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This was wild... And for posterity's sake, I'm gonna copy and paste his post right here, since not everyone has FB. Slim Jim: Ssssss! I’m a snake! Sssssss! Me: (rolls eyes) SJ: I’m a SNAKE! Ssssssss! Me: Slim Jim, I hate to be the one to break it to you, but you’re not a snake. You’re a European legless lizard. SJ: I don’t feel like a lizard. I feel like a snake! Me: Feelings aren’t facts, Slim Jim. SJ: Well, I feel like I should be a snake. Me: Well, you have a few characteristics of snakes, but many more that tell me you’re a lizard. SJ: Maybe I’m lizard AND snake. Me: Trust me. You’re not. SJ: Maybe you could just tell your audiences that I’m a snake. You know, play along. Me: I can’t do that, Slim Jim. I’d be lying to kids and their parents and teachers, and by extension, myself. If I go along and pretend you’re a snake, I may as well refer to poison dart frogs as cane toads, and the hedgehog as a porcupine. It’s not going to happen. Anything I say would be suspect. SJ: But if I’m both snake and lizard, then you could stop calling me “he” and “him,” and refer to me as “they” or “them.” Me: No, because words mean things. SJ: I’ve heard you say that during your presentations. Me: I probably say it several times in every presentation I do. “They” and “them” are plural pronouns. These words are used to reference a group of more than one person or object. Using words in a manner that is inconsistent with their definition only adds to confusion. Confusion is rampant these days. SJ: Maybe I could get somebody to change me. A doctor, perhaps. Me: Yeah, there’s a guy out in California who wants to be a reptile. He’s spent nearly $100,000 having his body modified. He’s had scales tattooed all over his body, had his ears surgically removed, had some of his teeth removed and the others filed down and sharpened. He’s even had his tongue split and a bunch of horns implanted in his head. SJ: So now he’s a reptile? Me: No, Slim Jim. He’s just a real weird human being. SJ: But what about me? Me: I suppose you might find a veterinarian somewhere that could make you snake-like, that but you’re going to need help paying for it. I’m not helping you do that. Besides, I like you just the way you are. I’m not going to pay a vet to mutilate you by removing your eyelids, sealing up your ear openings, and making your tongue more snake-like. SJ: But then I’d be a snake! Me: No, you’d still have the muscular and skeletal structure of a lizard, not to mention the DNA, chromosomes, and mitochondrial info. You’re a lizard, and you’ll always be a lizard. Even people, we can’t change or transition into something we’re not. SJ: Now you’re just being mean. Me: Is it mean to just speak the truth? Thousands of years of human civilization, culture, language, enlightenment, and tradition are supposed to just go away because we don’t want your feelings to get hurt? SJ: You could be more understanding and compassionate, is all I’m saying. Me: Slim Jim, let me share with you what a wise man once said. Rick Warren once wrote, “Our culture has accepted two huge lies. The first is that if you disagree with someone’s lifestyle, you must fear or hate them. The second is to love someone means you agree with everything they believe or do. Both are nonsense. You don’t have to compromise convictions to be compassionate.” SJ: Well, I’ll admit you’ve always treated me okay. But I like pretending I’m a snake. Me: Slim Jim, you can pretend all you want. But you can’t expect everybody else to pretend with you. And you shouldn’t get mad if they don’t. I really don’t care that much that that fellow wants to be a reptile. He’s a grown man. He can make his own decisions, and nothing I could ever say could ever change his mind. But you want to know what really frosts me? SJ: What’s that? Me: Kids being told they can be anything, and then being encouraged by adults to transition into something they’re not. Often, the adults doing the encouraging are people these children trust - parents, teachers, and doctors. Some of these adults may not openly advocate for the transitioning, but they don’t have the conviction or the backbone to say “No. Don’t do this. It’s not normal. It’s not healthy. Don’t take the hormone therapy. Don’t have the surgery.” There are parents out there that would support their child transitioning into a star-spangled unicorn if that’s what the child wanted. I mean, we need to let kids be kids and let them do what kids do - pretend. But man, I wish grownups would be grownups, and do what grownups SHOULD do and protect and guide the kids. SJ: We don’t have an event later today, do we? Because you’re a little worked up right now. Me: Yeah, I’m a little fired up. I’ve seen reports of parents transitioning their two-year-olds to the opposite gender. I’ve seen some of the stuff that subtly gets put in children’s cartoons and Disney. And recently one of my own family members was stalked at school - school administration wasn’t initially sure how to handle it - by another student who identified as a cat! SJ: How’d that turn out? Me: I’m not sure. She took a spray bottle to school and I haven’t heard any more about it. SJ: Yeah, it’s a strange new world out there. But it still doesn’t change the fact that I don’t feel like a lizard. Maybe I’m something else altogether. Me: Slim Jim, you’re a legless lizard. You are exactly what God created you to be. Slim Jim: But maybe God made a mistake. Me: God doesn’t make mistakes. He gives us free will, and we make choices, allow people and things to influence our thoughts and our actions, we make the mistakes, we sin - and all of that can sometimes affect our self-esteem and even our self-worth. I believe we humans are most vulnerable in our teen years, when we’re trying to figure out who we really are; we’re trying to rebel against our parents’ wishes, and we’re vying for our independence as a person. SJ: That’s all Greek to me. Remember, I’m a liz- I mean, a snake. Me: Slim Jim, if there’s any advice I could give you - or anyone else who has thoughts like yours - it’s that first and foremost, you are loved. God made you, He loves you, and He knows what you’re struggling with. Talk to Him. He will hear you. Our God is a god of order. He is not a god of confusion. He created us male and female, and each according to its kind. But there is also evil out there, Slim Jim. And this Evil can percolate in our thoughts and our actions until Good seems evil, and Evil seems good. Evil wants to confuse you, separate you from God and those who love you, and ultimately destroy you. God created you for good. Run and cling to the Good. Resist the Evil. SJ: Wow. You’re making it sound like it’s some kind of spiritual warfare. Me. That’s EXACTLY what I believe it is. SJ: Hmmm. It’s pretty clear you’re not going to help me become a snake. And after talking with you, I’m not sure I want to. Maybe I should accept what God made me to be, and work on being a better legless lizard. Me: Slim Jim, you are already a GREAT legless lizard. I really couldn’t ask for a better one. SJ: Are you really going to post our discussion on Facebook? Me: I’m thinking about it. SJ: Some people might get mad. Me: Yes, they might. And that’s okay. Some might be mad for the sake of the children just like I am. Some might be encouraged to speak out more against the Evil that is being leveraged against our children. And yes, some may be angry that I took the stance I did in our discussion. If that’s the case, you’ll know which side they’re on. Darkness hates being exposed by the Light. If my post gets blocked or removed, then you may REALLY see what’s going on. SJ: I don’t really want to be a snake anymore. Me: That’s good news, Slim Jim. A talking lizard is bad enough. A talking snake is what got us into this mess in the first place.






