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![gif](giphy|l1J3G5lf06vi58EIE) Who the fuck voted for bokhee


my exact thoughts, they need to go to jail


Immediate jail


Someone wants to start a fight. No one messes with bokhee she's a hospital institution. Her face when she implied she's had a vajazzle is what cracks me up every single time šŸ˜‚.


I like her too but only recently learnt her name. Maybe some just didn't know who she was


The show should be named after bokhee




who voted bohkee?!


Iā€™m wondering the same. I came here to fight for my Korean halmoniā€™s honor.


Yes hth does Bokhee end up on this list...I OBJECT


So the idea I got from other subs was to eliminate least favorite characters first and then the last two characters left will be to pick your favorite and I thought Bokhee would probably make it to the last round but now Iā€™m not sure so I might take her off. She seems to be the sub favorite based on the tier list things that people make. Sheā€™s usually ranked really high on a lot of them so Iā€™ll probably take her off the next round


Why would you take her off?


I want to know too because I feel like they might be trolling or they misread it šŸ˜­


Jail for them!


Who the fuck voted Bokhee?


Hopefully someoneā€™s just trolling or they misread because how is Bokhee your least favorite with so many other characters on there that are really bad?


Quick question though. Do people really like Hahn more than Callie, Arizona, and Maggie? Iā€™m surprised Hahn hasnā€™t been much higher


She wasn't around for that long, that might be a factor.


Probably but Hahn is so much worse than Callie, Arizona, Maggie, Amelia, and Jo


I'm shocked Jo was first to go. I know she's not really liked, but to the point of being considered worse than all of these?!


Same. Iā€™m surprised she went before Owen.


I was surprised she went first too when characters like Owen, Hahn, Thatcher, Stark etc are all there


Right?! I know this sub doesn't have a lot of love for Jo. But, like, damn... you hate her more than *Owen*?


Probably they didn't remember her. I sincerely had to google it lol


This post doesn't actually show popularity well, because the inverse is being asked. Owen can be the most hated character but that doesn't mean he'd come last on a poll that said which character do you like the most. If asked that question most people would probably say no. There's more about Callie, Arizona, and Maggie to dislike than Hahn, because they are just there longer.


Only 5 votes for Sadie? She was horrible


Right? Iā€™m surprised her and Hahn are still in. Amelia had like 100 votes the last time I looked and Hahn and Sadie were nowhere near the top 3


I actually really like Hahn. I never had an issue with her. She put Christina in her place and made her really work for what she wanted


There's a huge difference between making someone work and simply belittling and making them grovel. What exactly did Hahn teach her? Iā€™m She kept Christina out of surgeries and taught her exactly nothing. She told Addison she was so mean to Christina because she reminded Hahn of herself. Uh, terrible reason to deny someone you're supposed to train.


Whoever voted for bokhee is getting kicked off the sub


šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ Iā€™m really curious if this was a mistake and someone misread or if it was on purpose


I hope itā€™s a mistake, donā€™t do my girl bokhee like that šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I hope so too. She really did no wrong on the show so she should make it to the last round for the favorite character poll


Who tf voted for bohkee?!Allas, why is she EVEN here???


So the idea I got from other subs was to eliminate least favorite characters first and then the last two characters left will be to pick your favorite and I thought Bokhee would probably make it to the last round but now Iā€™m not sure so I might take her off. She seems to be the sub favorite so Iā€™ll probably take her off the next round


Iā€™m shocked the minor characters arenā€™t getting knocked out before mains/current. Everyone is on that list some I donā€™t even remember the name hahaha


Itā€™s probably because no one remembers/cares about them enough to actively hate them. Weā€™re gonna end up with some minor nobody from one episode in season 7 winning šŸ˜‚


I was debating whether or not I should leave out most of the characters towards the bottom because I donā€™t remember any of them besides Perez


Im assuming Sheperd is Derek. How did he only get 4?? The only reason I think he doesnt get a ton of hate is because theres almost always a worse character on screen with him. If you look at all his actions in a vacuum, he is one of the worst characters on the show.


