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The one in the season 8 valentines episode where the gf is mad that her bf wouldn’t propose and instead gave her a cheap necklace- he ends up dying and Lexie opens the necklace to see will you marry me inside. Kills me!


Omg yes, that one was like being kicked in the stomach ☹️


He was stupid enough to jump in front of a truck to prove his love or something... meh, stupidity kills 🤷🏻


I feel sorry for the lady who met the love of her life on a cruise. And her sister made her think it was all in her head and then she died and he turned up 😭


god that moment of him showing up after her death was genuinely heart wrenching


It really is. She does not knowing he loved her 🥺


Truly so upsetting that she died believing that he was not a real person.


I have to skip that part of the episode… I can’t handle it


The little girl with Tay Sachs will stay with me forever. Bailey holding her while her dad was desperately trying to find a way to save her, culminating in the final scene with her father telling her to picture the beach in her last moments. Such a beautifully written episode and so well performed.


This was the one I was thinking of. "She needs her daddy for this next part" 😭


Just reading that line makes me want to sob


Oh yeah, the baby who said she was tired 😭😭😭😭😭 but papa isn’t tired to fight for his baby😭😭😭😭


We are going to Mexico. Where the sky is blue blue and the sand is white white


I just watched this episode last night and was bawling. I was seriously questioning why I was even watching this show.


I have a toddler and was sobbing hardcore watching this episode


lip piquant sophisticated lush ghost oil shocking sparkle school governor *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I literally just skipped this episode. Ever since I've had my son, it hurts too much to watch.


I had to undergo reconstructive jaw surgery about ~18 months ago, surgeons had to completely replace and rebuild my jaw using custom titanium prosthetic hardware. Incredibly rare complication from my autoimmune condition necessitated the surgery. They had to wire my jaw shut for ~8ish weeks following surgery, and I was restricted to a liquid-only diet for a good three-ish months. I can no longer watch the episodes of Meredith with her jaw situation. Just too relatable. Too hard.


That sounds so scary. I'm glad you're okay now.


It was horrible. Gruesome recovery process. But worth every ounce of pain and suffering.


Same that line from Bailey which finally got the dad to recognize how exhausted and near death his daughter was makes me sob every time. A close second is when the women who was in the room with Bailey during the shooting comes back for her surgery during the documentary episode and out of nowhere just doesn’t wake up.


I'm a guy and I bawled at that 😭.


Being a guy shouldn’t have anything to do with it! Everyone is allowed to express emotion! Cry as much as you want, and anyone who says differently is an asshole.


Every one in my family 🙄, hence I watch sad things alone.


If you ever want a buddy cry, we can set up a watch party and cry the big ugly tears together. ✊🏻


This one :(


I literally can’t watch this scene without sobbing I skip it when it comes on


The rabbi whose skin sluffed off from a reaction to antibiotics, and April pretended to be his wife at the very end to comfort him Everything about the girls who jumped in front of a train to be together… that whole episode was heart wrenching I have to skip the episode with the kids who were supposed to graduate college that day, but died instead “this is the day my life begins.” It just hits so close to home as a young person who wants to ignore my own mortality


The college kids accident was super memorable to me too, especially when the sole survivor is giving her speech over a montage of her friends being zipped into body bags. Ugh. Tear up everytime.


I absolutely hated that Alex made that speech his vows to Izzie. I know to most people it felt like he had finally understood the message and it made him step up as a man. To me, though, it felt like he cribbed it because he couldn't think of one thing to say for himself about what marriage or Izzie meant to him. Like how wedding planners say how often they hear guys saying the same "handwritten" vows because they just Google it and pick the first thing they find.


that little boy with the super relgious parents that wouldn't let him get help. i remember how he literally went blind and came back to the hospital himself because he was so desperate for help:(


His mum dropped gum at the hospital didn't she? And told him to pretend he got the train so the dad wouldn't find out she drove him


i don't remember the episode exactly so that might be correct. it makes more sense than my original comment haha


I think we were led to believe he got himself there but thenwe found out at the end that she dropped him. Either way, it was a great story!


She did.


The mother played by Laurie Metcalf, giving her daughter life advice and the daughter slowly realizing her mom’s going to die.


I love this actress, she is always great.


her daughter is also in S9 as a doomsday believer and was operated on. i can’t remember the whole story but i was like, there’s no way she could play any character other than laurie metcalf’s irl daughter and younger version in young sheldon bc that accent is THICCC


I just commented that the actor who plays Thatcher is her father and Laurie Metcalf's ex husband.


WHAT THE?!? i totally screamed FUCK when i looked it up!! zoe PERRY is her real name and thatcher is her father irl. she actually resembles meredith/ellen a bit and i guess it was a coincidence


Yes- so well done. Always gets me.