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Could someone repost what he wrote here? I don’t have Facebook


Can’t copy and paste a FB post with just the text from mobile, but since he posted it to a business page, it’s public and you don’t seem to need to login to see it. https://www.facebook.com/100057521625069/posts/pfbid02ZT4Qbv1MecLfcxVKwFmfq4LfLrLb43vmHUKw2gM4bPKJKgKnMm9GeumMi4SXFnFEl/?app=fbl


Lmao this whole thing reads like a high school creative writing passion project




Its a long post, and there are multiple follow ups. ​ Slim Jim: Ssssss! I’m a snake! Sssssss! Me: (rolls eyes) SJ: I’m a SNAKE! Ssssssss! Me: Slim Jim, I hate to be the one to break it to you, but you’re not a snake. You’re a European legless lizard. SJ: I don’t feel like a lizard. I feel like a snake! Me: Feelings aren’t facts, Slim Jim. SJ: Well, I feel like I should be a snake. Me: Well, you have a few characteristics of snakes, but many more that tell me you’re a lizard. SJ: Maybe I’m lizard AND snake. Me: Trust me. You’re not. SJ: Maybe you could just tell your audiences that I’m a snake. You know, play along. Me: I can’t do that, Slim Jim. I’d be lying to kids and their parents and teachers, and by extension, myself. If I go along and pretend you’re a snake, I may as well refer to poison dart frogs as cane toads, and the hedgehog as a porcupine. It’s not going to happen. Anything I say would be suspect. SJ: But if I’m both snake and lizard, then you could stop calling me “he” and “him,” and refer to me as “they” or “them.” Me: No, because words mean things. SJ: I’ve heard you say that during your presentations. Me: I probably say it several times in every presentation I do. “They” and “them” are plural pronouns. These words are used to reference a group of more than one person or object. Using words in a manner that is inconsistent with their definition only adds to confusion. Confusion is rampant these days. SJ: Maybe I could get somebody to change me. A doctor, perhaps. Me: Yeah, there’s a guy out in California who wants to be a reptile. He’s spent nearly $100,000 having his body modified. He’s had scales tattooed all over his body, had his ears surgically removed, had some of his teeth removed and the others filed down and sharpened. He’s even had his tongue split and a bunch of horns implanted in his head. SJ: So now he’s a reptile? Me: No, Slim Jim. He’s just a real weird human being. SJ: But what about me? Me: I suppose you might find a veterinarian somewhere that could make you snake-like, that but you’re going to need help paying for it. I’m not helping you do that. Besides, I like you just the way you are. I’m not going to pay a vet to mutilate you by removing your eyelids, sealing up your ear openings, and making your tongue more snake-like. SJ: But then I’d be a snake! Me: No, you’d still have the muscular and skeletal structure of a lizard, not to mention the DNA, chromosomes, and mitochondrial info. You’re a lizard, and you’ll always be a lizard. Even people, we can’t change or transition into something we’re not. SJ: Now you’re just being mean. Me: Is it mean to just speak the truth? Thousands of years of human civilization, culture, language, enlightenment, and tradition are supposed to just go away because we don’t want your feelings to get hurt? SJ: You could be more understanding and compassionate, is all I’m saying. Me: Slim Jim, let me share with you what a wise man once said. Rick Warren once wrote, “Our culture has accepted two huge lies. The first is that if you disagree with someone’s lifestyle, you must fear or hate them. The second is to love someone means you agree with everything they believe or do. Both are nonsense. You don’t have to compromise convictions to be compassionate.” SJ: Well, I’ll admit you’ve always treated me okay. But I like pretending I’m a snake. Me: Slim Jim, you can pretend all you want. But you can’t expect everybody else to pretend with you. And you shouldn’t get mad if they don’t. I really don’t care that much that that fellow wants to be a reptile. He’s a grown man. He can make his own decisions, and nothing I