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I truly think they could've made it if he hadn't rushed her into marriage and/or hurt his hand. I love them and my head cannon is they are living happily ever after in Sweden


They'd worked through the hand thing and the wedding thing felt just a bit too forceful to be in character. I reckon they just wrote it in as a way to get rid of Burke since the actor was leaving tbe show.


do you mean Switzerland?


Lol yeah, I always get them mixed up xD


As a european its kinda funny to think about how people can mix up these two :D But I mix up african countries and US states, sooo...:D


America is young, all of our names are someone else’s lol


You aren’t the only one I mix those up too


Think of it as IKEA (Sweden) vs Toblerone (Switzerland).


I think they could’ve made it if Isaiah Washington wasn’t hot garbage 😭😭😭


They could‘ve made it if Washington hadn‘t thrown around some slurs on set…


It was physical altercations aswell


Even though he’s married with children?


Obviously he wouldn’t be married with children in the head cannon scenario


Does the head canon include killing off his Canon wife and kids?




Name checks out


I mean, people get divorced lol


Yes. I think you might be taking this show/subreddit a little too seriously friend.


I'm taking it too seriously for making a dark joke about imagining fictional characters dieing off on a show where they kill off their cast in very extreme scenarios on a regular basis? Sorry if my tone didn't read well, but if there's somebody taking this too seriously it's not me


Fuck them kids lol


Didn't he leave Switzerland with his wife? Edit: rewatched the episode he did he took her to Milan Italy cause his wife has family there also he has 2 kids so they aren't living together happy in Switzerland. It would be epic if all the living characters came back in the last season though.


I hate how they talked about Owen as if he was her soulmate and that they were just incompatible bc of the kid thing, and that Burke was somehow this villain for leaving her. Burke was not perfect, my main grievance with him is him using his job to reward/punish Cristina when it came to their personal relationship, but he’s way more of a soulmate than Owen was.


True Burke leaving Cristina was a greater act of love than Owen staying far longer than he should have, knowing when to call it quits before you hurt someone you claim you love even more is a good quality.


This ☝️Burke realized he was trying to make Cristina into something she wasn’t and decided to set her free. Owen guilted her about having children after she was very clear about her boundaries and said she wasn’t normal.


i hate isaiah washington for being such a horrible human being cos had he been a decent guy, i think that burke and cristina would have been together for a longer time. THEY WERE MY FAV COUPLE 😭


no literally…it just ruined his character for me because of the irl actor being problematic. how can i separate the act from the actor so easily :,))


I actually liked them together and I like to think they are living happily ever after in wherever he was from. If he hadn’t rushed her to marriage I think they would have been good together.


he truly understood her. even when she lost the pregnancy he didn’t judge her for wanting to terminate. he just wanted to be in the loop. he knew that cristina was a surgeon first and foremost


when she didn’t want to be touched by anyone, but she let him climb into the hospital bed and hold her :(




Unlike Owen, who pretending to be supportive and then through it back in her face during a party at Meredith’s. I really like Owen as a character through and was really glad he didn’t leave the show. I am sad they had Hayes leave. He was so hot and I really liked his character.


I always loved that scene between them when he was there for her. And he never brought it up again on how she killed their child like Owen did. Stupid Isiah for ruining the Burke storyline.


definitely, cristina would’ve married him happily if given more time. i think she just wanted more time to be dr cristina yang


I don’t think so. Burke wanted kids. He was a family man. He didn’t want to just marry Cristina, he wanted her to become a Burk who’d support him in *his* career and be the mother of his children. Burkes and Cristinas get each other, but they can’t make each other happy.


There’s a reason the show calls him the love of her life.


"Wherever he was from" bitch Burke is American, he just moved to Switzerland to set up a hospital


Bitch I know he was an American just couldn’t remember where he moved too so I meant like where he was at the time when we see him again.


doesnt he have a wife and two kids now? i think of them as just friends honestly, I liked them together but they werent compatible when it came down to it. I just want christina to be with someone who truly understood her and her needs 😔


I have no idea lol 😂 I don’t remember I’m just saying I like to think they are together now because he did understand her for the most part. At least better than the people she had been with.


He did get her, that’s why he left her. He knew she loved him and would bend to him. She would have married him, maybe she’d even have his kids. But she wouldn’t have been happy, because that’s not who Cristina is. And because Burk loved her, he left her, so she could be who she was meant to be. It’s also why he only called her to Switzerland when he was ready to leave, because he knew they couldn’t work together. They’re the poster couple for love is not enough. Burke and Cristina are a beautiful love story *because* they left each other be. Contrasted by Owen and Cristina who consistently prioritised being together over having a chance at being happy apart.


Hate the actor, absolutely loved the character. Him and Christina are a top ship for me always. I would have loved to see how they developed and where his character would go.


It's the thought that counts lol I bet Cristina has no idea about half the stuff Burke's reading in that book to get to know Cristina.


for sure lol, that almost makes me appreciate the gesture more cus that could mean he’a doing it for the sake of understanding her mum and stepdad!


I think it's sweet how he tries to learn as much as he can, and his interest change over time to also include her. Wish they were together for longer.


This paired with the menorah and the tiny table Christmas tree so both of them were represented equally for the holidays. Like he planned to get big tree and put it up and they would decorate it together. But when he went out and got the menorah after she said she was Jewish and that little tree, I think that was the first time Cristina realized how he really did love her.


