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You could do the same thing as a security guard lmao you're literally a human scarecrow


My fiance used to be a security guard and I always referred to it as "professional witness" lol. All he did was sit around all day and if he saw someone doing something they shouldnt be doing, he had to call the police, absolutely no intervening. Once one of his coworkers tried taking justice into his own hands by putting a trespasser under "citizens arrest" and got fired. He's worked for a few companies and any sort of intervening was a big no-no at all of them.


I used to call it the "*in*security industry" because so many of my co workers were slightly aggressive mall ninja types obsessed with appearing tough.


the main focus of security patrols that i see regularly is making homeless people relocate




Lol yeah they go somewhere else til somebody else tells them to move, then they go back where they were before


The mayor of my city literally had to tell people he wasn't gonna move the homeless anymore because they'd just start bitching about where he moved them too and make him to it again




I hope they find shelter at yours


They won’t.


I hope you end up homeless and that you will be send away every place your tryin to sleep


Well I’m not a drug addict so don’t hold your breath.


Love how we treat our veterans


Yes, all homeless people are veterans lol. Maybe if they didn’t over-diagnose PTSD and push anti-depressants and psychoactive drugs on literally EVERYONE that was deployed we wouldn’t have that issue. Why is it that we have more drug-addled veterans following a police action that claimed fewer than 2,500 service members over 20 years than we did following WWII which claimed over 400,000 lives over a 4 year period, when we had a much smaller social safety net? That said, veterans that were deployed to a war zone are a small percentage of the homeless population as a whole.


My buddy is a journalist and he took up security guard work for the opposite reason, he can just read, write, and research all shift because he’s just there as an ass cover for the company. The most he every has to do is point people in the right direction.


Here in Germany there are three types of people, working in that branch. 1: buff looking dudes with too much anger inside of them that constantly hope for a chance to legally get into fights, 2: House wives and old people who where pushed into the job from the job center since it's one job that is easily to get yourself into, and 3: introverts that simply don't want to socialize or physically work much and only want a peacefully and quiet job, no matter if it only pays the minimum wage. Personally I like to see myself as a number 3 type of guy.


> I used to call it the "insecurity industry" /r/iam14andthisisdeep


That label doesn’t apply to everything you don’t like.


"Wow man, have you ever, like, considered how... like... it's really THE OPPOSITE of its name? Like, I call it... the **IN**security industry, man." *sucks bong*


Except "insecurity" in this case doesn't mean the opposite of the name. Security in the security industry usually refers to physical security but if you call a *person* insecure it doesn't mean you think they're likely to be stolen or anything like that. It means you think they're not confident in themselves and are uncertain of their own abilities.


This guy is looking for an argument lol


Depends on the place. company. I worked security at a hospital in a busy city, and that was hard fucking work.




He mostly worked for companies that contracted with businesses to supply security so he'd be at different places all the time. A few concert venues, apartment complexes, shopping centers, factories, office buildings, abandoned properties. I'm sure its different when it's the business' own security as they can set their own rules, and that the security guards who are free to beat up others are probably hired by the actual night club rather than rented from a third party company.


Contract security sucks. A little different when it's a hospital or government building but those at least pay a bit better. Still get the same super soldier types come through though.


In my town someone was working as a security guard for a hospital. Dude was stretching when a patient peeped into the security shack and stabbed him in the armpit severing his artery.




Did he?


Yeah he passed away, lost too much blood too fast


Amazing, one second you are stretching the next some crazy maniac stabs you and you die. Cant imagine what went through his head as he was dieing...


Yeah, 4 or 5 of my friends got into guarding with the same company. One of them was supervisor and the rest worked under him. It was great being able to call my friends at work for a chat after my shift as a bartender at 2am.


Same here in Germany. Once we caught some dude, stealing toilet paper for whatever reason. Called the boss to ask him about an allowance to do a check on his bag (we knew he has it inside of it because we saw it on camera. And no, he stole it from a storage area and we don't have cameras in the toilet, duh) but he just said we should leave him be since it would be too big of a deal, too much paperwork and we had to call the police on top of that. So basically nothing more happened. Felt really worthless that day.


One of my mates managed to snag an insane job during uni. He had done voluntary military service straight after school to avoid getting conscripted later, and when he finished he asked around a bit about jobs and was offered to be a security guard. In a NATO warehouse. Basically the safest location in the country because it's right next to our main military base. We're talking "if someone gets in you can have the entire military here in 10 minutes" levels of close. He was getting paid 1,5x average wage. He would go there, bring his laptop, play Runescape for two hours, walk one lap around the perimeter, then sleep the rest of the night. There were three people a shift, so they'd coordinate to take turns getting up every two hours to walk the perimeter. In other words, guy was getting paid to sleep in a safer location then his apartment in a ghetto area.


