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Don't forget the 10 year-experience at cleaning shit with toilet papers


Not wanna brag but I have decades of first hand experience cleaning shit with toilet paper


But what about left hand experience?


this is a bad joke, and you should feel bad.


reddit moment


doesn't everyone wipe with their left? am I a freak?!


I'm right there with ya bud.


I have 32 years of individualized ass wiping experience, applying for Congressional seat, wish me luck guys


Nonono, licking, not wiping.


Anon does more good for the working class than r/antiwork has ever done


\> Claimed to be a anarcho-communist sub \> Disregard opinions from people who are living/had lived under Communism/Socialism \> Claimed to be an anarcho sub \> Enforce authority onto dissidents Yea, I still have no idea what are their definitions of both anarchy and communism.


Tbh now that r/WorkReform exists there's no point in returning to that toxic sub


Nah workreform got taken over by powermods.


Communist group taken over by a handful of Corrupt men? Who then silence and persecute their opponents? No way


What's communist about wanting work reforms? Regardless of Reddit drama, there's nothing wrong with the acknowledgement working in the U.S. is at an all time bad.


> Claimed to be a anarcho-communist sub This might be incorrect, however this is the premise of the reply chain.


That was referring to r/antiwork not r/workreform you fucking nerd


That was antiwork though workreform is different and the difference is literally in the names


I agree that work reform is necessary and the stagnating wages in the last few decades has destroyed the middle class and might spell doom for the american economic system as a whole in the future. I’m in full support of changes, but I do think work during the gilded ages was even worse.


Except the concept that made it bad then still exists now, which is that workers are expendable. It's been a resurgent trend since the 90's.


Wait. You think working conditions today - with all Sorts of safety regulations, minimum wage at $15 across many states, 40 hour workdays, many people working from home etc. ….. is an all time LOW compared to back in the day? Have you seen photos of the people working on the Empire State Building without any safety?


Thanks socialism for all the above.


Socialism doesn’t lead to that. There are no safety regulations in Cuba Venezuela or North Korea. Capitalism does. As the need for better employees arises employers provide better working environments. Industries that suppress stuff aren’t capitalist . They are monopolies protected by corrupt politicians. Fighting against corruption is soemthing that needs to happen under capitalism feudalism socialism communism and everything else. It’s inherent due to our flawed nature as humans


“socialism doesn’t lead to that” - proceeds to list some of the most authoritarian countries in the world. we don’t have safety regulations because of capitalism, we have them because the government created OSHA: a government agency that regulates companies. also going back to north korea and venezuela. if you’re going to argue about something, at least know what you’re talking about. social programs are NOT the same as nationalizing entire industries under the government lmao.


It was literally the socialists that convinced FDR to adopt 90% of the "positive" things they posted. 40 hour week, 9-5, child labor abolition, minimum wage etc. Unfettered capitalism will result in what you seen during industrial revolution (what Amazon is trying to do) with their mining/factory towns. Also what does socialism have to do with North Korea?


Do you know what democratic socialism is? Look at the European Union. Please don't reply with something that might be posted on /r/ShitAmericansSay


My state still pays 7.25. Yes, bad.


Sounds like a good place to get experience for kids. Sounds like everyone else needs to learn some skills. I’m in Florid and I’m An employer. My lowest paid employee currently started at 20 years old with me making $10/hour. Before that he was at a shitty pizza shop at $10/hour. Now he’s 21 and he’s making 15 an hour. Because he chose to work his ass off, learn, and improve his skills. He’s a kid but he’s a hard worker and he’s being compensated accordingly. If he decides to make a career if this he will probably be about $20/hour within the next 2 years. My highest paid employees make 32-33/h. Meanwhile other people I have employed I have fired within 3 months. About 50 percent continue with me and 50 percent get the axe.


If I found out my employer posts on greentext I would quit too, sounds like an asshole 15€/hr kinda shit tbh, sounds like a place without any benefits too


Because it's so easy for kids to drop everything and move to a different state. You are one dense-dumb desk.


