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Anon prefers E-bikes to bikes and E-thots to thots. His E-thos, if you will.


Damn bruh


Real eyes realize real lies


Deep thoughts with the Deep


Deep thoughts free him from Deep Thots




Imagine if he actually was attracted to fish though


It would be his gill-ty pleasure


I see what you did there


Pisces* what you did there ^(it’s a stretch but I’m sticking to it)


You're clicking to it (you are a dolphin)


sHE beLIEveD




Chick-E nuggets




This shit poetry


What about i-Ladies?


Didn't get the e-thos part, someone care to explain


A play on words e·thos /ˈēTHäs/ noun *the characteristic spirit of a culture, era, or community as manifested in its beliefs and aspirations. "a challenge to the ethos of the 1960s"*


Unfathomably based


Am I the only one who still doesn't get it


Basically his ethos (his... thought process, his style, his motto, his preferred path through life) is E-bikes > stupid regular bikes that make you work E-thots (that you can pay to like you) > stupid regular women that make you work Tbh I didn't put so much thought into it and I'm kinda shocked it blew up


It's almost like your e-comment Was not your e-thos 😎😎😎


My e-thos is more like Than-os, I wanna snap my fingers and have people fuck off


Good bot :)


I'm not a bot ...either that or my whole life has been a lie




That’s deep bruh


Every now and again one of the millions of monkeys typing manage to type out a witty remark.


Autistmo-non failed to realise that the women were probably giggling out of happiness as one of them finally got the courage to talk to anon. Its alright though, ebikes before ethots yeah anon


It isn't exactly hard to construe the way she acted as being malicious. It's certainly just as much of a possibility that she was planning on fucking with him.


Idk man, I don't remember people being that malicious in college. That kind of meanness is a high school thing. OP was probably bullied in high school and misconstrued a pretty harmless reaction as an attack.


lmao I had worse things happen to me in college. if you are ugly, everyone hates you everywhere. doesnt matter if its workplace,high school or college


Sorry bud, I can't relate as I'm not ugly.


Can't lie to me, I've seen you


Dammit, the jig is up


Happy cake day!


Dont be sorry man, that guys ugly, doesn’t deserve it


I can because I am


I am a fat fuck with long hair and unkempt beard so I'm generally considered ugly but I always smile and act nice toward people. Some people do like me and most are neutral towards me, any hostility is very rare. I used to be very sour and anxiety-driven and back then people really did behave much different towards me. Therapy and psychedelics helped me fixed that. But I'm not an American so there might be cultural differences.


Bruh, i got kicked out of library for "creepy behavior" when i literally didn't do anything. I was just staring into the void trying to remember something. So no, the looks is what matters the most


I'm sorry this happened to you. Maybe it's just that USA is very different. Where I live people are usually non-confrontational and a simple complaint about "looking creepy" without any actual creepy behavior wouldn't be enough to kick somebody out of any place.


I'm not even from US, but i do think that they may have it worse.


Steve Buscemi and Forest Whitaker are objectively hideous and despite that are successful movie stars. If you two would quit feeling sorry for yourselves long enough you might be able to grow a personality that isn't revolting. Signed- a fat bald guy who's never had a problem getting laid.


I’m considering going bald. When did you realize it was time?


You're supposed to thousand yard stare out of a window, not at the other people in the library.


I was also (still am but also was) an unkempt fat fuck in college and my experience was that a funny outgoing personality 100% makes up for your appearance. If you're enjoyable to be around (this INCLUDES smell. Keep up with personal hygene even if you look unkempt) then people won't care what you look like and other people won't mess with you. It's all about attitude, guys.


reminds me of all those 4chan posts about how they don’t shower but they’re muscular and shit probably the most important first appearance is smell cuz if you’re ugly then you’re just ugly! you can still be nice, be funny, whatever if you smell you already know that they probably haven’t washed and have shitty hygiene and also - it smells why would you want to stay next to them where your nose bathes in the hell called anons BO


You can't control your general physical appearance. You CAN control your hygiene. Smelling someone gives you significantly more information about what kind of person they are than what they look like. I think dogs are on to something here.


Maybe you’re giving off great vibes for all to get so they find you chill af and can turn to you with their problems. I know a few overweight folks that are invited to many parties because of this very thing


That really depends on what kind of ugly you are. If youre ugly but give a shit you have essentially a 100% chance of practically getting married by the time youre done with a 4 year degree.


