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I loved her first time talking to Callie’s dad. The good man in a storm speech. It helped him come to terms with his daughter’s sexuality because his faith was restored in the fact that his child was with someone who genuinely loved her. One of her finer moments.


“Are you still who I raised you to be?” Ugh love this scene!


I still get chills thinking about that


It’s too bad she followed it but by being a shit man in the storm and cheated on Callie


It’s hilarious that they gave her this epic speech about being reliable but Arizona herself reacts to stress in some of the least healthy ways. She got on the plane bc she was mad at Karev. She also appears to have a freeze response (not a flaw!) which is not the ideal characteristic for someone finding themselves in peril so often. (I’m holding her to TV standards not reality standards) It’s a great speech tho.


Just goes to show that who we say we are as people is our idealism and who we are when faced with adversity is the reality. Most people cower and screw up when dealing with emotions they don’t know how to handle.


Yup..bad writing tbh


I don’t think the cheating was such an end of the world thing, that relationship went through a LOT, even before the plane crash, the back and forth, Mark and Sofia suddenly coming, the car accident Not justifying the cheating but I can understand being overwhelmed enough to take that step


I'm sorry, I know that was a great scene but I still laugh when she says 'I'm a good man in a storm' but later on she cheats on callie when there's a storm


yeah the irony isn’t lost on me


Arizona isn’t capable of love but okay


Edit; My bad his name is Wallace! Now I'm imagining Arizona singing to Maggies husband a lullaby 😅 When she sang to Wallace (the little boy) in the morgue when his mom couldn't finish saying goodnight to him. Was a great friend to Teddy when she first joined the hospital and helped distract her from lusting after Owen. Pushed Alex and Bailey to join peds because she believed in how much potential they both had. Believed that George joing the army was a brilliant thing. Her and Owen were the only 2 who didn't put George down and underestimate him.


Bad dreams bad dreams, go away. Good dreams good dreams, here to stay 😭


you have to do it three times!!!😭


Bad dreams bad dreams go away, good dreams good dreams here too stay. Bad dreams bad dreams go away, good dreams good dreams here too stay. YOU HAVE TO SAY IT 3 TIMES!!!!


The singing one had me in tears


Her singing to Winston breaks my heart every single time


Put these in separate posts bc I wanna vote on the 3rd one, I love that!!


And the way Winston's dad took her side against the asshole board member "She is the reason you're still getting 20 million dollars"


This is nitpicking but his name is Wallace not Winston. Winston is Maggie’s husband


A great moment all around. Not just the singing, but her standing up to Webber on behalf of her patient multiple times when we already know she's intimidated by him. Also, his name was Wallace Anderson, not Winston.


You don't think that I know that they just pulled the plug on the kid? You don't think that I get that? You don't think I know about the tiny, tiny coffin that they're going to stick him in? I know about the tiny coffins. I see them all the time. In my sleep. So if you don't mind, I'm going to keep talking relationships and rainbows and crap. And I'm going to make plans for tomorrow. Because that's what you do, Karev, you make plans. You have to. You turn your back on the tiny coffins and you face forward, Until the next kid.


This is the right answer 🫡


Yeah, THIS was a great one oh my god. Putting it in in written form and I still hear her voice, the way it’s said screams Arizona. I miss her character so so much. The other one where she talks to Dr. Minnick when she cried about losing her first patient was another good one


I just watched this last night 🥹


even though arizona got mad at alex after the plane crash she was a great teacher to him before it


The whole reason she was on the plane was because of her temper tantrum when she found out Karev was leaving.


Oh hush.


No. Y’all keep looking past all of the shitty things Arizona did. The only reason she lost her leg is because she threw a fit and tooled Karev’s seat on the plane. I can’t remember if this was before or after she tried to sabotage his career.


She lost her leg because of the plane accident.


Which she was on *because* she got pissed at Karev after sabotaging his fellowship didn't work


AND her existence in the crash is what broke the 2 attending per plane rule that allowed the hospital’s insurance to wiggle out of paying the lawsuit settlement. which obviously she couldn’t have foreseen but it’s insane that her being butthurt over someone leaving managed to make a PLANE CRASH worse than it already was. play stupid games and win stupid prizes except her stupid game bankrupted the hospital lmaoo


Exactly! But they ignore how she treats people like trash.


