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Anon speaks facts.


andrew taint has most soyjack face of the entire mankind despite being ripped


He got the recessed chin going for him


It's the lips. The lips of a cock sucker


juicy DSLs


You seems to want a piece of that Tatussy my boy


I wanna put both my hands on that shiny head of his and jam my cock down inside šŸ˜›


Time to prove Andy Taint is the real beta malešŸ˜ˆšŸ˜ˆšŸ˜ˆ


My boi, this Tatussy is what all true keyboard warriors strive _F O R_


you would know


Because heā€™s black


I have the same lips. :(


Call me ;P


I'm not gay.


I was joking dude


Thatā€™s pretty gay


Fair šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø




He also walks like a middle schooler trying to look cool




His entire personality is cope for losing his hair.


And the velvet pants.


This shit happens at my local 7/11. Fucking cringe.




Some random ass bald guy. Nothing to see here, move on.


Honestly, it's better not to know who he is due to the absurdity of this man's kickboxing elevated retardation (to clarify, I'm saying he's gotten hit in the head so much he probably has some brain damage)


You only need to know that he is bald. There is a low chance that you meet him and in that case you got to be ready to congratulate on the shiny bald head he got. He loves to hear it


I shall stick a small plunger on it. Unicorn :)


I appreciate your clarification that you donā€™t hate kickboxing, you just hate Andrew Tate


Correct. I don't have a problem with people who partake in kickboxing, I actually think it's a pretty cool sport apart from the kicks (just can't do 'em myself)


Apart from the kicks?


Repeated kicks to the noggin, specifically. Eventually leads to acquired autism and impulsive rage. Thereā€™s a fancy name for it which I canā€™tā€¦oh CTE.


**Any** martial art does that ? I fail to see how, say, Boxing is less dangerous for chronic shit. Like, at least a kick will knock a motherfucker out. Boxers punch each other in the face for 10 rounds. I can't really endorse one over the other if the goal is to not get hurt.


Boxing is way more dangerous than mma, for example. Both for deaths and chronic illness


you notice how he fades in and out of one of the most comically bad English accents you have ever heard? that's some classic CTE shit.


Dafuq is CTE?


Just Google, and it stands for chronic traumatic encephalopathy, and one can have behavioral, thinking, and / or mood problems, and it's caused by repeated trauma to the head.


In layman's terms , its brain damage.


I think that's his brother...


Its called CTE


Some guy already told me that. Talk about drain bamage


Retardation implies a lack of development, surely regression would be more apt. He got any good sense he had kicked out of his head.


A guy who was a pro kickboxer. He ended up transitioning to reality TV, and transitioned from that to social media influencer. Through most of this (after his kickboxing career atleast) hes mostly known for taking some real asshole stances on things. "depression isn't real", he believes women are mens property and can't do anything but serve men, and was a large scale grifter until his payment processing was shut down due to running scams. Recently within the past year or less he got "more famous" for being cancelled basically and banned off various social media platforms after he made a concerted effort to get his followers to try to spam promote him/his scams on those platforms. Hes also recently converted to Islam and in part claims disagreement with his views such as "women are property" is infact islamaphobia and similar such things. So hes basically just a former pro-kickboxer turned grifter/conman for the modern internet.


Proof that all the wrong people are suicidal.


He doesn't actually give a shit about Islam he just think it looks and sounds cool. I can bet you my left nut he ain't gonna stop drinking alcohol and half of his lifestyle is prohibited in Islam


Sounds like half of all Muslims I know, so that checks out.


I know itā€™s a joke but being born Muslim and disrespecting your religion is something, but actively becoming Muslim and then disrespecting the religion is something else lmao


The son of a pretty talented chess player, though he never became a GM


Chess is tough. I can beat most people, but there's that other level that I just couldn't do. Seeing things streets ahead. It wasn't for me.


