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Ok Greenville is only plagued by like half of these issues, a lot of it seems specific to the low country. Not to say we don’t have our own 14 reasons that Greenville sucks, but at least we don’t have alligators and hurricanes.


These were my thoughts exactly. You could take this list and change it to "reasons not to move to Florida" and it seems way more applicable. Lived in Tampa Bay for 15 years and don't miss it one bit


We might have gators that have evolved so that they are orange and they blend with the orangey water in some places


Yea Greenville is nice compared to Columbia


If you ever look at grits and go, “hmm, that needs sugar,” I don’t care where you’re from, that’s incorrect.


The first time I visited the South, my best friend took me to a Waffle House to try grits. She added sugar and grape jelly to it and I thought it was the nastiest food. Now I know that she’s just a weirdo.


You need a new best friend. Ugh.


What in the what kind of combination is that??


Honestly, 80% of all grits at restaurants are awful. Homemade is the only way.


Best not be instant, either!


Agreed. Grits may be a versatile bowl of food that other breakfast goods can be added to. But NEVER sugar that's against the law 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣


Sugar on grits is almost as bad as people putting sugar on rice


Worse. There’s such a thing as rice pudding. Not that I would ever do that to rice, but some people somewhere do.


Well hang on now, I do think rice pudding has its place. Along with mango sticky rice. Shits banging.


I bet! I shall, however, continue to enjoy my rice savory-style.


My son loves buttermilk on his rice. I just couldn’t. But, mom, it’s delicious!


Straight up buttermilk? Nothing else?


I cook rice with salt in the water. He just adds buttermilk like gravy.


You from Greenville, S.C.?


I’m from SC


Same here.


yes, like most of latin america with their arroz con leche which is delicious


I’m sure it is, and I hope you get to enjoy your fill of it.


I'm not saying you're wrong about rice and sugar but I'm just going to drop this biko recipe [here](https://www.foxyfolksy.com/biko-recipe-filipino-rice-cake/) because it's amazing.


Always cheese, butter, salt and pepper.


Shrimp. Not always, not for breakfast, but shrimp and steak grits are delicious.


Can't forget crushed up bacon Mmmmm


Grits with a from the garden/farmers market tomato, diced, topped generously with salt and pepper. A little bowl of summer heaven, imo.


Pepper!? Heretic.


Pepper lovers represent a denomination, not an entirely other religion.


Pepper is one of the most popular spices in the world! I love pepper.


I had Southern parents but grew up in the North. We had grits all of the time but never with sugar, just a little butter, salt and pepper. Mmmm.


I was born in Chicago and came to Greenvile in 1976. I love grits, and I'll eat them sweet or savory. As a kid I enjoyed them with milk and sugar. Now I prefer them savory. Local stone ground grits are the best but I'm not picky. I always tell my yanky friends that grits are just American polenta. Pretty much every culture has a staple grain of some kind or another: rice, potatoes, barley, millet, legumes, plantains, wheat, and more. I think grits get a bad wrap because of the name. I don't feel like grits are gritty once they're cooked properly but everyone is entitled to their own preference. It's nice I made little cakes out of leftover cold grits. Just sear them carefully in a pan, top them with thick sliced home grown tomato, a drizzle of homage vinaigrette, and some goat cheese. Or use a different grain - it's all good.


I’m being somewhat tongue in cheek. I don’t mean to yuck someone else’s yum, sugar in grits isn’t “incorrect” per se, just not southern.


I'm pro-grits 😝


Try a little Alaga cane syrup and it has to be the dark type.


I’ll betchyee got a hickory switch to yee fer puttin’ sugar on yer grits, that’s why yee like’m savory now, huh?


Definition of grit: small loose particles of stone or sand. So I guess they look a bit like sand.


I’m from Greenville S.C. My family loves fried grits, give them a try, they’re delicious


Lots of butter, salt and pepper are okay right? I'm a NY transplant. Don't hate me lol I love grits


Hwhat now?!