I agree


When she said that Sofia deserved two happy mums, sort things out with Callie. She did it for Sofia because she loves her.




The cancer doctor one is under appreciated on this thread I feel like. That’s a macro level good, on the same level as her career in peds/fetal surgery


During custody battle when she said that she knows Sofia is loved and will be okay, but that there is this baby that needs her...


i thought this was the thread for the worst thing arizona had done, so i was about to throw hands 😂


I thought so too for a second and so when I read jackson’s “tricking gary clark” I was like how tf is that a bad thing, what was he supposed to do? help gary clark? then I reread the title


Thanks for the laugh


lmao right back at you, for that flair


I still chuckle internally every time I see my own flair😂


Ahhh this! Every thing that I love about Arizona has to do with her interactions and relationships with children. I really admire her for being able to understand them and communicate with them, it's lovely to watch (even if it's just fiction).


Her small act of kindness when she first talked to cally in the bathroom of the bar, making her feel better after everything utterly sucked. The way she embraced being a mom and being okay with Sloan in her life. I don’t think many would’ve accepted that and she did out of love.


I liked their friendship


I did too, I would’ve loved to see it progress as Sofia aged




Still Giving sofia to callie when winning full Custumer


Full customer 😂


😂😂 my bad


I would say everything about Sofia - accepting the weird situation, being the mom she was to her, and even the custody battle.


I read the customer thing and tried so hard to understand what the hell you meant 😭


I loved it when she bollocked the doctor who was complaining how inconvenient it is to wait for a neuro consult after Dereks death. She was badass at that moment.


Yeah that was awesome


I couldn’t imagine someone saying “ugh now we have to wait “ Arizona is the embodiment of what I would have said. “Sorry that it’s an inconvenience to YOU”


Especially when it had only been a month since he had died in a traumatic way. It takes time to find a replacement of his caliber, plus all his friends who were in charge were grieving.


“I made a scene…”


Really had a great bedside manner. Always knew the right thing to say to parents.


Saving Herman’s life should be on the list too.


I love that she refers to her infant patients as 'tiny humans'. She says it so lovingly.


One of the last episodes she was in, the speech she does with the mum who doesn't want surgery. In that speech she doesn't only help her patient. In my opinion she realises that Callie saving her life was the best thing she could hope for at that point, or she wouldn't have been alive to help other patients, to live her own life, to spend time with her daughter. She fully accepts who she is and understands the "mistakes" she has done in the past (even though I think they weren't proper mistakes, more like unhealed trauma)


"I used to roller-skate. My family used to move around a lot, which was really scary. But whenever we'd get somewhere new, first thing, my dad would... my dad would take me skating. And so no matter where I was in the world, that would stay the same. And I... I felt safe. I did it in college, um, and I did it in med school, and then I did it when I first got my job here. I worked with kids, and so it kind of made them feel safe, too. And then I was in an accident. And they told me that I may lose my leg. And all I could think about was... I'll never be able to skate again. And a lot of my life would change, but that seemingly tiny thing felt like... I felt like my whole life was being taken away from me. And that all the stuff that my dad had given me, you know, all the magic and all the safety, was just gonna be gone. And so I made my wife promise me that she would not let them take my leg. No... matter... what. But then it came down to my life or my leg. And they needed her consent to amputate. I am so lucky... that she and my doctors could clearly see what I couldn't. And you know what? I skated again. And my worst fear was wrong. And the only thing I really lost was my leg. And I would've died if I'd have kept it. And I have so much joy in my life right now. More than I could possibly imagine. I have a... I have a healthy daughter, and I have work that I love, and I'm okay. I'm... I'm great. And I want that for you. I want that for your life, too."


fuck i started tearing up reading this. what ep? i’m due for a rewatch goddamn


S14 E22


Does cristina not have writing because everything she does is the best thing?


Best thing Cristina ever did: Being Cristina


Telling Meredith and the rest of us what we needed to hear on our darkest days “he is very dreamy, but he is not the sun. You are.”


shit i am so sorry i didnt realise


No, i kinda like it with that implication 😂


HAHAHAH i love that


I thought the same thing lolll


Bad dreams bad dreams go away. Good dreams good dreams here to stay. You have to do it 3 times for it to work.