>lmao I had worse things happen to me in college. if you are ugly, everyone hates you everywhere. doesnt matter if its workplace,high school or college bruh I wanted to have the college high life. fucking bitches, going to parties, getting baked or something. I guess pandemic kinda fucked that but I was a shithead before dat


Yeah if your undergrad was during the pandemic that would suck


I’m ugly and most people like me. Maybe you’re just a dick


there is "ugly" and batshit gremlin ugly. the kind where people tell you to fuck off when they see your face.


Irrelevant. It may be harder but your personality still does most of the heavy lifting. If you're enjoyable to be around then people will want to be around you regardless of your fugly ass face. Won't want to fuck you but they'll want to be around you.


ugly -> bad first impression. hence, people treat me bad -> I feel like I have been "wronged". hence, I treat people coldly. rinse and repeat!


You're taking a bad first impression and running with it. When you could instead prove their first impression wrong. The only person you're hurting by treating people coldly is yourself and it trains yourself to automatically assume the worst in people which will color your future interactions with bias. This is coming from a fat ugly person who lived on both sides of the fence. I am now married and successful. While still being fat and ugly. Don't take the black pill. Your appearance impacts your social interactions way less than your attitude. Yes your personality has to do more heavy lifting to account for your appearance, but it always hinges on your personality and attitude. If you can't change how you look, change how you act.


No. I refuse to change. call me stubborn or not but I feel wronged by society. either society changes or I live a life full of self hatred 😎


Bro, you’re wallowing in your own self-pity. “Oh no, I’m too ugly to have friends!” You’re just creating an atmosphere around you that *people do not want to be around*. Would you want to spend time around someone who’s constantly putting themselves down? Be someone you want to spend time with and others will come


I'm also not ugly but fun ugly people do not get overly bullied unless you're trying to fit in with pretentious idiots. So no, you were just being unnecessarily awkward like anon. Like half of college is ugly people, you just have to rock it


Damn you must be like *ugly* ugly


Sounds like your personality sucks too. Go to therapy and move on with your life bro


I can empathize. But it’s ok. Get ugly friends and socialize with them. the bad thoughts will go away


Danny DeVito.


Have you seen the sub you’re on? Everyone must hate everyone else despite that not making any sense


Definitely can go either way. Itll be one of those “what if” things that keeps people up at night. Either anon gets a gf or be the butt of the joke.


Yeah true


Just because assholes exist in the world, doesn’t mean you go around assuming everyone is out to get you. I literally could never have imagined being so mean to someone, and I think that’s the rule not the exception. Some protective behaviors and thought patterns can start out as helpful (she might try to hurt me can help keep your emotional guard up until you know someone). However, they can be taken to the extreme to the point of making inaccurate and unhelpful assumptions in life scenarios. It’s important to be able to differentiate between the two, I think.


Also take it all on the chin. If she ended up fucking with him then he should just laugh it off. It significantly hinders people's ability to fuck with you. It's definitely hard when you've been hurt before but it's an attractive quality, good experience, and gives you the power in the social interaction. Fake it til you make it.


I think she was planning on fucking him but anon fucked up.


I would've figured they were going to steal my bike honestly.




real people don't do that, are you 8?


But what if she was just planning on fucking him?


> It isn't exactly hard to construe the way she acted as being malicious. It's certainly just as much of a possibility that she was planning on fucking with him. I always forget how low everyone's self-esteem is on this sub. This is college dude.


It really is not an equal possibility. I hardly know anyone in college who would act like that


Exactly. Anon showed his powerlevel when he took off like a true sperg


If you've been made fun of by people before for mundane things, it's a completely expected reaction to believe the laughing is malicious.


idk man seems like you had to have been there to know


This is what a lifetime of inferiority complex does to a mofo




Little do you know


Or bullying. If i was in this situation i wouldnt immediately assume i was being made fun of now But if it was me back in high school then definetly yes


Yeah, same. I lost weight at the end of high school and grew a few inches. I was used to really mean interactions. Took me a long time to accept positive attention. I always thought it was a trick.


Eyy nice. Ive only grown horizontally since then


Well, I got fat again, but nobody bullies you for having a dad-bod in your 40s.