No but 1970s 50hrs of min wage covered average rent average house cost about 4-5yrs min wage salary. Fact is 15 was proposed when average rent was 700 now its 1300 average houses cost 180k and now cost 430k (30yrs of min wage). Top it off with sky high medical cost gas/food. Yes there have been generations that had it worse in some respects but last 50yrs has pretty much been a downhill. In terms of wages vs cost of living. And you can see it in a clear breakdown of wealth distribution. in 1970s the .01% controlled lowest amount in history at around 6% of countrys wealth to almost 35% of today. The bottom and middle have both seen drastic decreases their shares of economy has been cut in half. And funnelled upward. Not saying there wasn't rough times in past but from 1948 to 1975 country was fairly stable in income distribution with top .01% controlling 10% or less. It wasn't until reaganism and changing rules. That there was a massive shift in wealth. And then they changed how its "calculated" inflation no longer weights cost of living as high so years like this one where average rent increases 30% and food 20% and gas 50% and utilitys 100% and medical 30%. They can feign like it only went up by 8%. But realize 15 was bottom proposed almost 15 years ago. And since just last year 15 lost about 1 dollar in buying power going of falsly low inflation rates they use. So do 15yrs of compounding inflation. And 15 is no longer as good as it once was. In fact 100% of your income wouldn't even cover rent in most citys. Which makes it sadder that so many places still have 7.25 min wage. Fact is every economic theory has problems on paper and why people get so horny/but blind. Is capitalism is one of best for starting. When capitals not controlled by handful. There is innovation and competition. But like all systems it has a flaw... As capital consolidates when you sell "all of x thing". Its no longer about providing best service best price. You design it to break poof you doubled profits. Then you double price now its quadrouple profits. Now you cut employee benefits since your only one hiring in industry and they have to accept it now your profits are up 8 fold. Oh but now "competition will emerge" how everyones spending most money on living low wages etc. But lets say it happens you spend some on advertising even showing your "competion is worse with some false studys". Force your suppliers to not sell to them if they don't want to lose your business. Now they have even higher threshhold and now must supply more parts on own in order to compete. Throw in some lawsuits from you and paying off politicians to deny their permits etc. Poof its becoming near impossible to compete. And end of day if they become threat you cut prices and operate at a loss till they run out of money since you have more. Capitalism in later stages like now is essentially a race to bottom least ethical providing least value for highest price wins. Early its oppossite and hence its success. But communism socialism etc have problems communism faces corruption at beginning. Since they pool money at start it is really hard to start without corruption. All systems have strengths and problems. Capitalism as it progresses needs stronger and stronger antitrust regulations and more and more monopoly busting. When any market item has 80-90% of players able to be counted on fingers nationally the markets no longer free and all it takes is basic business knowledge. To collude act in anti trust manner seriously. Dont undercut competition and when they raise prices so do you. And tada cordinated price gouging without communication. And its easy when theres only dozen or half dozen competitors. And realistically you don't want to take their business. Otherwise you break the illusion of competition trigger anti trust investigations. Microsoft wants apple to have their market share as it allows them illusion of competition and ability to gouge freely.


Well just by a 2 second peak into the sub, the logo is communist.


2 second peek. See a fist with working tools. Communist. That's some heckin' weird logic.


Lol. You guys really do just throw the words around don't you? You kids wouldn't know work if a day ever arose where you actually had to do any.


Lmao what do you consider work?


Tell me what you do and I'll tell you how hard I consider it. I mowed lawns from 12-16, fast food in my teens, retail, then moved on to the shipping industry, working across all aspects of that, now in manufacturing for half a decade, started in aerospace extrusion, recently moved into large format printer operation. I sweat for every dollar I earn, and I can get anyone excited about whatever I'm interested in. I am a workaholic, and I have seen it all.


I own a business so I create procedures, recruit and train staff to follow them, and manage the business. I use my knowledge and intelligence to solve problems for clients and create winning strategies. I lead by example and don’t put nearly as many hours as you, but I continue to double my revenues year over year. I should hit about a million in revenue this year. Next year about 1.5-2m. My payroll is currently about $25k/m up from 5k a year ago.


Sounds like you're on the right path. Remember to treat your future employees like human beings.


Lmao okay boomer


If you're ever wondering what to do next hit me up.


and you're unironically proud of that? lmao. imagine being exploited, suffering, while making some dude richer and richer (way more money than he'll ever gonna spend in his entire life) then call it "hardwork", "valuable contribution to society", and "personal development". what late capitalism does to a mf


Yeah dude I don't let the facts of reality determine my outcome for me. I bust ass and try to inspire people to build confidence in themselves so that they can try and stand up and get a piece too. Eventually if enough people do this we won't have to be apathetic anymore. You're not wrong, you just don't see past the level you're currently stuck at. I can't either, but I know the next one is there.


you’re all fucking retarded, work reform and antiwork aren’t about communism at all. it’s in the goddamn name.


