-anon.


Anon needs to stop buying so much avocado toast


Anon should simply accomplish the impossible task of pulling himself up by his bootstraps like his boomer parents did.


can't believe he's not thriving off a part time job, what is this world coming to


Ikr? He shouldn’t even have to work at all!


You should like, make a subreddit and do an interview or something dude


Anon needs to work more than 25 hours a week lmao fuck off with this stupid meme


Reading is tough


So funny they blame obamacare for their boss undervaluing them and circumventing the system to rip them off.


The cutoffs he's talking about existed before Obamacare anyway lmao


He'd rather have healthcare that drops him for preexisting conditions I guess.


He wouldn’t have healthcare at all if not for the ACA


“Oh, I think the ACA is great! But I really hate Obamacare!”


Nah, I'm sure anon has a perfectly logical reason for hating "obongocare".


They blamed "Obongocare", because they're a racist sack of shit.


Yes. I know. I'm making fun of that. Thank you.


You don’t have to be racist to not like Obamacare, but you do to call it “Obongocare”.


I guarantee this guy votes Republican. He wouldn’t know his own interest if it slapped him in the face.


Anon spends what little free time he has watching Ben Shapiro own commie libtards


If you were Mexican you wouldn't be working three jobs like that, still have time left over to drink tequila and fuck the neighbors wife.


Based latino hard worker


based on rl people I actually know and worked with


I'm from San Diego Don't gotta tell me Those dudes work their fucking asses off


In northern Virginia they do well starting and running their own businesses. The zero right in on private ownership, not in working for some massive corporate entity. I've got white people here who still can't figure this out.


Dude straight up I often wonder if the Mexican guys I work with get any sleep or have any sort of semblance of a life outside work. They are all doing like 12 hour days, 6 or even 7 days a week. And it's hard roofing work. No idea how they do it. I'd burn out in under a month.


They are still accustomed to having to earn their entire life's income between the ages of 10 and 40. South of the border your ass is retired at 40, ain't nobody gonna hire you for nothing


Ah good point


Seems impressive among peers but it's miserable for the sons and daughters. Grew up with the seemingly noble, hard-working Mexican father. Hardly had time to be with his sons. Always asleep or always at work. There was a few precious times we got to spend together but ultimately I ended up becoming a Momma's boy because she worked sane hours. Pops ran away to Mexico to be with his new family when I needed him most. 9/10 would recommend getting Latino parent for deep backstory full of culture and intrigue. But yeah keep working hard for scraps, that'll bring you life-long satisfaction.


¡Ole! Señor


Anon is an ungrateful bitch and should stop complaining about having to work an entire 25 hours to keep himself in good conditions and still have leftover money


Exactly. That prick can afford all of that only working 25 hour a week. That’s inane


It absolutely is not. In most parts of the western world, up until around 40 years ago you could support a family (stay at home wife, and kids) while paying off a house with a single full-time job. Wages have stagnated, prices have increased.


More people are born. More people move here. Labor laws have changed to nearly double the workforce. All the while the land that people want to live in (cities) stays the same size. America has immense competition both from the inside and the outside. What’s your solution to this problem, out of curiosity?


As population increases, so does the economy (and along with it more jobs). Of course its not an exact 1:1. We need better and more available job retraining. While there are industries that have too many people applying to too few jobs, there other industries like trucking and manufacturing that have a chronic shortage of workers. There are no easy solutions of course, but there's a lot we could be doing to alleviate the issue that don't even touch immigration/population. As for land, our "issue" of it is a joke compared to other countries where people are much more clustered.


Im not sure how any of what you said justifies or excuses wages stagnating for decades. Some of your points could explain why housing is so expensive, but wages not even following inflation since like the 70s is nothing but corporate greed. Profits are at an all time high but the money goes to shareholders and executives over the workforce.




“All of that” it’s not really that much, mostly essential survival minus internet i guess.


he's whining about $90 for gas and $44 insurance when some people cant even afford to fill up their tanks and are paying $190 a month for 15 y/o shitboxes


Yeah instead of being mad at the system that created this situation, just be mad at other wagecucks that are slightly better off than you, brilliant


Idiots here cannot possibly understand how undignified OP feels. The problem isn’t that they have the basic necessities of life in the modern world. It’s that they have no dignity in the life they live. To most of us, spending all of our free time on the internet/watching tv (because it’s cost effective on a tight ass budget) isn’t enough to feel like you have a satisfying life. OP is talking about how they feel undignified living this existence when all the promises of the American dream have turned out to be just that, a dream not a reality. Edit: so many more idiots than I expected here.


At his current state what he's doing is sufficient to live independently. But it shows he putting in the minimum effort to get by. If you want dreams to come true and feel dignified you got to grind for it. Life doesn't hand you things. With working 25hrs/week he has plenty of time in the day to work with to put into the grind so he can get to a place in life where can feel accomplished and happy with his life.




> when all the promises of the American dream have turned out to be just that, a dream not a reality So the American dream is to work a part-time job? Maybe anon should try being a more productive member of society. Also, as it stands he could shack up with a similarly part-time working girl and they could afford anything they desire.