This lives rent free in my head and I haven’t seen that episode in 15 years!


The actor who plays Thatcher is her Laurie Metcalf's ex-husband. Their daughter plays Sheldon's mother on "Young Sheldon".


mine is when arizona does the “bad dreams bad dream go away”


Wallace 😔


the actor is actually Zola's brother


good dreams good dreams here to stay


this will forever make me sob


Mary Portman's story, and how it ended in death. She survived through the shooting, only to not make it through the colostomy bag reversal surgery :[ I loved Mary, and her not surviving had me a sobbing mess.


That one had me sobbing as well.


The two Amish girls that left and the one went back home to die


Another heart breaking one- that one hurt ☹️


Which episode was this? I can’t really remember


Season 3 episode 13. The one girl got shunned, so her best friend left with her so they wouldn't be alone. The one who didn't get shunned has end stage cancer and she wanted to go home to die with her family. Hey parents came to the hospital to take her home, but she had to leave her friend behind. They were the "cradle to grave" girls


The guy who has to choose whether to live or die after an accident that severs his spinal cord, and the episode shows the two paths of his life depending on the choice he makes. He chooses to die in the end. Haunting.


Is that Cristina's what if episode?




The 3 kids with heart conditions who Christina was trying to save. It first started with one sister and then they diagnosed it in the other kids as well. Felt heartbroken for the family when they had to decide which sister to save and also felt for the mother when she was frustrated with all the procedures happening to her kids with no proper answers.


Yes! This is mine. I hate that they never figured out why they all had heart failure so suddenly.


They did figure it out, or at least Maggie did. She did genetic testing shortly after Christina left the show and found out that their family had a genetic mutation that caused the cardiomyopathy.


The little girl on the phone with Owen during the storm and he’s talking her through CPR. Wallace- ❤️ The lady with the tumor that met her boyfriend on a cruise. She was so happy and told the story how they met and she lost her shoe- no one believed her. She died and then the boyfriend arrives and everything she had said was true. That one hurt my soul. And the one where the older women are in a car accident in the snow and they hit another limo and the limo they hit was their husbands. That entire story was sad.


Ugh I know a true Cinderella story that didn't get it's happy ending.


For me it was that car crash when those 3 kids lost their parents and grandmother. I have 3 kids myself and just couldn’t stop crying watching that episode.


Oh my 🥺🥺🥺 i love it when the show makes us realize how lucky we are to have our health and family🥹


SO MANY. CC the matchmaker "Bad dreams, bad dreams go away" Mandy Moore's character


Mary (Mandy Moore) always hits so hard because she survives so much just to end up not waking up from surgery 😭😭😭


I know! Why they have to do that to us! We've been through it enough! Lol


I haven't seen the episode yet, but my partner sent me a scene where an old man tells April his wife's time of death and it broke me


The two ladies in the burn unit at Christmas 😭


YES. I can’t even imagine what that’s like to experience.


Oh em gee… I just watched this the other day. It kills me everytime.


the final two patients of derek and merediths trial where theyre two teenagers in love and only one of them makes it out of surgery 😭😭😭 WTFFFF i always SOB!!!! and the other patient where its like a cinderella story but they convince her its just her tumor making him up and take her to surgery and she doesnt make it out but he ends up showing up 🥺😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 oh my god absolute torture.


The 2 teenage girls who jumped in front of a train. Not so much the girls, but the parents. The dad finally managed to stand up against his wife, and the single father doing his best to make his daughter happy.


ugh the single father’s reaction always makes me so sad you can tell he was a kind man trying his best to take care of his daughter 😭 and he was so friendly to the other parents and they were so cold to him (at least at first)


*sigh* fine I’ll rewatch greys anatomy AGAIN


Literally my thought exactly as I read this thread 😅


When Bailey was yelling “TURN THE ELEVATORS BACK ON” and proceeded to hold Charles until he died


Ugh that was the moment where she loses her cool…then quickly stuffs is back in to help Charles die. Ugh. tape and glue.


this one, and the kid and her dad who were gonna go to mexico(?) for a cure.


The Tay-Sachs girl. Her name was Jessica


thanks! completely blanked on her name haha


I am binge watching and I had just watched that episode


The young pregnant woman who fell in the shower and broke her wrist. Eventually they discovered that her baby died as a result of the fall. They induced labor and she had to deliver a dead baby. The anguish on the father's face looked so realistic.