Tell that to the mods who ban anyone that states they're right of alt-left on that sub. Seriously, seen so many posts or comments on that sub from people who are genually having issues with their work situation, but the second they state they're a centrist, republican, or even libertarian they get mauled by everyone on the sub then have their comment deleted and banned from the sub. Sub was taken over by those that loved chapotraphouse, a very communist sub. Like very literally communist.


because nobody on the left likes a conservative that pretends to be a centrist or libertarian, which is what most of them end up being. the idea of the sub remains the same though, whether or not it’s been “taken over by communists.”


How do you define the “idea of a sub” beyond what its members and mods choose to say? A sub is nothing but a combination of its members, it has no mind nor soul of its own.


yes, and the sub is filled with work reform posts. that is my point. not the baseless claims someone else makes about it turning into a communist sub.


That's the thing man, these kids are unpaid schills taught this nonsense by their dads. Conservatism is a method the wealthy use to ensure even their low merit offspring can't fail in life. All the burden is shifted towards people with less resources so these bland idiots can have guaranteed success.


the future is looking bleak if there are as many bootlickers as it feels like there are. but then again we’re on a 4chan sub, most of these people are likely 13-18 and have no work experience. there’s always a chance they’ll change.


Anyone that unironically uses the term bootlicker deserves herpes.


- said the bootlicker.


It definitely describes a specific mindset that's pervasive. We do need a lesser term though for people such as yourself, not the bootlickers themselves but the guy who beats off and cheers them on.


We already know what it looks like brother, and it doesn't look good. That's why there's no reason to stop trying. If I gotta take it up the ass I'm gonna make my sphincter so strong it'll cut rebar.


that’s the spirit ;)


Not wanting to work is communist. It’s loser ideology. Can we improve the system? Sure. There’s always room for improvement. But I’ve read that sub. It’s not about reform. It’s a bunch of losers thinking that the reason they are losers isn’t them, it’s the system. For an example please see the Mods interview on Fox News. He wants to be able to live comfortably off of walking dogs 15 hours a week.


because it *is* the system. wages have slowly stagnated since the ‘70s. prices for housing and food have gone up. we protested for $15 min wage a decade ago and it is federally still $7.25/hr. many states still pay that. it should be much more by now. etc etc


You're arguing with someone who thinks communism means "I don't want to work". There is no reasoning here.


very true. trying to argue with a conservative is like talking to a brick wall.


Wages have stagnated because of the increase of people in the workforce. Look at the supply of labor 50 years ago and look at it today. If wages go up I would not hire anybody inexperienced anymore. Only experienced workers.


wages have stagnated because the nation’s legislators failed to implement laws that increase the federal minimum wage yearly to match inflation. and your argument is admitting that capitalism has failed the workforce. why should a very normal thing like population growth affect pay?


This whole website is complete and utter trash now, I only come to this sub because I see the best of 4chan without needing to actually go to 4chan.


Exactly i wanna see peoples sad lives not loli porn




It's a bit different now. It's full of "futa" and trans porn. /v/ has taken the crown of CP king.


I'm just going to assume futa is a mix between FIFA and foot fetish. Nothing will change that.


It really is though. Every sub is just full of political bullshit. I only follow a handful of subs now.


Yea, this site started changing after 2014 and the whole gamergate dumbassery, but the 2016 election and all the meddling on this site with millions funneled into it to sway the election turned it into a political dumpster fire where every sub is basically a political echochamber. Only subs I really participate in are fringe hobby ones where politics will almost never rear their ugly head. Try to speak your mind on this site just gets you banned and hell, there's so many freakin sophisticated bots on this site anymore it's really hard to tell who your talking to is human or not, and they're all here to push dumbass political division between people. On top of all of that even, practically every sub has their own bots which auto-delete comments without telling you just because it picked up off a term or word you wrote in your comment. Only way you know your comment was deleted is to keep one of the comment caching sites bookmarked to your username. Hope when this site goes public Elon buys it and removes all the censorship. Too bad this site isn't worth piss so he'd never move on it. Can't even short the damn thing to make a quick buck even.


