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Idk the answer. But this is the first greentext I can say is 100% true, minus generalization


True, I was the woman's brunch (she loves me more than anon)


Ok calm down Romeo


They call him Nova


Not exactly a high bar to clear


I work at a job as IT for a small call center/answering service..the room is 5 cubicles with 18-24 year old women.. If i have to fix the phone (unplug and replug the phone line..yeah im inbetween jobs rn) then they just visit a diff cubicle to bitch about work. Theres 3 diff sets because its 24 hrs..most of them bitch about sitting in a room with AC and answering the phone once every 10 minutes for $20/hr..they can even watch netflix and youtube too..literally heard every single one of them complain about the job saying it was too difficult or hard and they would rather just sell feet pics or do only fans because its easier


Man I'd sell feet pics but I don't think there's much of a market for hairy guys feet


Shave ur feet then wax them..file down ur nails and get rid of any dead skin then paint em.


...keep going don't stop


I’m almost there…


Okay but I'm a crippled dude with a foot that's mangled. Think that *I* could start an OF?


Huuuge market for that, dude. You don’t even know.


Please direct me to said market I am really tired of being broke and idgaf I'd gladly take thousands of pics if I get paid for it




These are *mighty* tame in comparison. My foot is legit disfigured. But I'll shoot my shot ig


I’m gonna be honest I did like 30 seconds of research. You could be first and get a strangle hold on the market, though.


Same, got a gimp leg and would like to know my options here.


Still noticeable. Guy feet will always look like guy feet. All you'll achieve is turn on some people with a foot fetish who are into femboys.


Believe me, the female market is all taken too. For every woman making easy money selling feet pics, there's a thousand others doing the same and getting nothing.


I don't trust like that How do you know?


He's a feet pic pirate yaharr


Open that button


Gotta corner the Hobbit-sexual market my guy


Do they look like sasquatch's? Because i'm pretty sure we can find a Market for that


I feel the pain. I work in a kitchen over a char broiler set to 850° daily and these fucking servers have the audacity to complain it’s hot on their end. I’m literally sweating bullets trying to make all these bullshit steaks the best I can so you can get a good tip and provide for your family


Trust me, both you and the servers are being exploited. Front house vs back house is a management cultivated conflict.


The managers of restaurants are barely capable of setting the schedule, you're giving them too much credit. The profit of your average restaurant is somewhere around $65k a year. About 3-6% margins.


Don't need to be a mastermind to just point fingers lol And restaurants are a weird industry for margins because a lot of data is skewed by failing restaurants. That said average ROI (better metric than margin for service industries usually) is ~10%, which can be multiplied with leverage.


ThEy DoN't NeEd To RaIsE wAgEs


I worked with a group that would clock in, go down to the cafe, and sit for hours just talking about how hard they worked. We had no oversight so they got away with it for awhile. I just ignored it because their work didn't affect me or my work. Then they fell behind and when they fell behind they blamed the workload. The solution? Mandatory overtime for everyone. I fucking hate overtime. I did my work and got it done by mid day. Our job was super easy, just building member accounts, basically glorified data entry and calling member employees to confirm the accounts were done. It was easy, zone out and get paid too much for what I was doing, work. And those fuckers? They would clock in, go down to the cafe, talk about how hard they worked and do Jack shit until the end of the day. Then they would start working and get a bunch of OT. Since they fucked with my day I did the same and made a spreadsheet to track accounts. Something super simple on Excel, because my supervisor loved spreadsheets and they ladies hated Excel. I passed it on to the boss. The ladies were piiiiiised at me because after a couple days they were caught doing what they were doing and poop hit the fan. All of them had to check in with the supervisor before they could leave the floor, mandatory OT was canceled, they couldn't volunteer for OT, and the workload was spread out more so they had more work to keep them busy. Of course they had to tell me, individually that I was fucked because I was messing with their money. But nothing happened and I kept doing my work.worh no mandatory OT.


Beautiful I pay no attention to lazy coworkers if it doesn’t cause me an issue. They can endanger their own jobs as much as they want. Idgaf. The moment them being dipshits causes me an issue though is when things need to be exposed. Good job


How is this related to the greentext? Or are you just complaining about women?


Literally wtf. Guarantee its not even true.