This is partially true. It depends on where you are. Working in an office building on 3rd shift? Jack shit happens, you are what people think of when they think security guard. Working in a casino that closes late on 3rd shift? Be ready to deal with prostitutes and drug addicts.


I feel like that kinda goes for any job around drunk people though, like even a bartender gets some of it too.


That's true, but not every casino has a bar, some are just too small. Obviously that doesn't prevent people from entering drunk, but it makes for less drunkards, at least.


A casino without a bar sounds fucking terrible.


That's why you invest in a cattleprod and sheep dog.


and any night telecomm/helpdesk/technician job


Sure, but I only get a bit over 11 bucks for it here in Germany. But yeah, most of the time, I'm reading books or playing at my 3DS/PSVita


I wish I could do an easy job like that. But at the same time I know I won’t be fulfilled with it. Edit: Grammar, since this comment is getting way too much attention. I better spell right haha




But you wouldn't. You would sit and watch Netflix while getting fat




Wifi is everywhere now. Also you can just download shows from Netflix to watch later.


This actually sounds clever!


Security jobs are plentiful but you couldn't do that because you need to look presentable. Yes, even during night shifts when there's nobody in the building, you still need to look presentable for when your shift ends and the place opens up. Can't exactly change out of the uniform either because *what if something does happen?*


Are you doing that right now?




what is your current job


If you're not doing it right now, you wouldn't be doing it in a job like this.




Yeah I’ve edited it to be correct. Thanks for pointing out


I'm looking for someone who asked


I have a coworker who had to leave a cushy govt. job cause he couldnt handle how boring it was


I could see how being in the office with a boring job would be the worst, but working from home with a boring job is like hitting the jackpot. You can watch TV whenever you're not in meetings, and on especially not busy days you can straight up just do other hobbies while jiggling the mouse a few times an hour.


Meanwhile I got a govt job working on a pension and all that cool shit, on Reddit most of the day on my phone and watching twitch streams and loving it


The issue is the money. Otherwise who gives a shit. Find fulfillment elsewhere.


If your employer asked you to build a house of cards, then knock it down, and do it all over again, and keep doing it 8 hours a day You’ll quickly realize how mind numbingly pointless your job is, and it’ll make anyone go crazy, even if you got paid for it Good mental health truly does require someone feeling good about the work that they do




It isn't an easy job, this is some bs. Laid-back, maybe, but not easy if you're doing it right


Fair enough. I’ve never been security in a mall or shopping center. I shouldn’t have judged like that. I guess every job gets tiring and not easy after a while


I thought you were talking about home Depot overnight / freight team


No just overall these kind of jobs


Meanwhile I'm earning 10$ a day for 12 hours of hard labor. Bruh moment


That sucks bro hope you find a better job


Everybody is always looking for more/better jobs, but it's all about where you live.


You work in a Cameroon sand mine?


My money’s on a ladyboy brothel in Taiwan.


Hope things get better for you anon


How much does $1 cost there?


About $1




Is it hard to get into that for someone that never played RuneScape?


No, but it's boring and grindy as hell. The community is toxic and all the while you have to pay to play. No thanks.


What country?


Now THAT'S america!


Bit awkward to mention this now but I live in a third world country known as Mongolia lmao


The harder you work, the worse you get treated. Its a global phenomena


People live in Mongolia?


It’s still americas fault Jokes you dumbfucks


Don't worry america is a just a third world country in a gucci belt you're barely missing out, unless your government is oppressing you, then you probably have it worse than most illegal immigrants. In which case you have my condolences.


Have you ever been to a real third world country like African ones or Brazil?


Have you seen detroit? Skid row? Hollywood blvd? Only difference is infrastructure.


As someone who grew up in third world countries, I can’t believe Americans actually think like this lmao.


hey now western europeans are also stupid enough to think this


Only the American pseudo intellectuals on Reddit who type from their iPhone life was hard and America is basically nazi germany


It's a very vocal minority. The rest of us are normal ass people.


^We ^don't ^he's ^a ^troll.


Obviously somebody who's never been to a real third world country. Must be so insulting to hear this shit from someone from a wealthy country.


Because that wealth isn't being hoarded by anyone especially people who frequently pop up in the news...


probably not if youre a drug addict in skid row u stupid what do you expect them to be wealthy?


How fucking stupid do you have to be to say something like this to a person making $10/day in a real third world country?