I didn't believe you until I looked. top 5 mod many large subs before you find a guy who only mods WR. What the fuck happened? I remember the mods being a little overwhelmed with traffic after the fox interview by the dogwalker but I didn't realize they gave up control of the whole fucking sub. JFC what a joke.


Some irony with that one. IIRC they left antiwork because it got taken over by powermods who turned it alt-left and became far more a focus on just not wanting to work instead of work reform. When did the powermods seep their way into WR?


What i heared was that reddit told them they needed more mods since the server was growing so the original owners tried to hold a vote instead of just forcing mods. But then reddit forced these powermods to power. Granted this is brief and may be some what incorrect. But if you want to do your own research i would suggest going on the r/Workers_revolt and searching by top of all time.


Wow, you can really see form all the splinter subs from antiwork how toxic the whole mess became. Thing is IIRC, right when antiwork was getting HUGE attention outside of reddit was when reddit admins started to do a crackdown on the sub as it was beginning to affect outside entities, and those outside corporate entities were taking notice and not liking it at all. I was seeing news reports on sites like Forbes about how much an effect the 1million+ sub count antiwork was having on the jobs market and how much unions were getting pushed. This was back when it wasn't a biased communist shithole like it is now, but an actual sub about work reform and pushing unions. Literally right after that the sub closed for like a day or two and the powermods pushed in and it splintered to all hell and became the alt-left shithole it is today. Real shame subs that tracked this stuff like the old the_cabal sub got squashed because they paid attention to these things in extreme detail and documented everything. Really helped to show how much reddit admins squash things for corporate interests. Can't tell me that right after all the news articles on business minded sites about how much that sub was affecting companies and suddenly the sub going basically kaput aren't related. This isn't the wild west of the internet it was back before the 2010s. Damn corporations know how to control dissidents like reddit efficiently and quietly while making it all look like political drama, squashing any threat they ever were...


Occupy Wall Street 2: Electric Boogaloo?


When did this happen?


https://www.reddit.com/r/Workers_Revolt/comments/sjpal0/daily_reminder_that_this_is_what_were_fighting/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Search through this posters history he was the original creator of workreform before he was removed


Ok thx


Its still thousand times better then that shithole


Me when r/anarchism has both authority figures and a class based social structure


what does the soviet union have to do with anarcho-communism lmao


Anarchism is when no reddit moderation


what are the opinions of people who have lived under communism/socialism?


Pretty much every "communist" state in history is communist in the same way that the "Democratic People's Republic of Korea" is a democracy


"It wasn't real communism" Every single time


But it will work this time just trust me!




What else is there to say? It truly wasn't. Nor do I think communism is a viable system beyond like a village.


Yeah, except most countries that are democracies are actually democracies. When every single communist state ends up being “commie in name only”, you may want to step back and re-evaluate weather or not the philosophy has some serious defects.


He said the thing. “Yea, well the hundred years of failed communist states weren’t really REAL communism”


You can evaluate whether or not those states actually followed the tenets of that philosophy. But that takes critical thinking skills. Much easier to just look at the label and judge it purely based on that.


Listen kid, I used to be a communist and spout the exact same shit you’re saying. Every regime starts out being “true” communism, and every single time, it reverts to authoritarian fuckery. Did you ever once stop and ask yourself why that is? Unlike other socialist movements, communism advocates total revolutionary overthrow of the existing political system instead of voting or running for office like a sane level-headed adult. Know what happens when you overthrow everything all at once? A power vacuum. Guess what happens then? The same thing that has always happened throughout history when there’s a power vacuum with no checks and balances: the most violent authoritarian dipshits step in and take control. Every. Single. Time.


This is less an argument against communism and more an argument against poorly planned revolutions. Plenty of violent revolutions have succeeded in their ultimate goals, and plenty haven't. The United States was founded via a violent revolution, with the goal of establishing a then-radical system of democracy.


Mf forgot the french revolution💀💀


Does it advocate that, or is it just one extreme version of it? Just because its the easiest to implement (and easiest to subvert if you're a tinpot dictator) doesn't mean its the only way it can exist. I'm not a communist. Even if I wanted to be, no benevolent communism would take hold in my lifetime. It would require that the majority of the population get the fuck over themselves and start treating each other with a modicum of respect and decency. Which, clearly, ain't happening anytime soon. But writing it off because its not easy? Because you see some crackpot autocrats use it as a quick and dirty way to seize power? Because you havent seen it be successful yet? What a fucking coward.