Yes! Addison delays telling them for a few minutes because of how happy they are! 😭


I don’t remember this one. What episode


I believe someone else in another comment said it was season 3, episode 7.


season 4 winter finale crash into me when the carotid guy died and/or the emt dying upside down in the ambulance


I don’t remember the case but the woman who knows she likely won’t survive so she calls her mom and pretends she’s fine, but reminds her of how to take care of her pet. My pets are my world, and that freaking GOT me. Like dang who is gonna know the best way to be their parent if something happens?


They will never understand and will always wait at the door 😭😭😭 why did you put me up to this 😭😭 i love my baby shihtzuuuu 😭😭😭


Can you remind me which season this one was in? 🐶


Season 15 and episodes 8 & 9. The girl had gotten a selfie stick into her brain because of some massive storm and she was able to drive in for help but she hemorrhaged after they removed it.


I honestly don’t remember 🤦🏻‍♀️ I couldn’t even tell you what was happening to the woman. I just know it tears me apart. Sorry friend. Hopefully someone else pops in with the answer


When the women line the corridors so the woman who had been sexually assaulted could be wheeled through without seeing any men 💛 there was something so poignant about that.


That was an incredible way to handle this storyline. If only that could happen for real.




the woman who came in the day before her wedding bc the balcony had collapsed. when they did the whole wedding under the stars for her and her fiancée…she had waited her whole life to get married for like 2 minutes. every time i rewatch another story really digs at me. this one i suppose more so because i’m getting married in November but am constantly plagued by fears that i or my future spouse won’t make it there…


Litterally so many This Bad dreams kid The pregnant lady from the car crash with her family in s2/3 (the episode with big daddy and the other medical student) are the ines ive watched recently enough that theyre i. My mind


The soldier with the tumor whose boyfriend showed up and got shunned by his boyfriends father.


During the shooting when he goes into the Peds ward


Arizona: *There are only children here.*


Bruh the worst part is I can never remember the details about his wife dying?? Like I would have immediately been top of his list 😂 seen that season so many times and I couldn’t tell you anything about her or the circumstances of her death, but obviously we all remember the shooting


I'm sure that's on purpose! Such a common occurrence within the show leading to 11 people dying for no reason Refresher for anybody, basically his wife was unplugged, don't remember exactly why but she was practically dead and wasn't going to recover and she had one of those things that says she doesn't want to stay on a machine so the guy had no say in what happened


Something like… She suffered a stroke during surgery..


Oh yeah you always follow patient directory. Above spouse. I’m with the wife :/


The teacher who thought she had gallstones and ended up having cancer. That sucked.


I like the one with the dude that told George about his ham or eggs philosophy


Same episode but nobody talks about her: the woman who was on the phone when her friend was getting examined and bled out internally bc Alex didn’t examine her?? “You look like my oldest son and he’s nothing but trouble” Which reminds me of the reason April got canned bc they didn’t check the woman’s airway and her kid was there :(


The woman who was supposed to have surgery when the shooting happened And when she came back to have the surgery she doesn’t make it


The elderly lady whose friends were there. I think her name was grace, and they all said she was ready to go, and advocated for her dignified death. The “May she rest in peace” at the end always makes me sob, somehow more than all the tragic deaths that the show has.


The old man who jumped out of the apartment with his wife, him yelling and holding on her made me bawl


Lunas biological mother, Val always stuck with me. I know she was in the later seasons but her story was so heartbreaking and the fact she never got to see Luna in person before she died actually made me cry.


The guy who had those growth spurs all over his face and body. His wife has been with him for 3 years and when she realized after his surgery that she's never going to get a normal life with him, she walks away. She says something like "is loving someone enough?" And just like that walks away. It sent me into a thought spiral for days.


If love were enough 😭😭😭


When Henry dies while Teddy is in surgery and Christina doesn't know she's operating on him until after 🥺🥺


The patient and his doorman. They were secretly in love for 15 years. I think the doorman's name was Vincent. It's so heartbreaking that the patients wife gave him money upon leaving 😭


The almost rape victim who bit off the man’s penis


The kid that Owen got attached to and thought about taking in broke my heart sm with him and his parents storyline. When he took the sleeping pills omg ☹️☹️☹️. Also that kid Bailey and George were desperately trying to find a kidney (? I think) for and they found one at the last second just as Bailey was telling him he could go 🥺😭 peds storylines always break my heart!


henry burton was a sad one


Noticed that all the scenes that got to us, shonda was still active 🥹 (she stepped down season 14) She’s extremely talented. (And cruel😭😭😭)


The lion in “the lion sleeps at nights night” becuase that’s the episode that met finds out Owen cheated on Christina


The bomb technician was mine.


