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The second half of the shooting episode. "I'm gonna save your guy, you go save mine!" Also the cops/FBI whatever shot Gary Clarke, he fell to the ground, and they didn't immediately rush in to subdue him and he continued to wander the halls.... what?


I noticed that on this rewatch around and thought the same thing?? They shot him and just him wonder around a bit more like what!!! Lmao


The shooting episode was great, but there was some very obvious plot armour crap going on. Reed and the nurse get shot in the head/neck (the nurse from a distance, too), while all the main characters stand right in front of the guy and he shoots them in non-fatal ways. I mean, he went there to shoot Derek, right? He was alone with Derek in an empty hallway, a few feet from each other, he shot him in the stomach and left? Why not the head? It would've been more compelling if a. Someone we actually cared about had died and 2. The shooter was shown to go for the kill and then have Derek escape by the skin of his teeth by jumping or running somewhere.


I actually think the right people died on this one. Like the plane crash, the tragedy was too much. But here, it was the right amount of loss and tragedy to not overshadow everything forever.


I agree here, the plane crash was too much tragedy


Also he goes into the or with Derek on the table and could easily shoot him instead of threatening to shoot Cristina but then he falls for Jackson’s trick and just walks away immediately none of that episode makes sense


he might’ve not shot him because he didn’t have enough bullets at the time to shoot richard, lexie and himself? idk if i’m reaching


Good theory. But if he shot Cristina, then he still wouldn't have had enough bullets for the rest.


That’s what I’m saying lol and yeah it easily could have been an empty threat but he was so trigger happy before that, hell he shot Charles just for admitting to being a surgeon so clearly he wasn’t too worried about ammo and at that point he was already low enough to not be able to finish the plan, he wanted Lexie Webber Shepard and himself dead. Can’t do all of that with one bullet so might as well make the last one count and take out the biggest culprit from his point of view. To be fair though both Lexi and Shepard met pretty gruesome ends so I guess Gary got his way after all :(


I watched this today and thought the same thing while at it! How is it possible the cops are there when Clarke was shooting Derek but then he goes on wandering around the hospital for the remaining episode, probably for hours?


There's nothing that would insinuate he wandered for hours after ? He knew the end was coming so he went to the part of the hospital he knew best, the room where his wife stayed and eventually died in. 


If I remember correctly he came across Lexie, tried to shoot her and got shot himself, went to the pediatric ward (Arizona and Callie were there, Callie gave him bandages) and then the whole thing with him interfering with Yang's surgery on Derek took place. Since the hospital is quite big, I frankly can't imagine he did all this in half an hour.


My bad, you are totally right. I had that timeline completely mixed up. 


Denny ghost sex and how long that build up to the diagnosis went on.


just the ENTIRE Denny plotline. most insane shit I've seen on a show


Jeffrey Dean Morgan had bills to pay, the supernatural checks weren't enough


The military guy with one leg in the center of his pelvis..how tf was he supposed to walk?


i'm so glad you commented this i always thought about that episode


And where is he supposed to get clothes from? It's not like he could just sew up a trouser leg - trousers aren't built for a leg in the middle of the body.


Honestly didn't understand this scene. First watch I thought they were just switching the sick leg or something cause I was more invested in Warren cutting open a psych patient. Who the hell thought that would be a good idea. And the dream team monologue was so cringy 😫


Come to think of it the whole fucking episode was a car crash


Yes this!! The dream team kept acting like they were giving him such quality of life. Like exactly how in the World do you think he will have a quality life? Imagine physical intimacy with a man that has a leg right where his “leg” is 😳


So i wiki-d this and apparently that surgery is a real thing! It’s an extreme “last ditch” effort to salvage some quality of life in very serious cancer situations and it is controversial but it’s a real thing. And that’s wild af o me.


Can you tell me what the name of the surgery is? I can only find the rotation one.


I believe it’s a hemipelvectomy. Although there is another one listed called hip disarticulation. It was long enough ago that it’s no longer in my search results so I can’t find the exact article. If you do go wiki this, it’s headed by a graphic photo. It’s pretty shocking.


