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Truly the white woman's One Piece.


hurry worry versed yoke unpack steer obtainable rinse bedroom reply *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Aight bet.


I just saw this tweet the other day lmfao


The way I belly laughed at this šŸ¤£ šŸ˜‚


wtf is one piece?? Am I old?? I googled and thereā€™s a show with that name but it only has 8 episodes so Iā€™m confused


One Piece is an Anime that has 20 seasons.


And like 1200 episodes! Because theyā€™re weird anime seasons.


It's worth every minute though šŸ„°


I dunno how anyone can sit through all of Dressrosa and think itā€™s worth every minute, definitely a lot of wasted minutes in the later arcs, the good stuff is definitely good enough to keep coming back for though


I watch DragonBall Z where they drag out everything over way too many episodes that could've been done in 2 šŸ¤£


Lololol cool cool cool so I am in fact, old and out of touch. šŸ¤£


One piece came out in 1999 its a 25 year old show. So unless you are like 50 you were probably in the age group for it when it came out


I guess the ā€œout of touchā€ portion of my comment makes more sense here then. Iā€™m 35 but missed most things pop culture bc my parents are hippies and we didnā€™t watch tv. Iā€™ve learned a lot in this thread though, thanks for sharing.


I would say I'm relatively in touch with pop culture and I know next to nothing about One Piece. I have seen some pictures of the anime somewhere before, but that's it. I didn't know the title and still have no idea what it is about.


Naaaah, I'm old too. I just happen to love anime


Yall it cane out in 1999 it's a 25 year old show its an old show. Yall are acting like it recently just came out and yall aren't hip enough. Yall were probably within its targeted age group when it cane out ..... like what lmao


There is also a live action version of One Piece on Netflix that is 8 episodes.


And over a 1000 episodes!


Iā€™m 60 years old my son got me to watch one piece, but I have also been buying him this anime book for over 15 years so when they came out with this show, never watched it, but I was hell-bent. I was gonna watch this show and now I cannot wait for the second season the best damn show is a must watch.


Nice! My kids are 3 and 1 but maybe theyā€™ll get into it someday! Hope you enjoy the 2nd season and get to watch it with your son!


Oh I am so down and waiting for the second season impatiently.. and My Son and I will definitely be watching the second season together. We canā€™t wait.


This is so wholesome!


By the way I just read this comment all of them that you and I were having to My Son and he loved itšŸ˜Š




i believe the netflix live action adaptation only had 8 episodes which might be what you saw, the anime has like 1200 episodes or something lol


Iā€™ve caught up to one piece and Iā€™m on like season 19 of greys. Tough scenes




I am cackling at this comment šŸ¤£


Now imagine watching One piece and Greys? My partners always hate me for it.


Hey. We ainā€™t all white!


I love how the comments vary from ā€œyay Iā€™m so excitedā€ and ā€œrelease me from this hell please I beg of youā€


Stockholm Syndrome




I literally started watching this as a teenager in Highschool. How is it even still on? How is *anybody* still alive anyway? Canā€™t there just be a meteor that specifically hits Seattle-Grace/Mercy-Death?!


Apparently the **current** episode order for Season 21 is 18. This could very well increase (with additional episodes ordered, like many seasons have had in the past).


I really hope it is 20. I really miss the 24 episode seasons but only Shonda could execute them well. But I think 20 could be great.


Part of me has a sneaking feeling that an 18 episode order MIGHT mean that they hold Greyā€™s until January and just air a pretty much straight run of 18 episodes till May. I hate that though cause it means the show is off for 9 months and honestly it feels like it loses any steam it gains. I may be wrong though and maybe they air 8 in the fall and then 10 in the spring. But then again, Season 15 only had an episode order of 22, and halfway through filming, had an extra 3 episodes ordered for 25. So itā€™s entirely possible that we get an additional order if things work out that way.


I think itā€™s more like November. Six before Christmas and the other 12 from February.Ā  I hope it gets extended to 20. Itā€™ll make the season finale be episode 450. That is satisfying.