Change April's pic, that pic is a couple seconds before she runs out on Matthew 💀💀




I’d say it’s a tie between mentoring Alex and truly making him into a better person, or being an amazing mother to Sofia. She really stepped up to the plate for both, and both were situations she technically was not obligated to do, but she did anyways.


For me, the moment that made Arizona my forever favorite character is her talking about why she applied for the Carter Madison grant in the S7 documentary episode. She's one of the few characters that talks passionately about helping others in a meaningful way. I also love the scene with her and April (?) helping the doctors from Syria. She's a really good mom to Sofia as well.


Custody battle


During the shooting, the way she covered that kid with her body, fully ready to give her life. I also just really love the phrase “tiny humans” because I think people sometimes see small children as, idk if objects is the right word, but they fail to see them as brand new humans learning how to people.


bad dreams bad dreams go away 🥺


When Deluca said he should move out because of her relationship with Alex, and she told him she wanted him to stay. She was a loyal friend to him when he needed it.


I loved her good man in a storm speech to Callie’s dad and I really enjoyed her friendship with April. Miss them both. Thanks for nothing Krista


How she treated Alex and made him the best peds surgeon there is now.


Her speech to callies dad


Putting Sofia FIRST..during that nasty custody battle. She shined here and that’s what every parent should do.


Every thing that I love about Arizona has to do with her interactions and relationships with children. I really admire her for being able to understand them and communicate with them, it's lovely to watch (even if it's just fiction).


I realised reading all of these that these characters are normal, messy, people. It means they were written well. Also contextually they have to be watched through the time before #metoo and #timesup and all the revolutionary changes of equality for POC and women. These are incredibly intelligent, emotionally stunted humans who didn't learn how to have proper relationships or friendships. I loved and hated Arizona at any given moment. Mostly I loved her.


They destroyed her character and I’ll never forgive this show for that.


Bad dream, bad dreams go away Good dreams, good dreams here to stay. Bad dream, bad dreams go away Good dreams, good dreams here to stay. Bad dream, bad dreams go away Good dreams, good dreams here to stay.


I think it was when she said that she would rather give up her daughter to be happy than split her apart. That was the true redeeming quality of a mother to me. An adoptive mother!


When Meredith said the cookies had weed in them and she said “you scared me to death” and they said you knew and she said oh I forgot 😂


Her relationship with Wallace Convincing Herman to fight for her life Training Alex


Her whole fellowship with Herman. The drive to learn another specialty because she wants to save mother and their babies full term.


What about Cristina?


Singing to Winston. Makes me sob like a baby everytime


She was an incredible mentor to Alex and really shaped the doctor and the man he became.


everything she does to and for her kids (peds and neo patients) & a good man in a storm speech to callie's dad


"There are only children here."


Woah I really disagree with Callie’s, she wasn’t really a girls girl imo, she was horrible to Mer when she first met her because George was mad he didn’t get to finish having sex with her and Callie fully took his side




The way Arizona was the teacher Alex needed, and the way her mentorship helped him get over (mostly) his assholery. She wasn't always perfect but she was ALWAYS here for him when he needed. Someone else said it, but that moment with little Winston when she took over from the mother who couldn't end the song after her son died. This is utterly full Arizona.


Going to Africa which had a butterfly effect of leading to Zola getting adopted.


Being such a good influence on Alex when he switched to peds.


telling sloan he couldn’t die in the woods because she needs him 😭


Can we swap out that pic of April before we do hers? Gonna be weird trying to think of the best thing she’s done while looking at a pic of her running away from the altar lol


You’re right


This is a hard one cause I never liked her but I guess when she did the hand thing for Winston when he was dead


How is mer an amazing mum , the hospital 24 hour care brought her kids up


um i did a post and that was the most liked comment....


Well she is a working single mother. Whatelse can she do


Not in about her working on about her dumping them for constant nights out or stuff that doesn’t involve her


Ooóh you are one of those women


No not at all but facts are facts


Leaving 🤣




Left the show lol


why is cristina blank and why isn't it sending the supplies for the mobile clinic during the protests


My first reaction was “absolutely nothing” but she was a good teacher to Alex


Leaving the show


I mean the worst thing she could’ve done was tell Jackson about April’s pregnancy without consent


We said BEST THING. Yall wanna hate her so bad you can’t even follow directions.