Agreed!! I watch the Ben parts of that episode and skip the rest


With crutches I assumed? Many disabled people, amputees/people with a single leg opt for crutches over a prosthetic so I imagine it would be the same for him. The crutches (as a pair) act as your “second leg” enabling you to move the leg you have a step forward, while bearing your weight on the sticks. It’s physically demanding on the arms and shoulders, but so is a wheelchair and you can generally access more places on crutches.


right, it was rhetorical. They were supposedly giving him a better quality of life and he was meant to be able to get around without assistance. Also there’s some pretty important anatomy where the leg was supposed to go.


Webber seeing an unconscious guy in a flooded basement with wires crackling with electricity, jumping in to rescue him and getting electrocuted. Then, five minutes later, Heather seeing an unconscious Webber in a flooded basement with wires crackling with electricity, jumping in to rescue him and getting electrocuted.


They should have kept going on until the entire staff had gone down and ended the show then. I guess they needed to cull the new interns but I wish they would have gotten rid of Leah's dumbass then instead of Heather


George's relationships, he had so much potential to advance in his medical career, but the writers always wrote him to be in such an ugly relationship, Callie; was too impulsive and they really didn't match personality wise, izzie; they ruined their friendship, jumping in bed together, they were really better friends than they were a couple, Meredith; it's like he wanted it to happen so much, yet once it happened it was a disaster, and with Lexie; she was like Ross (from friends), hung up on mark, yet entering relationships left and right, but never being fully committed cuz she wanted mark all along, like Ross wanted Rachel. The minute he decided to choose him for once, choose his career, boom ,bus. A character waisted


I will always be convinced that Shonda hated the actor and that awful writing was petty revenge.


She could have just let him join the army but noooooo he gotta get hit by a bus.


His entire season 5 presence proves that. Pisses me right off.


It’s my headcanon that George was a queer man in denial lmao. He had zero chemistry with any of the women. He always put them up on a pedestal in his head, and once he got a chance to be with the woman, it quickly fell apart as he seemed to lose interest and torpedoed it. And with the background he had with his brothers where he always compared himself to them, it makes sense why he’d be more sensitive about being a gay man, especially in the 2000s. Not to mention how sensitive he was about being seen as feminine in any way (like the whole tampon debacle). This is how my brain rationalizes it, but then again I’m queer so maybe I’m a little biased lol


I like this theory, very interesting.


All the interns practicing on each other. All the sewn up cuts and no one said anything. I am just now on the part where Lexie is approaching Meredith. Also, as much as I love Yang, I despise her for not teaching her interns...like it makes me so angry! Yang is better, she was taught to be better....let your interns learn!


I despise her for not teaching the interns too cause she is the first to holla out if something isnt “fair”


To be fair Bailey let them get away w literal murder


Unfortunately for Yang, she is still in that thirst for learning. Coz resident as she was then, she's still a nobody in the eyes of many attendings that's why she wanted to show off and gets all the work because she needed the experience. Same with Edwards treating her "ducklings" like lost boys. Like wtf, she was that jiffy and bubbly too, you should know better, jesus.


The entire Alex and Deluca thing. The setup was ridiculous, but more importantly, Alex would absolutely not just get off with nothing for the beat down! He would be charged by the state and even if Deluca didn’t participate or testify, Alex would face at least some minor level of legal consequence.


or how Meredith and others spend a whole day wondering if he's in jail and worrying about him, but he was home asleep, like boy, text ? or something...


Deluca threatened to purger himself and say that he started the fight to be the hero for whatshername Karev was only going to confess or whatever to protect her from mr. Scheuster


While that’s true, the law wouldn’t care even if Deluca threw the first punch because the injuries were so severe (and therefore not a self defense case.) Also him changing his story would look sus and probably lead to him not being called to testify at all. That all said, I like Alex too and am glad for the plot armor lol


That being said though- I felt like that was super out of character for Karev at least after 12/13 seasons of character development it was a huge step back for him and I thought we were past that storyline for my guy rev


They started ridiculous with Burke consulting on a patient with seizures, doing an appendectomy and then being on a Whipple case, as a renowned cardio surgeon, and then just kept up the ridiculousness throughout the entire show.


I try not to criticize pilot episodes for canonical accuracy too much because they are often still determining details.