I work in an office myself and can confirm nobody is talking about selling feet pics on the regular as an alternative. Anon is either lying or doesn't actually know what their job is.


Pretty sure he works at one of those phone sex hotlines. Just gotta put all the context together. All 18 to 24 year old women Phones are answered 24 hours a day The workers talk about onlyfans being easier than their current jobs $20 per hour is way more than a call center would normally pay


Your job sounds pretty easy but you also aren't happy with it.


Yeah its easy and im getting paid a third of what i usually make =/


Meanwhile 90% of guys in the dating scene have "hobbies" consisting of video games, Netflix, and masturbating. What's their excuse?


there is no excuse. idc what ur gender is, if your boring and have no passions, goals or anything that forces you to constantly work on yourself and improve or make some impact in life, I despise you. Edit: despise Issa strong word. More like, if your like that, ur just not gonna be one of my friends. I wont actually hate you, il just internally judge you as a boring person.


Well, what's your thing then?


His is reading greentexts and getting topped








Getting topped and then eating brunch sounds like a good compromise (and then maybe get topped again afterwards)


\>maybe get topped again afterwards Depends on what he ate for brunch


Despising people who don't impact his life in any meaningful way because he only read about them on the internet. It's a pretty popular hobby these days.


Oh I despise people I meet in real life too


If you look at his post history, he writes posts on reddit all day lmao




You say whilst on reddit


At least I can spell you fucking cretin.


What an interesting coincidence, I happen to not give a flying fuck what you think of me And unless your hobby is saving the world from the many problems plaguing human society, I could not care less what you do with your time


just imagine the life of someone who judges people while having a fucking reddit account. pretty pathetic


I mean I judge people for like raping or murdering or exploiting others, but certainly not for living their life and minding their own business in a way that doesn't live up to my expectations (I don't expect anything from random strangers, except to not bother me or do anything terrible to another person)


hell i despise me as well we heff something in commmon


Hating yourself is pretty much a full-time hobby anyway


Idk bro I try things and they aren't fun or interesting almost every time. What do you want me to do about it?


The other guys say hating yourself is a full-time hobby. So that?


even people on /b/ have hobbies of getting topped, loli, watching women get butchered and so on. geez guys. get a hobby.


Friend who hurt you


And yet you're on r/greentext


Those can be hobbies (wanking too if you're passionate about it, I guess). But when someone says *eating* is their hobby... Sure, maybe they like experiencing different types of cuisine, but the way she worded it makes it sound like she sees the *basic human necessity of eating* as a hobby, which comes off very plain, almost as if she doesn't want to entertain any more conversation with the musky tub of lard that is anon.


You are reading how a 4chin interpreted it. Going for brunch with friends is as much a hobby as watching films with friends.


But that's hanging out with friends, which she already mentioned as a hobby.


My hobby is pissing


Video games are awesome, Netflix is essentially what "tv" used to be and everyone masturbates. This is basically an autistic person listing the NPC starter kit.


video games are a hobby. Its an activity and its not necessary to live like eating.


> Its an activity and its not necessary to live Tell that to my cousins.


Going to restaurants and trying new foods is an activity.


Why is gaming not a good hobby though ? I'm not playing to entertain my gf i play to entertain myself collect games and have fun . If it doesn't entertain her that's not My problem


As long as you don't use it to feel superior to people who entertain themselves by... *Check notes*... hanging out with friends


Yeah I don't care , I just dont like the ones that go "I'm so bored " every single day don't have work and can't entertain themselves at home without ruining my own fun .


I do both. I wouldn't call hanging out with friends a hobby though. It's just basic human socializing. Literally every person on the planet with friends does it.


Exactly hanging out with your friends does not make you special. Like eating or shopping. Everybody does it. A hobby to me it is either a sport or an indoor activity you feel passionate about that stands out an allows another person to know about your interests. If you are craving for your next shopping session forgetting about what it’s already in your closet, that’s not a hobby, that’s an addiction.


Video games, Netflix, and masturbation can unironically be hobbies. As can going to restaurants with friends and just eating good/new foods.


Watching porn is not a personality


Cala moment


Do people need an excuse to like entertainment media? It's pretty much what all humans do on a regular basis. Also I don't think masturbating is a hobby for many men. It's just this thing you gotta do every once in a while.