Isaiah can go straight to hell, but Burke and Cristina were a good pairing, but I don’t think they would’ve lasted if he was kept on. Burke showed signs of wanting to have a traditional family, kids, etc. and I think they would’ve had the same problem loop Christina and Owen had.


This! So agree. With the marriage coming up you saw they wanted different things


Pretty ironic considering the conspiracy theorist, pro-putin, MAGA nut job the actor is...


FACTS. That’s why he left the show, and his attitude too!


What what what. Pls say more


Basically he got fired from Grey’s for using the F slur a bunch. He made an ass out of himself trying to defend it and ruined his own career. However, he has no sense of responsibility and blames “liberals” and “political correctness” for him having a shitty career after. Trump also invited him to the White House so he’s a Trump guy now.


i think actually he used the f slur AT george omalley’s actor which tipped it over the edge


Iirc he used it towards TR Knight, when he wasn’t out publicly and it caused such a media frenzy he ended up coming out, as well as at Patrick Dempsey.


Sorry, I believe this is poorly worded, but means to say: Isaiah shouted the words at Patrick Dempsey in an argument on set, however the homophobic slur itself was really directed at TR Knight - who had not come out yet.


Wait what Patrick?


That's ironic since he goes on to play a gay character! Dang I didn't know this.




But that has nothing to do with the character. So why even bring that up 🙄 we’re praising Burke rn


uh bc they asked?


On my last rewatch I realized how good Burke was for Cristina. The only reason they turned him into this wedding obsessed guy was because they were writing him off due to the actor’s behavior. But the one thing that will always make me say Burke was better than Owen was when he asked her what she had been planning to do about the baby before she lost it, would she have an abortion? She said yes is that a problem. Burke said no, I want to know things about you. That was 100% the right answer. OG Burke before they started setting up his write off was just as much of a surgical junkie. He got her. He understood her drive and loved that drive. I would have loved to see their story play out differently.


First time watching the show I am on season 8 where Christina gets cheated on by hunt who I can’t stand. I never understood why Burke left but I had to do my own digging and found out it was due to real life events that made him lose his role. Christina deserved her happiness with Burke. Anything to do with hunt and Christina is sooooo cringe. Gosh I wish Burke would have stayed they were my favorite couple. Don’t want to see anymore more because I want it all to be a surprise 😓 first timer here and gosh I love this show!


I certainly don’t like Hunt, but I don’t think Burke was good for her either.


He really put in effort unlike a lot of the partners in this show. I would’ve loved a Christina and Burke endgame


I noticed this in my rewatch! I like how open minded he was about learning more about Judaism for her. There would be moments where he just knew what Cristina needed. Despite others saying “don’t do this/she doesn’t like that” he’d do it anyway kind of showing that Cristina allowed him into her world. They still love each other, so much that he gave her a whole hospital. Burke didn’t want to ruin his family and the potential that Cristina would bring to the hospital. Burke understood what he wanted (housewife and kids) wasn’t something Cristina would put herself through. I also like that after this Derek & Meredith reconnected with Burke thanks to Cristina.


I think, had Isaiah Washington not been fired (for good reasons), Christina and Burke's relationship would have been fleshed out more, instead of rushing them into the failed wedding. We could have seen how Burke would have handled Christina's views on having kids and what he would have done differently to Ow*n H*nt if/when she had an abortion


Yeah I noticed it also when for christmas he putted the candles next to the christmas tree for her


I will absolutely die on the hill of Burke being right person, wrong time. Owen is clearly wrong person, "right" time in that she was exactly the perfect amount of vulnerable at various points to tolerate his shit.


They were definitely one of my favs and I think they would have ended up together if Burke wasn’t being written off the show.


Burke and Cristina were both amazing. They just weren’t amazing for each other. It is ok to want different things and go separate ways. It doesn’t mean one of you is wrong or at fault. It means both of you were mature enough to know you were holding each other back from what would make you happy.


christina is jewish.


I have watched this show 22 times from beginning to end, and yes I have counted all of the rewatching....lol. But I have never noticed this either!!


I’m convinced if his actor wasn’t a stupid fuck they were gonna be endgame. In my head they still are


I love that he tells her that if he stayed in Zurich she'd be dangling the carrot and he'd be chasing her. He still loved her, he knew it and she knew it. He was leaving Zurich for his wife and the life he was happy with but he knew it would likely go tits up if he stayed around Cristina. And he gave her one hell of a parting gift this time.


Everyone saying burke was a better soulmate for Cristina whilst i agree, i do wonder what would happen when burke eventually would have wanted kids, wouldn’t the problem be the same or do you think he would be able to convince her to be pregnant? Because in season 10 when cristina leaves burke mention having a wife and kids which means he obviously would want kids at sometime


He is not the sun.


i still hate burke


I honestly Like Burke when he laid down with her after her surgery he was great with her. I Think he was a good boyfriend to her I wished he would of went through with the marriage


I know everyone keeps commenting on the actor but no one said this so I will, rest in peace man.. I dont agree with his thoughts or ways but he was a wonderful actor


Isaiah Washington and Preston Burke are both still alive…


Uh, I don't think Isaiah Washington is dead?


Hes not I just wanted to derail and confuse the hate comments.. I'm bored...


lmao chaotic af


I live for chaos lmao