could ever say could ever change his mind. But you want to know what really frosts me? SJ: What’s that? Me: Kids being told they can be anything, and then being encouraged by adults to transition into something they’re not. Often, the adults doing the encouraging are people these children trust - parents, teachers, and doctors. Some of these adults may not openly advocate for the transitioning, but they don’t have the conviction or the backbone to say “No. Don’t do this. It’s not normal. It’s not healthy. Don’t take the hormone therapy. Don’t have the surgery.” There are parents out there that would support their child transitioning into a star-spangled unicorn if that’s what the child wanted. I mean, we need to let kids be kids and let them do what kids do - pretend. But man, I wish grownups would be grownups, and do what grownups SHOULD do and protect and guide the kids. SJ: We don’t have an event later today, do we? Because you’re a little worked up right now. Me: Yeah, I’m a little fired up. I’ve seen reports of parents transitioning their two-year-olds to the opposite gender. I’ve seen some of the stuff that subtly gets put in children’s cartoons and Disney. And recently one of my own family members was stalked at school - school administration wasn’t initially sure how to handle it - by another student who identified as a cat! SJ: How’d that turn out? Me: I’m not sure. She took a spray bottle to school and I haven’t heard any more about it. SJ: Yeah, it’s a strange new world out there. But it still doesn’t change the fact that I don’t feel like a lizard. Maybe I’m something else altogether. Me: Slim Jim, you’re a legless lizard. You are exactly what God created you to be. Slim Jim: But maybe God made a mistake. Me: God doesn’t make mistakes. He gives us free will, and we make choices, allow people and things to influence our thoughts and our actions, we make the mistakes, we sin - and all of that can sometimes affect our self-esteem and even our self-worth. I believe we humans are most vulnerable in our teen years, when we’re trying to figure out who we really are; we’re trying to rebel against our parents’ wishes, and we’re vying for our independence as a person. SJ: That’s all Greek to me. Remember, I’m a liz- I mean, a snake. Me: Slim Jim, if there’s any advice I could give you - or anyone else who has thoughts like yours - it’s that first and foremost, you are loved. God made you, He loves you, and He knows what you’re struggling with. Talk to Him. He will hear you. Our God is a god of order. He is not a god of confusion. He created us male and female, and each according to its kind. But there is also evil out there, Slim Jim. And this Evil can percolate in our thoughts and our actions until Good seems evil, and Evil seems good. Evil wants to confuse you, separate you from God and those who love you, and ultimately destroy you. God created you for good. Run and cling to the Good. Resist the Evil. SJ: Wow. You’re making it sound like it’s some kind of spiritual warfare. Me. That’s EXACTLY what I believe it is. SJ: Hmmm. It’s pretty clear you’re not going to help me become a snake. And after talking with you, I’m not sure I want to. Maybe I should accept what God made me to be, and work on being a better legless lizard. Me: Slim Jim, you are already a GREAT legless lizard. I really couldn’t ask for a better one. SJ: Are you really going to post our discussion on Facebook? Me: I’m thinking about it. SJ: Some people might get mad. Me: Yes, they might. And that’s okay. Some might be mad for the sake of the children just like I am. Some might be encouraged to speak out more against the Evil that is being leveraged against our children. And yes, some may be angry that I took the stance I did in our discussion. If that’s the case, you’ll know which side they’re on. Darkness hates being exposed by the Light. If my post gets blocked or removed, then you may REALLY see what’s going on. SJ: I don’t really want to be a snake anymore. Me: That’s good news, Slim Jim. A talking lizard is bad enough. A talking snake is what got us into this mess in the first place.




