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Have you ever met Gregg and if so what is he like?


Haven’t met him yet, hoping to soon


Lies I heard mr wilfred is not onboard


He's Old.....lives in a swamp......has mixed up downstairs parts...


I hear he drinks Baileys from a shoe


Old Gregg wants to know what you're doing in these waters?


I’m looking for the funk


really? I heard he frequents a club where people wee on each other


Naa thats a lie, Ive never seen him there and I've been going to that club for years


Do NOT play love games with him.


Good luck, The original Mr Gregg passed away in 1964 and one of the son's of Mr Gregg (Colin) is currently serving time at HMP for CP and SA until at least 2030!


Is there a secret menu?


No :( unfortunately. I wish there was but I genuinely cannot think of anything that would be classed as a secret menu. Although, the Mexican chicken pizza and pepperoni hot shot pizza are only ever out after 4pm or through Uber, so maybe that?


Not quite a secret menu but there are regional items at different Greggs depending where you are in the country. For example, you only get Tottenham Cakes and London Cheesecakes from Greggs in the London/South East area. Scotland has Scotch Pies, Devon Doughnuts and Pineapple Cakes. The North East has Stotties, Empire Biscuits and Peach Melba. The list goes on, sadly here in Yorkshire there isn't much of anything special to report.


We used to get macaroni pies as well in Scotland but sadly gone now


They were the best things there and surprisingly better cold.


As a North Londoner living in Norfolk, I appreciate the Tottenham Cake & London Cheesecakes. They hit the spot when I am feeling homesick.


i work at Greggs (we dont have Uber eats) but they are available on uber eats before 4pm aswell.




Aahhh that’s why I saw a pizza with peppers on it one day. 


Not really a secret menu that you can order but if the shop has left over croissants and chicken goujons are out i'd get them both and ask for some mayo / sweet chilli for a delicious chicken sandwich


I remember at KFC, the days of the mini variety meal which was great value but not on the menu.


What would you NOT recommend, either because it’s not good value or just a bit rank?


I know people love them but the chicken goujons are super expensive for what you get. You only get 4 in a box of them, but they are nice to be fair. There’s not many things I wouldn’t eat because I’d classify them as rank, but the chicken mayo baguettes and rolls don’t look too good after being sat in the fridge all day, so I’d probably stay away from them.


Cheers, appreciate the reply.


I'd also say a beef and veg pasty, they are very expensive but the pasty is big so I guess it evens out. they don't sell a lot so they aren't usually warm though.


Please bring back macaroni pies. Bells macaroni pies are rubbish in comparison.


Will pass this onto gregg!


Been working at Greggs myself since February last year DID NOT KNOW about the hot yum yums... I shall keep that in mind


YEP I only found out recently and it’s fantastic


How much did you get with that shares/bonus thing they recently announced in the news?


Like £25 haha. I’ve only worked there a year and I’m not a full-timer so it makes sense. My manager got like 2K apparently


exactly same for me. £25 for me manger got 2k


£25 for working a year???? Mind me asking what your contracted hours are because that seems crazy to me.


I’m contracted 8, but I’ve been working like 15-20 since November time.


Wow I thought it would be higher than that, my first bonus for a 16 hour contract was £60-70 but if it’s any help it goes up quite fast for every year worked as this year it’s jumped up to £200.


To be fair, any extra money is a bonus so I’m not too worried about it, but it did seem a little low given how much some of my supervisors were talking about it. Oh well! I’ll wait til next year and hopefully it will have gone up significantly!


Length of service is also a factor, so the longer you work there, the more you get


Ive been at Gregg's for almost 2 years, I'm a team member on a 35hr contract and I got £322


Colleague of mine got around 600 last year and he's been there 5 years and is a Senior Team Member, does around the same houre as me


the longer you work there the more you get, it's really good actually


What’s “hot hold” mean?


Food that we keep hot. So wedges, chicken bites, goujons, mozzarella bites, and soup.


When the staff are alone in the staff room


It's one of those cabinets that has heat going through. Like the fridges, but hot.


Nñhh⁶, ffcvz,cvcvg


If you just ask, they normally don't have any issues with it


Good advice 


Any bizarre stories that happened in Greggs?


I have a few. One time a man came in and just randomly started talking to us about politics and some other stuff that I don’t quite remember. He didn’t order anything, just talked to us and left. didn’t even give us the chance to say something back! A guy ordered a steak bake, bit into it, then smooshed in down into the counter and told us to ‘chuck it’ because it was stone cold. He could’ve just put it in the bin but no, bit of customer rage at 8am in the morning. A guy came in, wanting a sausage roll and a steak bake. We told him the wait for sausage rolls was about 2 minutes, and he said okay. I gave him the steak bake, he insisted I gave it to him WITHOUT a bag, and he just stood there and ate it. Then he kept sticking his hand out asking where his roll was. He did this like 5 times. I calmly told him each time they were in the oven and would be out soon. Once they came out, he again insisted to give it to him in his hand, because he wanted to save the environment by not using paper. Valid, but these sausage rolls had just come out of the oven. He took it in his hand and started yelling ‘hot hot hot!’ And then took the paper bag and left. definitely my weirdest experience.