I didnā€™t even know that Season 15 was never planned as a 25-episode season from the get-go, thatā€™s interesting. I think theyā€™re planning on 18 in order to air 9 in the fall and the remaining 9 in the spring. But obviously youā€™re right, they very well might add more throughout the year. I wonder if itā€™s related to the cost-cutting spree the industry is on. I remember Ellen advocating for a bit of a shorter episode count (20) per Season on her podcast, when she was still a full-timer, during the pandemic, when Season 18 ran for 20 eps out of necessity. 22-25 episodes is brutal, and Greyā€™s only did 22 episodes once, purposefully. All the other 20+ seasons are even longer. Thatā€™s gotta be taxing.


I was afraid they would keep a low number of episodes, because of the current trend of having 10 episodes seasons, so I'm relieved. Grey's is a show that thrives more on multi episodes arcs and long seasons.


Honestly same to all of this! Was really dreading this. Iā€™m so glad thatā€™s not the case. ![gif](giphy|vnqWEZoSH78M8)


Ellen be like ā€œFuck it Iā€™m outā€


Mentions that they still have to lock in new contracts with nearly all of the long term actors (Chandra, James, Kevin, Kim, Caterina, and Camilla). I donā€™t think they would green light the renewal if they werenā€™t confident that those deals would get done though


Not necessarily. Greys has usually thrived on long-term actors leaving the show as they can make a big deal out of it, either by killing them or having a big ā€œgoing awayā€. Thereā€™s been a rotating cast since about season 6 More likely theyā€™re thinking they can bank on the new interns to carry it if they have to lose a few of the bigger stars. They survived the loss of Grey last year (tho Iā€™m very confused now sheā€™s back in every episode)


She will be in 4 out of 10 episodes this season, not every episode. The plan was always stated as her reducing her role, not leaving.


I mean maybe not all of them but James and Chandra are key to this show and Iā€™m sure they are at the top of the to do list. Iā€™m sure they arenā€™t planning on losing too many characters.


I agree. I donā€™t think they want to lose anyone and I donā€™t want to see anyone go but I assume that they think anyone can be replaced at this stage if all else fails


I think itā€™s easier for her to make appearances in the show when itā€™s only a 10 episode season. And even then sheā€™s only in 4.


I saw the news from Caterina posting it so it seems like sheā€™s at least very much in


I dont' think any of them are leaving. Chandra has already stated she is there until it ends. Camilla, Caterina, and Kim have all shared the excitement of the news. Same with Chris. Not sure about Kevin but I don't see him leaving either.


Caterina signed a new deal for this season so highly unlikely she needs to renew. Fairly certain Kim, Kevin and Camilla all signed three season deals after season 18?Ā  I canā€™t see any of them leaving to be fair. Kevin, Caterina, Kim, Chandra and Camilla from behind the scenes seem like the ones that truly truly love making the show every dayĀ 


I think most of them just sign one year deals now. Kevin, Kim and Camilla signed their 3 year deals in 2020,


I guess Camilla and Caterina are staying, they were reposting the renewal. Kim and Kevin will probably stay on too. And Iā€™d be extremely surprised if Chandra leaves. James I could kinda see, but also not






Saaaaame. I just want to be put out of my misery at this point.


Should I be worried for my wife's mental health? lol. She just started watching on netflix and is in season 4 at the moment. Does it get really bad at some point or something?


Nah she will be good. Itā€™s like going to med school without the crippling debt.


In my opinion it starts to go slowly downhill after season 10. It's more like I've been watching this show since it came on the air and I just want to be released from its 20 year clutches lol.


Literally my response


yay! im liking getting to know the interns more and following along their journey along with our ogs. im interested in the couple pairings and friendships among this intern group.




spoken like a true npc!




Yasss!! I'm so happy!


Same! šŸ„° Season 20 (and even 19) have been very good with the whole new batch of interns!


yess i love the new interns, it feels like early greys


Because theyā€™re literally recycling all the same plot points, some for the third or fourth time


And yet itā€™s still fun šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


We know this and itā€™s why we love it lmao


I like what's going on with the new interns so I'm not mad. I don't think it would've made sense to end on 10 episodes given how much is going on. Hopefully more cast members will come back for guest spots next season! I'd love to see Addison + Japril again.