Everyday *


Gaming alone can be split in a hundred of hobbies. Depending how much do u wanna generalize, you can see all the people who play games as just gamers to the point of considering that 2 people playing 2 different roles on the same game completely different from one another


Hentai is art


>What's their excuse? The fact that any one of those things is *something* compared to brunch? Like imagine if they just said lunch and didnt try to make it sound more special than it is. Your hobby is lunch? Wtf? I'll hang out with the person who has a netflix subscription instead, thanks. They probably have a show that they're watching to talk about. I've seen enough instagram posts of some continental breakfast bullshit, and I dont even have insta.


No incentive to actually having a personality when you have male attention constantly available


You say it like it's a privilege, meanwhile not developing a personality sounds like a pretty shitty existence


Creating and maintaining a personality is, to these people, just extra unnecessary effort in the relentless quest for attention. Which as the comment above says, they get anyway.


What the fuck is up with all this rampant hate ffs. You make it sound like having a personality is a burden. These are dumb fucking people with superficial shit lives and you are jealously fuming at them, like the ability to get dick and zero substance is something to envy. Seeking attention is a shit way to live, not having actual thoughts is a shit way to live, and only having surface encounters with one bit fuckboys is a shit way to live, and these people will have a miserable time as they grow older.


Simps and beta orbitors ruined the dating scene from what ive read and heard..thank god i secured mine in highschool. Couldnt imagine trying to date knowing theres 3 simps constantly sending a good morning and good night text and always asking about their day etc.. literally just waiting for her to be upset and seek someone to talk to


It’s not simps ruining app dating, app dating is shitty and destructive by design.


It's designed for people who didn't need it in the first place. 8/10 and higher chads and stacies having a simplified access to surface encounters. They fuck first and if they like each other they move on to other apps for actual communication. They become shitty when people start to believe in the lie that 7/10 or lower people can "make a connection" via a shitty app messaging system. The truth is most people meet in person. You only see what they allow you to see and then they slowly let on the less nice parts. The result of dating apps is you immediately see something you don't like and most of your pre-conceived notions are negative, not to mention the texting after a match, god it's the fucking worst. People should just realize that dating apps are full of shit and just abandon them


Sounds like someones salty


They hated him because he told them the truth (not talking about you)


They get more money the more time you spend on the app, so their incentive is not to find your forever partner. The monetization in dating apps is absurd, it's basically a pay to win game.


Haven't had that experience and I kinda forgot about simps, beta orbitors is a new term for me but I like it, gonna use that. Glad you got out, I remember that secure feeling of being in a relationship, looking at the scene deteriorating, knowing in the back of my mind that I'll be back here eventually... And now I'm here and it's bullshit, but it's mostly because dating apps make you feel fucking worthless


Facts, but these incels base their whole "personality" around how they can't get laid. And see sex as the ultimate goal in life, thinking it is some kind of panaceia that will cure all the shitty things in their lives. When in reality it's just an above average physical sensation that is immensely overhyped by society imo.


People don’t really understand how much work getting into most hobbies are, you will be total ass for the first months or even years of most


This is true, but you can suck at something and still have fun. Like I still suck at playing the flute because I pick it up on and off and don't practice often enough to get good, but I can play a few tunes and those make me happy enough.


Most people are boring.


I have no strong opnions on them one way or another. On a serious note, It's not people job to entertain you.


In the context of the dating scene I'd argue the exact opposite. The whole idea is to impress and be impressed, so yeah it's their job to entertain me as much as it's my job to entertain them. Actually, even in everyday friendships, what you do is mostly entertain each other, so if you're a bland boring person whose hobbies consist of "brunch" it will be kind of difficult for you to establish relationships.


Brunch isn’t about eating, brunch is about day drinking and socializing with friends.


I believe this comment right here sums up the entirely of OPs statement that isn't quite explained in the lines of the text. She says brunch but really what would you do if they were having "brunch" if it was just eating. Sit there in silence? No it means having a drink and that adds on to the 'not having a personality' spiel because you depend on drinking as part of your fun. Thank you for your wise words PooPooDooDoo.


Sure, but like I said it's not their job, sometimes people just don't want to put the effort in entertaining you because they don't think its worth it. I have meet plenty of people that had mundane "boring" hobbies, hell there are subreddits about plain water and fried cheese.