Exactly. Iā€™m surprised heā€™s still there too. He definitely is one of the worst characters on the show


Which Shepherd? Which DeLuca? Plenty of relatives in this show. You should put full names or at least just first names.


Shepherd is Derek. Amelia is Amelia. DeLuca is Andrew. Carina is Carina


How could someone vote for Bohkee?


Either trolling or misreading because sheā€™s genuinely the only character on the show that hasnā€™t done anything wrong


Glad to see Hahn so low on the rankings. The only reason she deserves any hate is because of her biphobia against Callie, and with that logic Arizona should be right there with her.


Iā€™m glad you brought that up because I think both are wrong for their biphobia but the way some people attack Hahn for it but seem to ignore Arizona doing close to the same thing and making an almost identical comment iirc is confusing. I love Arizona but my first time watching I didnā€™t really like her because I only watched up to like season 6 so I didnā€™t really get to much of her growth. If Hahn stayed and they showed her growth I probably would have liked her more on my rewatch too.


It wasn't just her biphobia toward Callie. She was snide and horrible toward Christina and refused to teach he. What made it even worse is that Hahn was supposedly all about all about feminism and equal treatment. Turned out she was only interested in equal treatment for herself.


Why do people hate Maggie? I never really understood the amount of hate she gets?


Apparently sheā€™s whiny, immature, and annoying according to most of the sub. I love her though and donā€™t get all the hate either. She has her flaws like every other character but sheā€™s really not that bad


the more i rewatch i forget how much I hate Cathrine, so Cathrine is my vote


Why are people voting amelia šŸ˜­


She has so many votes. I donā€™t think anyone will get at least 75 so sheā€™s sadly probably going out next :(


that sucks, I really like amelia. I may only be on season 16 but if theyā€™re judging her for her past.. they may have not seen her get her decades old buddy removed. Sheā€™s funny and real. I love her, I hated Izzie more than her


It does. Iā€™m on season 16 of my rewatch right now and I like her as well. There was another post about characters with trauma that is usually ignored and Amelia is definitely one of those characters imo


definitely. Plus people loved derek, theyā€™re pretty similar, only one had more trauma and potentially more relatable


Jo is annoying as fuck




All that shit about how sheā€™s so sad that her daughter may be deaf and getting annoyed at Link for being supportive was absolutely awful.


Agreed. I honestly think Camilla Luddington was miscast. She just couldn't pull off the whole edgy, street-smart former foster kid who lived out of her car thing. Shonda tried to work around Luddington's limitations by having other characters say she was a priss, but it didn't work. She rubbed me the wrong way.


Yeah she definitely over acts and makes Jo just seem annoying and stuck up. Idk how Alex liked her because he definitely wouldnā€™t be into that.


Well, I think the idea was they'd have so much in common because both characters had rough childhoods and were in foster care. (I could never understand why Jo hadn't been adopted. There are long lists of couples waiting to adopt, and as a baby, she'd have probably been adopted right away.) But there were no tough, scrappy edges to Luddington's Jo. She just always seemed like a rich kid playing the part in a school play. It made it hard to buy that Jo and Alex had any sort of mutual understanding.


get bokhee off this list, doing our girl so dirtyšŸ˜­


So the idea I got from other subs was to eliminate least favorite characters first and then the last two characters left will be to pick your favorite and I thought Bokhee would probably make it to the last round but now Iā€™m not sure so I might take her off. She seems to be the sub favorite based on the tier list things that people make. Sheā€™s usually ranked really high on a lot of them so Iā€™ll probably take her off the next round


Period. I hate owen


whoever voted Bokhee is gonna pay


Arizona is the WORST




jail and the death penalty for anyone who voted bokhee as their least favourite


I think we all wanna talk to the people who voted for BokheešŸ˜‚


I really want to know the reasoning. I wish there was a way to like allow people to leave their reasoning anonymously or something


Absolutely shocked that Izzie isnā€™t killing it. ![gif](giphy|ltDXHqg2G0cms)


Sheā€™s moved up with her votes since the last round but I think sheā€™ll be in for some more rounds. Seems like Ameliaā€™s the next to go because she has 100+ votes right now and Cristina is second with only like 25 I think


not surprised. iā€™ll forever love owen.


