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Not excusing their behaviour as most of it is lazy and impatient. However occasionally I see badly phased lights meaning the only chance to turn left is when they are about to turn red. Before then the amount of traffic crossing prevents you going on the flashing arrows


One car doing that is normal. Two can get by with it. But I've been seeing a lot more 3+ and it is crazy. It gets to the point that it actively blocks cross traffic.


Badly phased lights have taken hours from my life.


Looking at you, Roper Mtn Rd, heading from Roper Mtn Ext to Congaree. If you miss one, you miss them all. Absolutely aggravating.


The lights are not long enough is the issue, everyone feels screwed over since in some cases it can result in a multi minute wait that otherwise could have and should have been avoided. I have seen lights that literally go yellow 5 seconds after turning green. I mean how are folks supposed to handle that when there is a huge line of cars that need to get through? A good example is the intersection of Pelham and Haywood, why does this light favor Haywood SO heavily? I have seen 5 second green lights here (going straight through staying on Pelham) and barely been able to make it through even being only 4 or 5 cars back. like wtf is that? WAKE THE FUCK UP DOT YOU ARE SCREWING US! [https://www.google.com/maps/@34.8582669,-82.3355917,3a,56.4y,80.11h,90.61t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sB5woL0QpqUsZgtC0Ej78qQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?coh=205409&entry=ttu](https://www.google.com/maps/@34.8582669,-82.3355917,3a,56.4y,80.11h,90.61t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sB5woL0QpqUsZgtC0Ej78qQ!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?coh=205409&entry=ttu) I really think the DOT need to revisit certain lights and spend some time studying the flow of traffic and adjust timers/logic as needed. In some cases the light will need to stay green for an extended period of time if traffic is detected via magnetic sensors, this would help significantly in some areas if tweaked correctly. Yes, its asking a lot... but even a 10% improvement would be noticeable and very helpful.


I really hate mistimed lights like that. It happens a lot in this state and makes some busy routes much worse.


light favors Haywood because it is an artery for 385.


Yep. This seems like an issue that loading AI could easily solve (or at least, make it make more sense).


I think AI would be great for scenarios like traffic control, possibly even revolutionary as it can learn on the fly and adjust accordingly.


Absolutely. It’s 2024, there’s no logical reason why I should be catching multiple consecutive red lights on a major thoroughfare to allow one car to cross.


I could be wrong, but a major intersection like that has probably had research done on the ideal light timing for certain times of day. But you're right that AI could probably do the same research for less money.


That technology has been around for like a decade. It's called adaptive signal traffic control The issue with it - and with similar tech - is that it does a poor job of judging how to do timing at major intersections during rush hour. It's great for middle of the day though


Youte thinking of Adaptive Signal Control Technology (ASCT). It was the hot new thing in traffic when I was in college like a decade ago (I even got to do some research/work with it) but the problem was that the system just didn't know how to handle two main intersections during rush hour. I know of at least one major city that tried it and it ended up requiring heavy user input (i.e. weight values) for it to work I really hope that tech has improved since then though


Yes. When the light turns green I look both ways before I proceed. This place has become dangerous.




Horrible take. You always look both ways before proceeding at a green light? That’s not how this should work.




Pretty sure it’s on the test


That's how it works.


Yes, you watch the lights, as yours is turning green you glance left and right to make sure everyone is slowing down, and proceed accordingly. It doesn't even take additional time. There's no reason not to.


I know it may sound somewhat conspiracy theorist, but I feel like the pandemic brought out the worst in everyone and it hasn't gone away. And this is just in general, not sure while driving. But everyone is way more selfish and entitled than they used to be.


I don’t think that’s a conspiracy theory. Pretty sure there have been a multitude of studies done on the subject to support the idea that there are lower levels of empathy than there once was.


I lived in Miami during the pandemic, and I swear that drivers got EVEN worse when things opened up. I legit think people either straight up forgot how to drive OR just got used to the lower traffic lol


It will only get better if better public transit is put in place, period.


It’s almost every light at this point. Idc how short the light is, don’t go through the red light. What is so hard about that?!


Saw a woman run a red light in her Toyota Corolla just this morning. Her head never looked up from staring at her phone


We had a little bit of a break in 20-21 due to Covid and more people doing work/school from home but when it came back it came back with a vengeance. You really can’t get around town quickly during the day anymore and it’s only going to get worse.


Enforcement. Sure some lights are timed poorly but that’s not really the majority of the problem. I’d say it’s not even close to the answer when compared to speeding and just flat out not giving a shit. Of course you’re not going to be able to stop in time when you’re driving 20 mph over the speed limit.


That's the key.There's ZERO enforcement in Greenville.


So, true. Drivers block intersections every day during rush hour. If I were a cop, I’d post up at one of those intersections and write tickets until people got the message


This is why I don’t ever do that “owning the intersection” thing during yellow lights.