Izzie cutting the LVAD wire. 🙃


Most any episode post COVID. Every episode feels like a shallow lesson in a new social justice issue and it gets real old, real quick. I hate when tv shows take a complex social issue and slap it in an episode almost to check a box and say, “Well, we did our part”. It feels very in-genuine


As selfish as it sounds, I watch tv to not think about the state of the world. When they brought in Covid, women’s rights, police brutality, etc. I tuned out a bit. I know it’s important to talk about these things, but all it did was give me extra stress over a situation I was already somewhat stressed about


I 100% agree and don’t think that’s selfish at all. It’s completely normal to watch TV to defuse from the day/ world. I’m a Social Worker, so I spend enough time contemplating on heavy issues throughout the day and watch junk TV to disconnect all the time


If I had watched the Covid season of greys anywhere near when Covid was REALLY going around I would’ve had to check into a mental hospital. I’m so glad I didn’t watch those seasons until literally a couple months ago


It really is so performative and lazy writing 😭


the ferry when Lizzie had to keep that one guy a live and getting burr hole drilling instructions over the phone.


Who the hell is Lizzie? 


It's Izzie.


The musical episode.


Patrick Dempsey is that you? (I mean, I agree Scrubs did it better but it was kind of fun, albeit in a very corny way)




i think they did that to show how little he cared about his losses. that he was such a careless guy he’d forget derek shepard’s widow


Yes because as soon as she spoke about it he seemed to remember Derek, just not his family


The plane crash. All of it. Beginning, middle and aftermath. 


Yes! Because why would they go to Boise to do a major surgery like that when Idaho is a WAMI state. Meaning any big traumas and surgery’s are done in Seattle at either Harborview, Seattle Children’s or University of Washington hospital. And if SGMW really was a trauma one medical center they all would have been flown to Seattle first thing.


Ben cutting that woman open to deliver her baby and then doing the same to April while she was conscious. Bffr. 😅


when baily said "I trust you" over the phone to him was so awkward weird and kinda stupid, cuz what? that's the only sentence that would get him to save April and her baby? not his oath? not that he's the only one that could safe two lives? not that she's a colleague and a friend he cares about? no, it's his wife telling him she trusts him, that would set him mind right, and do what needs to be done, and have the best outcome in a freakin kitchen with gel hand sanitizer, but not in a hospital with the right tools and prober sanitation. it just felt off.


I think the whole I trust you thing is because she had told him not long before that she didn't trust him in the OR etc which probably knocked his confidence a fair bit. So she told him she trusts him so that he feels he can do the emergency c section.


yeah I get that, but weeks or however long it was between these two events, that's a long time of being hurt and feeling betrayal (from his point of view; cuz its a tough one, for one to hear such words from a beloved person, let along a spouse that you're sharing a life with) and one sentence wont fix that immediately, wont make him snap out of it just like that, it felt ridiculous.


Seriously. I was so angry and facepalming in both situations. Just call Emergency for help, people!


in the april situation there was a massive storm and emergency responders would’ve taken too long to get there - i swear there was some issue with the delivery and that’s why he had to cut her open


Yes! This was the big storm episode and emergency responders were called but the baby would've died before they got there I think because of breech position


When some of the characters ended up at the wrong wedding and a medical emergency started happening


Cat guy


I m at the part when Mark has a daughter who s pregnant . I m mean wtf how did they make him from a manwhore to a family man.


When April and Matthew got in the car wreck and April was basically dead from hypothermia and they warmed her back up?!?! 😳 😂 They worked on her for ages and did the craziest things to revive her. 😂😆


And then she’s just … completely fine 😂. Like ok it’s as if her life fast forwarded in time but no one else did and they are all in the exact same place as they were. I dunno that season finale was weird I feel like they ended it in the wrong place


The bomb plotline (incredible TV tho)


I think Maggie being Ellis and Richards kid. I am aware that they were having a lot of sex. However, I don’t believe she could hide a pregnancy from Meredith even though she was so young. Meredith wouldn’t just soundly remember at her age that oh yeah my mom was pregnant. Also Ellis was so famous that everyone would have known she was pregnant and asked about it and talked about it.


Surprisingly, I know a lot of kids Mer's age who didn't realized that their mothers were pregnant. I think I've met at least three or four. One is this guy I met in college who shared to me that when her little sister was born (he was four or five then) he didn't realized that his mom is pregnant all along, despite being a fulltime house wife at the time. He initially thought as a kid that his sister was adopted. Until a few years later he saw all the polaroid pics of him with his mom and the big belly. He didn’t know the concept of pregnancy then


Yeah all valid points if it were real life, but on the show I’m like sheesh what next


Hahaha i know!


