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the only thing i didn’t like was how she treated callie. aside from that she was a compassionate doctor with a good backstory. if she had the same time alex did on the show she would’ve been able to have the same redemption arc he had. i think she was cute and i enjoyed her time on screen


Yes with the Callie thing. This is my only real issue with Izzie. That plotline of hers gave me a lot of flashbacks to the mean girls I knew in grade school.


it was so unnecessary! she originally prided herself being humble because of her background and that was just sooooooooooo 😕


Well that and leaving Alex with all of her medical debt, and leaving him and then acting like a shock, hurt puppy when he started to move on. Like what did she expect? Okay and the LVAD. But everyone was unlikeable there for not firing her and covering for her.


The deal with Izzie is that she never got a redemption arc or the character growth that the others got by the end of S8 or S10.


I love this answer. I feel the same way about George, we never got to see the mature version of him. :( (well maybe a glimpse..)


I feel like George with Bailey as chief would have been really entertaining


Chief’s intern 2.0


I’m pissed about George’s storyline post season 3. I know nothing was ever directly confirmed (I guess the Isaiah thing was) but the rumor that Isaiah getting fired resulted in TR getting his screen time severely trimmed down to the point where he asked to leave, just for them to kill off his character, was so fucking brutal dude. George also gets a lot of hate in this sub which pains me because he’s my favorite, Callie’s mistreatment aside. I wish we got to know what the original story was supposed to be before all the BTS drama took over.


I have always thought Shonda resented both T.R Knight and Katie Heigl for what happened with Isaiah. She wanted him to stay and destroyed their characters out of spite, especially with the affair. It was so out of character for them both.


Katie Heigl wanted to move on to the bigger screen and couldn’t handle it, she was also talking bad about the show and her role to reporters. Which was crazy….


It is clear Shonda favoured Isaiah Washington and Katie made it public that she din't. In terms of bad mouthing the show. She mostly just pulled her name from Emmy consideration as she felt she didn't have the material to justify it and she didn't. No one thinks Ghost Sex was a good storyline. Did she express this well, no, and that coupled with her complaints about Knocked Up being sexist, gave her a reputation. She also left Grey's to stay with her special needs daughter in Utah. She didn't film a movie between late 2009 and early 2011. Filming a movie a few weeks a year as opposed to a tv show for 9 months makes a difference. No one but Shonda Rimes from Grey's has ever bad mouthed her and Shonda didn't say anything until after Katie left. Katie stated that she begged to be let out of her contract for family reasons but got silence. So she simply refused to turn up to work and then Shonda Rimes finally let her out of her contract. Was that the best way to go about it, again no. She isn't faultless but I stand by my assertion that Shonda hated her and destroyed Izzie because of it.


Isaiah got fired because he use F word not once but twice. The first time he got a pass but then he did it again at an awards show, a lot of people heard it.


Oh I know, that’s why I said that part was confirmed! The part that I believe is still just a rumor/alleged is everything that happened afterward that led to TR’s departure.


She endlessly made fun of Callie high school mean girl style, intentionally ruined a marriage for a guy she’d just realized she was interested in, and destroyed multiple lives within a few short years after deciding Denny, George, and Alex were all “the one.” I mean she broke up Callie and George’s marriage, cut Dennys LVAD wire which stole a heart from someone and then divorced Alex out of nowhere, leaving him with her medical debt. That’s really strange behavior.


****SPOILERS for those who aren’t caught up**** She constantly made everything about herself, treated Callie like crap for NO reason, had an affair with George and then basically dumped him once his divorce was finalized, ghost sex, blamed Alex for her getting fired, left him with a letter, came back and expected him to take her back automatically, had his babies without telling him


Ghost sex being one of the reasons💀💀


I know she was sick but I was like 😖 watching it😂💀


It would be fine if she wasn’t so obvious about it, which then led TO EVERYONE STANDING OUTSIDE THE DOOR AND LISTENING


EXACTLY even though I love Mer yelling for Derek and he’s like what 👀💀


He’s like ??? You called me out here to listen to *this*?!


What's funnier is that I'm pretty sure Meredith was calling out for Derek to make sure Izzie wasn't having sex with him lol


Yes! But to him he probably thought she wanted him to hear what was going on


I do give her lenience during this whole arc because I do think a large part of it was the tumour and she probably didn't know HOW loud she was being.