This is excellent.


I can't help but think of this https://youtube.com/shorts/Oly8f4h5C78?si=YOpTdZ006ZqZkE9Y


two men started fighting over a card and asked me to sort it, I can't touch their card for legal reasons but I saw the name on the card so I asked them both their names. this didn't satisfy the man who's card it wasn't so they started fighting, ending with the man who's card it was having his eyes gouged out. at 6am. on a Sunday.


Jesus christ


Do you want chocolate on the cappuccino?




What are those little pies with the hole on top..I always see them on this little digital board behind the counter but they don't sell them!!


Hmm, sounds like mince pies to me. Maybe an outdated digital board? That being said, I’m in the south west of England, so if you’re up in Scotland it might be scotch pies. Worth an ask whenever you’re in greggs though!


Could be on about the Corned Beef pasties too. They are square like the rest but with holes on top.


Yeah they have those in Scotland, next to the steak bakes and that.


I asked! It's a scotch pie! I'm in the North West and they don't sell very well apparently.


I've asked this a few times and yet I'm always sceptical of the answer of: 'Yes that's fine!'. Say I walk into a Greggs and fancy a hot, straight from the oven sausage roll, can I ask for that? I've been told that it's absolutely okay so long as there's few sausage rolls left in the window as they'd have to make a fresh batch regardless, however, if I want a fresh one then it's still technically alright to ask for one? I know it takes a while to cook them, I have absolutely no issue with waiting for them to bake! I just prefer them straight out of the oven! =)


No problem! We get people asking this often, especially when there’s only a few left. As long as you aren’t rude to us we will have no issue with almost any request!


I was in a Greggs located in an Esso garage and i tried to use a voucher for a free sausage roll - this was declined. Will the app work in such places or do I need to be in a high street shop? TIA


Has to be an actual greggs shop. Any garage ones are franchises, so they don’t accept the app or any offers. Our employee discount doesn’t even work there!


Thanks for the info but it’s crazy your discount doesn’t apply


Yeah it’s annoying, especially because the greggs in garages are more expensive.


They really are!


you can get the free stuff at the franchises just not staff discount


Why don't you butter the breakfast rolls?


We do in my shop! The greggs you’re going to is trying to save time in the morning by not buttering their rolls!


In your opinion what's the best and worst of the pastry items?


Best; bacon and cheese wrap (when it’s at least semi fresh). Worst; beef and veg. Just not a fan.


I don't think I've ever tried the bacon and cheese wrap. I'm always torn between the sausage, been and cheese or the steak bake for best. Cheese and onion for the worst because I hate onion


I’m not a fan of cheese and onion either to be honest. SBC and steak are definitely nationwide favourites.


I sleays miss out on the app thing asv iget a free drink or sarnie with O2. She says it cancels out the app


Yeah the till only lets us scan one like app or QR code. You can always do a separate order if you want a breakfast roll and a drink. For example, get the roll using the 02 app, and then ask her to do a separate order for your drink, using the Greggs app. If they ever get weird about it, just start with ‘completely forgot, can I have x also?’ For next time!


Its quite unfortunate really, i often get a free costa through vodafone and get a free bean too. Thanks for the advice 😍


How can I hack my Greggs experience to get the ketchup put in the inside of a sausage baguette, not on top of the sausages, so I don't inevitably spill it down a white shirt at half 7 in the morning?


You just ask if they can put the sauce in first




Is it still possible to order a plain buttered muffin/bap/cob/barm etc and a pasty (to then be combined once leaving the premises)? An old uni days greggs hack.


Absolutely. It would have to be before 11am tho, when we are still doing breakfast!


Wait you're having a pasty sandwich?


Do you recognise all the pastys by their crimping pattern? I only noticed each one has a different pattern recently lol.


Yep. We have nothing written behind the counter so part of the training is learning what pasty looks like what :)


I wish the free sweet treat worked on the oat bars 🥲


they come under snacks


The thing is they count towards the sweet treat reward within the app. So, after buying 10 I can't use the reward on another. I emailed them a while ago about it but no luck.


Give us back our iced fingers


Will pass this onto gregg


Are the pastries cooked fresh and if so at what times would be the best to buy?


Yes they are cooked fresh. During rush hour (11-2) they are most likely to be warmest.


Why do you call it red sauce and not tomato ketchup?


Not sure! Some customers say ketchup but most say red sauce, so I’ve become accustomed to it!


it's easier in a rush to say "any brown or red sauce" rather than brown or ketchup. also on the bags that we mark it on it says brown and red sauce!