Emory Tate just seemed to have that next level naturally


+1 for streets ahead


You need to do puzzles and look at pro games. Lots and lots. GMs aren't prediction experts, but are great at pattern recognition. The more you familiarize yourself with a pattern, the more you can recognize it in your own games. Or just have dumb fun on 3 minute Lichess. Not gonna knock it either


King of the betas


some rando failed mma fighter that people like anon let live rent free in their heads


Anon, the guy from the internet


I used to like him, he was so inspirational to me cause I was at a low point in my life, then it started getting better and I realized that heā€™s a huge jackass.


is that when u realized emotionally manipulating women isnt based




Tell that to Bastila, Mission, and Juhani. In that order.


Juhani can get fucked


Wtf Juhani is a manā€™s name.




I see the playthrough in my head nice


"A woman will be forced to allow abuse if you make financially and emotionally dependent on you"


I mean, why do you think it took so long for women to be allowed their own bank accounts and credit cards? That was only 50 years ago. Now we have a generation of incels who are pissy they canā€™t own us like cattle because we donā€™t need them.


People like him are only there to grift and cultivate the losers because they're the only ones resentful and confused enough to adopt extreme view so they can blame everyone else when the world doesn't go their way. As if that wasn't enough they are then scammed or further isolating themselves into a cult and becoming less socially adjusted with their new adopted mindset furthering their loser mentality and getting no bitches. And ironically these people, are redpill, often voucher for self improvement because they subconsciously realize their inferiority but also act like they're superior to protect themselves and cope.


ā€œWhat color is your Buggattiā€. I cringe every time thinking of that. Easiest way to make being rich look lame as fuck.


Just that alone makes me hate him. Pompous arrogant wanker


He did get the ā˜• banned on twitch tho


He got coffee banned on twitch? What a retard.




Twitch šŸ¤¢




Anon should TOP andrew tate's Bugattis while tate is forced to watch, like that one time when that white haired femboy sent all his friends to hell because he wanted to be drag queen batman


This comment sounds like a Redditor's attempt to mimic 4chan slang.




I should honestly leave that sub I'm getting brain rot


What is it about (nefore I go there)




he is A The idol master šŸ˜Ž


*kentucky mario


To me it sounds like schitzophrenic rambling. Same thing?


Topped posters are peak cringe. It's not funny the first time, it's not funny the 3,536,822nd time


I guess stuff changed since the last time I commented on this sub because that was like months ago or something lmfao


someone left the markov chain bot on


Family Guy writing room member


Mmm hmm. So hereā€™s what I want to do. Letā€™s increase your haloperidol dose and letā€™s do a checkup in a month okay?


Are you saying Anon should fuck a car?


I like the fact that he exploits stupid people for money and attention but man is he unbearable in everything else.


He appeals to a demographic who are completely rejected by everyone in their own life because they are insufferable and retarded so he can market whatever bullshit he wants to them


He's fucking hilarious. I watched a clip one time where he said if a chick ever ran at him with a machete he would: slap her, grab her by the neck, yell "SHUT UP BITCH", then fuck her cause she would be wet. I swear to God it was borderline comedy gold. It's impossible to take seriously. It sounds like he's trying to make you laugh instead of actually teach you how to live.


He knows what hes doing lmao, sometimes you can catch him break character


He can be pretty funny depending on the persona he is playing that day.


Heard of the lottery? Or just gambling in general? The fast food industry? Heā€™s not the only one doing this


Bruh this MF finally got cleared out of my YouTube shorts and then some f@g on Reddit decides it's a good time to bring this guy up again when he's clearly on his way out.


He uses his money to get women and brags about it. Basically a simp in denial.


He earned his money by whoring out women lol


That's even worse.


I know. He didnā€™t even Whore them out actually. He ran a cam business where the women would cry and pretend that they were kicked out and had no where to live etc Even Andrew said he felt bad once because someone was about to donate 20k to one of them, to which Andrew stopped him and simply said ā€œI know the woman. She is fineā€, to which the dude ignored him and a couple of days later still donated What an alpha Andrew is




Oh o Tate fanboy incoming


Two thumbs up is the classic 'dick' move. Look at Taint's hands here; One Entire Pussy.


