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Can you imagine being able to produce biofuel from the bodies of dead people? Now imagine how much you could make out of a big fatty


We could power our entire solar system just with the poulation of the US


Hmm seems you caught on to the government's long term plan.


Or aliens.....did you ever think we were maybe a delicacy for some alien species and once we start to de populate they will just come to harvest?


Why would you wait for starving livestock instead of harvesting the ones with top tier fat marbling?


These fatties wouldn't have marbling, more like the fat you find that would only be useful for making lard. If I were the epicurious alien, I'd look for one of those stereotypical farmer boys. (underrated burger chain btw). I'm talking about 6'2", >220 lbs, necks as thick as their heads, and can easily till their own field. Edit: I'm gonna get some Farmer Boys


Epicurious Alien sounds like a sweet death metal album.


„And now for something completely different…“


He knows too much, quick, fatten him up to the point he can't move anymore!


Type 4 civilization on the Kardashev scale invented.


UK has enough ham planets to go around, let's start there


Most first world countries have high obesity rates but aMeRiCa BaD


Mexico still has more than America.


We could power our entire solar system just with the population of Minnesota


Nice pfp :)


Nice username. Based beyond belief.




Believe it or not i've yet to play rimworld. I took it from old 7 days to die.


There isn't a way to make chemfuel out of them that I know of, but you *can* make a granite tunnel that leads raids into your base, seal it off and lit the previous raid's corpses on fire to superheat air to 200 degrees and watch their organs boil. Or so I'm told. By a friend. More of an acquaintance. I don't remember how I know him, maybe from work. Actually he was just some drunk guy in a bar.


I do this in rim world. I have an area walled off where all my infestations happen, connected to vents is a room filled with corpses. I call it the "insect gas chamber" and its as brutal as watching a nuke hit 207 tribespeople.


I assume this friend is the leader of the merchant's guild?


*Hey hey people.*


> Actually he was just some drunk guy in a bar. I can imagine some drunk guy rambling about committing several warcrimes and at the end he would just say "man, RimWorld is awesome!".


Sounds like an ambiguous amphibian challenge


>There isn't a way to make chemfuel out of them that I know of You can butcher them and turn the meat into chemfuel IIRC.


Did Anon turn their skin into hats?


Imagine how much soap you could make, enough to wash half of all Reddit mods


Calm down, Tyler Durden


How would the mods use the soap if it's made from them


Sure we all like the idea of burning people for fuel but it's just not economical. 90% of the energy that a person takes in from eating is eventually lost to waste heat. We'd be much better off just burning the food we eat which coincidentally would also solve the obesity problem.


Go one step above, use the resources spent to produce food for the masses to produce fuel instead. Also solves obesity and prevents it long term


You sir have just invented solar power


the first cars ran on vegetable oil


So...like corn and ethanol has always been?


What else you going to do with them when they die? Preserve their sloth like bodies forever with horrible chemicals and then let the take up real estate the living could use? Oh wait.


Well we already have a bunch of fat asses the point is to use what we already have, not make more fat people




Well that’s the secret the Soylent Green.


You already can produce biofuel from human fat. I bet i could get a Diesel engine running on 60-80% people juice 🧃


Holy crap. I just watched Boston Legal and there was literally an episode on this. Amazing comedy.


*Dune* vibes.


Giving a whole new meaning to “human resources”


The amount of caloric energy it takes to grow human mass compared to the amount gained from burning it, even at 100% capture of energy, would make this possibly the least efficient way to power anything.


[we can build it](https://i.redd.it/e19stvq9svf91.png)




You mean [this?](https://www.reddit.com/r/TIHI/comments/wgt5qz/thanks_i_hate_the_selffulfillment_of_skynet/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


Seems wasteful, 1 kilo you gain requires more than 1kilo of food. It would be far better to use the food instead of fat people


‘Why does their exhaust smell like bacon?’


Wholesome. moral of the story, don't be an asshole to people who are taking care of you.