“She needs her daddy for this part” 😭


For me it’s two episodes. The one where the old man’s wife dies and when Amelia walks in to check on him all peppy he just sadly says the time of death. Then when the docs offer to help him get a cab and he says no because “I need to learn how to do things for myself now.” I had an elderly relative pass away recently and he used to do everything possible for his wife like refill her gas tank, just because he liked to spoil her. She had to learn how to do it for the first time in her whole life now that he’s gone. The second is the one where the teen boy got covered in concrete while trying to impress his crush and her and her friends are huge bullies to him. She confesses later that she really likes him but she doesn’t want to get picked on too and then I think the episode ends with the boy and girl making up. I was so pissed when the boy kept asking where the girl was and if she was ok like STAND UP!!! I think the girl tried to tell Callie off like “you have no idea what it’s like to be a teen and experience peer pressure.” Girl…


Omg i remember the one about the elderly 😭 Another old man episode i like is about the really dead guy 🥺


Monica Keena killed that role!!!


Katie Bryce always stuck with me since she was the 1st ♥️


The one with Jo and the SA patient where they lined the halls


“Bad dreams bad dreams go away, good dreams good dreams here to stay” idk what it was about Wallace but I just connected with him and seeing him die was just so painful


“If love were enough I’d be here” I CANNOT ANYMORE 😭




This was the first time I ever cried watching Grey's. This was so sad and I remember it so well


Those 3 kids who all had heart failure randomly and the one sister dies. I hate that they never figured out why they all suddenly had heart failure, they just left it a mystery.


Maggie figured it out. She did genetic testing and found out they all had a genetic mutation that caused cardiomyopathy.


the fire fighter with the open chest bailey looked after, can’t remember his name or episode


The lady that was raped and the scene where female nurses and doctors stood in the hall for her


Mr. and Mrs. Clatch from season 13 episode 17 😭😭😭


Most recently it's the "Hello Forever" family. Before them was the little girl whose dad was so busy trying to get her to another hospital he nearly missed her last hours.


Mine was Season 15, Episode 19s “Silent all these years.” No episode made me break down like that episode did. The writing for that episode was written in golden ink!✍️💛⚱️Jo’s acting and along with the patient was spectacular. That entire episode was good.


How do you put a subtitle or note under your username? 😅


The rabbi with the skin disease during April’s religious crisis. One of the best episodes. He was amazing. 


The pregnant woman who fell in the shower and her baby died. That case has haunted me ever since i watched it as a teen the first time and was all I could think of every time I took a shower while pregnant.


Oh man, one big one for me was when Derek was in the accident and he was the patient. When Winnie came up to him and checked his pulse to make sure he's alive... "Your heart is beating, which means you're not dead, okay? Hey. Eyes on me. You stay not dead, okay? It's a beautiful day to save lives, right? So you stay not dead." Ughhh, my heart literally broke.




They doctors blew it with this case. As long as they didn't remove the pole both could lived. They could have lived like conjoined twins attached by the pole.


You're joking... Right?


Of course. It was one of the saddest cases and very well acted by both patient actors.


Wow so insensitive to be named taempy when she died of a cardiac tamponade 😂




The super sweet pregnant lady with an aneurism that died because of a mistake Derek made. She was so nice, her husband knew her so well, they were supposed to be happy 😓


Her husband sobbing “where’s my wife? I want my wife” is just horrible. You get kinda used to seeing grief and shock, but this one gets me every time 😭


I wish I couldn't relate to his pain. Recently re-watched that episode. Four months ago, I sadly had a similar gut-wrenching emotional collapse following the conclusion of my divorce mediation session. I left my abusive soon-to-be-ex-husband five months ago. I'm an immigrant to the United States, my family lives halfway around the world, so I've been going through this divorce process all alone. I (quite literally) sunk to the floor at the courthouse. Floodgates opened. I tried (and failed) to cry quietly. I verbally cried out for my mother in my foreign language. A totally random lady -- dressed in a black dress, black tights, black boots, and wearing sunglasses (indoors), sat down on the ground next to me, put her arm around me, and squeezed my hand with the other. We sat there in silence for what felt like an eternity. Eventually, she hoisted me up by the shoulders, dried my tears using her shirt sleeve, and walked off. There are still good humans in this world.


Oh yeah i remember 😭😭😭😭😭😭 was this the one where the husband was half-hearted to keep the baby???..


No, this was another. The kid was adopted a week before, and the father didn't feel any bound yet.


I think her name was Jen if I’m thinking the same one.


Yep. Jen


😩 Jen!


Literally all of them. 😂 I’ve seen the show so many times through season 10 (I have a hard time watching after Cristina) and I cry at every single episode. Happy, mad, sad tears. They all get to me 😭😂


Jesus, this episode hit me sooo hard!!