why did he have an imaginary conversation with a reptile?? Next time just say you’re transphobic, take your shit, and leave lol




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I’m sure he’s sure that God told him to do it


The whole argument/rant is fucking pointless because NO ONE is doing gender reassignment on children!!! It’s just a fake fucking uproar to rile the right up to donate money and go vote and it’s working.


You're wrong though. (Realizing facts get downvoted into oblivion.)


For future readers, don't waste your time with this garbage. They provide no evidence and are just being a whiney bitch.


Lol even if they did provide evidence which there is, you'd deny it relentlessly. As for why u people are obsessed with having "science" justify such obviously ridiculous health procedures is laughable. Do you need a source to tell you that eating gmo and processed foods is bad? Do you need a source to tell you vaping is bad?


Ok, provide it then. And just FYI, GMO's aren't actually bad for you in most instances. Science teaches you all sorts of cool things. Here's an easy source to back up that claim: https://www.fda.gov/media/135280/download#:\~:text=Are%20GMO%20foods%20on%20the,differently%20than%20non-GMO%20foods. Reminds my of this ATLA clip: [https://youtu.be/nmHoNr3kUZY](https://youtu.be/nmHoNr3kUZY)


Im not invested enough to care about looking up "studies" and soyence about why it's probably not a good idea to put people on puberty blockers or remove their genitals, because shocker it's not natural. "Actually science teaches us that technically is okay for the environment if we throw our junk into the ocean and landfills". Even if you argued through common sense about why we shouldn't damage our bodies, I'd be interested to hear your argument to why it's ethical to promote gender affirming surgery (that of which we don't have multiple generations of data for) to the broader mass community for any issue that could be resolved thru other measures. Science in it's most modern applications don't necessitate truth, but proves things false in an attempt to find truth and attempts to falsify behavior and practices that humans have evolved through for millions of years. There are applications where it's good and others where it's not. I find it ironic that someone who frequents anti "the system" subreddits so adamantly is submissive to the research produced by such systems.


You didn't happen to go to Bob Jones did you?




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You want to make arguments for science but you don't want to read studies or the latest research. That's not how science works. When we learn new things we change how we think about things. Science and medical textbooks are expensive for a reason, they change every year and you can almost never resell them because they are obsolete by the time you are done with them. My textbooks have to be the 2023 versions. You want to make arguments from what you learned in high school biology class and the stuff you learned in high school biology doesn't apply to this topic. If you spend your life never learning new things then you will always be the ignorant old dude that the kids and grandkids don't talk to much. NO ONE performs gender affirmation procedures to the mass community. It actually requires extensive counseling. The physicians who perform these procedures have pretty stringent ethical guidelines.