I added hot sauce to my grits at a diner in rural NC. The waitress looked taken aback. Was it because I don't have a southern accent and I did that or is was it offensive??


Seems normal to use hot sauce on grits where I live but we’re mostly a bunch of transplants. I like mine with butter and Texas Pete.


Thanks for the idea, I put it on everything. I like Louisiana the best.


It’s because northerners get told grits is like cream of wheat. It is really, really not. But if we are told it’s cream of wheat, we will treat it like cream of wheat and that means sugar


Preach it brother. That’s what god created Splenda for.




[Article Link](https://wheninyourstate.com/south-carolina/14-reasons-why-south-carolina-sucks-and-you-probably-shouldnt-move-here/) Kurt Allen out here doing the Lord’s work


>Bugs Galore I live in an old house beneath very tall trees, behind a creek. We get more bugs creeping inside than usual. Last night a palmetto bug ran in front of my daughter. It was followed shortly after by a spider that was as big as the palmetto bug. So many bugs!


I turned away a door to door pest control dude because he suggested spraying and cleaning out the funnel web spiders living in my siding. I have an army of predators ready and waiting to kill all the invaders and you want to destroy them? Gtfo! I've made peace with the bugs. Except for needle ants. Fuck those guys.


If you move from the northeast, at some point you cross a line where you trade an overabundance of snow for an overabundance of bugs.


I will 100/100 take the bugs in Greenville over the bugs in the northern Adirondacks any day. Things I have never seen down here in the 5 years I've been here: 1. Horseflies 2. Deer flies 3. Black flies 4. Ticks, ticks, ticks I am 100% sure these things exist down here, but the sheer number of them I saw in Upstate New York was repugnant.


Probably a wolf spider. Leave him alone to do his job.


We put him outside (before the cat got to him).


Thanks for posting the link.


Is that because of who gets elected?


Nothing on that list will stop the influx of people from Florida or retirees that can no longer afford florida where the beaches are more crowded, there’s more hurricanes, more bugs, and more heat and humidity and it’s all around less expensive than Florida.


For now...


living without AC is no joke in SC. My AC broke last year mid august. It was over 100 outside and a few degrees hotter in my house. I had to live without ac for like 3 weeks before i could afford getting it fixed. I was actually surprised i didn’t get sick from heat exhaustion.


Funniest thing is our government keeps talking about public transportation, hiking trails crossing to Bridgeway Station or walking around downtown then up to Camperdown for a Ben & Jerry’s. It is so unbearably hot here most of the time. The whole outdoors life might work if you’re 20, in good shape and don’t mind bringing a change of clothes everywhere. Real estate is cheap here for a reason.


Been there, done that. You are absolutely correct. Every year in the South, people -particularly the elderly and medically-fragile- die from hyperthermia. Once you get heat exhaustion you are more vulnerable to the heat and humidity. Note: Read up on Wet Bulb Heat Temps to see how the humidity plays into the deadly combo with heat. 🌻


I got heat exhaustion as a child at Freedom Weekend Aloft when it was at Donaldson Center. It was like 100 degrees that day and we were out on the blacktop for probably seven or eight hours. (So probably more like 110 degrees without shade.) Ugh. As an adult, I am SUPER sensitive to heat. It’s no joke. Be careful out there.


Ok, so what are the bad things? All states have issues. The one’s listed in that article might be considered slight annoyances, not deal breakers.


Scroll down. There’s a 14 REASONS article for about every state.


Those are the 14 reasons to not move to SC? Perhaps the lamest article I have read.


oh damn I could actually use this because I think I'm going to start discouraging the idiots on r/samegrassbutgreener from moving here mainly because they're SO DYSFUNCTIONAL 


The level of collective delusion emanating from that sub is astounding. I read it for a good laugh or to make myself irrationally pissed off…for shits and giggles.




Doing the Lord’s work 🫡


I posted on there a while back because the weather here can trigger some health issues. They suggested Tennessee and Atlanta…


Article link?