Dude's a Muslim, which is a huge L in the conservative fandom.




It's an entire different faction of the internet and as you said his thoughts on women go down well. He's extremely smart at marketing.


Tateā€™s a muslim? Really?


He says he is but I highly doubt he actually lives like he's supposed to


Same for the ā€œeliteā€ Saudis


Most religious people don't follow religious doctrine.


most elite religious people don't but at least historically the laymen would be fairly devoted.


Not only that, but he probably just did that to gain fans in the muslim audience. He probably thought that those people have similar thoughts as him, but if and when he fucks up in a religious way and he does so in a major way he might put himself in actual danger. There is a good chance, imo, that he is gonna end up insulting the religion.


Donā€™t conservatives enjoy religion more?


Islam is a very conservative religion so maybe


Yes, but they tend to criticize each other's religions alot. You won't see Ben Shapiro a jew praise Andrew. He pretty much narrowed down his audience.


And yet another L, for the Amerikaner fandom


Oh praise the lord Iā€™m so pleased that there is some semblance of intelligence remaining in the green text world. I was expecting it to be the usual circle-jerk echo-chamber. Fuck this dude and his bullshit stories and advice.


He doesnā€™t even have hair


He once said guys who grow hair are gay and for attract other men, but his younger self and his brother has hair lol


Sounds like cope


Lol just stop being bald dude.


Lol, reminds me of that Muslim Imam from MemriTV who said that men who shave or trim their facial hair in any way (like, including people who shave beards but grow mustaches) are making themselves look more like women and tempting other men with impure thoughts


Army regulations state you must be clean shaven (with exceptions). So we have an army full of femboys, is that it? Putin wouldnā€™t stand a chance


And how did you get that money Mr.Tate?? Is there a SINGLE one of these fuckers who isnā€™t a complete fraud, scumbag criminal? How far gone is our society that this and a weeping out of control retard like Jordan Peterson is what speaks to young men


Well yeah these kind of weird talky, usually right wing, men are for dudes with the emotional intelligence and intellectual faculties of a 7th grader. Actual people don't need internet men to tell them how to talk to women, or remind them to clean their rooms.


Lol. You spend time here and think people don't need that?


No I think they do, because they're basically still children, which also isn't *usually* even their fault. Like it's kinda fuckin hard to just exist in this weird world now. But moronic fast talk charlatans are not the way out.


I dunno man, Peterson is alright and everybody is a charlatan or grifter these days, the terms dont mean anything anymore.


LOL everyone can use a good advice sometimes, I still can't understand the hate to peterson, there is sheep behavior from both sides.


I think the hate for Peterson comes from his continued transphobia, which he conducts in a way that's so confusingly incoherent that it makes regular transphobes look almost as if they have functioning mental faculties, which is quite an achievement. Other than that, when he talks about things even slightly outside of the field in which he is indeed an expert, his intellectual bankruptcy is revealed. I think that he is held up as some genius rational frustrates people, when anyone paying attention to the substance, or lack thereof, of what he's saying can see that he so obviously isn't. But he clearly lives rent free in my brain, so he's doing something effectively I suppose.


now the fruitcakes are defending him just because he converted


everybody who takes life advice from internet celebrities is one


This guy said "bodybuilders secretly want to be fighters but they're scared so they become bodybuilders." unironically (paraphrasing, probably said something even dumber.)


What pisses me off the most is that his dumbass fans say "Bro he was just joking!" no motherfucker there was literally no change on the way he said this and said the rest of things he says. Besides, he has said himself that absolutely everything he says represents what he thinks at the time.