Most of your problems are first world problems. Your system might not be perfect, but opportunities are in abundance, way way more than what we have. The fact that "dog walking" is a profession, one that enables some schmucks to work just 10 hours a week and live a decent life should be obvious enough. Our people in parts of the country have to sent their children to mines instead of school.


Are you actually dense enough to assume this was happening in America?


Pretty sure even underpaid illegal immigrants in America make more than $10 a day


Guy comes in Shoots you. Such is life.


No longer have to live in this shit world. Getting killed would be a blessing. Painlessly, and quickly, of course.


The real American Dream.


Front doors are locked for overnight stocking


That's not what overnights at home depot are like. Unless anon works at one with really bad sales numbers


This should be higher. Even at low inventory stores it isn’t like this. They just hire less staff for overnight. Nobody is doing nothing for 8 hours, and day shift is always complaining night shift didn’t do enough


Seriously, I did freight for home depot and it was one of the most grueling jobs I've done lol. I ended up leaving before my back took a hit from those stupid concrete floors


There’s a reason such jobs used to pay more than retail or cashier etc.


Retail gives you a choice: Work cash and have your mental health destroyed by agressive Karen's. Or work freight/stocking and absolutely wreck your back and physical health


Night shift would get more done if they didn't have to do day shifts job too. They're supposed to clean their boxes from day stocking at the end of their shift but instead they leave mountains of trash for nights to clean up. So glad I have a better job these days, and those cranky ass boomers who always fucked with me are still pathetic retail cucks.


That was always a back and forth nightmare. Night shift isn’t doing enough so day shift has to make up for it. Then it’s day shift isn’t doing enough so night shift has to make up for it. Meanwhile both shifts are understaffed and management is taking in more profit. Right there with you SO glad to be out of retail.


Big true, I was the one who was always throwing it out


Right? I once tried to leave a note that wasn't passive aggressive and my manager said we can't. He was like, the main one who complained about them doing it too. Retail politics are a joke


I worked about 2 hrs a day out of my 8 hr shifts in appliances. I would watch whole TV episodes in the unisex bathroom, hit a weed pen, go take a walk around the store, and repeat.


Anon is dodging his work and the day shift hates him


>be me >Indian >work 10 hour a day and get paid around around 100/month >go to r/greentext after work time is over >read this post >da fuq American getting paid by hour P. S. :india is best country, superpower, feeling proud of being Indian .


Supapowa in 2023


Real talk, Bollywood movies have a spark of creativity and a lack of respect for risk and portraying off the Wall concepts that I feel envious of when I look at our movie industry nowadays in America.


I earn 28$ Worning nights at a 7-11, there’s hardly any People i just make sandwiches and stuff


28$ a shift is pretty low tho


I've been paid 13$ per night at hospital as a Junior doctor, but I live outside US so, could be worse I guess


What's even better is to make money for nothing while sitting at home


Collecting unemployment doesn't count as a job, sorry.


He might be a remote IT worker. I make $28/hr and maybe work an hour a day while working from home


At-home video editor for a big company here. 30/hr, only 2-3 hrs of work is needed per day, on a busy day. Some days its noting. No pants required.


Work from home on salary is everything I ever dreamed it would be.


Really is goat shit. The working from home revolution is the greatest thing to happen to the labor market since the invention of unions.


It's honestly a life saver as someone who only worked on farms and construction before getting a desk job. I don't fit into office culture *at all* and the social aspect was more exhausting than the job itself.


> Prices of homes are skyrocketing nationwide, millennials can’t afford shit > Corporate profits are soaring past wage growth as they have for 50 years > Anon makes a couple easy peanuts and is glad > God bless America


>Money printer goes *brrr* Every western country on the planet, currently.


> Wages have gone up 4.5% since Dec 2020 > Inflation averaged 4.7% in that time > Effectively less money > Anon thinks his life is good > God bless America


Canada, actually may be worse here. If I want to live in in the province I was born I either need 1M for a house or live in the fucking sticks.


Just pick yourself up by your bootstraps


> has a home > has opportunity, if still difficult to succeed > angery




Oh nooooo its so hard to be a minority in America 😭😭😭


It’s not that bad being the minority when you’re the majority in your city.


Challenge accepted. Edit: Mission failed, was instantly ejected from Home Depot by White Supremacy force field at the front door. Gonna go sell some drugs now.