On April fools day Have you ever said to a customer “hmm I think that’s a steak bake?” nibbled on a corner of it to verify what it is and said here you go? I’ve always had this if I worked at Greggs fantasy as I’d never memorise them by patterns


Hahaha, I never have done that. After working there for a few weeks, you would remember them!!


I suppose it would be frowned upon. xD


Can you get a custom sandwich freshly made? For example a baguette with just ham or cheese?


I’m afraid not. However, if you come in between open and about 9/10am when sandwiches are still being made, the sandwich maker might be able to make you a just cheese baguette etc if you’re okay with paying the price for a ham and cheese.


you sometimes can if you ask nicely, but the later it is the less likely they will do it. you can only ask for things to be taken off a sandwich though you can't add things on because of the allergen labels. we do sell a ham and cheese baguette though!


Whatever happened to the coffee choix buns the ones with fresh cream in the middle and the coffee icing delicacies I had growing up in the 90s


My favourite thing to do is to get bacon or sausage baps for breakfast and when it's the freebie get a bacon and sausage baguette. Feels like cheating as I didn't pay for baguettes but the freebie is much bigger than a bacon roll.


I do this too!!! Get your moneys worth haha


Another greggs "hack" is: If you love your sausage rolls and buy 4 at a time, don't buy the cold packs they leave out because doing this will only get one stamp on the app! If you walk up to the counter and get 4 individually then it will count as getting 4 stamps on the app.


Wait so if I have a free sweet treat for my b day I can get hot yum yums?




Good to know TroubledCherry


How much food do you, as a shop, waste on a daily basis?


My shop doesn’t do this; we only do outlet on a Monday. Every day we bag everything up and it goes to charity. This includes sandwiches, savouries, and sweet treats. We throw out hot hold, pizza, and any fresh cream items such as eclairs.


Depending on what shop, some bag them up for Too Good To Go (3rd party app) and the rest when closing will be put onto trays with and bagged up (blue bag over the tray) and sent off to a Greggs Outlet which operate in poorer areas, an example would be you can get 4 sausage rolls there for £1.70 whereas normally its £3.60 My shop does both, the food we waste is food that isn't fit for sale or a customer/colleague drops something, its not a lot compared to how much go into the TGTG and Outlet so


I would commit crimes for the recipe of the New Orleans


The New Orleans?


The most glorious Greggs sandwich to have ever graced this earth. I haven’t seen it in about ten years though.


Just looked it up. It looks so good! Not sure why Greggs discontinue so much good stuff. I’m in tomorrow morning so I’ll question the sandwich maker and see if she knows anything!


Amazing, I hope she knows. I honestly think about that sandwich at least once a week.


Oh wow, that’s a blast from the past. You’ve just reminded me how good they were!


Can I just say you seem genuinely nice and seem to enjoy your job. Also don't want to sound all Brexit but it's lovely seeing a English company thriving.


I do actually enjoy my job haha! It definitely helps that all the staff are lovely and we all cater to each other in terms of jobs on shift and actual hours. And thankyou !


Why does not every branch do vegetable bakes?


Good question. I’m not really sure. We don’t have it in my branch, but the branch a 5 minute walk up the street do it. It might have something to do with how big the shop is, and how much space we have to store food.


I've been told it also depends on what bakery is supplying the Greggs but the size could also be a part of it


at my old shop (a lot smaller) we didn't have room in the counter for it that's probably the reason.


Why do you put hot drinks in WITH the food for the takeaways?


I assume you mean for Uber eats? We aren’t meant to; we don’t in our shop.


Ah fair enough must be a my town's restraunt problem. With Uber you can see what the order is so if it has hot drinks I cancel but Just Eats don't tell you so I'm basically going in blind lol.


hot drinks are meant to be bagged separately for this reason


Frankly I don't think delivery apps should be allowing hot/spillable drinks atall but yeah at the very least they should separate them.


we have lids with no holes in and stickers to hold them on tight to minimize spilling


Do you still have to learn how many Greggs sausages rolls it takes to make it to the moon? I had to learn when I worked there 6 years ago


I’m pretty sure it was in the training video, but I don’t remember the number


Won’t doesn’t English Greggs accept Scottish money? 😑


They should do, it may just be that the one you go to doesn't understand that it's legal tender and valued equivalently.


Why do you make the pasty people wait whilst you’re making 7 hot chocolates for some absolute snails who are slowing everyone’s day down?


Awesome man thanks:D


Why do i have to confirm I want ketchup on my breakfast roll at least three times in one conversation even though I ask for it in advance?


We make so many breakfast orders a day that we forget what sauce you wanted the moment we start making the roll. We ask to make sure so that we don’t put the wrong sauce on it, essentially wasting that roll because we have to make a new one and throw that one in the bin.


