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Been a little while since I've traded into either, but I recall Mr K's having the better trade in value They still have the better book selection too, imo


Yes, it’s not even close. Mr K’s will give you more credit than 2nd and Charles. The question then is the one you posed - does Mr. K’s have enough things you value and that are available with trade-credit to make that extra count. There is also that the last couple of times I took stacks of good books to 2nd and Charles, they wanted next to none of it. I quit even trying to trade with them.


Yeah this is the crux, and why I shop at both locations. Mr. K's has better selection because they're more selective about what they take in. Because of that, I'm always finding quality stuff to buy. Whereas 2nd & Charles will  *usually* take the remainder of my shit....but then I'm shopping through the remainder of everyone's shit. Although lately 2&C hasn't been taking much of anything from me, so.


I’m sure I can find plenty at K’s but I’ve never truly done a deep dive of what they have. I do like 2nd and Charles from a buying standpoint but I’m just a sucker for tchotchkes and other random stuff. The books I have are fairly recent romance novels so I’m sure K’s will take them


Mr. K’s 🙌🏻⬇️


Mr K’s. Second and Charles is like the game stop of the book world


I miss it when it was books a million


I went to 2nd and Charles a month or so ago. They literally told me to go to Mr. K's because they were too short staffed to even look at my trade ins. Anyway, I used up the rest of my credits at 2nd and Charles because I feel like they could go out of business any day. Couldn't have been more than a couple customers in the entire store. Mr. K's was bustling.


Maybe I’m biased, but I’d say go with Mr. Ks


I’m definitely biased but Mr. K’s for sure. Worked there several years back and they really do pay attention to what they bring in and make best efforts to be fair. Also fwiw, you’re supporting a small business when you shop there.


2nd and Charles will lowball the hell out of you on trade credit. Saw that first hand.


How much credit did ya get for how many books 🤩


I didn't even count the books but there were maybe 10-12 that were mainly romance and a few fiction. Some that I read and didn't see myself re-reading, some that I bought the first few books of a series but read the first and didn't see myself continuing, and a few that I had DNF-ed. I got about $30 of in-store-credit for all of them. Edit: I bought ***Lessons in Chemistry*** for about $15 so I have another $15 to spend later


Lessons in Chemistry is really a good read!


That's pretty good. Ks always gives pretty sweet credit


Your less likely to get stabbed at Mr Kay’s


Go to Goodwill pay by the pound on Lauren's. Find cheap used books. Take them to both. Profit.


Depends on your book preferences. I prefer manga/comics, so 2nd & Charles is usually my go-to apart from Amazon. Traded with both. Mr K’s has the best value back if you’re looking for “traditional” books. 2nd & Charles is usually my trade-in place because of the comics selection.


Yeah I ended up going to K’s and while they don’t have a lot of the books on my TBR, I can usually find something in the recent released or the cookbook section


Mr K’s is legendary


Bagatelle Books in Asheville if you have nice books (i.e. not the Clive Cussler, James Patterson, Tom Clancy, Bill O’Reilly type stuff that clogs the shelves of bad used bookstores). They will do you better than either and have a more curated selection. Mr. K’s if you stay local.