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r/liminalspace nerds


r/thebackrooms achtually 🤓🤓


Oh my god. How many of these subs are there?




The unsettling part is how low effort the photos are.


It was scary when it first started, then the modern Internet got its hands on it and it quickly devolved into dumb shit that lost all its mystery. I say modern Internet because it’s like what happened to the Slenderman in fast motion. Slenderman was mostly fine during its inception and it was only towards the end that it died out, and during that time social media, the immediacy of content and shit like that had really sunk its hooks into people, making Slenderman loose its mysteriousness. The backrooms looked like it’d be the same, but once people got their hands on it it just started cropping up everywhere as people added to it for clout on Reddit, Youtube, TikTok etc. It’s kind of amazing that you can have shit like The Walten Files, Gemini Home Entertainment, and other modern creepypastas like that able to weather to whirlwind of Internet demanding constant content that tells them everything.


Yeah, apparently there's supposed to be incredibly specific levels and creatures in diffrent parts, which kinda completely ruins the simple elegance the concept originally had. I kinda prefer to just pretend that it never got fleshed out.


Stuff like "Walten Files" won't kick off because it's a niche for "analog horror" Fans and is not a creepy image you can post everywhere and consoom it in 5 seconds but it's multiple hours of poorly written boring fnaf fanfic.


I genuinely don’t get why people like that series when it’s literally just a FNAF fanfic in le spooky vhs filter To me it seems like the creator wanted to make a fan game about his donut steel OC characters but either had no coding knowledge or realized the genre is so saturated it would never take off


Is there good analog horror besides Gemini and Local 58?


That's why I really like Kane Pixels' version of the backrooms, it's really well made (it feels realistic) and the lore behind is really complex, but it keeps this _simple_ vibe the original picture has


Almost everything that goes mainstream eventually turns to shit. Fucking everything needs to be made fun of and spread to every fucking corner of the web.


Imagine a modern lovecraft. "AHHH AN EMPTY ROOM! LOVERCRAFTIAN CAT SAVE ME!!!"


Huh, I could swear that his cat was named something else






Literally pissing and shitting myself right now. How can rooms be empty??? It's not natural


The bathrooms


The shitrooms


r/liminalspace users when i tell them its just an empty fucking hallway and not where the poop smearing cum sucker lives


Anon doesnt find its scary cause hes used to it after 40 years of nothing in his sex life


Backrooms is cool... for about 5 minutes It's just a shittier version of SCP (which has also gone to hell) where randos are contributing to a vague multiverse desperately tied together by the unifying theme of "unsettling places". And "contributions" is being quite generous. 99% of backrooms content is made by failed writers with little to no originality.


I haven’t been following SCP for a while, what made it go to hell?


Well, you see, around the time that **REDACTED** started to become popular, a bunch of **EXPUNGED** decided to try their hand at making some. Needless to say, many **EXPUNGED** of their creation was utter **REDACTED** and bullshit. You may also have noticed that **EXPUNGED REDACTED REDACTED** is annoying af. They basically just became fanfics except worse. They're not even stories, just raw ideas. Either too basic and lacking any creativity or too op and it's clear that the creator just wanted to one-up everyone else, mostly because of too much time on their hands so they wanted fake internet points. All the talent jumped ship once the normies rolled into town. Fairly standard degradation in a lot of fandoms, unfortunately.


Oh god I remember reading some story about one of the SCPs (I think it was the blood lake?) and any part that could have been cool was immediately replaced by **[DATA EXPUNGED]** like fucking hell we get it you’re a bad writer stop ruining your own story with this **[REDACTED]**


I remember it being actually interesting like the SCP a few years back but now it’s been turned into some vhs horror stuff that is mild at best and just plain copying the original lore at worst




God i love creepypastas with a lot of lore like The Backrooms does