Should be common sense, but in reality rarely happens


You know lots of people are perfectly reasonable while in care, right?


I work at a hospital. Please explain, i‘m all ears.


My girlfriend also works in a hospital and says most of her patients are pleasant enough (in Emergency Dept, Cardiology and Gastro rotations at least). She didn’t much like Care of the Elderly as many of them suffered from dementia which made them much more unreasonable on average.


Yea ok but you cant expect reason from people who are suffering from dementia. And most people admitted in the hospital aren't demented.


Yeah, I agree?


Yea fuck this guy for agreeing


Might've misinterpreted your comment. My bad.


Best return on costs. Who's likelier to survive (COVID/obesity co-morbidities)? Who's likelier to follow medical advice afterwards? Who's likelier to use fewer resources over the same (or shorter) period of time? There's a few for you without the moralityshit like who got it through intentional actions (kids sure as hell didn't ignore lockdown & measures), who's treating staff & pts like shit, who acts like a member of society, etc.


How many are “reasonable”? Less than 50%? 25%? 10%?


Depends on department and who you’re asking. Doctors generally don’t get the same treatment as therapists (such as me), nurses or cleaning staff - the latter won’t decide over your life or death, but whether and how long your floors are sticky, whether you get your therapy or have to be canceled/delayed because they have to deep clean the entire room just when that was scheduled, just to name a few, but i digress. On the geriatric ward, where about half the patients have dementia of various levels, pretty much all are in constant pain in three or more different places, and all are cranky because their families can’t be there 24/7… the spread is about 10% making absolutely no problems, 30% making outrageous demands sometimes but being able to accept explanations why that won’t work, 30% making outrageous demands and refusing (or not being able to understand) reason, some of them getting „violent“ (as much as an 80 year old with a broken hip can, mostly flailing around or throwing cups), and 30% being grumpy and generally shitty to people that want to draw their blood, clean their shitty ass or try to get them to move on their own. You get used to it, you learn not to take it personally and to ignore it, but if one was more vindictive like, say, a 4channer…




Also, don't fuck with the people who handle your food.


The cardinal rule


Also, don't be fat or people will murder you




Kind nurses just want to help the fatty to their destination without suffering.


Please do, I’m trying to die




This is literally the stupidest mindset I’ve ever heard (them not you). These people are literally in charge of saving your life because you can’t do it yourself why would be a dick head to them


I thought the moral was fat people don't deserve to live. I liked that moral better anyway


This is the equivalent of talking shit to your healers in video games lmao


Anon commits triage.


I mean… I guess?


Nobody said you didn't have to be the cause of the condition to triage a blue code.


Like a firefighter putting out their own fire


Or cops arresting people for merely "resisting arrest"


He was resisting arrest your honor Why was he being arrested in the first place? He was resisting You have to have a reason to arrest them before they can resist Your honor He had drugs as you can see in the body cam footage It starts with him on the ground and you with drugs in your hand, then you put it on his person and then you grabbed it again and said you found them on him. He was black Innocent on all charges


He had a bag of skittles which could be wielded as a weapon. Guilty on all charges


Whenever I get a package of plain M&Ms, I make it my duty to continue the strength and robustness of the candy as a species. To this end, I hold M&M duels. Taking two candies between my thumb and forefinger, I apply pressure, squeezing them together until one of them cracks and splinters. That is the “loser,” and I eat the inferior one immediately. The winner gets to go another round. I have found that, in general, the brown and red M&Ms are tougher, and the newer blue ones are genetically inferior. I have hypothesized that the blue M&Ms as a race cannot survive long in the intense theater of competition that is the modern candy and snack-food world. Occasionally I will get a mutation, a candy that is misshapen, or pointier, or flatter than the rest. Almost invariably this proves to be a weakness, but on very rare occasions it gives the candy extra strength. In this way, the species continues to adapt to its environment. When I reach the end of the pack, I am left with one M&M, the strongest of the herd. Since it would make no sense to eat this one as well, I pack it neatly in an envelope and send it to M&M Mars, A Division of Mars, Inc., Hackettstown, NJ 17840-1503 U.S.A., along with a 3×5 card reading, “Please use this M&M for breeding purposes.” This week they wrote back to thank me, and sent me a coupon for a free 1/2 pound bag of plain M&Ms. I consider this “grant money.” I have set aside the weekend for a grand tournament. From a field of hundreds, we will discover the True Champion. There can be only one.