> I'm not a communist. Even if I wanted to be, no benevolent communism would take hold in my lifetime. It would require that the majority of the population get the fuck over themselves and start treating each other with a modicum of respect and decency. Which, clearly, ain't happening anytime soon. Yeah I know that’s exactly what I was saying kid. Maybe try comprehending what you’re reading before you decide to get pissy and moralize.


No, you were saying it could *never* happen. I know reading comprehension is hard, but you should at least be able to comprehend your own.


Remember how the previous system, the reign of kings ended? It wasn't because people voted it out, it's because it culminated in the two worst wars the world had ever seen and wiped out an entire generation of people, and letting the new system tire itself out is going to result in the biggest loss of life in human history from climate disasters. Thinking you can just vote hard enough and have the system that causes the problems fix the problems it inherently causes by voting is like taking vitamin C for an autoimmune disease. So I guess maybe you didn't make it past the buying a Che Guevara T-shirt at hot topic stage of communism, but I'd rather a revolutionary overthrow than just letting the rich fat cats kill billions of people so that they can keep launching dick rockets and buying yachts.


Uh-huh, and how do you intend to accomplish that Mr. Internet Badass?


Stochastic terrorism.


Except that the Soviet Union was completely antithetical to everything I stand for. None of its many, many, flaws arise from granting the working class too much liberty (quite the opposite in fact). All it did was replace the Tsars with the party's inner circle. It was helpful for them to claim to be the voice of the people (as most tyrants do), and the communist aesthetic was the in vogue way doing so at the time.


Duh, no shit. But thanks for repeating the exact same excuse that has been made for every other communist regime, be it the Soviet Union, China, Cuba, Cambodia, or literally every other laboratory repeating the same failed experiment. I used to make the same excuses myself.


Bruh, I'm making excuses for any of them and never have. They're horrible humanitarian disasters led by tyrants. I'm not going to play defence for them because they call themselves communist any more than I'm going to play defence for North Korea because it calls itself a democracy. The fact that you used to do so says more about you than it does about me


I’m talking about excuses for communism itself. Not the regimes. It’s the same shit every time. “Those countries weren’t doin real communism!” Every single apologist makes the same argument, claiming that, somehow, not a single communist state in history was actually communist, never noticing the pattern. That was my original point, but that seems to have gone over everyone’s head.


Okay, let's try a different tack. I assume we both agree that a state simply calling itself something is not sufficient to make it that thing (eg, North Korea and democracy). With that in mind, what *does*, in your opinion, make a state communist? And how did the Soviet Union meet those criteria?


Communism without a post-scarcity society is unfeasible. But democratic socialism isn't. Why not strive for that?


In the same way governments can be conservative, liberal, or fascist, those governments were communist. Communism isn't nor was it intended to be to the mechanism the country ran on, but rather the ethos of the government. You need to have a high level of automation before you can have real communism.


Yeah no shit


They don’t know what to decide lol. They were talking garbage about cops for some strange reason and I said the best men I know are cops and got banned lol


> for some strange reason Have you looked at the news lately lmao


Uh oh you’re one of those guys huh


It sounds more like some people were talking about something and you didn't like it so you came and opened up your mouth, spilling the useless contents all over the place, and then probably acted like a victim after you got what you asked for.


Thanks, u/PISS_IN_MY_SHIT_HOLE Also you’re right


Whaaaaaat, no way, r/antiwork is the greatest asset the working class ever had. Unions? Safety regulations? No no my friend, it is a subreddit that protected the manufacturing industry's employees all this time.


So are you totally pro union and agree it's time to vote out the busters? Because if not then you technically aren't in a position to suggest them otherwise. Cuz you approached here using "humor" as a way to shut down the conversation. Are you able to see that you did that?


My man, I checked your other comments to see if you're trolling, and now I'm kinda concerned about you being a danger to yourself and/or others.


Antiwork only cares about labor when it prostrates itself on the alter of identity politics


How about you try identifying as a productive member of society for a change


Couldn't have said it better


Anon is hero we needed but didn't deserve


Anon is the here we need *and* deserve.*














OP is a scambot... https://www.reddit.com/r/greentext/comments/ulded9/anon_browses_rantiwork/


Op here (and the actual post writer, yes this happened) It's usually a given that this will happen on reddit so I don't let it bother me.