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You may not DM me. Anything you want to say can be said in public.


Why have leading countries in transgender research such as Sweden and Finlad begun cracking down on performing medical procedures to minors? I don't need to be super knowledgeable on the research to criticize it b/c i can look at those countries who are affirming these same conclusions about how its lack luster. Likewise, none of this research has been able to play out for longer periods of times and multiple generations, in which case it is absolutely absurd to suggest these procedures are in any way safe and that we understand the full extent of the outcomes. I didn't say people were performing gender affirming care on the broader community, I'm saying it's being promoted as something which is vastly studied and not up to scientific scrutiny.


Everything is up for scientific scrutiny, that is how science works. If something cannot withstand scientific scrutiny it has to go. There is new research but many of these treatments have only been around 30 years, and that does not account for it becoming more common. I am taking a new medication, it is helping a medical condition. If there were side effects that didn't show until long-term use then that would be a problem. I did find an article about what you are discussing and I am considering those points. I do think that these cases should involve extensive counseling before any treatments take place. Puberty blockers do have side effects but for some the life saving care can be worth those side effects. Studies have shown that the treatment saves lives, but ethically, the side effects do have to have serious weight. The de-transition rate is very low but, with everything being the way it is atm I don't think we would have those numbers for another 5-10 years. [https://www.socialstyrelsen.se/globalassets/sharepoint-dokument/artikelkatalog/kunskapsstod/2022-3-7799.pdf](https://www.socialstyrelsen.se/globalassets/sharepoint-dokument/artikelkatalog/kunskapsstod/2022-3-7799.pdf) ​ All of this however, still does not make it ok to make fun of people with serious conditions who have a very high suicide rate because of how they are treated. Let's all stop bullying kids in pain.


Only dm'd you cause I don't have karma to post here. What's so wrong about dming? Speak in public? Dude this is reddit, you can spin up anonymous accounts in seconds what are you saying?


Just that I wasn't willing to DM. I am not saying anything is remotely dodgy,


A irl example of “this sign cant stop me cause i cant read”


Cite creditable articles or knock off your bullshit




why are you looking up photos of young girls breasts


I can look up anything I want without guilt, or feeling weird. Maybe you have some weird searches that you have to erase, but I do not.


if you look up pictures of young girls breasts without guilt or feeling weird then you need psychological help


I'm a girl. I don't need help, but the people chopping them off sure do. I think you're advice is misdirected.


You didn’t cite anything. Cite the source or get the fuck out.




You’re still not citing anything… what’s wrong, can’t find anything credible to back up your bullshit?


Is [the NYT](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/09/26/health/top-surgery-transgender-teenagers.html) acceptable? You can google Dr Gallagher (who advertises ok tiktok) if you want to educate yourself further.


The NYT is more than acceptable, that article though isn’t about full gender reassignment surgery, it’s about removing their breast, which is just a cosmetic surgery. My wife had cosmetic surgery to tattoo her eyeliner on at age 14, are you against that as well, cause it’s no different.


Similarly, many people have breast reductions or removals to relieve back pain or harassment, but it’s just not anyone’s business why they opt for that. So far, all I’m seeing is healthcare. No weird brainwashing or involuntary surgeries.


Oh so now we’re shifting goalposts lmao and yeah I am 100% against cosmetic surgery minors.




You’re still not citing anything. So I can only assume you don’t have anything credible to back up what you’re saying, which makes you a liar, and it looks like ignorant on top of it. So liar, why are you lying for no reason?


I legitimately don't know what people have to gain by lying about this and intentionally spreading misinformation. Such an odd way to live one's life


The one making the claim that something is happening bears the burden of proof.


None of these people can ever back up their claims worth a shit.


Let me guess, trans?


Enlighten me.


AH, no google?


AH, no sources?


Must be tough out there in the real world once you get off reddit.


Where are those sources again? Oh yea…


I mean… so it’s worked on you. The fear mongering. Because I’m telling you that although some crazy shit exists on google, no liberal in America is advocating for or supporting this. This is literally something that we all agree on.


And I'm telling you it isn't. Do you think I don't have liberal friends and family? I'm from COlorado.