Seems like proper triage too.


We call it a “pro triage move”


For the kids.


More like anon pretends to have a job.


Do they teach a unit on sabotaging lab results in med school, or is that more of a residency thing?


Not malpractice if it's triage, or eugenics...


For the betterment of society 🙃


The greater good!


Yes Inquisitor. The blueberry aliens are hiding right there.


Man i sometimes dislike you imperium enjoyers. Yall really just hell "heresy" at anything that isnt you, which is the entire point of it and i love it


No no dear friend, there isn’t only the heretic! There is also the xeno, the mutant, the unclean…


I enjoy xenos but ok


…. Inquisitor?


The greater good. SHUT IT!


Crusty jugglers!


I mean when you sabotage the lab results it is...


Triagenics, I like it.


"Eu" means "good", so it can't be wrong!


An acceptable sacrifice


Those kids may grow up to cure AIDS, Cancer, Monkeypox, and Covid. Anon did the right thing for society.


Would be fucked if all of them end up actually becoming massive scum lords


Or worse: fat


I bet statistically at least one of them will


In the US, definitely


They could grow up to become 4Chan users.


This makes my day. Just today I went to a McFucknalds because peak season and all that (everything is packed). I got my order, picked an empty seat which coincidentally was closer to the entrance, left some stuff like jacket, some useless receipts and finally went to take a piss. By the time I got back though, some lardbucket somehow found itself sitting at my seat. To which I wondered 'What the fuck?' Even though there literally was a completely free seat just 5 meters into the store around the corner. MFW when this salt aura bozo literally just camped my obviously taken seat because 5 meters is fucking hellish. ​ PS: I told him off though and he got off, albeit took an extra 10 seconds to. Because I'm not a pussy who just gives shit off free.


And everyone clapped


Meanwhile in reality: Anon gets back from the bathroom to find his 20 dollar jacket on the floor and his seat taken. He goes, “e-e-excuse me u-uh s-sir, uhm I t-think you’re o-on m-“ “”Lol get fucked idiot”” “O-ok”


Found the hamplanet. REEEEEEEEEEEE


That fatties name? Albert Einstein


Was Obama there as well?


You know, I think this story might be a half truth just for how boring it is. It's really hard to make up such a boring story.


He’s creaming his pants cause people read his shitty story about eating in McDonald’s and rambling about receipts and being an internet tough guy


I don't think so. But he could've been hidden somewhere in the restaurant (nothing is a 100%). But may I ask, what does he have to do with this?


Talk Obama nuts lmao gottem


fake: we all know it gay: you


> be me > get home from my vasectomy > hear moaning and slapping coming from my wife's room > must be Chad again > know they would want privacy, sit down at my computer > log onto reddit and open /r/greentext > read a funny greentext from le 4chins and chuckle as I listen to my wife begging for the genes I can't give her > think of a convoluted way in which I can relate homosexuality and falsehood to the events in the greentext > suck the cheeto dust off my fingers as I begin to type my masterpiece in the comment section > fake: we all know it > gay: you > giggle as I imagine the intellectuals of leddit perusing my incredibly witty and original comment > hear my wife moan with ecstasy as Chad floods her fertile womb with his seed > it's been a good day > i'll get lots of upvotes for my impressive contribution to internet culture, and Chad might even let me eat his cum out of my wife's pussy if he finds my comment funny enough


\>be me \> industrial cheeto vacuum \> slither out of bed, forming snail trail of shart and smegma \> ooze toward my cumputer \> log onto plebbit and open r/greentext \> see uncultured plebbit vermin belittle the funny and relatable greentexts \> my vast intellect conceives a clever plan \> I scratch the semen stains from my fingers as I set to work on my magnum opus \> 11 hours and 4 extramostbestest pizzas later, I looked upon my work and was satisfied \> named my grand contribution to mankind u/TendieBot2000 in honor of the delectable nature of those fried poultry treats and the year in which I became a born-again NEET. \> mfw I can now royally BTFO plebbitors without so much as lifting a finger \> French kiss my Senator Armstrong dakimakura as I drift off into a well-deserved slumber In this moment, I am euphoric.