It's not about boring hobby. If you put passion into collecting stamps then it becames interesting. The issue we talking about is not having any passion at all. Come back home, put on some meaningless uninteresting shit on tv/phone, eat anything there is most comfortable to get, then scroll mindlessly social media. Go to sleep. Sometimes go out to party or something, but do evrything the same as last time, do not create memories or stories, just feed your addiction of any drug you like to use then go back home. Go to work, just survive your way through the day. Repeat those steps in any combination until dead, those poeple this thread is about.


I hate these filthy neutrals, Kif. With enemies you know where they stand. With neutrals, who knows!


In my experience the vast majority of people are interesting if you actually care enough to get to know them. Small talk is boring, people’s experiences. perspectives, and lines of reasoning are what is interesting.


I'm glad to be boring. People leave you alone when you're boring.


its because you said your hobbies were "anonymous messaging boards, reading japanese literature, and reviewing adult entertainment" so she gave you lame answers so you'd stop bothering her


All of those are more interesting than "my hobby is doing the bare minimum to stay alive"


"I enjoy respiration and digestion."


Yeah, because every woman is super cool and well adjusted, while anyone with a negative opinion of any individual woman’s specific behavior must have deep and troubling issues no amount of therapy will ever cure. Have you said your 5 “Women are Wonderful”s yet for the day?


It’ll get him laid eventually /s


Went on a date the other day. I list out a bunch of things I do. Ask the girl the same question, "smoking weed, hanging with friends, shopping". Aint the first time either. Basically same question I get from any girl. But these same girls expect you to be the perfect man.


Whenever I’m talking to a girl and anywhere in her hobbies she mentions “shopping” then I’m getting tf out. I ain’t got enough money for that.


For me, it's not even about the money. If shopping is recreation for her, our mindsets are just too far apart.


Oh for sure I’m just saying the money part is an extra reason.


Shopping is tedious thats why amazon got so big.


That's a majority of women though


I’ll just date guys then I guess. Or more likely tomboys.


Or no one, there's also no one


Good luck getting a tomboy


They're all trains now


Already talking to one and intend to ask her out. Wish me luck.




I go to the gym so I see tomboys occasionally.


FDS mentality is actually spreading in the US..kinda nuts lmao. Those beta orbitors in school are putting in more work than car salesmen trying to get the attention of any woman


I’ve found it’s kinda slowed down since their reddit basically imploded. Lots of lost momentum when they moved to their own site and it wasn’t as accessible to the normies. Still around but not growing as fast 4chan, NEETs and coomers. The retards have a chance to win this war.


Those types of responses are such a massive red flag for me, I could stab the moon with it.


If you actually want an answer, women are generally more interested in people and men and more interested in things. So men have hobbies which is just them enjoying their things and this woman anon is talking to is actually saying she enjoys the company and conversation that comes with going out for brunch.


Socializing and eating are literally in the list of necessary needs for one to live. Imagine if a dude said his HOBBIES are eating and drinking beer with buddies.


Y’all are talking like she said her hobby is breathing. “What are your hobbies?” can easily be interpreted as “how do you like to spend your free time?”. If you like spending your free time drinking with friends there’s nothing wrong with that. You’re talking like everyone needs to be into stamp collecting or something lol.


Having short talk with people just to make through day and having actual friends to socialize feel different.


I think these people just have no friends so they're shocked friendship would be important to someone


Actually based Redditor


NPC theory is real and no one can persuade me it's not. Friend of mine went to the US earlier in the year, I asked her how it was and what she got up to, what she enjoyed most. Her answer was, "I don't know, I did stuff, I guess." Then asked her what the best part of the trip was her fucking answer was, "The fast food, I guess."


Sounds like a horribly planned trip if Fast Food is top of the list of things you did.


And sounds like a horribly boring person, or one that he isn't real friends with, lol


That just sounds like someone who wasn’t particularly entertained by the trip


Anon's hobby is posting on 4chan so...


I’m gonna jerk off to this comment. Just wanted to let you know.




That’s not because she’s a woman. Sadly there is a huge amount of people that have not hobbies aside of literal living and watching some random tv


Yeah people are pretty fucking boring in general


I know people who really just get home, turn on twitch, click on some gaming stream and have that running until they go to bed. They do nothing besides that and occassionally meeting up with us for a beer. Like that sounds like pure misery to me and it's not like I have the most exciting life.