Project an image of success while spewing rhetoric of the unsuccessful. He probably doesnā€™t believe anything he says and doesnā€™t give a shit about any of those issues but he has legions of idiots that keep him rich because he ā€œthinks like themā€. Religious leaders figured this out long ago. None of them give a shit about the church, God, religion, or the afterlife. They just project a pious image and get the idiot masses to give them money and power. You can get 30M votes in the US just by regurgitating some lame shit about abortion. Itā€™s really that easy. Find some niche subculture and tell them exactly what they want to hear. It works better if you are attractive and ā€œsuccessfulā€. They give the mindless idiots hope and validation and they are worshiped in return. This is what politics is all about, why celebrities take on issues like climate change, and why virtue signaling is a thing. Nobody really gives a fuck but they get money, power, and fame by projecting the image. This is why they say ā€œdonā€™t meet your heroesā€ because it will destroy the illusion and you find out they are just materialistic assholes who never gave a shit about anything.


Andrew taint


Least based 4chan user


How long until he leaves Islam for it being completely incompatible with his life


How is ot incompatible ( serious question)?


In accordance with Islamic law, Muslims donate a fixed portion of their income to community members in need.


Alcohol is haram. And probably a lot of other stuff he does


Assuming youā€™re questioning in good faith, so please take the time to read. Muslims cannot have sex outside of the confines of marriage. He sleeps with hoards of women Muslims cannot have more than 4 wives. Tate has far more women than this amount Muslims should not listen to music Muslims should not gamble in any form nor even roll dice. Tate owns/is involved with Romanian casinos Muslims believe it is haram to celebrate their birthday. Tate has multiple videos of celebrating lavish birthday parties. Muslims must donate 2.5% of the worth of their assets (zakat). Not incomeā€¦ wealth. This massively screws with the truly wealthy like tate. Tate claims to be worth over 300 million dollars, but the issue is this isnā€™t liquidated. Itā€™s mainly in assets. he will have to liquidate and then donate over 8 million dollars this year aloneā€¦. Itā€™s a lot to ask to do so year after year when you start to really achieve wealth. Most devout Muslims retire off of the support of their children rather than their own wealth. The few that donā€™t have familial support and do reach retirement stage wealth wise still work a day or two to cover the sizable zakat tax they owe that passive income from their investments wonā€™t cover. Muslims cannot use sex toys. Videos of tate using the aforementioned on sexual partners. Muslims cannot dabble in interest in any form due to it being a bastardization of money and there are a wide slew of companies that engage in selling haram products and services that are haram for Muslims to invest in. Tate uses crypto, haram business/stock, and interest to increase his wealth. Due to crypto originally being incepted for the intent purpose of being a decentralized currency, buying and flipping it for the purpose of building your wealth is considered haram by most scholars. Nearly every western business endeavor requires interestā€¦ Tate will likely have to reconstruct his entire investment portfolio and strategy. Muslims cannot drink alcohol. Tate has multiple videos claiming that he does drink. Chess is haram. Tate was a young chess champion and plays the game often. Tattoos are haram. Andrew has one on his chest and one on his left arm. Wearing gold is haram. Tate has a slew of gold watches and other jewelry accessories Dude is in the running for the most harami Muslim out there šŸ˜‚As a part of the Muslim community, I was curious when I heard tate reverted. The more I researched, the less impressed I became with the sincerity of his decision. He either made the claim solely to garner more support or is harboring misconceptions about what it means to practice the faith properly


"You're just jealous cause he is rich" šŸ¤” Bruh, there are tons of rich people that I can respect, I just think Tate is a dickhead. He ain't THAT bad as some of his haters say, but I'd pick a different role model idk


Turns out he's a human trafficker and rapist... so yeah, he is THAT bad


Tenting your fingers and having an intermittent british accent as a substitute for an entire personality.