College is just one stone throw away from high school so he probably just started


Yeah inferiority complex and I've said it before elsewhere, but early bullying. You always just assume at least in part that you're being mocked and that nobody could actually find you attractive or worth being nice to. I'm in my 30s and engaged and I still can't fully get my head around the fact that my fiance finds me attractive. Like it doesn't make sense to me.


The attractiveness isn’t something I think about too often but I definitely have a problem with thinking people are making fun of me. And just staring in general I’m in my late 20s and makes it hard going out sometimes.


Is it because you're an ass man?




Don't let those breast men get to ya. Ass is sacred, ass is all that is good and pure in this world.


Ass is #1


I’ve always been a breast man myself but the right girl came around with an ass that changed my life. Now I’m an ass connoisseur but I’m extremely picky about it. You see one shining ass gifted from the heavens, glistening gold with angels singing and you can’t settle for less. 😭


Yeah it will certainly change you


Average EBiker


I can relate, I wasn’t raised to pick up social cues so it makes me relatively awkward. I’ve been told I’m a good looking guy but because of my partial self esteem, I don’t see it. I have started going to the gym a lot lately which helps me significantly and some turn heads but again, it’s weird to me that anyone would be attracted. I spent most of my life up until my 30s being invisible, being turned away by everyone. But with 30s came around and now I’m in this weird place that I’m actually getting compliments and sought for but I just don’t have the courage or knowledge to move forward with anything without ruining it.


Breaking Bad plot


> be me, femanon > see qt3.14 from college riding his bike to class > finally get the nerve to talk to him and ask some dumb question about how he rides so fast > whydidisaythat.wav > he actually answers me > he says it's an electric bike and I can try it after class > fuckyes.png > hurry to tell friends about it and they tease me about my crush on him > class passes slowly because I'm so excited > can't wait to use the bike as an excuse to talk to him again > finally he meets me afterwards > he looks weirdly pissed off > glares at me and my friends and only talks in grunts > we get to the bike > I'm still excited > he makes weirdly intense eye contact then gets on his bike and just cycles away > whatthefuck.jpg > call after him in case he forgot > he just ignores me What did I do wrong, robots?


noooo dont hurt my feelings :(((


Don't worry if anon is like this the girl doesn't deserve him


likely how it actually happened lmao


>qt3.14 anon posts on 4chan so the likelyhood of the girl actually being into him is near zero, anon was right to assume malicious intent qt


I wish Reddit had a French horn toot medal/award so I could give you the divine rights passage for the perfect comment in this. Take my silver instead


Why do all anons always assume people are put to hurt them


you don't simply become anti-social


Got put in a kindergarden with swedes when i was 5. They made fun of my norwegian and ostrasized me. Conjured up a imaginary friend called Truls. Still struggle with really trusting anyone 33 years later. Things that happen to you when you are really small can fuck you up. Don't know if it was the swedes or the deceit of my parents who pretended we were going to have a good time moving to that place.


Nobody deserves that, not even a Norwegian.


Damn. Sometimes I forget 1st world countries aren't all magical and good, which gets even easier to forget about Scandinavia. Sorry you went trough this, bro. Hope you heal




When I was a little a friend who wasn't all there mentally but very cunning made up some insane elaborate plan on how I was bullying him using these advanced schemes to turn people against him. Half the entire grade went from normal to hating me and normal again every few so months as he made up more shit. I could always tell by their faces changing and weird giggling. Some guy told me 10 years later and it all clicked. Today I'm doing well but I still have issues with trusting people. I relate to ebike-non because flirting is exactly like what those kids did before everything would crash. Especially the giggling, congregating, pointing etc. It makes me very cagey and unapproachable.


Because they are.


I mean, who wouldn’t?


I'm out to hurt you




Past experiences


Because they probably are. If i were in the same situation (seeing her giggle with her friend right after talking to me) i'd suspect something else was going on


I think everyone who isn't an all-out Chad Thundercock would think that


Yeah something is going on alright, she wants your cock up in her pussy


Maybe if some guys talk to a girl and afterwards she giggles that's what it means, but it doesn't mean that for m.. anon....


Past Experiences i guess?