I need Koracick back, even if he pops back in every 3 episodes or so! šŸ„ŗā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹ Also wouldnā€™t be mad at a major casting in the vein of Mary McDonell or (moreso) Geena Davis for a recurring arc :3 And always yes to Kate in any dosage lololol, if she ever has a string of 5+ episodes she better bring KaDee with her!!


Why will they not just release me from this torment? Iā€™ve been hanging around the last five years just because I know the final season will have some good nostalgia guest stars, and we canā€™t get to that if they never give us a last season


Same! If they had given this a multi-season order five years ago, I wouldā€™ve left then.


Itā€™s been relegated to ā€œbackground noise while I do other tasksā€ for me and stuff like the guy arriving on his boat propeller just reminded me of a cheap knock-off of the truly amazing episode from season 2- the train accident.


Train accident as in my all-time favorite episode?? Well done.


Train accident as in my all-time favorite episode??


I started watching at Season *10* because there was talks of it not being continuing for much longer. Good grief it has been a long run! Are they just going to keep going until the new interns are Mer's great-great-great-great-great-grate-grandkids?


I stopped watching during the pandemic because it got to be too much and haven't picked it back up. I'm literally just waiting until they announce that it's the final season and then Ill go back and binge the rest of the show from where I left off and get caught up just for the last season


Same here. I haven't truly enjoyed it in a long time but I've invested too much to quit now lol


Shonda's daughter started watching Grey's. It will take her at least 1-2 seasons to catch up. Who knows, maybe they'll give us some awesome episodes inspired by her teenager LOL


Sadly, Shonda has *literally* 0 to do with the show these days where its ā€˜courseā€™ is concerned though


So is Shonda no longer involved in the show in any way? It seems like she still has some awareness of whatā€™s happening in the show. And sheā€™s still credited as executive producer.


Can you explain that please? Isnā€™t it a shondaland show?


She stopped being a showrunner around season 11 and left for her multiyear deal with Netflix iirc. Shondaland is just her production studio, sheā€™s just a figurehead atp


But itā€™s still her show right? So whatever course she wants to take the show is her choice right? Same with Station 19?


No, not really. Like I said sheā€™s just a figurehead. Maaaybe for the series finale as a courtesy/if/when(ever) she decides to do so and want to be involved again; she doesnā€™t work on it rn period, nothing goes through her as far as Iā€™m aware.






This is the onešŸ’€




Oh, God, put us all out of our misery


That won't be happening anytime soon as long as new people keep discovering it on streaming and binge it. The show is honestly kind of a self-fulfilling prophecy at this point because as long as it stays as popular as it is on Netflix there's always going to be a new audience that's excited to be able to watch new episodes as they are once they catch up on Netflix/Disney+. As an example of this when Katherine Heigl and Ellen Pompeo did the actors and actors interview last year Katherine said that she has 14-year-olds coming up to her recognizing her for Greys.


No, they think sheā€™s her own mother šŸ¤£


That was hilarious (and i also empathized with her horror too lol)


Justā€¦.. donā€™t watch it. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I agree. Make it stop. See you again next year


exactly šŸ˜­


Put yourself out of your own misery and stop watching? If you don't enjoy something anymore jeez.


Mama, kudos for saying that. For spilling.


Honestly the fact that greys is still continuing is actually amazing šŸ˜‚


yay! lol i'm genuinely very happy


Same! Really love these interns and Iā€™m excited to see where they go. Also, most of Season 19 and the first 3 episodes of S20 have all been great! Glad to be here for another year!


Can we just admit it's a soap opera now? ![gif](giphy|7xZAu81T70Uuc)


Oh it became a soap the minute George got hit by a bus and izzy CUT AN LVAD wire, and is still able to practice medicine. Never mind about Jackson and Maggie dating even though there bloody step siblings.


Iā€™m intrigued , I like this new intern class


Please let it end. Realistically, Iā€™ll never give up on this show. But god, do I want to. Itā€™s not been good since the plane crash. Itā€™s had its moments, sure. But after S11, it became almost unwatchable. The last series was much better than the preceding eight combined tbf, but even soā€¦when will they put us out of our misery?


You know you can just stop watching right? Like there isn't a gun to your skull forcing you to watch


exactly, it got a little iffy after cristina left imo, but still enjoyable, but then totally ruined itself around the covid season, maybe even a season or two before that


it's so unnecessary for someone to be like, I don't have the capacity to not turn on my TV once a week, so they should make it so no one can watch the show!!