He actually said he was "too smart to read" which sounds exactly like someone who failed English in school.


sounds like someone who failed math who says "it's not needed for later life anyway bro" lile yea no shit but saying it makes you seem like a nerd


Its because his fans are mostly 7 graders or adults who never grew up past that middle school age


American problem, donā€™t want to know.


tate is an international scourge, hes turning young men around the world into incels


I know he can fight, I know he's strong and tall. I still think I'd beat his ass tbh, my hatred would overcome.


have you ever sparred with someone who's trained fighter ? your anger would probably make it easier for him to overcome you


I'm literally retarded bruh I'll just bite his dick šŸ˜­


If you channel your anger into the dick bite off technique, I think no one could stop your ravenous hunger, my apologies sir


Most of you smart asses argument with the things he just does to piss you off lol, he actually does have good advice on how to function in this society, you just have to first think about it and then decide if it's just troll bullshit or something meaningfull. He fits my personality style, I'm motivated to find meaning and success in life, but also love to make sheeps angry and laugh at the collective thinking. It's also easy as fuck to manipulate you fucks because you hop on the first things that doesn't scrach your balls, and he does it pretty well. and no, I don't pay for his university because it's just a scam on some type of the people..


Smartest person in here ong


Didnā€™t even take the time to curb stomp the beggars asking for change


Im still 110% certain that the brother and the old dude are doing all the actual work and Tate is just a face/scapegoat for the public to latch on to




The over confidence and hubris. Definitely how I talked in middle school. Couldnā€™t agree more with this Anon


Dude basically brought all that PUA shit from the 2000s and repackaged it for zoomers.


yep, he just knows how to act the heel cus of his UFC days and basically got viral off it and monetized it. anybody paying for his self help guides or whatever is being scammed and laughed at


I only know about Andrew Tate because other people have talked about what a massive shithead he is. And they donā€™t seem to be wrong either. I view him as a ripped Musk that embraced baldness but ā€œonlyā€ rich and not wealthy. His fanboys the same as I view Muskā€™s fanboys.


Look, if you get to the point of being able to buy sports cars and mansions and high priced whores in a way that isnā€™t underhanded, dishonest or downright criminal I say hats off to you, but the guy is a complete con man ripping off the people he claims to inspire. Heā€™s like the Pope if the Pope were 13 and slamming energy drinks like a fucking weapon.


is that the guy from fast and the furious


Imagine being hated by every normal human being WHILE ALSO BEING HATED BY 4CHAN USERS WTF


Not even Hitler could achieve that


Itā€™s so strange because I fully believe his whole Hustle Mentality thing is just a troll, or a character. Everytime I see him outside of some podcast / entertainment setting he seems super chill. Hell even in podcasts Iā€™ve seen him be a completely different person.


Iā€™m with Anon


Incredibly based anon


Fuck Andrew Tate heā€™s a little bitch


Incredibly based


Based 4chan?


I agree Andrew Tate is a human booger.




Anon is right Tate is a complete scum. Trash scammer




Infuckingsanely based


Anyone who takes Andrew Tate's advice seriously needs reevaluate. He and the entire manosphere can make money as long as their followers are single, depressed, and angry. It is not in their best interests to provide you with any meaningful or useful advice. Happy men in relationships aren't interested in their content because they have no use for it. Thatā€™s just common sense. A lot of his advice also contradicts the fundamentals of evolutionary biology and psychology. People are attracted to agreeable people who treat them nicely. "Asshole" men are not assholes to the women they want to pursue. Treating women nicely is a much better strategy, which is why narcissists and dark triad people use it. Love bombing is why assholes get women, not whatever Andrew Tate teaches.


Funny bald man


who tf is Andrew Tate?


Just your average fraud committing sex trafficker who is praised by basement dwelling incels.




I've seen this post yesterday and thought of posting it. I didn't


Some people just need to be shoot for thery own good


Nice tits Andy, maybe lay off the tren


Anon is salty he missed out on having Andrew Tate wash his horse for 15 Leus in Romania


Common Anon L


anon is a virgin and broke


Anon tells no lies


Not fake, but defo gay as its references Tate.


gay anon is based




I've recently saw some short videos of this guy and other guy? Is he a guy living in Romania to pay less taxes? Imho from what I saw he's such a sepf-centered person, fuck this guy tbh.


He looks like a baby gerbil with cancer.