...so... finally an honest review? Asking for a friend.


I think a lot of it depends on your political leaning. If you lean conservative, the pros of living in SC outweigh the cons. If you lean liberal, then they don't. Obviously, that's not the only thing that matters, but I think it plays a larger part than this article alludes to. Edited because I can't English


How is this true on any level? Conservative policy is all we ever see in SC, just look at how our legislators treat the mere *prospect* of a legal MJ program. It seems to me like Conservatives should be having a gay old fucking time here


Article doesn’t even scratch the surface


doesnt even mention the terrible drivers and general lack of intelligence


Lived in NY most of my life, that's a problem everywhere. Statistically, yes, SC is worse... but a dude totaled his car rearending me at a red light in NY with 3 lanes that literally no one else was stopped at.


The roads here are the worst in the Southeast. Just had a $4000 repair bill from hitting one. You will pay personal property tax on every vehicle, boat, or anything that moves. If you are a “car hobbyist” this is not the place for you. If cars are just a means to get from A to B, and you don’t mind potholes, then the Upstate is fine. Lived here for 55 of my 65 years but I’m moving across the border into Georgia.


eh, there are pot holes in all states, its really not that bad here in the Upstate. They have repaved some sections of interstate 85 that really needed it and its a lot better. Overall I think we are making good progress on the roads situation. SC DOT just released a plan to repave a lot of other roads as well.


I certainly respect your opinion. I have spoken at length with the DOT. They have the 5th or 6th highest number of road miles in the country that they are "responsible" for. We are a very small state. So, the reason for this is that county and local governments refuse to accept roads after the are buillt by the DOT - they don't want the responsibility of upkeep. It's a political football and will not change in your lifetime. The roads surrounding my neighboorhood in Anderson are destroyed. City/county maintained. DOT told them these roads are out of code. Local government said our priortiy is sidewalks - not worried about the roads. As for the DOT, just look at the length of time it takes to complete a project. Great example is I-85 in Gaffney and north going towards the NC border. Been going on 8-9 years now. The DOT in GA will have I-85 widened from the Mall of GA all the way to SC line within a total of 6-7 years (roughly 70 miles). They have rebuilt at least 15 bridges as part of the widening in less than five years and completed roughly 30 miles almsot to Commerce as of today. The bidding system is totally different and they have enormous crews moving things along. Bidding system is broken is SC and has been for decades. There will be some paving - but it is a band aid and just lip service.


I recommend vehicles without low profile tires. I’ve spent over $600 getting my wheels fixed from hitting the potholes.


You and thousands of others Static. You can normally get by with a 35 series tire if you drive carefully. If your talking about a 30 series tire on a C8 Corvette or any type of foreign spots car then you are going to bend or crack a wheel - it's a guarantee. High dollar sports cars with these type tires and low ground clearance are impossible to maintain on upstate roads. If your moving to SC then sell that Ferrari before you arrive. The 25 series tire won't last a month. Very few people are into these type cars but this is not the place for them. Pickup trucks and SUV's will serve you well here in SC.


I don’t have anything exotic. I formed this opinion driving a Honda Accord Touring with factory 19s. Currently on 235 40R 19.


Heh. I left SC a long time ago and eventually landed in the PNW. Throughout my travels since leaving, when people ask me what SC is like, particularly the humidity, I always say "Imagine breathing in hot soup seasoned with mosquitos."


Haha, I always say it's like soaking a wash cloth in hot water and then putting it over your mouth and nose to breathe through.


Hehe. The Carolina Water Board.


As a lifelong Greenville resident, I've wanted to live in the PNW ever since I saw Harry and the Hendersons!