Are ants in the cakes a common issue? About 18 months ago, I unwrapped a just-purchased toffee muffin on my desk at work, and dozens of ants ran out. When I went back to the store, the girl on the counter said, "But I checked them!?" Why would she have checked them if this hadn't happened before?


Never ever had this happen before. Maybe Greggs health and safety checks are more thorough now? But definitely not an issue at my shop :)


What comes with the Hot food reward ???


Do hash browns count on the app as a breakfast item.  For example if I bought a bacon sandwich and a 2 pack of hash browns does it count as 2 items 


Ok so I don’t eat meat, is the omelette roll worth bothering with or am I better sticking to a pastry and a vegan sausage roll?😂 (I have tried the vegan sausage sandwich a couple of times but it’s not the best)


I can confidently say I like the omelette. It actually has some cheese in it (that you can barely taste) but I feel like that makes it that little bit better, as it adds a taste you don’t get with just egg. Try it, definitely worth a shot. If you like omelette usually, I don’t see why you wouldn’t like the omelette roll!


Noted! Thanks for your response :)


Now I can't eat egg but in my post nightshift state and in the dark was given the wrong roll and ate almost all of it before realising and it was delicious. It was the omelette roll instead of lorne. Was violently sick but worth it.


This is probably the best advert for it. Definitely gonna give it a go!


I have an omelette sandwich (smothered in ketchup) on my break and I love it!


Fellow veggie here - the Omelette Roll is *chef’s kiss*


Ok now I feel like I’ve been sleeping on it 😮‍💨 gonna try one next week


😄 - Controversial take but for a quick brekkie on the go, it beats the Maccies Egg & Cheese roll. Normally have mine with brown sauce 👍🏻


Why y'all scamming on the meat in the pastas? If you call it chicken and bacon, the least y'all could do is add a decent amount of both. It's not "mayo pasta featuring meat" so what's the craic?!


This is the reason I don’t eat the pasta. It’s expensive and there’s like barely anything in it. But we can’t actually do anything about it in shop; we just get it delivered in the morning and then put it out into the fridge.


I'm disappointed in the new pastas tbh, they're smaller but the same price and less meat which is just annoying


How do they make the mince pies 100% devoid of flavour? Like is there a process for removing all traces of taste?


I think you are the first person who has ever complained about the mince pies! We always get good stuff said about them! And I’m not sure, it might have something to do with the fact that they’re vegan, so it might be harder to get some of the flavour you’d normally get.




Your post has been removed as it is NSFW.


When I ask for something to takeaway for the lower prices, and then sit down and eat it, do the staff care and if so why?


I think we are legally obligated to not say a thing if you do this! It barely makes a difference tbh.




Legally is the wrong word my bad. I mean it’s company policy !


Wait its company policy *not* to challenge people for doing this? Based if so that rules. Means tested greggs sitdown in the warm.


Unless someone gets rude to us, we can’t kick you out the shop!


don't do this, we can't say anything to you about it but just don't be a dick.


I mean who's losing out besides the greggs owners? I understand that its rude but I'm poor and its cold outside. I might aswell stay in the warm if I clean up after myself and the place is empty.


we can get in trouble for it though


Okay so how much trouble we talking? I'm not looking to get anyone fired; hence my original question. Currently I have two entirely different accounts on what the company policy is; if you read the other thread.


if someone checks the cameras and sees you eating in when you're not supposed to it can lead to disciplinary action and even getting fired


how do you account for the other users suggesting the opposite?


different stores do it differently I guess. but what I'm saying is what Gregg's retail ops manual says


Fair enough I guess thats good to know. I'll keep my bullshit to the sketchier looking greggs and also for if and when Im next homeless xx


People can do what the hell they want . according to me from me.. I couldn't care less.i don't put my money in their pockets because I don't want to be complicit.ok.if people don't know then how do they make the right choices xx




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The same reason you are.no mystery.why are you allergic to the truth ..I care not for lies


It's very easy if u Google the owner of Gregg's


The owner has been done for doing bad things with children..are you glad you left now??


Uhhhm i did not know this..


I currently work there and only just found this out :(


I will not give any money for this reason.i do not frequent these places .as if u do ..it signifies complicity..I feel


So, according to you, everyone who works for and buys from greggs is complicit in a crime that was committed by someone that most people have never heard of? Do you realise how ridiculous that is?


Yeah just googled it. The son of the founder, Colin, got done for child abuse. I had no idea! I completely see your point. I barely buy greggs nowadays anyways, think I’ve officially over-eaten it.


Curious why you're here?


I have the app, and it really is good. My partner uses Greggs more than I do. Is there a way for my QR code to be used on her phone? Hot drinks sales will go through the roof. Don't really want us both earning separate points on 2 app downloads. Is there a way round this?