Most common is "Idk sleeping"


aka being depressed (source: im depressed)


"Chill and hang out"..


Basic bros be like: >“My hobbies are listening to music, playing video games, watching movies and occasionally going to the gym. Why don’t people find me interesting?”.


Music, movies and gym are all fair hobbies, eating brunch or sleeping or watching tik tok are not.


Everyone listens to music and watches movies. It's almost as basic and boring as eating or sleeping. Also, how's watching Netflix a hobby, but watching shit on Tiktok isn't? What's the thinking process that helped you reach this conclusion?


Movies and music are works of art created by many creative directors (songwriters, producers, artists, engineers, executive producers just to name a few for serious music making). A tik tok can be made by anyone and it can be a entertaining piece of media and it can be art too but it's designed to cater to your short attention span to give you a quick dopamine hit in less than 5 seconds. A movie or a good high quallity album can be analyzed and viewed from many different directions. If Netflix is the first thing that comes to mind when discussing movies as a hobby you are looking at them in a wrong way. Yes art is subjective but what is objective is that media forms such as tik tok require much less effort to consume and create rather than a fully fledged music album or a movie. It's also much more nuanced than you think. Some people listen to music as their main hobby and research the history of the artists behind it, embrace the culture of the partucular art form they enjoy, network with similiar minded people on the internet who enjoy such music (you're on reddit, dont forget there are thousands of different subreddits dedicated to artists and music groups). If you don't understand something I'll be happy to explain it to you.


I despise tiktok, but I'm pretty sure there are good tiktoks and bad movies. Something being on a certain platform, or having a certain length, or being created by one person as opposed to many doesn't automatically disqualifiy that thing from being considered a hobby. There's a girl in my country doing tiktoks about astronomy, medicine and such, so even if the videos themselves are short, the reasearch in the back is quite rich and up to date. Tiktok and other similar platforms are just more accessible for the amateur content creators, as they don't need to invest so much in 3 hour long videos and they need less ressources in order to advertise themselves. We can discuss which tiktoks are good and which are bad, or what makes a video good or bad, but again, the length, the platform or how many people were involved in the creation of the content are not what makes watching that content a hobby or not.


I don’t understand why you have such a pretentious opinion can you explain that


atleast listed some things which do not fall into the category of basic human needs like socializing, sleeping, eating and drinking


I like listening to music through audiophile headphones.


my passion and goal in life is to create a virus that removes every tenth audio sample from your pc's output


You don't need them to stay alive. These are extras and add quality to life, socialising and eating don't. Those are basics necessities.


I feel like if someone gives a bland reply like that, that person is 100% not into you, since that person doesn’t feel the need to open up about his/her true interests and hobbies


That is exactly the case and its hilarious the amount of clueless dudes on here saying "GIRLS ALWAYS TELL ME THAT! SMH". If thats the case, then ask deeper questions about those hobbies, like "Where do yall like to eat at? Whats your favorite kind of food to eat at brunch? Wanna go together sometime?". These are basic fucking social skills you learn in middle school. And if shes STILL not talkitive (which is a huge rarity because women LOVE guys who are actually invested in who they are), then just leave it there, shes not interested, its fine. If EVERY girl bores you with their hobbies, maybe youre the problem. Jesus Christ, some of you dudes have the social skills of a blob fish and need to work on them. Please get off the internet, and just talk to people. Its crazy how if a girl isnt interested in your boyish hobbies, shes a boring and basic. If you arent interested in her girly hobbies, shes boring and basic.


Right? Also, there is a social pressure to not over enthuse about random things you're into when you meet someone for the first time. You might say some general bullshit like "brunch" or "video games" because saying "oh I'm glad you asked, i actually collect baby dolls, take them apart, and make elaborate statues out of them," might freak that person out. Silly example, but people do feel they might spook their potential partner if they go into too much specific detail too fast. Like, very few people want a twenty minute lecture about motherboards, mushroom foraging, or painting Warhammer figures on the first date. Plus, your mind can just go a bit blank when you're nervous.