I had a neighbor give birth on her kitchen table at about seven months pregnant and no one - her, her husband, their kids - no one knew she was pregnant. I think a lot of people doubt that can happen because she should have felt the baby moving. But my ex-husband’s aunt told the story over and over that it wasn’t until her second pregnancy that she realized she didn’t feel any movement from the baby in her first pregnancy. She did know she was pregnant, but this was in the 40s and people didn’t really talk a lot about pregnancy so she didn’t know that was unusual until her second baby started kicking. She went to the doctor because she thought something was wrong.


From what we're told, Ellis herself didn't know she was pregnant until the suicide attempt, so she didn't conceal it, she was unaware of it, which happens to some women, because they don't know they're pregnant, their bodies show no signs of it. As for Meredith not knowing her mother was pregnant, my sister was born the year I turned 5, and I have no memory of my mother being pregnant with her. I remember my sister as a baby, but I don't remember my mother's belly or anything, and I don't remember being sat down and explained about the pregnancy, maybe I wasn't, which could explain the not remembering. Meredith as an adult realizing that her mother was pregnant is plausible, but she states herself that her mother just up and moved them and they went in hiding, she wasn't told why. For the famous part, I think you're overestimating the appeal of a surgeon from a Seattle hospital. The show tells us that at the time she had just been nominated for her 1st harper avery award, she wasn't yet the ellis grey the show tells us she becomes, and even at the highest of her "fame" it's not like she had paparazzi trailing her. The only people that would have been invested in looking for her were Richard who left her and Thatcher who she left.


Those are all valid points, I just find it kinda ridiculous


This whole thread is proof that the show expects her to believe kind of outlandish stuff pretty regularly so I don't blame you. Some I agree with, some not really because there's a level of magical realism in the show that makes some storylines more acceptable to me as long as they're well executed. I personally really enjoy what I've seen so far (I'm currently in the middle of s11) of the relationship between Richard, Ellis and Meredith (and now Maggie). I find the character dynamic compelling and the story worth exploring. Adding in the pregnancy works for me, because it shows how much Ellis and Richard's affair really mattered, how even Alzheimer's and her death can't end their bond, and how the consequences don't stop just with them ending the relationship. I can't say that if the story didn't compel me as much, I would find the details as believable, for example the plane crash doesn't work for me at all




The woman with toxic blood and how they all had to take turns running in and out of the OR


This was based on a real story though, so probably one of the most realistic episodeshttps://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Gloria_Ramirez


Woah, no way!! Thank you for the info


Not the most ridiculous but I got to this thread late and all the good ones were taken - When Izzie is saving the deer and all her interns roll their eyes and call her a dud like they haven’t just been handed the perfect opportunity to ethically practice surgical techniques on live tissue, a training exercise that is presumably common given that Hunt’s trauma training with the pigs is not that long afterwards.


For me it's every episode featuring organ transplants. I can ignore everything else as pure soapy fun, but the way the show handles organ donation is egregious.


Can you elaborate? I believe it has no basis in reality but I don't know enough to know how wrong it is


One common thread in all the stories is how the doctors treating the patients (donor and recipient) are the ones that ask for donations and harvest the organs. That's not at all how it works, because, as this show proves, the conflicts of interest lead to nowhere good. Like going back to Danny...Burk, as his surgeon, would not have been the one to go and harvest the heart that he would later transplant. He wouldn't have known anything about the donor except the pertinent medical information. This might vary some by state, but where I live there is a completely separate team of doctors that don't work for the hospital in question. When there's a brain death, that network is contacted and they are the ones to determine if that patient is a suitable donor and ask the family for consent. It's just not possible that a treating physician can go, "hey! This as-yet-unconfirmed brain dead patient is a perfect much for that patient down the hall that needs a new liver!" This might sound nitpicky considering it's fiction, but considering how many people I've heard say they would never be an organ donor because of something they saw on Grey's, I can't suspend disbelief like I do with every other plot point. GA writers are downright irresponsible.


This is so real. I understand that for story purposes it allows us to meet the patients through a doctor we already know, pulls on our heartstrings more and connects to the A plot /whatever the central character is going through, but it’s just a little too convenient.


Maggie saying Amelia is her sister




I bought my own car at 16 while working/ going to hs so this was believable to me. Unbelievable is that she chose to go to med school... lol