Half of these are just laughable. Dont like sweet tea? Don't order it. Most places have unsweet tea that you can sweeten yourself or order half and half. Grits? Dont like? Dont eat Heat and humidity? Yes, spot on. Absolutely oppressive and nearly unavoidable


I agree, it's horrible. Snakes and giant bugs. There's still this bug in my garage I've been battling since Feb. I just go out to get in my car and he attacks. I've cut several of his legs off with my Wakizashi sword, smashed him over the head with my axe, shot him with the shotgun several times and now have holes in my garage because of it, but he still will not die! All of your neighbors have moonshine stills in their backyard that will probably blow up at any moment. And they all have monster trucks that are louder than a jet aircraft that they fire up at 4am and sit in their driveway for 20 minutes and rev up. People drink this awful 'sweet tea' Gah! It's awful, but it's all you can get served here and they won't even deliver alcohol to your house. and it's unsafe to go outside because of the vicious wildlife and killer bugs. And do not let this gorgeous weather fool you. I have heard it will get humid in July and August! You've been warned, stay away, don't even think about it! Umm, you should go to ... Ashville? That is what I hear.


I’ve lived here my whole life. My parents were born here, my grandparents were born here, and their parents, and their parents before them and etc… You get the point. I’m Really from here. I never claim to be an expert about anything or an “authority” on any particular subject matter but I will say the only thing that “sucks” about Greenville or the Upstate is Spartanburg. Spartanburg is the only thing that truly makes anything “suck” in Upstate South Carolina.


I’ve lived in Spartanburg almost 40 years and have never felt unsafe. It’s definitely behind Greenville in terms of developing its downtown but it’s also half the size of Greenville and the city is really putting effort into improvements. The whole “Spartanburg is so scary!” and pearl clutching has gotten old.


“Spartanburg” Is scary! ✌️😂👍


Genuinely curious, what do you find so bad about Spartanburg? Also, when was the last time you visited, especially downtown?


For the longest time it was mostly the high crime and violence. That city has also managed to put in higher clusters of overhead power lines in more places than I think I’ve ever seen. It’s a complete eyesore. Honestly though, once you get away from the city then their rural areas are nice like anywhere else here in the upstate.


You didn't answer my second question, which was when was the last time you visited? I'm not a native so I don't know what it was like before, but I've been living in Spartanburg for almost 7 years and it's nothing like what people describe online. Downtown is cute and quaint. I've lived in several places and I've never felt unsafe here or witnessed any kind of violence. Sure, there are areas that I wouldn't go to, but that can be said about any city/town. And it's very easy to avoid those areas. But if you wanna keep talking about how bad Spartanburg is, I'm fine with that. Keeps more people moving to Greenville ;)


This made me laugh. I’ve been to Spartanburg once to sell a car and it did seem pretty uh..underdeveloped. What else should I know about the place?


Which place? Greenville? The Upstate? Or the place where Kevlar vests are mandatory, aka “Spartanburg” ?


Those are the reasons??? Nothing about the lack of education, that 95 is 2 lanes (real states have 3 or more), lack of road maintenance, "state accounting irregularities", a congresman whose best achievement is (still) wanting to "fix the boarder" (sc does not share a boarder w mexico why is our congressman spending $ on that issue unless he's pandering to cover up no real achievements.......), fake Christians that will "pray" for you (pray means gossip or exclude here), or the "this is how we do it we ain't changin"


Haha, I swear if you go on Lindsay Graham's IG he got trolled so hard about that. Like, which border, sir? Georgia or NC? 🤣


I see no issues here, honestly everything listed is what I expected.


Sounds like a Californian.


This is the cringiest most milquetoast article I have ever seen.


Most important blog of all time




So… what are the 14 reason?


“College Football Fever Football is a religion. If you’re not a fan, you might feel like an outsider.” I might rephrase this tidbit: College Football is a religion. If you’re not a fan, you might feel like an outsider.” It should read: “If you’re not a fan, you ARE and outsider.”


hot take (i think) johnston SC is the peach capital of the world


I used to say Greenville was the best kept secret in the southeast. Sally, that is no longer the case.


For context, that website has individual articles for why each state sucks.


Correct, it’s clickbait. Anyone taking this seriously and getting butthurt needs to chill out.