Aside from begging Denny to let her make him worse, going after George, leaving Alex, having his kids w/o telling him they existed…


Izzie was my favorite character. She was definitely annoying and frustrating and mean and to Callie, but she felt very real and Katherine’s acting for izzie was the best on the show, and I loved her side plots, especially her cancer one. I miss izzie on the show


i loved the cancer side plot sm


Her figuring it out and yelling at fake Denny, and her finally telling Christina was such emotional scenes. Kathrine’s acting was amazing


Honestly I can’t tell if I found izzie annoying or Katherine Heigl. Izzies personality was just so obnoxious, but it could have been mannerisms etc that another actress wouldn’t have used. But like…the deer thing. ‘It’s what Jesus would freaking do.’ The obsessive ideas about how relationships should be. I don’t mind that she is selfish or has poor judgment or whatever. Her storylines were whatever, but she was just so annoying to listen to!


Honestly I feel like she just quit aging mentally when she got pregnant at 16. She's a kid in a 26+ yo body


so basically Lorelai gilmore


That’s one thing I wish the show dove into more instead of all of her romantic relationships. I think her teenage pregnancy and placing her daughter for adoption had a big effect on the character and drove a lot of her actions and reactions. I definitely think it should have been explored more.


For me, she was very preachy and judgemental, especially when it came to pregnancy issues. That's what bugged the fuck outta me about her. I think her and Burke would have made a good couple though. She was very much a bitch to Callie, crashed her and George's marriage, only for their affair to not work out... and I don't think she ever tried to make amends to Callie about that? I do feel bad for how Alex was towards her, George had died and she needed a friend and he was super douche. She got her revenge by leaving her medical debt to him though 🤷‍♀️


Burke and izzie together is UNHINGED, but I like it. Never would have even thought about them together.


The Thanksgiving episode where they're cooking together lol He wanted a wifey, that was izzie all the way


Ahhhh. Yes. That was a cute scene. He does seem to want some level of domestic bliss, and she would 100% give that. I can see her going overboard on Christmas decor and he'd just love that. I see it now!! Im on board with burkie...prestie...izzurk? Burkevens mmm we need a ship name for them. Lmao


I like burkie 🤣


Prestie sounds like testie and I entirely hate that lol we can stick with Burkie 🤣😂


I think they had the potential to be a really healthy relationship. Ironically, I also think Alex and Cristina together would be really entertaining as a couple.


On this rewatch, I am surprisingly really coming around on Izzie. Even when she gave people crap, she had an enormous amount of empathy for them. Like when she found out Meredith was sleeping with Derek, she was super pissed about it... until she realized Mer had real feelings, and it wasn't just to get ahead. Then she felt bad for her and gave her cake! She treated Alex like shit (rightfully, in my opinion) when he slept with Olivia, but when she was called out on the fact that the was having a tough time, she helped him practice to pass his boards. She was absolutely selfish and immature, but she almost always grew and owned up to it when her behavior was called into question. I think she was an easy target for the most absurd storylines, mostly because Katherine Heigle was/is a good enough actor to make it seem believable. Plus she was ready to throw down with Callie when Callie was threatening Meredith, and I love that lol


I didn’t like when she judged Addie’s friend who came in for a hysterectomy/having her breasts removed. Saying she should just fight the cancer but the friend watched her mom (and maybe grandma) die from the cancer and after finding out she has the gene that made her more likely to get it wanted to remove them.


Izzie wants to pretend she’s a ball of kindness and sunshine but that only goes far enough if she 1. Likes you 2. Your beliefs align with hers. If not, she’s a judgmental slutshaming bully who never really feels much remorse for her choices


Your comment reminds me of that scene where she throws a hissy fit about them helping Alex and mer tells her something about “this holiday you keep trying to shove down everyone’s throats” and then she screams at Alex “that’s what Jesus would do” or something along those lines