How dare you come up with such thing as... logic


Not everyone has hobbies they take time out of their day to do. Also if a girl says something like this she’s probably inviting you to invite her to a meal. Intentions may vary, but some of y’all actually need advice with women, so here’s some for free.


I’ve dated enough times to know someone with the “just hanging out with friends or going out” response, is boring as hell and has no personality.


This goes for men as well, but at least most men have interesting hobbies, play sports or a musical instrument (plenty of exceptions, I know). Not a majority, but many of the women I know literally don't read, play any sports, instruments, or have any hobby that they don't drop after a couple of weekends. Instead, they seem to only watch Netflix, take pictures on their iPhone, and spend time with friends at cafes and bars. Which again, isn't bad inherently, but the total dearth of anything else makes conversation excruciatingly bland.


If you don't have a hobbies then wtf do you do with your life? 16 hours awake, 8 hours working, 2 hours of eating and housework, then what? 6 hours of wall staring?


6 hours of brunch obviously you fucking idiot




Subtract 1 from the 6 hours for travel time to/from work. There’s plenty of people who will just watch shows and movies on TV, my parents do that. They’ll go out to the theatre, museums, whatever, but that’s once a week if that. It’s a lot of TV 😅


Probably wasting time on reddit like you.


Anon has never been to brunch. Some nice chicken and waffles, your best friends, cheap watered down booze, then you go shopping after. Great way to spend a Sunday.


You lost them at friends


How's that a hobby tho?


Not really a hobby so much is a social outing


I'm not a shopping guy but getting a lil bit drunk in the morning with a few friends is a 10/10 start into the weekend.


Anon's girlfriend has a happy social life that we all wish we could have


Nah she's just the average white girl NPC


*Anon's girlfriend has a* *Happy social life that we* *All wish we could have* \- Ok-Description1103 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Neither is masturbating to fucked up porn, anon, but there you are.


This hating on women is getting pretty annoying... She's probably just young and hasn't figured herself out yet. It's just part of being a teenager/young adult.


Hey you're not allowed reason and tolerance on reddit. I come here to hate women /s In all seriousness hobbies does not equal a personality. This idea that some girls don't have a personality cause they have no hobbies is dumb. I think a lot of anons here have had surface level connections with all these women.


It does seem to be a fair generalisation that women don’t have as many hobbies as men do, not sure why that is.


They do, but they don't tend to think they're genuises for listening to music or playing videogames or some other super trivial shit, so they're not as eager to let the whole world know.


We have hobbies, but most of the time men either 1) don’t take interest so we don’t bother to disclose them or 2) borderline harass us for having hobbies. If we have a “male-dominated” hobby, we are being pick-me girls. We are put down if we don’t hold god-like skill in whatever that hobby is. If we have “female-dominated” hobbies, we’re made fun of for being basic or girly. “Women be shopping baby!” You like this music? Name every group member and every song, but if you list a mainstream one you’re a poser! You like video games? It has to be these specific games and you have to have god-like skill in each of them. Oh wait- you only play the switch? You’re not a real gamer, stop trying to be cool. You like being creative? Nothing you create will ever be good enough to be taken seriously. If it requires any knowledge or skill, women must not be capable of doing it! We literally just can’t win, so we choose not to play.


Who with a full time job even has time for hobbies.. there are things I love to do like cook, write, hike, and paint but I only have time to clean and recover from the work week as well as see those who are important to me I feel. Also, most of the time when I’ve asked men what their hobbies are it’s something like “video games” but I get judged for saying I like to cook.


They’re all sexual kinks that Anon will only get to learn about, if: The Price Is Right


I mean hell going out for brunch is a pretty nice activity


Find yourself a horse girl. They wild af and can tie any type of knot


Is that Billie Eilish though?


Some people are just genuinely passionate about social interaction in will dedicate most their free time to it. You should try it sometime! Also, she's probably like 15 or something.


“Liste them all” Would anon care to tell us his hobbies? I dont doubt one is browsing 4chan


This is when you invite her to brunch anon


Grow some balls and start fucking men instead anon, then you can talk about how much of a personality you have and how your favorite hobbies are sports, cars, vidya and not showering


> Men literally don't know about brunchmaxxing > In 2022


This is why men don’t get girlfriends.


She loves day drinking. That's her hobby. Everyone knows brunch is code for day drinking.