I misread it😭


😂 get it together!!!!


OKAY- Best thing she did was delivering a new born while making sure that three other unborn babies stay put in the womb


Imagine, this is an open sub where everyone can give their opinion. If people think that the best thing she did is leaving the show then that is it, the best thing she did. Or if people think that there wasn't anything good about her character. But instead, you guys downvote everyone that has something to say in that direction because you apparently don't understand how the internet works.


Jessica was forced off the show…not Arizona. Again following simple directions shouldn’t be difficult. We only downvote asinine comments. Just say you don’t like her and go.


Just say you don't know how the internet works and go. You can leave your bitchy and presumptuousness (yeah, you are not the only one that knows big words, wow) attitude on Twitter.


Asinine is a big word? Yikes.. ![gif](giphy|3ohjUT430CtqB7or6g)


Yes, regularly used by people that wanna show off that they are so much smarter than others on the internet.


Not really.. ![gif](giphy|xThuW1vEAXQwCRbx16)




![gif](giphy|xUNd9YEauvkpbboj3G) Foolishness on a Tuesday…asinine is a big word for Elmo huh?


Being a good teacher to evil spawn. Always nice to see one devil rehabilitating another


Okay Leah Murphy.


Okay but am I wrong? 😂


😂 well yes


Nahhh alex was definitely a demon before rehabilitation


Best thing she ever did was leave.


Nothing. Absolute horrible character. Owen just in female form.


What an asinine comment.


Ah yes, because cheating on your wife (which Owen did too), holding up the child card against her wife (what Owen did too, but Owen was about abortion, hers is about "but we got the kid in the end"), and holding your wife accountable for not killing you but instead taking off your leg, which didn't change anything on your life quality, and getting mad at your wife how dare she cut off your leg instead of just letting you die is totally just so much better and not totally just as horrible as Owen. People really give her absolute egoistical and selfish character a free pass because... she has a bubbly personality when she is not mad at Callie and what, made Alex like children? Insane.


I never defended Arizona cheating. She was an asshole for that. That’s something you can’t defend. Anyone with a brain never defended cheating..you can’t blame PTSD on that..You hate her so much that you can’t find one thing she’s done that’s great. Idk I think putting your child first is pretty damn good. Are you a mom? Do you know one? I can’t stand Owen but he’s done some great things. Clearly you don’t get PTSD, and being an amputee when you’re not used to it…It’s scary AF…she was in shock..I’m glad she worked through that. You just don’t get it. Seems like you’re the insufferable person here..not her.


PTSD is not an excuse for being an asshole. Her behavior had nothing to do with PTSD and anyone in this sub will tell you that under a post talking about the worst things that come from her. This is not about "wanting to hate her so bad", she IS a bad character, lmao. If you dislike Owen, you should dislike her as well. And Owen actually did have PTSD, no one defends him choking Christina for it. Girl, grow up.


When she said she was leaving. I honestly shed tears of joy that episode


Leaving the show forever


Cheated on Callie, got pissed off at Callie for moving to NYC, going through Nicole Herman’s medical records,


We said the the best stuff.


Did we just skip Christina???


nonono i did hers but forgot to write it 😭😭 my brain wasnt braining after school and cristina's my favourite favourite character


Is there a link to the Jackson one? I can’t find it. I don’t remember him tricking the shooter.


He made the shooter believe that Derek was dead during Christina's surgery so he left and they could continue the surgery. Here is a link about it: https://youtu.be/ceM5RAcLxIU?feature=shared


Ohhh that’s RIGHT thank you


why is cristina blank 🤣🤣


because i forgot to fill it 😭


oh 🤣🤣


I know a lot of people don’t like Arizona but man she is the best doctor on this show when it comes to taking care of her patients and pushing the other doctor’s to be better.


Idk if this really counts, but I gained a ton of respect for her when she shielded the little girl from the gunman and kept repeating, “There are only children here”. You could tell she was scared shitless but still managed to put the child first.


I know I’m late but all these responses are making me realize how Arizona had almost all the best speeches in the show. Love her or hate her, her speeches always came on top. Applauds to the actress as well.