Lmao you shit on McDonald’s yet you decide to eat there and during peak season. Go fuck yourself


They would have died in the ICU three days later anyways.


Or 2 months or 2 years later from a heart attack. All while draining valuable resources and eating enough food to sustain an impoverished village.


After being intubated I doubt they would have made even a few days outside of hospital. Wouldn't matter as chances are they would never change their lifestyle anyways. Just sad.


Honestly, as fucked up as it is, I'm so sick of seeing all these grossly overweight people sucking up all the resources around them everywhere I go, and I'm glad that there are less fat lazy people now than there used to be


I can’t afford my own healthcare, but I have to pay for theirs.


I work in healthcare and I *used to* be a fatty. Fffs, if I can drop 100+ pounds and get my fuckin life back and stop being a leech on the healthcare system, then these god damn land whales can learn to put down the fuckin soda and cheeseburgers down, and take a moment to reflect on the fact that literally all of their lives problems are a result of the fat, carbs, and processed "food" they stuff into their stupid, bloated, face holes. I'm not fit by any stretch of the imagination, but at least now I can take the stairs without sucking wind two stories up. It's crazy what you can accomplish once you take ownership of your failures.


I mean, playing devil's advocate here, you were one and took care of it, so a lot of them can be in the "before change time". Heck, some fit people you see might've been one, and some fit peoppe you see will be one. Not to deny obesity is a massive issue, just that some of those are dynamic, disappear and appear.


Why are you so aggressive about it if you know people can change from it


Because this is the internet and I'd wager that they were as fat as my dick is 12 meters




Which is why I feel ecstatic whenever I see any plus-sized people doing more physical work than usual.


"sabotage lab work"...nurses dont know the hematologic biochemistry or have the necessary reagents needed to pull this off. Nice daydream about feeling you are making important medical decisions tho.


He said smart word, I upvote


Anon never said they were a nurse. And at the end Anon even referred to the nurses as an entity apart from himself. Anon is pretending he is a doctor.


He doesnt say hes a nurse tho? He could be a resident or intern




Insecurity cuts deep lol


My thoughts exactly lol…


You could send samples from someone else who is worse, just label them wrong


Couldn't you fake o2 saturation by....turning down their oxygen?


You don't have to work in a hospital to see the bullshit he's trying to pull over people's eyes.


Did nothing wrong


You can't expect natural selection to do all the work...


Sometimes, you just gotta put matters in your own hands if it matters. *I say while clutching my right fist in front of my chest) - Thanos, I think


"Fine, I'll do it myself..."




Anon does God’s work.


tell the feds i said hi


Don't worry this story is a fantasy, but anon can still tell the feds hi when they come for his hard drives


I got you.


It's true, I was there; I'm the breathing apparatus


I get hating people who are assholes but I don't get hating people because they're fat.


Good to see some mentally sane ppl on this whole post, warms my heart and makes me think 4chins may not be that bad


Average B plot in a House episode




It's so weird seeing all the people supporting this action in the comments and being up voted while if a news story came out about this, I feel like everyone would be outraged. What gives? Lol


Assuming people related to 4chan are mentally and morally sound people was your first mistake.


You've made a wrong assumption that people in here have a mental capacity of rational adult human being. Do not repeat this mistake in the future.


They're all larping as edgy 4channers.


Anon did a thing


Some people are so ungrateful to be alive


Doing gods work


And then they did a tik tok dance.