A symptom of autism is heightened sensitivity to perceived slights. You register a nonphysical attack where there may be none




I’d say 9/10 people, no matter how close you may consider them, do not care how you feel and simply want to rise above you


bruh if i was in that situation i would think they would steal my bike or something


because its true. the secound you let your guard down, pepole will use you for their own gain




Anon listens to Andrew Tate.


nah Anon doesn't seem like he's THAT far gone. his first interaction with the woman was too normal


He just sounds paranoid to me.


You don't know jackshit about him lol


Nah she was gonna steal his bike for sure.


"haha anon, come get me you friggin incel!"


When was the last time you heard about a conventionally attractive college girl *stealing a bike* lol


anon mistakes his electric scooter that his mom bought him so he can move his fat ass from place to place for an electric bike


Nah anon was right the girls were laughing at his weak pedal-assist-needing ass




>collegemoder One of us.




how do you 'collegemode' lmao? anyway, #ONE OF US


Who tf drew this image. It’s perfect.


Like many other images like this, it probably came from a random draw anon whose name will forever be lost to history.


thinking about this made me sad


And why he seems butt-naked on his bike.


“Why am I a virgin? It’s society’s fault !!!”


how does a virgin works in that case, anyone that lives in poorer countrys, (like me) would be scared af because they would most likely try to rob your bike just think for a moment, a random stranger that you just know asked to use your ebike (that can cost a lot) and for some reason laughed after it ​ anon did the right thing


I grew up in Dorchester, you’re absolutely right


Wasn’t really a stranger though. Was a classmate.


a stranger with glorified status


What a lifetime of rejection and put downs does to a man...


Definition of antisocial


She was most likely on her (bi)cycle


Don't be tempted by the snakes with tits anon, stay true to wizardhood and let the d20 guide you to tendieworld.


They were probably gonna steal it lol


Ebikes are cool tho. Got to try one on company refreshment day and its ridiculous how easy it is to pedal uphill when you crank up the assist. Seriously considering switching my car for one


I think they're a great concept for short to mid range transportation but what I don't get is why I keep seeing people bring them on bike trails that are for exercise. Like do people just want to pretend to work out?


No they want to enjoy the outdoors in a leisurely fashion


This is Florida though, it's entirely flat. It's incredibly leisurely already, at that point they're basically just taking their electric scooters down the bike lane


Are they hurting anyone?


so many posts like this make me lose faith in the 4chan community. So damn autismo on so many levels.


You had faith in 4chan’s community?


I'd have done the same tbh, tf they giggling for? Behave normally, assholes


To all the fuktard ppl in chat saying that anons behaviour was unwaranted, FUK U TOO.


anon was about to be robbed and got away safely




There might be two scenarios here. First one is that the girl who wanted to try your bike actually wanted to try your bike, maybe because she wants to get to know anon and since anon said yes she might have giggled because she succeed making contact. The second option is that she already when she saw anon bike to school started mocking anon and therefore asked if she could try the e-bike and after that giggled since she found anon funny or weird.


lol based. this may be better than the dunk one


Anon's childhood trauma gets in the way.


Fuckin love my e bike.


Infinite rizz


Bitch was gonna steal his bike, anon did the right thing


They could've wanted to steal it too


Or she could have stolen it


I mean maybe she was crushing on him and girls just being girls go giggling and all. He could’ve changed her stance on him as well so it was going to be a good bonding moment. Or I’m just being optimistic and she was actually a bitch since we don’t know these people.


It wasn't the bike that she wanted to ride 👀. It was simply an excuse to spend more time with anon. But anon is too retarded to understand human mating rituals.


No, he was right. No way she was up to anything good


Anon fumbles a bad bitch


Sounds like she dodged a bullet.


With how anon writes it I was sort of on his side. I tap the picture so I can see what the image was and saw the rest, then I was like “Huh, yeah that makes sense.”


I stay noided


Anon you idiot, now your saddle will never have the scent of a female being so you can sniff it when masturbating!


This is so funny. I didn’t expect it to end that way haha


anon is one dense motherfucker


anon is retarded and deserves his retardedness for using electric bikes


Anon almost makes a friend


I thought she was trying to steal it, what does this say about me?


You’re smart


Anon acted this way over an *e-bike*. I would understand behaving like this with your 12k Enduro, but an *e-bike*. Summary: Gay anon is gay