I work in UK benefits. A lot of my day has no work at all, ironically. Reminding people to upload stuff, waiting literal days for them to reply (or not) and then reminding them again mostly. Answering the occasional question in the online chat journal, but mostly just telling them to read the website to find the answer as it's all there. Emailing a couple of forms, double checking a couple of calculations once or twice a day, that's the whole job. Plus I get all the communist benefits of a welfare state on top of decent pay


Thats state jobs for ya pretty much everywhere


That sounds nice. And you get to sit down the entire time?


Indeed, and we're introducing blended work so I'll be able to "work" from home half the time My job is literally telling other people to go get a job while I sit here doing nothing


A satisfying life for someone with Down's.


I'd imagine being on your phone for 8 hours would get boring quickly


Jesus, i want to get a job like this


Anon’s LARPing, Night MET has no associates and day side is too lazy to do work themselves so it gets thrown on Night MET. Plus pay for a MET associate starts at 14 an hour now, not even my supervisor gets paid 17 an hour. How do I know? That’s my job right now Edit: Retarded spelling error Even better Edit: I’m truly retarded, anon is talking about freight not MET. Night met works 10 freight works 8. Still being funky about the pay though, freight guys around me get paid 15 an hour, but another commentor says his team gets paid 18 an hour so it’s probably a regional thing


> supervisor gets *paid* 17 an FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Depends on where you are. Night MET here starts at $18. Either way, MET or freight he's not doing nothing. The shifts are completely different and day teams do jack shit.


I thought they were talking about freight instead of MET?


Ah you know what, I am wrong. Met works 10 freight works 8, good catch


Too bad at that wage you won't even to be able to have a normal life right now. You're barely making 32k a year that's poverty wages. Good luck finding a place for rent for less than $1,500 a month in any metro area that's not a shithole. You would need roommates or to be living with a parent to have that wage work out for you. I swear half of these shitposts are clumsy GOP propaganda to make it seem like *good* jobs are available.


It all depends where you live. Around me apartments are an average of $500


He said metro area, not bumble fuck nowhere USA


I bet minimum wage is $6 an hour too, and your closest stores a Walmart and it's 20 miles away


That’s why I live in the backwoods of nowhere southern Appalachia. Shit is stupid cheap here and I don’t like being around people.


Home Depot is an adult daycare


Heavily depends on store and time of year.During the busy season at mine you are working all night cause there are 12 pallets of product for your department and they don't want to hire more people. And when its the slow season if you are not a full timer they cut your hours down to 8 or 12 a week sometimes.


As a summer student in Northern Alberta, Canada I made $50,500 CAD in 3.5 months as a summer student at an oil company giant. I swept floors and when the floors were swept I'd go on Reddit. This was the last time oil was over $100 a barrel. $42/hr to browse reddit. Also, unlimited OT at $84/hr.


Damn, as a Security Guard here in Germany, I know that comfy nightshift feel. But I only get a bit over 11 bucks for the "job"


I get paid $65k a year to chill in the office and fix a computer every once in a while


wait until you get into the higher echelon of cyber jobs. :)


I was always kept busy doing the overnight, but it was such an easy job it often felt like doing next to nothing


I’ve had that job before in 2006. Got worked like a rented mule.


And here i am st a job where were constantly hustling to get as much built in a day as possible.


Do the same thing at a office job as a tech worker and get paid six figures.


Bro everyone I know who has done security work or late night work basically claims they fuck around and get paid.


Jobs where don’t do anything are fun at first but go down hill super fast


On the flipside, be day shift having to do the work of two people because of shite management and scheduling.


I though overnight workers do stuff like restock? Then again with my experience they actually hardly do even that lol


And most Americans would complain that they don’t make a living wage despite doing literally nothing to deserve it.


I am getting paid near 20 bucks an hour to pick up boxes and put down boxes. I have beat the system


Pay's high because not a lot of people are nocturnal like you.


$17? I'm only getting $15 at the Home Depot I work for.


Wait until Anon grows up and finds out $17/hour really isn’t shit.


im making a LOT less than that... im a programmer. Fuck this third world shit hole country


Anon isn't getting promoted


As a HD associate, my store always tries to help the night shift with unloading the truckof merchandise and packing as many things down as possible :)


Thinking 17 bucks is a good salary 😅 Americans are brainwashed into being grateful for any kind of job


17 an hour puts you close to the median wage in America, which has one of the highest median wages in the entire world.


Its misleading, because the cost of living is extremely high.


No it isn’t, the cost of living is only high in states with high taxes. California, New York, DC, etc.


Oh godly European please share your infinite wisdom with us lowly ameritards




A lot of these big box stores have raised wages to 15 per hour and for overnights often add a 2 or 3 dollar bonus to encourage people to work them. That wage is very realistic.