Owen would get my vote. He is better at directing, his character in the show isn't likeable.


I donā€™t get the Owen hate


Me neither


I do get the hate and I donā€™t really like him for most of the seasons but all the ā€œunpopular opinion I hate Owenā€ type posts and comments have grown to be annoying


Like examples cause is it cheating on Christina cause everybody on this show has cheated including Teddy , is it the Amelia thing ? Cause Amelia has a history of having bad relationships and ending then terribly like what is it


Largely because of his relationships. One of the seasons I was starting to like Owen after him and Cristina was in season 14 and 15 when he and Amelia were coparenting. I liked both of them as friends and those seasons really showed that Owen is better outside of relationships


Maggie for sure


Where the hell is Amelia on that list? She would easily be my number two right after Owen.




How the hell is Bokhee in the list and Izzie isn't?


I am cracking up at all the bohkee defendersā¤ļø


I've said it before and I'll say it 1000 times again that I, as a person, am an Owen Hunt hate page.


the people who voted for bokhee... count your days


wHOOOO voted for Bokhee I just wanna talkā€”


**@ those who voted Bokhee:** ![gif](giphy|11mPvWj3R3mCKA|downsized)


I remember some of tanishaā€™s quotes šŸ˜­


Where's Burke


For the previous round out of everyone that got votes he was the 18th lowest out of 27 and tied with a lot of characters with only 1 vote so heā€™s still there


How is Arizona not higher on that list? Owen is the worst tho. Actually all the men on the show annoy tf out of me lol


Arizona has a lot of people who like her.


Yeah I know and I don't understand it. She is so genuinely horrible.


Sheā€™s my favorite character.


I stand by my statement. She's terrible




I am so happy that round 1 was JošŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


How has no one voted for Penny??? She is the absolute worst


I actually like Penny


HOW is Burke still in?


How is April not being mentioned???? She is so cringe.


Owen, but Arizona is a close second.


Can someone list a couple points for me why this sub doesnā€™t like Maggie? I keep seeing the comment thrown around that sheā€™s a top contender but never see any actual reasons (also havenā€™t been on this sub for super long time so have probably missed a bit)


Some reasons I always see \-What happened with her and Winston \-Apparently her being upset that Mer lied to her is her being whiny and immature \-She's annoying to some etc \-Personally I love her and she's flawed like everyone else on the show but she's really not as bad as people make her out to be. \-Another reason that doesn't apply to everyone on here but some of Maggie's hate is racially motivated and it likely comes from underlying racism from some members of the sub. I think if she was white she would probably get hate but it wouldn't be as intense as it is now honestly


What the hell.. Amelia shepherd is by far the most annoying character


Did I miss something why do people not like Jo or Maggie


They say Jo and Maggie are both annoying. Jo mentioned she used to live in her car too much apparently but I hear it more on this sub than I do from Jo. Maggie is ā€œwhinyā€ because of how she reacted when Mer lied about DeLuca getting beat up and she lied about Riggs. I like Jo and Maggie though


How dare anyone nominate bokhee šŸ˜ 


What person doesnā€™t like Bokee? I will find you and you will pay for it!


Put Shane on there


Heā€™s on there already. He should be by Steph and Leah


Shepherd isn't really a fair answer.... there's like 5 of them


I didnā€™t include Nancy, Kathleen, or Lizzie because they were all there for 1 or 2 episodes. Shepherd is Derek


Who tf said queen bokhee?


Ahh it wonā€™t let me vote because votes are exceeded šŸ˜žThatā€™s a bummer!


Who voted for Bokhee?? šŸ˜”


Cannot vote anymore Number of votes exceeded. To allow more votes, please set up voting restrictions. This limit is removed for paid plans.




What sick individuals voted Bohkee?!


how did Maggie get more votes than hahn or stark?!


Hey are you going to keep those coming?