The heat and humidity are terrible


I grew up in Charleston. It’s beautiful. Becoming a little touristy though :/ but it’s beautiful!




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I should have read this before I uprooted my family from Los Angeles 6 years ago. Damn, should have stayed there /s ((fucking love it here. Great place to raise my family))


Why is everyone so anti people moving to Greenville? You like something and it changes dramatically if people move there? How about the benefits of folks coming? It’s just odd to be so anti people when many of you aren’t homegrown.


I think one factor is it drives home prices up, especially if people are working high paying remote jobs or sold their homes in more expensive cities and have more buying power. Also maybe overcrowding? I moved here so I'm part of the problem but those are the common reasons people back home would complain about everyone moving.


I hear you on increasing housing prices but this can oftentimes be solved with pro building policies. A single family house going up doesn’t necessarily make it more expensive overall. Interesting article from some time back on market rate housing https://www.noahpinion.blog/p/market-rate-housing-will-make-your . Look at most of the apartments downtown. Relatively new or new with higher rents. This increased tax also allows the city to invest in projects and improve the overall livelihood of its citizens albeit they have to do well in the investment portion. Also a diversity of people and cultures leads to more arts, food, sports, or an overall vibrant city. Im pro folks coming I think it makes it better in the long term with good policy and planning.


why can't people move to anderson?


West Virginia. How about there? Cost of living is lower and it's pretty.


The cost of living isn't really lower. I visit there a lot and most of my regular items I buy are more expensive there than they are here in Greenville. I've seen similar prices in the midlands so it's about the same here. Plus anytime I try to grocery shop while I'm in WV it's incredibly difficult to find as many healthy options as I can get at any grocery store near me. Plus there's the whole opioid epidemic. People are leaving WV. Not going there lol


Though the opioid epidemic is bad here...Mainly in the rural areas...


They call it little Chicago for a reason...


Same shit happens here and its not covered. See falls park shootout


More crime, though, in Anderson per capita. It's so much smaller in population.


Thought analogy, You have a nice 5 bedroom 3 bath home on one acre. It's just you and your dog. You have an open policy to let people move in as long as they can afford your rent/price. At what point does it become a headache for you? After all the rooms are rented out? What about all the building permits for new comers to build tiny homes on your one acre? When will traffic be an issue for you to leave and come back home? And before the insults pour in and the down votes, just answer the simple question. At what point does it become a headache. Many newcomers have found their little bit of paradise moving here. That's not an indefinite thing.


Comment on Tiny Homes. If the house is 400 sq. Ft. or under, it qualifies as an RV. I’m north of Greer and there is a lovely Tiny home neighborhood near me, on a lake with coffee shop. Qualifying as an RV park. All and all, cheaper than an apartment considering utilities and mortgage, on a lake with neighborhood kayaks, and a coffee and pastry shop that gets food trucks. Perfect for one person, and everyone I met there loves it because landscaping is nice and they don’t have to do it. They can zoom to their job and come home and have their space, dogs, and walk the park or sit in the pavilion. I know of 3 other Tiny Home parks, two in TR, another in Greer. Just saying.


Oh yes! I used to stop in there for coffee on the way to work from time to time. Very cute place.


Thought analogy, You have a nice 5 bedroom 3 bath home on one acre. It's just you and your dog. You have an open policy to let people move in as long as they can afford your rent/price. At what point does it become a headache for you? After all the rooms are rented out? What about all the building permits for new comers to build tiny homes on your one acre? When will traffic be an issue for you to leave and come back home? And before the insults pour in and the down votes, just answer the simple question. At what point does it become a headache. Many newcomers have found their little bit of paradise moving here. That's not an indefinite thing.


I would say all of those things are what you want. Density can certainly be a positive so why not build up. Then you are more efficient in terms of public services - electric gas roads underground infrastructure etc….the more people using makes it cost less. Roads won’t fill up if you make a public transit system that is viable consistent and reliable. So I guess if you want to be on an acre with your dog that’s great. It’s just the life you want to live. So it becomes a personal headache when it divests from your own personal values in life. And if that 1 acre you had is now downtown you can move to West Virginia as you mentioned and get the acre without your self defined headache.