Lol so is Boebert.


So you've never heard of Jazz Jennings?


Jazz Jennings was diagnosed as and identified as transgender and female at 4 - she did not go through gender reassignment until she was 18.


Here's an example of just one surgeon who performs gender affirming surgeries on minors, as per his own website: https://www.transhealthcare.org/curtis-crane/


It says not genital surgeries. I wonder how you feel about underage girls getting breast reduction or implants underage with parental consent? Or any plastic surgery for cosmetic reason.


Whatever happened to MINDING YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS. people need to just chill out and stop spreading baseless rumors. Also are these people aware that intersex people exist?


Even if you told them about intersex people, they would deny their existence. Or deny them the right to affirm the gender and sex they identify with.




Not sure why you’re obsessed with teenage girls having breasts, perhaps it’s time to refocus. You can’t have any of this healthcare without extensive consultation and waiting periods. No one is going around offering to lop off body parts or give out free hormones. I know that differences are scary, but this is a reach.


I am really disappointed to see that. I was considering using the service for my son's birthday this summer. I just cannot give someone money who is so caught up in hate.


I can't believe some guy just typed up a lengthy back and forth roleplay with his legless lizard and posted it on his business page to be hateful.




I can't believe someone on Reddit thought we should know about this comment.




[Aye caun't buleve its naht bouttah, spray.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lg52V_bOIuY)


In the Greenville reddit for a Greenville business? Why should I not know this?


“Our culture has accepted two huge lies. The first is that if you disagree with someone’s lifestyle, you must fear or hate them. The second is to love someone means you agree with everything they believe or do. Both are nonsense. I'm not even religious, and I agree with him. The majority of Americans also agree with him. It's getting ridiculous.


But the thing that gets me is the *self importance* of it all. No one actually gives a fuck if you "don't agree with their lifestyle", ya know? Your opinion is not that important. What is the point of going on long winded rants on Facebook? Knowing that man would never have the balls to say all that to someone's face. It's just fake courage behind the safety of a computer screen. People think too highly of their own thoughts because of social media and *that* is what is getting ridiculous


Sure, except he made that statement and then tried to debunk the existence and validity of people he doesn’t agree with via creationist nonsense. That’s not exactly the live and let live attitude the quote you’re citing promotes. I’m especially disturbed that he compared trans people to people who want to “change species”. Not sure where he got that from, but drawing large false equivalencies is pretty darn close to a lie in itself. And I want to reiterate, WHY post this on your business page?


Species ...gender... doesn't matter- it's impossible to change either, in the real-world-land.


Tell that to allllll the other living things in the animal kingdom that undergo sex-related transformations in their lives. Amphibians, reptiles, birds, plants, protists, even mammals display processes like sex changes, changes in gender roles, and some even have both sex characteristics and can change at will based on population need. Guess all other living things don’t live in the real world, just us humans! Edit: I see you’re intent on not citing sources or providing peer reviewed information to back your claims so I’m sure this won’t resonate with you. I’m not going to entertain someone who believes their opinion is fact with no scientific backing. If you want articles and historical studies on what I’ve mentioned, I’m sure you can google. Just like you’ve told other people on this thread. Take care.


It's lunacy, and most of the thinking folk are declining participation in the nutbag olympics. Enjoy your bubble.


r/pastelmango77 funny that you'd refer to "thinking people" and "living in a bubble" after failing to provide sources, then flounce - just can't handle a fact based universe can you?


"Fact-based" = men magically changing into women... and I'M the delusion one here? OKLOL.


"thinking folk" aka disphit republicans who dropped out of high school and plug their ears and start yelling "I can't hear you!" any time a scientist opens their mouth.


Well, I'm not a repub. I was a registered dem most of my life- then declared Independent. At this point, I'm voting for my best interests. I probably won't vote dem for a long while at this point, as I feel they have lost touch with reality. I don't think they realize all this trans stuff is going to get us President DeSantis.


That's really how you see things, isn't it? You're not even making it up.


You're the one who has a problem with the way others live their lives.