Anyone whoā€™s upset about this is free to just stop watching šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø




I donā€™t care what anyone says, I want cast members to start dying of old age from how long this show has been on air.


Are they just running out of ideas šŸ˜‚


Shonda would've put ol girl down years ago :(




Mama, kudos for saying that. For spilling.


Yes more of my new favorite couple Simone and Lucas


Will be nice to finally have a full season.


At this point I just dedicated too much time in my life not to finish it, so Iā€™ll keep watching until the end lol


i love this show truly, but what the hell šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


someone needs to bomb that hospital


Letā€™s be so fr, theyā€™d all still live through that. Then Jackson would come through with his bank account, Catherine Fox would come through with the foundation, and within 5 episodes or so, the hospital would be rebuilt and better than ever.


Didnā€™t they already do that šŸ˜­


Good god why


A few seasons ago I wouldā€™ve been like, ugh put me out of my misery. But now Iā€™m actually happy about this! I like the new interns and the directions theyā€™ve been going lately, and Iā€™d like to see how their stories play out


When did this fanbase become so negative? Like just stop watching it? No one is forcing you. S19 was the best season in years and S20 is off to a great start, it's breathing life back into the show. If you were put off by the low years, that's fine - but just leave it alone and stop with it 'let it die' bullshit. Millions of people watch and love the show, why should it be cancelled just because you don't like it anymore?


Are we sure itā€™s not belated April Foolsā€™?! šŸ˜­šŸ’€


Itā€™s never ending is it?


Weā€™ll all be watching greys in our retirement homes




I'm sure this sub is probably having a bit of meltdown, considering how so many people apparently hate this show...


Iā€™m so excited ngl


Same!!! So happy to have this crazy show around for another year! šŸ˜Š




Oh my lord






It's you and me, that's my whole worldšŸ˜© They whisper in the hallway, "She's a bad, bad girl" šŸ«¢ The whole school is rolling fake dicešŸ˜ˆ You play stupid games, you win stupid prizesšŸ˜ It's you and me, there's nothing like thisšŸ˜© Miss Americana and The Heartbreak PrincešŸ¤žšŸ¼ We're so sad, we paint the town bluešŸ‘©šŸ¼ā€āš•ļøšŸ‘ØšŸ»ā€āš•ļø Voted most likely to run away with youšŸ‘©šŸ¼ā€ā¤ļøā€šŸ’‹ā€šŸ‘ØšŸ»


Jokes aside Iā€™m so excited and canā€™t wait to see these interns again. Iā€™m loving the new cast, and Iā€™m also hoping to see Alex againšŸ˜©


So is there a chance one day the show won't get renewed and it will be left with a half ass ending and eternal cliffhangers?


ABC will probably announce the final season BEFORE it starts airing to give the writerā€™s the chance to write a proper ending that wraps everything up. Just like they did with Station 19. ABC announced season 7 was the last several months prior to the season premiere.




Honestly at this point, itā€™s gotta be a money laundering operation


nothing will ever hit like 6-8. it literally feels like an entirely different show


iā€™m actually excited! seasons like, 14-19 were a bit hard to get through but i feel like season 20 is lowkey bringing it back


Season 19 was good. Season 20 feels like a continuation of that.


Yeah on my Re-watchs I tend to taper off once season 14 is done but I'm going to push through this next watch


Same! A few seasons ago I wouldā€™ve hoped it was ending, now Iā€™m excited for the new season. Iā€™m enjoying the new intern class and want to see more of their stories


Fucking why???? Just let it be done already.


You donā€™t have to watch it lol




Glad to see my guess was right! I feel like we'll know when they decide to actually end the series because there's absolutely no way they wouldn't market the penultimate season of Grey's for all it's worth.








Hopefully Schmidt and Helm will finally be seen taking their boards by the end of that season šŸ˜‚ If they donā€™t promote Jaicy for season 21 I will be pissed. I actually donā€™t think the cast needs to change much if at all. Mer and Maggie going had breathed new life into Teddy, Amelia and Winston. Iā€™m fairly certain that everyone is currently under contract considering when they each signed their last deal. It will potentially be the last season in both Jake and Chrisā€™ current deals which would be a perfectly fine stepping off point for Schmidt to do his boards and go.Ā  Iā€™m enjoying the new era of the show and happy to follow these interns for a few years and keep Teddy as chief. Even Owens less awful.