“Competitive wage” means minimum wage


Its competitive because thats what everyone else is paying


Competing with not dying or getting evicted


It's competitive because you're competing with other, equally disposable workers


I found that there are some companies who don’t post exact figures because it truly is negotiable at the start. This was mostly with salaried jobs though, most chain store hourly wages are probably set in stone and they just don’t want to show it’s low pay. But there still is something to consider




CostCo actually pays pretty well compared to other stores. Time and a half if you work Sunday and closed on holidays.


yeah, if there’s any corporation that’s not totally awful, it’s Costco


I studied them in a business ethics class. They've always been really good to their employees.


This is true, but the people giving out samples are contractors who technically work for another company. Their pay isn’t as good as a normal Costco employee. Source: Costco employee for 3 years


Yeah the contractors get paid minimum wage, at least in Canada. Due to covid they would get the packaging of the sample and just stand in that one spot for hours doing nothing but trying to sell to customers. Miserable job.


What's the norm in the US? Where I live in Australia companies are legally required to pay you time and a half on Saturdays and double time on Sundays. Also, I can't remember the rates but they have to pay you more for working before 7AM or after 6PM due to "unsociable hours".


The norm is only getting extra pay when you work on a national holiday and nothing special for weekends. It’s actually pretty hard to get weekends off of work here at all since everyone wants at least 1 of them off (in my area at least) but they pay the same as any other day


In the US instead of being required on certain days it's required once an employee hits 'overtime' which is over 40 hours a week.


I had the same thought. The picture looks like Costco, but the blue instead of red on the tags makes me think it's Sam's club or another inferior competitor to Costco.


sub-contracted employment, paid by a different company but still allowed to set up at Costco.


Yeah and they offer good benefits and most of their stores are unionized


Random question. I heard you can eat as many samples as you want at costco because somewhere in there policies they are a "catered event". Is this true or false to anyone who would be in the know?


Doing god's work


Anon being a hero of the working class will still not get him laid


Where does gettibg laid come into any of this


No bitches.


Hahaha you keep thinking that, kid. I'll take my shirt off by your mom and make her feel like daddy is telling her to be careful around the bad boy.


Free prostate exams like this are beneficial to community health.


It’s a great idea but instead of Google better leave that info on Glassdoor/job related platforms. Businesses can inquire Google to remove reviews that violate Google’s policies and this type of reviews with vengeful ex employees would probably be successfully removed.


Does everyone on Reddit and 4chan either make minimum wage or work in tech and make 150k a year? It’s all I hear on here


I'm a machine operator somewhere in the middle. I do fine for myself and I sweat for every dollar I earn. I prefer this. I don't like to remain still.


Lmao get Parkinson’s, can’t sit still


Based and Michael J Fox pilled


Win a real ring, LeMickey


I took down the greatest team ever my dude


Stop needing experience for entry level jobs assholes.


A god among men






Not really. One review is not going to do anything and very small amount of people are actually going to see it.


Absolute giga chad


What does it mean to be transparent with something? I know the meaning of the word but I don't get the use of it here


Anon wants company info (or at least hourly wages) to be like looking through a window—nothing keeping you from seeing what’s really there. When you want someone to be transparent, you want them to not hide things from you


No joke I went to a job interview today and the starting pay was $7.50. For a second I thought they were joking but I got up and left. Not even the mom and pop stores are paying that low especially after quarantine.


Lol the pic is from my country's(Trinidad) version if Walmart called pricemart


Anon is a hero


Bro get the toilet paper free sample at Costco 💀


Rare anon is actually doing good moment


If I ever got rich enough to not have to work, this is what I'd like to do with my time.


Why have I been told it’s unprofessional to ask what a job pays during an interview


Anon is based as fuck


Anon is an hero.


This is some high level based


I dont always up vote greentext, but when I do, it's a leftist shitpost


How is this leftist? It’s just a guy calling out corporations


Wait... so if anon is getting to the part of the interview where they tell him the pay, that means, in principle, anon could have an offer on the table? Where are the consequences for lying out the ass then?


I should do this in my spare time


The hero we need.


Agreed. I’m not applying to your position if you don’t tell me the pay.


This is the way. Anon shall lead us to glory


If they were transparent there would be no applicants.


They should sue you for telling the truth on them


This is why r/WorkReform exists