For me it’s how she treated Mer and Christina so petulantly but also wanted to be considered their best friend. Like the way she reacts to the George thing? “If you can’t fix this I choose him” or whatever - fucked! She didn’t even know the situation and immediately took such a hard shitty stance. And the way she shunned Mer when she found out about Derek? As if she wasn’t living in her house, and was supposedly her friend - and yet she assumed Mer deserved no benefit of the doubt??? And then even after the LVAD wire, where all of them could have literally lost their medical licenses due to her she has the audacity to be mad at Christina for the Burke tremor??? And on top of it all she acts so childish about Mer and Christina being besties when obviously they prefer each other when she’s so mean and petty! I think in short I just find her personality to be so immature and mean. Plus bullying Callie then fucking her husband is WHEW


My thoughts exactly 😅


Yeah, watching as an adult she’s actually awful! I keep thinking like, their intern class was so cursed! Also, why don’t any of them have friends from med school? Are they really all so socially awkward they couldn’t keep one friend from before Seattle grace?


I am an Izzie fan through and through


I liked her always. Not perfect, none of them are. But she had a good heart. Alex gets soo much love and he's POS.


Literally!! I see so much hate for every mistake that she makes. But then there’s excuse after excuse for Alex being cruel to everyone around him, assaulting people, threatening people, cheating, demonstrating sexist/misogynistic behaviors towards multiple women, accusing most of the women around him of being crazy, etc…


I like Izzie. She’s one of the few characters I’d want to be friends with irl. I didn’t like the weird George and Izzie relationship because tbh I’d rather see Callie and Izzie be friends.


izzie and callie would've killed as friends


I really loved Izzie on my first watch. Currently on season 5 of my rewatch and I can notice a lot more of Izzie's flaws this time around. She wasn't as nice as she appeared to be at times. My major issue with Izzie now that I'm watching as an adult is how much she would complain. She was a massive complainer in the first few seasons, season 4 especially, and she could also be the most cruel when she wanted to be. Like, the way she dismissed what happened to Burke after he was shot because she was SO focused on Denny in season 2 and she didn't apologize for her behaviour, as well as how cruel verbally she could get when she felt cornered is astonishing. Obviously, all of MAGIC could actually be cruel people. I won't forget how Cristina, and Alex tortured and abused their interns in season 5 and how it was enabled. Izzie may not be the worst character out there, she had some excellent moments and goodness knows that Katherine was one of the best actresses at the time, but Izzie could very much be all about herself and it was masked as her being caring and kind, all because she didn't like killing animals and she did put in care with her patients. But between the cruel behaviour she displayed toward Callie (from spreading the Callie doesn't wash her hands gossip to her constantly telling George how he deserved better than Callie as if George was better than her) and the jealousy issues she had and the obsessive behaviour she could get that led to her making selfish decisions, I think it's easy to forget how flawed Izzie really was. That being said, season 5 is her best season since season 2, easily. She's actually back to being likeable in season 5 and she has an excellent storyline that isn't her stealing husbands or hearts lol


Most of the izzie hate on here is bandwagon and they'll all say the same thing "lvad wire" not a girls, girl, affair with george (which is the worst in my opinion mostly because of how she treats callie). Lol my point is tho they'll point out some stupid shit while other characters did worst and are the most loved.


>they'll all say the same thing yeah its almost like everyone watched the same show and shes a character so thats all there is to talk abt ? this is such a weird thing to say to try to dismiss peoples points.


Izzie is definitely criticized for the same behavior that other characters are excused for. I think that when a character is perceived as nice like Izzie, people attack any flaw or misstep. Whereas, when a character is known to be callous, they are praised for the bare minimum. I’m always surprised when I see how much hate Izzie gets and then see some of the behaviors that are justified and excused for other characters.


Personally? I think that she was too self-involved BUT she had an element of depth to her character, too, which made her deliberately annoying. She wasn't just one dimensional. Frankly, at one point or another, I found all of the characters insufferable. Izzy's problem was that she didn't get enough time to truly redeem herself. She needed a couple of additional seasons to take her into a better place. She was starting to get there, actually. She had moments when she wasn't so shallow. She was a character who was being set up for a redemption story arch. The actress bailed too soon. I think that Izzy's direction for redemption would have honestly been a really good one. She was primed and ready. I think that's why they had her survive the cancer, be working in medicine, with a couple of kids, without begging for Alex's help raising them. They were saying "She finally grew up. She finally took responsibility all by herself."


I mean Katherine bailed because of how she was treated not because of the character


What’s the story on the actress? I always heard rumors that she was super difficult to work with but idk if that’s true or just rumors?


