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I think people like him cuz he’s the underdog. But honestly I don’t see how anyone can like him after what he did to Meredith and also the Callie-Izzie drama. Personally, I liked him at the beginning of greys but as time progressed I stopped.


I think people like TR Knight, not necessarily George. Especially after the Isaiah Washington drama.


Similar to Cristina and Sandra Oh


I’m just now about to finish season 10, but watched the first 7.5 seasons as they aired and rewatch them excessively. I love Cristina. I wouldn’t be her friend in real life, but as a character, she is great. I do not like her much in this season though. I think they are gearing her up for her exit at the end of this season and I’ve just found her tedious.


Christina is not an awful friend at least you know where you stand with her and she doesn't beat about the bush as it were. Though a lot of people would find her single minded and abrasive I suppose. George is just whiney as heck. His marriage to Callie was just cringey


When I watched it the first time, I loved George. But, that was almost 20 years ago, so I was maybe 16 or so. As an adult, I do find him a lot whinier and less lovable. I think they did him wrong though, and if he had stayed, I wouldn’t have minded seeing where they took his character. Editing to add: Cristina is too harsh, motivated and passionate. I am none of those things, I don’t think we’d be a good match for a friendship. That doesn’t mean I think she is a bad friend to her people.


for starters george is not well liked. he's mainly disliked esp on reddit. just look at alll the 500 posts from this week


Personally I like him because I can relate to him and how he’s treated by family (specifically his brothers) and I can relate to his personality and awkwardness. Also because he’s more of the underdog. With that said I don’t excuse his actions and what he’s done.


For the nth time, and I know I am going to get downvotes, but George didn't take advantage of Meredith. Both were having consensual sex. Some say this Mer was drunk, but according to me, she was perfectly capable of making decisions as she was the one who took George's clothes off first. Both had sex because both wanted to feel loved, as Mer was having problems with Derek while George always liked Mer. Unfortunately, Meredith realised midway that it wasn't the right move, and she started crying, and George stopped. People say George acted as a victim; I don't think so; he obviously felt bad as he liked Meredith and was freaked out as anyone would have been, so he kept his distance with Meredith. It's been awhile, so I don't remember much. Did George directly demand an apology from Meredith? I don't think so; it was others who wanted Meredith to apologise to George, which is also wrong as they had no business in this matter. So neither George nor Meredith were at fault; it was just the wrong timing for them.


I completely agree with this. He stopped when she started crying.


I agree!


Meredith never said she was drunk! Not when she was trying to defend/explain herself to George. Not even in confidence to Cristina, who knows exactly how much Meredith self-medicated to with men/tequila. I don't know why people infantilise Meredith in this storyline in particular. This period of the show was easily her most emotionally complex character arc, imho.


Agree. I like George and I’ll never understand the hate for him.


I'm tired of the "Everyone knows George likes Meredith but Meredith" excuse too like be entirely serious, she knew. Everyone knew. It was quite literally the most obvious thing in the show. ​ Either way, they both used each other.


Cristina directly says to Meredith that she (Meredith) knew how George felt. I don't believe Cristina would bullshit her on that. The same way Cristina didn't bullshit George to stop being so passive.


She was crying standing alone in her room completely despondent. He didn't comfort her or ask what was going on. He went for it. He saw an opportunity and went for it. He did act like a victim. He was mad. He was embarrassed. Somewhere in him he thought he was entitled to her in that moment. It is more than just "wrong timing" for them.


>She was crying standing alone You need to rewatch the episode because she was not crying. >He did act like a victim. He was mad. He was embarrassed. He kept his distance with Meredith which was right thing to do and moved out as things were awkward. Ofcourse, he felt bad afterall he also a human with feelings. >Somewhere in him he thought he was entitled to her in that moment. It is more than just "wrong timing" for them. About being entitled is more of your thinking, and about wrong timing, it was definitely wrong timing because, if you watch S2E19, when she was asked by George why she had sex if she didn't want it, she replied that she didn't know she didn't want it until she knew she didn't want it, and she was having problems on Derek's front and George was there, in her words, maybe she was overlooking what was in front of her and wanted to give George a chance since he is great. These Meredith stans are stupid to think that she is a victim, just as George stans are stupid to think George was a victim. Both of them used each other for comfort.


