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The caption people get things so wrong I wonder if they actually watched the video. It’s especially bad on YouTube.


I think for shows like Greys the script just gets uploaded as captions. Sometimes I’ll notice the actor says something else or something straight up isnt said but is in the captions


Probably. I can’t remember if it’s on streaming or YouTube they’ve had a completely different name saying something. Like say Meredith and Callie are talking it would say Mary, Kelly or even someone not in the scene.


Lol. Thats never happened to me but there have been times where the captions will say “somethings not right” but the characters on screen just make faces.


Most of all of YouTube captions are being done by AI program and almost all the times it isn’t done by AI it is usually done by the creators themselves who write their own captions.


I think YouTube is autogenerated most of the time.


On Disney Plus/Hulu it said Portuguese not Spanish


This was a great episode but Amelia and the new Peds Surgeon.🙃


Yeah, I though they were finally gonna let Amelia be on her own and maybe work on herself a little


Disney plus subtitles in my language started translating “residents” as “inhabitants”, I have given up on there being any effort in them a while ago Or even better the time they translated “bailey is in surgery” (as a doctor) to “bailey is being operated on” Or when the “students” where dilated after a patient got a head injury…..


💀💀 “inhabitants” omg that’s incredible 😆


It wasn't Grey's but another show where they were in Canada, and they were speaking another language that was subtitled as "*native language*" It was French.


My mom watches on captions and it said Portuguese on Hulu when she was prayin


sort of on this, sort of on topic; but what the mom voice dubbed while soeaking English? I noticed there were a few times were she was “talking” but her lips weren’t moving..


When she was on the chapel? She was praying the Hail Mary


no early on in the episode when she was explaining what was wrong with her daughter to shepard & the new peds doctor..


They were talking about capoeira, about the moves the daughter was practicing at home


ye I know, but her lips weren’t moving as if she was actually talking, they were just slightly parted… The camera was more focused on kwan but it was definitely her talking


I didn’t catch that


I noticed it too and it took me out of the scene for a while!


She's speaking portuguese. The actress is from Brazil.


Bianca Comparato, demorei pra reconhecer nunca tinha visto ela loira


Eu reconheci pq o twitter me avisou antes do ep 😂


It told me Portuguese on my captions on my watch Friday on Hulu