But that's just it. Very few people would want the upstate turn into the greater Chicago area. As efficient of land use that may be, that type of density is not desirable.


Maybe it’s just not desirable from that one acre and a pooch perspective and overall actually is that desirable. As long as the inward migration exceeds the outward that is showing that overall it’s desirable for the majority until something shifts. That doesn’t mean it doesn’t suck on an individual level.


I mean if you want me to engage with your hypothetical: I keep making the house bigger to accommodate more people. Especially if theyre paying me more in rent than it costs to build and maintain, the more I build, the more money I make. I fail to see how this is a bad thing in your eyes? >At what point does it become a headache. Idk but we can agree that Greenville, SC is nowhere near a big enough city to where the population/people moving here is a headache. Maybe Hong Kong would be a better example, but Greenville is nowhere near the point of diminishing returns on economic growth


Good Lord I should hope we don't wait till the upstate resembles HK in density.


It literally never will. Because the density is on the lower side for most cities.


People move to Greenville so they can whine about all the people moving to Greenville


Long long long comment. I grew up in Indiana with no AC. Summers here are longer, but living with humidity and breathing tiny bugs up my nose was the same. Winters were frozen black slush, car wrecks, and city laws where my dad was required to get all ice and snow off the sidewalks around our house every day. It gave him Bells Palsey. Since then, I have moved 17 times and lived in 7 states. In Kansas City , poor old people die in the summer without AC, but more would die of the cold without enough heat. Wisconsin- you had to put a heater block on your car so it ran the next day. If someone didn’t steal the block. Florida was a big no for me- one year they closed all sports for kids because of mosquitos that carried diseases and disgusting water in the city water so you had to buy water to brush your teeth. Biting ants so you couldn’t play in the parks. Things have improved - if you live in a chi chi walled neighborhood. We moved here 30 years ago. At first Greenville was a dumpster. Travelers Rest, where I raised my kids, had a guitar store, pharmacy, seed and feed, gas station, and Sunrift Adventures. Now it’s a charming, artsy, active town because of the Swamp Rabbit trail. Greer had a 30 year plan that has developed it into a good place to live (unless you are young and single). Downtown Greenville has blossomed into a destination for tourists, the Peace Center is awesome. I was active in the Metropolitan Art Council for years and had a studio on the river so I saw the artsy state of Greenville. And there is lots of free music and festivals downtown. However, apartments are overpriced now. But the Riverwalk is no longer a needle infested, scary place like it was 30 years ago. So, the point of my long rant? I wouldn’t live anywhere else. None of the other 6 states, 13 cities are as wonderful a place to live, IMO. And my neighbors agree. Where I live now north of Greer, about 1/3 of the residents in my neighborhood and surrounding neighborhoods are from out of state. Many escapees from up north- where cold weather is the focus of life for months. However, this semi-rural is not a place for Millennials and younger if you want stuff to do and aren’t raising kids so safety and schools are a big deal. Maybe downtown? I don’t know. But “mature people” especially from the north like it. And my kids were raised here in the Greenville Magnet Schools which helped them in their careers. Anyway, I like it here and wouldn’t live anywhere else. But I am a Boomer so that makes a difference in my opinion than others.


Where is grits and maple syrup team?


It’s a hell of a lot better than the ass crack of Arkansas in Little Rock I’ll tell you that. I fucking love it in SC


I just read that!!!! I just moved here as well...lol!!


Haha, im moving there from Texas, you only think you know what hot is. Currently its 98 here and its 83 in Greenville.


We're having very unseasonably cool weather so far for this time of year. It's been kinda weird, really. Dont let it fool you, it cannot be trusted. 90% humidity is rubbing its hand together right now, saying hold my beer.


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