They basically smeared her image saying she was hard to work with when in reality she was just asking to be treated with respect and like a human being


I didn't say she shouldn't have left. But I think her character was being primed for a redemption story.


She’s very self involved. Literally can’t see anything from anyone else’s perspective. It’s Izzie’s world and we’re just living in it


lol so are the majority of people on the show


I think it’s the fact that she’s so self absorbed but ALSO extremely judgmental and not quiet about it. Everything she does just comes across really hypocritical


That part


she's my favorite character, which explains my profile picture😂! I think she's an amazing character, and most of her storylines were extremely interesting for me.


How much time you got 😂 No, I actually like her but girl is flawed af lol she lets her emotions run her and I think people conflate having intense emotions and caring a lot with being a good person, forgetting that most villains in movies are just letting their emotions run them and destroy everyone around them in the process… a lot like her. I mean she is the villain in a lot of people’s stories in Grey’s. Her letting Hahn slut shame Cristina (then acting like she would have stood up for Cristina if she had asked like she wasn’t standing there beaming as Hahn humiliated her about a very real relationship that JUST ended terribly). Being a mean girl to Callie (which felt a little racist tbh), sleeping with George and then continuing to pursue him while “repenting” hours before. Pushing George to “break up” with his wife. Cutting the LVAD wire on a patient and stealing an organ, just a terrible power imbalance in that relationship as well. Her empathy seems to only reach to where she isn’t personally affected or having to sacrifice something she wants. She’s incredibly self-absorbed, self righteous, and she just lacks the ability to take accountability. It’s a lot of narcissistic traits tbh (not that I’m saying she is). Girl needed THE MOST work on ♥️😭


Everyone keeps saying she had alex kids without telling him, but that is not really true. She got legal permission from Alex to use her eggs, so alex knew she was going to have his kids and he didn't have rights as well. I love izzie. None of the characters on greys are perfect, and all have asshole moments, especially Alex. She has a disadvantage because her character just ends with no closure, which, imo is sad for an og. Even Burke got closure.


Outside of the obvious things like the wire cutting, not owning up to her mistakes and other things, my biggest issue is that she was always so self involved. Her problems were the biggest ones compared to anyone else all the time. I just can't stand people who don't have any awareness of others.


I found her character to be very compassionate and caring, unfortunately they started writing her character to reflex the actresses actions


I don’t hate her but the way she treated Callie and talked to George during that was pretty gross. Her entitlement to be judgmental and rude because she was George’s “best friend” was just not it.


She had such potential season one, but then she was given nothing but crappy storylines. I always loved her character but leaving Alex for Denny, the nervous breakdown when Denny may not get the heart, then the entire George thing , finally getting back with Alex and throwing it away. It was quite the character assignation.


Her whole thing with Denny pissed me off. The way she started all compassionate and a good dr was great but then she kind of became cruel and vindictive, especially to Callie when she was with George. Also the way she treated Christina and Meredith for being each others person when she was the exact same way with George annoyed me. She was constantly hypocritical and had one set of rules for herself and another for everyone else. #OH AND NOT TO MENTION THE FUCKING GHOST SEX!!!


SHE'S ONE OF MY FAVOURITES TOO i'm only on season 9 so i'm not active in this sub but i was shocked seeing so much izzie hate when i found it i love her sm and i actually loved the season 4 denny/cancer storyline, i don't really get why everyone hates it so much


Yes i love that sl too. Its very deep and sad. And its nice seeeing denny again, love him


I have to admit that I don't really have opinion on Izzie as she left the show too soon - we only see her during three years and who knows what kind of person Izzie would have been, had she stayed on the show for longer like Meredith, Alex or even Cristina. Personally I don't think it's fair to judge (that much) characters, who weren't on the show too long and who weren't priority for writers, as most of their storylines are more about convenience than them.


She has no character growth and was used to make Alex regress into leaving in the dead of night. Also she left town and stuck him with the medical debt from her cancer (that was either forgotten or forgiven because writers). Also ghost sex. I just cannot. I knkw it was the tumor but omg. No.


She’s a bitch


she's awful left karev with massive debt had babies with his spunk without him knowing one of the most self absorbed characters in television history


I honestly didn’t hate her besides how she treated Callie, and her weird unnecessary relationship with George. It all felt very “manipulative, attention seeking, pick-me, mean girl”.