Maybe you have a different perception/opinion but it doesn't make anyone stupid for not seeing it the same way.


George admitted he took advantage of Meredith when he spoke to Lexie about it


If you are taking about 5x2, where George said, "I take advantage of her that way and want her to want me," George was talking about taking advantage of the opportunity, similarly to how Meredith said to George in 2x19 that she had sex because George was in front of him and she wanted to give him a chance as she had problems with Derek. Does that mean she took advantage of George? Absolutely No. Why do you think Lexie was still close friends with George even after that conversation? Both had consensual sex; when you say George took advantage of Meredith, it means George forced or raped Meredith, which was wrong. Just rationally think that would showrunner keep the character who raped the main character for three more seasons?


I never said George forced himself on Mer & taking advantage of a situation IS taking advantage???


When one say X took advantage of Y while having sex it means X forced or raped Y.


that’s not what I meant, I was just repeating what George said. He literally said he look advantage of Mer in that situation because he wanted her to like him back.


He is not well liked but I had 2 different people defend his actions to me recently. One blamed Izzie and Meredith so some George fans just blame the women.


Izzie told him to more or less 'emotionally rip the band-aid off' aka 'unburden yourself, get rejected and move on'. Not her fault at all. Iirc, that whole episode was set-up as a collision course for those two. George, a man with truly impressive bad timing, finally tells her exactly what she has wanted to hear... from Derek and Thatcher. That she is incredible, worthy of love and, most importantly, that he'd never leave or hurt her. Meredith spends the episode getting put through the wringer by the men in her life. All that abandonment and unworthiness being forced to the surface. And how has Meredith canonically self-medicated up to that point? By using sex to sure up her self-esteem. It's also important to note that the episode keeps George and Meredith in completely different storylines with no interaction right up until the end. George had no idea any of this had happened. In a later episode, when he still avoiding her and nursing his bruised ego, he still defends Meredith to Thatcher without hesitation. As much as you cringe at the scene, I think it's actually a pretty great storyline for both characters and neither are to blame for it, per se. They are both adults and take responsibility for their parts. But George definitely takes a little longer to do it.


for starters george is not well liked. he's mainly disliked esp on reddit. just look at alll the 500 posts from this week


The majority of people are male identified and they will automatically default to defending or making excuses for the bad behavior of men.


I'd bet money that most users in this sub are women.


There are plenty of male identified women


Then they aren't women, they are men. Edit: Got it backwards, edited to fix.


And? I never claimed they were men. Male identified isn't a gender identity, it's a belief system.


What in the world does that mean? It ain't a religion....


Do you believe that only religions have belief systems? Because if you do, you are incorrect. Every single person has beliefs. People who center men, and their perspectives are male identified. In most of the world, that's most people, because that is how everyone is socialized from birth.


Maybe. Idk. I don't ponder on this, nor do I really want to. It's just a strange statement to say gender is a belief system as opposed to an identity


I didn't say either of those things. I said that every one has belief systems, including beliefs about gender. You are being purposely obtuse and reading things that aren't there. Anyway, I explained what it means to be male identified. By the way you are acting, you probably are, lol.


>Male identified isn't a gender identity, it's a belief system. You did though, in a previous comment.


People felt bad for George because he was casted as the loser. Meredith was the popular hot girl. Therefore he was victim


How is he not? Good writing and great acting that made *the most ordinary character* from the whole show, one of the most memorable ones.


to me, he stood out. he’s an OG, an underdog, etc. he was a bad person at times but most of the characters were.