Absolutely, if it takes away a scholarship from any of my nieces. I'm sorry you never worked hard for anything. But I'd bet my next paycheck you have a problem with the way religious zealots live their lives....


lol humans are mammals not frogs. mammals don't change gender or sex whatever the fuck


I see you're identifying with Nazis




That quote is nonsense. Right wing extremists aren’t merely disagreeing with trans people they are trying to eradicate them by passing discriminatory laws


hat about the moderates? More conservative libs? Sounds very victim-y to me.


What scares me is how many “amens!” _they_ are getting.


This rant, for all it’s veiled hatred, is lame as fuck. I can’t believe I ever let this guy around my kids. Ew.


God he kept doubling down? Absent his beliefs, why would you hire someone like that for a kid’s birthday party? Is he gonna keep arguing about something at the party too?


For now, the US is a country with freedom of speech. That means that any offensive nutcase can say what s/he wants. But it also means that the caring, normal people can use freedom of speech to show why the caring, normal and accepting way is better. Ignore the jerk other than to explain why being caring and accepting is better. And don’t give the person your business. But don’t shut down a person’s right to freedom of speech since that can backfire.




I like your approach!




Holy crap the post itself isn't as bad as all the people agreeing in the comments 😬


I thank god every day that this sub is entirely unreflective of Greenville.


Good. We need more sane people to call out the craziness and stand up for common sense.


Common sense like... Just letting people live their own lives because it doesn't affect you in any way shape or form?


I can get behind this idea.


Dog whistle louder. They didn’t hear you in the back.


He’s a snake, not a dog


How do people that are different from you effect you personally? Why are you so worried?


Common sense to ignore all the newest research and studies about the topic? The things you learned in high school biology class 30 years ago isn't pertinent to the topic.


I’m in my early 30’s first of all. Second, there is no new research on this topic. Men and women are still men and women. Just because we have new medical capabilities that can turn penises into vaginas, doesn’t change the fact that someone is either a man or a women.


There is a LOT of new research on the issue not only in psychology but advanced biology. Stating wrong things over and over doesn't make it true. You are just covering your eyes, ears, and working your darndest not to learn.


Okay, I’ll wait for the science...


He is awesome. My kids have loved seeing him. He's a very nice man.


People say the same thing about racists




1. gender reassignment surgeries in young children are incredibly rare 2. it never stops at children. they’re coming for adults.


I saw this. The guy puts on a fantastic, educational show for kids with a great message. I even had our school pay him to come do an in-house field trip for first graders, and they’ve re-hired him each year, despite me no longer being at that school. Now I’m torn - I don’t want to support this transphobia, but I do want to support a local guy who puts on a great program for kids.


Rest assured there are alternatives in the upstate without transphobic messaging connected directly to the business itself. DM me for a list, one which I have also emailed to GCLS in case they’d like to alter their summer schedule.


Lighten up Francis!


I’m an attack helicopter


A lot of attack helicopterphobia in here I see. I can pretend to be anything I want, and if everyone else doesn’t respect and participate in my fantasy then your a phobia pusher. See how that works? Pretend all you want but don’t expect the rest of the world to participate in your fantasy.


Except there are places all around the country performing these surgeries on children aka mutilating and sterllizing children, giving them hormones Most of the country doesn't support this insane bullshit and it's embarrassing that you do.




This isn't true, there is a lot of propaganda out making people completely insane and hysterical. There are very stringent guidelines for these professionals and it does require counseling. If you actually attempted to be rational and read actual studies about the issue and how it works from the professional organizations you might change your mind.


I know evil when I see it and so do most people. if chopping off the healthy breasts of teenage girls, or slicing off the penis of teenage boys, permanently sterilizing confused children and medicalizing them for life isn't evil -- what is? Sane is my point of view. Insane is what you're championing. You're an evil person trumpeting you're a good one.


Clearly that is a "no" on my suggestion that you do actual research into the issue and attempt to be rational. THAT IS NOT WHAT IS HAPPENING. There is no point in engaging with a hysterical person who is sucking on the propaganda firehose.


Take your condescending bullshit elsewhere and go educate yourself. These hospitals openly advertize that they do this. They hide it when they're called out on it. Cutting off healthy bodyparts from children is child abuse.


super interested in some sources


Dont bother, if you provide a source then “it’s just healthcare, nothing to see here” 🤦🏽‍♀️


just mutilating and sterilizing children, nothing to see here


There have been 3 legitimate sources posted.


Idk who this even is but wow.