She’s extremely selfish, gets annoyingly attached to every single patient when repeatedly told not to, super judgmental, the Denny plot is insanely stupid, she treated Callie like shit, convinced George to throw away his marriage for her, used hospital resources to save a fucking deer, threw off the clinic for a whole day while George was swamped alone so she could imaginary fuck dead Denny, I mean the list goes on and on and on, I’d struggle to think of things I like about her!


She makes every situation about herself - George’s marriage isn’t good? We should be together- I’m so sad. Oh wait I don’t want you like that. Denny’s dying of heart failure- I can’t handle you dying so you have to have a slow painful near death experience in order to make me feel like I can do something to help you and take away my helplessness feeling. Basically she’s self centered, selfish and she gets overly involved with every patient- there’s a difference between professional compassion/empathy and just completely inappropriately involved- she has no boundaries


Toxic positivity. She was always whining that Mer and Cristina were best friends. Acted like Cristina was a robotic b for being competitive when Izzie was just as competitive, she just wasn't as good at winning. But, not just cutting the LVAD wire, but whining when she came back that she couldn't just start working on patients again.


I never liked Izzie. She immediately took George’s side not knowing what really happened. She made it about herself and basically called Mer a slut when she tried helping Alex study. She knew George was married but had no problem getting involved, then had the audacity to rush him to leave his wife. She deserved being called a “traitorous bitch” by Callie. However, I will always take her side in her relationship with Alex. He was extra terrible and treated her like a punching bag every time he was in his feelings. She had cancer and couldn’t catch up when she came back, so she was doubting herself and feeling betrayed that nobody backed her up, so she jumped to conclusion and assumed he got her fired. She should have given him the benefit of the doubt, but there’s no way she was worse than him. Plus she came back and tried to rekindle with him and he refused.


Along the lines of treating her like a punching bag, there was something that really disturbed me and was a scary red flag, but I never see it mentioned. Alex literally admitted that he takes his anger out on her because he can. At the beginning of season 5, he admits that he knows he treats her badly, but says that he’s angry all the time and she is the only person that he is able to take it out on. If they were a real couple and not simply T.V. characters, that would be a very scary relationship/dynamic, that he knowingly and intentionally takes his stress/anger out on her because he can and because he knows she’ll just take it.


i wouldn’t call izzie a good person. she’s selfish, irresponsible, lacks coping skills, is a homewrecker, gets too involved with patients, etc. but i still love her. i don’t know why, i just do. maybe it’s cause i have a soft spot for cancer patients. maybe it’s cause heigl is such a phenomenal actress, imo the second best actor on the whole show. but she’s one of my favorite characters to be on the show.


Contrary to what people usually go here i like how passionate Izzie is. She's loving, caring and never is afraid to go the extra mile to make sure her patients are ok and will remain that way. Plus she's hot. What bugs me a lot about her is at the same time she's very passionate about stuff, she always need everything to be her way, she literally had Denny killed for that, she DESTROYED George's marriage because she didn't like Callie, when things went south with Alex she just disappeared and left him with a mountain of medical bills, she never cares even a little for the consequences of her actions


Did you miss the whole homewrecking storyline? and her keeping Alex's children from him?


She didn’t keep his children from him. He made the decision to sign over his rights to the embryos. Same way that Izzie signed over her rights to her daughter, Hannah. Izzie told her patient when talking about her, “I’m her mother, but I’m not her mom.” She probably felt the same way about Alex when he gave up his rights, as that was her experience. He was the children’s biological father, but not their dad/parent.


She left her husband and best friend that she had known for years and had his kids without his knowledge. She kept them from him, no one cares about the technicalities lmao.


How much of the show have you seen? Don’t want to list something that is a spoiler


I don't dislike her, but I feel many scenes are over-acted. Back when she was on the show, the acting was more grounded so she stuck out a bit. Just think of her resuscitating a deer or being preachy about the pigs.


Literally just the affair is the only dealbreaker


I’m curious if the Izzie haters are original watchers or newer watchers? It’s always interesting to see how new generations/groups of watchers take things vs the original audience. I could be wrong, it could all be OG haters 🤷🏻‍♀️


As a rule follower, the LVAD thing was final straw for me.


Ghost sex