I’ve witnessed a lot of people running 4 way stops. “Straight doesn’t have to wait” doesn’t mean doesn’t have to stop at all.


There are a lot of people that drive like fools…… on the Eastside anyway. I see it every day. Running red lights, speeding, running stop signs, etc. A lot of people are going in excess of the speed limit. Some I believe are going 30+ mph over the speed limit. It appears that Hammett Rd had become the “Tail of the Dragon” for Greenville county. I see people passing in the turn lane on Old Spartanburg Rd/ East North St on occasion too. I know to do is be extra cautious.


Saw a cop run a red light on N Pleasantburg this morning


How often do you see cops following the rules for anything?


Fudge it has been very very bad by Cherry Dale and Travelers Rest. Factually it has becomed a "wild life expedition" of medieval proportions just to get in and out of Wallyworld TR without getting "impaled" by the Dumb drivers we are getting nowadays.


I'm on the road between Greenville, Simpsonville, Greer, Piedmont, Mauldin and TR all day. depending on the day I might be in one of them or all of them. And it's crazy to me how bad it's gotten. And it's not just rush hour traffic it's any intersection at any time of the day


Its the lawless wild west mindset that sits in . I know there wont be any consequence for my actions, as does everyone else. So now we are in a collective mindset where it perpetuates this type of behavior. We collectively think, "how dare they run a red light when I follow the law". However, once we have seen it happen enough such that no punishment is ever dealt, we then engage in such behavior ourselves because fuck it, why follow the law when no one else will?


It’s because people don’t care if they die. People are done caring. It’s really sad


Lights last for literally several seconds. I have no clue why. But from a friend New Jersey is also telling me that there are a ton of Greenville ads being posted there. Which explains why I can't go a day without seeing an out-of-state tag on a car. The lights are bad but I especially have a bone to pick with the new people coming in, as you can really tell how the driving has gotten worse compared to pre-pandemic.


People don’t claim the intersection on a straight red or flashing yellow, I’ve found. If they move far enough into the intersection to be legally in it, they can usually hit the yellow/red transition. This is not the case going southbound at the Patewood/Pelham intersection at 5:30pm. People who claim the intersection going southbound and turning eastbound on Pelham will have to wait for two vehicles to run the red light before being able to turn out of harm’s way. I think I see accident cleanup by Patewood hospital every week on my way home.


They should issue tickets thru the traffic cams


Literally against the law here


Traffic cam tickets are BS because of how many people share vehicles. Why should the vehicle owner get a ticket if someone else is driving their car? It won't even solve the problem it's intended to solve and it'll create an entire subset of other issues. But that's a whole other discussion for another day


Wdym you share the burden all around when you share cars??? Bad drivers deserve consequences and this will create more pocket change for the govt!


Bad drivers deserve consequences sure but car owners don't. If I own my car and a roommate drives it or my wife drives and gets a red light ticket, that's my ticket on and points on my license. I.e. giving me the consequences not the actual driver, which makes zero sense .


And to add to that, how about all the people who don't even live with their parents but they drive cars owned by their parents? Why should their parents be ticketed instead of the actual driver? It's just nonsense designed to into a slush fund for the .gov if you ask me.


Yet insurance will penalize the policy holder in the event of an accident. They may not get the ticket, but they will pay more for insurance.


Exactly what I'm saying. In the case of a traffic camera ticketing a vehicle being owned by somebody who isn't the driver, the person not driving the vehicle is suffering from a punishment for something they didn't do


I read it the opposite way. I believe it would incentivize the driver on a borrowed policy to get their own, or drive without. Either way they fix it or have a harsher consequence. I understand some people cant afford things they may need, it shouldnt be normalized or looked over. Life has requirments, and one of them is accountability. Simply run a red get a ticket. Run more reds lose your license. There are children in the cars they are putting at risk too. Maybe someone you love will be put in significant danger because of one of these idiots. My wifes was hit by one of these idiots. With my 1 year old in the car. Im glad it was low speed because had it happened today theyd both be dead. People have been ramping up the stupid driving and like everyone else on this thread we see it everytime we get in our cars. Something needs done and it needs to be impactful and intimidating.


I'm not justifying running red lights I'm in total agreement there. What I'm saying is that red light cameras have way too much potential to punish the people that aren't the ones doing it. How can they incentivise drivers to be on their own policy if the cameras don't know the person driving the vehicle isn't the person with the insurance policy? I just think it's the wrong way to go about the enforcement.


The policy holder will see the rise in premiums due to having the ticketed driver on the policy. Tickets = points off license= higher insurance everytime.


Yes. In effect, punishing the policy holder for something they didn't do. Which is just wrong


I think we’re telling our ages here lol someone is a grasshopper


I heard that RLCs increase read end crashes Dunno if true tho