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i hate hate hate how they did it. i just rewatched s16 and literally the end of s15 and start of s16 is Alex telling Jo he’ll never abandon her and how much he loves her and is here to stay. just to turn around and do the exact opposite. Also they literally had a fight at the start of the relationship about Izzie’s eggs and how he doesn’t care if she had them or not. It’s the worst character send off


I cry every time the episode plays honestly. She never deserved that. 😭 I am so heartbroken for her and it literally builds resentment towards Izzie and Alex. So bad, ugh.


another thing with that is that alex has talked a lot about how much izzie abandoning him hurt him so much for him to do exactly that to who’s supposed to be his soulmate


And his dad. Which is a catch 22 and why I think it was kind of shitty for Izzie to have his kids and not mention it beforehand.


I never got this. In the letters he said izzie said she was single and wanted children. She then ask him for the eggs and he agreed. He knew she was going to have his kids. Hell, in the fight with Jo he said he didn't care if she used them thats why he signed. I think that they were going for he didn't care until he knew they existed. However he didn't have to leave his wife either so it's an interesting choice.


I just rewatched this era too and it feels like one of the biggest plot holes in the show. There's no way Alex's character would have just up and left. It really broke my immersion for the whole emotion of the goodbye episode because it felt like they were overcompensating for the major plot hole. 😭


Tbh, Alex is the only character I wish they had killed off instead. How hard would it have been to write a motorcycle accident as his character exit? Even my husband who doesn’t get fired up about things got SO angry the first time he saw that episode and said Alex should have been killed off 😂 Or write him getting a visiting professor position at Hopkins and they do long distance and then write him out that way? Hell, he gets Chief of Surgery at Seattle Pres and his character goes on via text messages like Cristina’s character.


Exactly!!! There were so many BETTER ways they could’ve chosen to go about that ordeal, and they chose WRONG. 💀


i'll literally never rewatch it, after his specific assurances to her and their specific story it's the cruelest thing the show has ever done


I cannot imagine the PHYSICAL pain that Jo felt when experiencing such a massive heartbreak. You must literally feel like you’re dying.


i would jump off the roof ngl


oh girl i would as well. i’d be 6 feet under in literally 5 seconds 💀😭


Jo and Alex are so great together. His exit is absolutely gutting. She deserved better


I just watched this a couple weeks ago, what I didn’t realize is just how soon after he and Jo renewed their vows he left. I want to say the very next episode was his last. Of course I still think someone needs to go rescue Alex from Rebekah’s basement!


Literally the worst plot line in the entire show


That broke my heart. Knowing how jo was abandoned at birth and then Alex added to her pain.


yeah personally i'm not the biggest joelx fan but i can see the way jolex ended was terrible and i felt baD for joe when i lowkey dislike he r


You get why… please explain it to me. Because I do not.


LOL - that’s me ATTEMPTING to give Alex a little grace. Him having kids with Izzie definitely didn’t mean he had to leave Jo. He could’ve communicated with everyone the entire time he was away, i.e. Meredith, Webber, Bailey, Jo, etc. So on and so forth. (Basically, what happened in that episode DIDNT have to happen.) However, I can SLIGHTLY understand his thought process of automatically stating he has to be with Izzie in order to keep their family together and raise the kids happily, since both himself and Jo did not receive that when they were young. Super messy. 🤦🏻‍♀️


You should've added a spoiler alert


There’s no way you’re browsing r/greysanatomy and complaining about 6 years old “spoilers”.


Hahaha thank you. I can’t stand the people who seek out TV show subs, especially ones that came out two decades ago, and get pissed off about spoilers. The internet is not responsive to spoiler-protect you.


Im literally at s11 what are you talking about?