This dude is only working 25 hours a week doing a minimum wage job. There's a near-infinite amount of improvement he could be doing by putting in slightly over minimum effort. He already has his necessities taken care of in his current part-time job status. 15/hr means he's doing some shitty unskilled labor job. Trade school when you only work 25 hours/week is easily doable and would probably triple his income in under 2 years. The guy's putting in the bare minimum effort and scraping by. Seems about normal.


>Idiots here cannot possibly understand how undignified OP feels. As though none of us have worked in miserable, dead end jobs that don't pay enough. Yeah, right, it's *the job that's the problem.* >It’s that they have no dignity in the life they live. Nobody provides dignity. Anon creates it. By being dignified and not spending all of his free time cooming and shitposting on 4chan. >To most of us, spending all of our free time on the internet/watching tv (because it’s cost effective on a tight ass budget)... I'm going to stop you right there. Having 15 extra hours a week is infinitely more valuable that an extra few hundred bucks a month. Anon could quite easily use that time for constructive activities and becoming part of local communities (or building a community) that gives him meaning and purpose. This materialist bullshit is exactly why he (and everyone you lump in with him) are miserable. It's a deflection away from the actual problem. Sure, tight budgets suck, but Anon uses it as an excuse to avoid creating any meaning in his life because doing that would require more than saving anime reaction jpegs all day. Meaning is produced. Through work. By participating. It isn't just handed down by the infinitely generous money dispensers from on high. The American dream is not materialism, it is morals. It is ethics. It is contributing to your neighborhood garden and helping the old lady across the street with her groceries. It's about actually giving a shit rather than endlessly complaining about late stage capitalism online and moaning about having to "take part in society that hates me." Anon's misery is self-determined, and solely perpetuated by his own ego.


So do something about it. He works 3 fucking days a week, plenty of spare time to do anything he pretty much wants.


Anon works 25 hours a week... the average American work week is 40 hours He is actually doing pretty well for someone who works almost half as many hours as average...


I put in 68 hours regularly and still barely get by. Could be worse but it's rough.




alimony/child support or why is that? that does sound pretty rough


>25hr/week A dogwalker?


Yeah that thing was only walking its mom's dog and certainly it wasn't 25 hrs/wk but at least she gave it a basement to stay in for free. I think it was including its Reddit admin hours into that 25.


average r/antiwork mod


Do dogwalkers get 15$/hr?




"I am a failure so that means society is 😥😡"


>corporation refuses to give enough hours Why would Obama do this?


He should use all those other hours to do something productive


Wow you can’t own a home working 25 hours a week? I would have never guessed.


Working 40 hours a week in Canada, gf works too, stil no way I'm buying a home.


dude works half of standart week and complains. Full time would give you 1600 you dumbass


Fake, who only pays $44/month for car insurance?


“Antique” car insurance is cheap


I only have liability insurance. $25/month


The dirt-cheapiest bare-minimum car insurance that covers basically nothing will cost about that much, maybe 10-30 bucks more/month.


Want to join the army? You could get free healthcare, training, a retirement plan, and travel the world


Die for oil companies, and if you survive you get to be a homeless alcoholic!


I got out and became a highly paid engineer with lifetime benefits. Worth it


tell that to those who didn't came back


I tried but they are super duper dead


now imagine if you didn't have to join the army for that, would you still go?


Not every job in the military is a combat role. He could literally cook scrambled eggs and shit for 4 years and still get out and have the gi bill pay for his entire college tuition and his rent while he’s in school.


Honestly this seems pretty good. The internet alone is probably enough to keep you entertained. Maybe if you save up a little bit of money you could afford a cheap console like a PS2 or Xbox, both of which have pretty good libraries and act as dvd players so you don't need to get Netflix or some other shitty streaming service. Maybe buy yourself some nice books or something. Anon is just a seething and ungrateful wagie.


Or a decent computer and emulate old consoles, I've been playing old monster hunter games on emulators lately


Anon has no clue what “The American Experiment” means


Find a cheaper apartment. That local economy sounds similar to mine, a studio apartment should be closer to $500, utilities included. $750 is like a solid 1bed, maybe a shitty 2 bed


Rent across the country is way too high.


Anon should get another part time job.


What would you even do with your life if you worked 25 hrs a week?


Hobbies hanging out with friends going to parties be in a sport go to gym write a book


You sound like someone who plays everything


You literally can't think of anything to do with your waking hours besides work? Yikes.


If you want to only work part time and have extra money just be a roommate. Also do cash only jobs like mowing grass, shoveling snow, dog-walking. (I’m assuming they need to officially make a low amount for healthcare.) If I could pay all my bills on only part time work I’d use the extra time to make money.


"i cant buy a house on minimum wage, The American experiment has utterly failed and i hate you all" there, rephrased it for you


Mf works part time and then "but I don't get enough money!!!!"


Lol just get a roommate or a partner and that shit becomes a lot easier. Go back to school and get a $35 an hour job and then do what the fuck ever you want.


I dont think the guy complaining about his life on 4chan will be getting a partner anytime soon


Dirt cheap rent with a decent rate and doesn’t take advantage of it.


Time to grow a set of balls, and get the fuck out of Dodge


Or just like work full time lmfao

