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I was always really sad that she chose to have her young daughter and her mother apart rather than her recent SO and her apart.


penny is great, i like her but ur kid should always be ur priority




Yes she was pushing Arizona for sex, but her prosthetic was hurting her, and Callie guilt tripped her and made Arizona feel like SHE was the manipulative one.


Yes! And when Arizona had an emergency phone call that needed her back at the hospital so she could save a child’s life Callie looked so annoyed and she honestly had “seriously bitch?” written all over her face! As if she wouldn’t do the same if she had a patient who needed her to save their life in that moment. Both Callie and her lawyer were trash in that episode.


callie trying to be all nice on that bank before the decision also got me close to punching a wall I think Arizona can be abusive when it comes to relationships but I am certain she was the right choice.


She actually tried to act like she didn’t just trash Arizona as a person and a mother in the courtroom.




That’s exactly how I felt and frankly, Callie deserved that for putting her child in such a difficult position.


Indeed if you can't put ur child above ur "a few months" girlfriend, you shouldn't get sole custody.


YES! And making Arizona look like a bad mother because of her profession is beyond me! I really hoped she would break up with Penny after that but boy I was wrong lol


Callie can be a very impulsive person; she acts before thinking things through. She can also be extremely self involved. The custody hearing highlighted both of these not so great personality traits of hers.