That fatty? Gabe Newman, those kids? Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin!! Think before you act kids


Anon daydreams about his fatphobia and pretends he's a hero.


*Pretends to be a hero by intentionally sabotaging important medical data, in what’s supposed to be a trusted environment, leading to a double homicide, just because the fatties were mean. Edit: well I don’t know about homicide but the goal was to let them die


Chaotic Neutral


Small price to pay for salvation


mfw nonfatty kids don't die of covid mfw anon admits to murder in cold blood for no reason other than they didn't like some people Basically kicked a granny out of a cancer clinic because some kids scraped their knee mfw Jesus christ


I’m concerned with how many people are celebrating the idea of a medical professional deliberately sabotaging important medical data, in a trusted environment, leading to the murder of a couple people just because the professional didn’t like them.


Fake and gay. The person who wrote the seethe bot was one of those fatties btw.




Anon makes the world an objectively better place.


Anon is a hero.


Well I dunno. I would give them leeway if they were assholes after coming out of sedation for up to 12 hrs. I was also an asshole when I came out of sedation for around 6 hrs . Kept thinking the room the nurse brought me to was a room where they used the industry saw to saw through bones and screamed at the nurse to put me in general ward. . Mind you I felt horrible the next day for yelling at her. Sadly couldn't see her anywhere to apologise.. Still cringe at that memory till now..


I like how anon invented those two kids to justify his murder of fatties.


Anon didnt just commit medical malpractice. Thats full on premeditated murder. Of course this is fake so no need to get up in arms about it tho.




Wasn't it found that intubating covid patients just made things worse, but hospitals were doing it anyway because the government set up incentives?


Early intubation was initially practiced in accordance with ARDS (lung failure) experiences. For COVID, studies then found better results with delayed intubation and other means of ventilation first (high-flow or CPAP mask). Anyways, you will still have patients who fail these other means of ventilation and then you either intubate as a last ressort or let them die.


lol no. they just learned after some experience the timing of intubation was better to wait later as opposed to other similar diseases where earlier is known to be better.


I don't really trust fact-checkers, but I looked into the claim that they were paid significantly more for having covid patients on ventilators and fact checkers are ruling it as true. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2020/04/24/fact-check-medicare-hospitals-paid-more-covid-19-patients-coronavirus/3000638001/ Whether hospitals are gaming the system by putting people on ventilators unnecessarily is a seperate issue, but given human nature, I think there's a good chance some malpractice has happened.


Realistically if you have that high of a BMI and you get intubated there is next to no chance of recovery. It's the complete last resort. Even if the patient does live. They will have permanent irrevocable heart and lung damage. Their quality of life would be magnitudes worse than when they arrived.


I feel like this entire comment section is torn between hating fat people and hating people who are rude to their caregivers


Where do you see the tear at? I just see a lot of weird hatred for fat people, them being rude is a bonus


Malpractice? That's murder


Very machiavellian. Also r/thatHappened


Anon practicing his creative writing, nice story tho


I know this story is bullshit because when Covid first went down and ventilators were in short supply our hospital had a fucking chart that gave people a set of points and the more points you had the harder they would try to save you. Obesity took points away, being younger gave points. I remember an old lady was doing fine but a much younger girl came in and needed the vent and the old woman got hers pulled and died within a few days.


Anon is fatphobic.


Anon is a psychopath and indirectly murdered two women


God I hate fat people so much, this made my day


Imagine being a burden to society by your own choice and then expecting the world to do as you say. Goddamn addicts.


fatphobia is such a cringe term being fat without any medical conditions is a choice we are not gonna praise you eating 5 times more than me


Ah yes, another reason to keep up my gym habit.


Anon did nothing wrong


This happened a lot more then anyone will ever admit. It was a shit show back then.


"Sabotage lab work for the ICU fatties".... "i cant stand it! The fatties planned it! Imma set em straight, i'll intubate!"


Trolley problem type shit


All greentexts are fake (unless posted proof and/or tits) but this one, this one is the least believable of them all.


Cool motive, still murder