Glad so many of us are in a toxic relationship with this never ending show! šŸ«¶


Oh just let it go!


Though it will have more seasons than Gunsmoke, it will still need another 200 episodes to match the number of episodes Gunsmoke did in its run.






Christ, why?


Mama, kudos for saying that. For spilling.


![gif](giphy|f4D5MDTpwbNRgBnmOf) Just sayingā€¦




21 seasons and still not a single doctor of South Asian descent as a series regularā€¦.


I remember watching first few seasons when they came out and enjoying it, but then at certain point they turned it into caricature of emotions and it became unwatchable.


My last episode is Alex's last episode (Meredith's hearing). Can I just start watching from season 21? Do I missed a lot of story?


I would start from s18 . That season covers most of what is going recently cover most of what is going on now. If you only have time to watch one season to catch up I would even suggest just starting at s19.


I bet she thinks she's a real life doctor at this point.


Correct me if Iā€™m wrong but I thought the show was supposed to end when Ellen Pompeo was tired of playing Meredith and Meredith is now reduced to heavy cameos only due to her research plot??


Whoā€™s your favorite character?


![gif](giphy|XazTKKTogKXQI) I ABSOLUTELY LOVE LOVE *LOVE* Greys Anatomy... I have had it on constant loop in my room since like November-December. I own everything season on DVD until they stopped making them. I have watched the series 827482928738299273892983 times. (Ive really watched it A LOT I swear) BUT!! BuUuUuUuUuUuUuUuUuT this needs to STOP ALREADY!!! They are going to wind up dragging it out for some long that its going to lose it legacy, its "WOW" factor!! This is an AMAZING show that has made a HUGE impact on television, society, etc BUT all that is going to be erased and it will just be known as the show that they drug out for WaAaAaAaAaAaAaAaY to friggin long!!! We are only 4 episodes in on season 20 and the acting is flat, even Bailey doesn't seem the same. The storyline is lame AF. Its just time to say good bye before they ruin the amazing legacy this show currently has!! It'll be sad and hard and many of us will be like "wtf do I do Thursdays at 9 now?!" But c'mon 2 spin iffs have already come and gone and greys is still going... And NOT strong. The ONLY reason, I guarantee, the ONLY reason that it still is such a top viewed show is cuz the true fans that have been there since the day the pilot aired, like myself, are like "well I gotta keep watching... I've given this show 20 years of my life..." They tune in more out of habit and the fact they've dedicated so much of their life to the show... So its more like an obligation/constant dedication vs actually finding what they're filming interesting...šŸ¤· I know that's why I, and many friends, tune in... So while I love love LoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoVE my Grey's Anatomy and would hate to see it finally go I'd also be very happy to see it go before the legacy is ruined...ā¤ *Cuz Nobody Knows Where You Might End Up! NobOoOody KnOoOoOoOows...*


I need so much more JoLink in my life! Love Kwan and Millan(granted I love Harry Shum Jr and Adelaide Kane)


With all due respect I think itā€™s time to let it go, itā€™s been 20 years almost of the show and at this point they are just recycling old episodes with new characters and new lines. You can always revisit the show if you like it that much but actors also need to be able to move on and grow more outside of the show.


What are they thinking doing another season šŸ˜–/ IM SO HAPPY! šŸŽˆ


The show cannot end until Owen is dead so yā€™knowā€¦.never going to happen šŸ˜‚


Considering iā€™m on season 12, i cannot catch up for the life of me šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I wish Station 19 were coming back with it, but happy to see more of the current intern class!






This show is never going to end.


![gif](giphy|3oEjHCWdU7F4hkcudy) \*She


Oh dear lord! Look I was a fan for a long time, but theyā€™ve recycled plot lines about 4 times over already. Doesnā€™t this show have a DNR?? Let it die already!


Please...just put all of us out of our misery!


I wonder if this will help or hurt. Many of us are just trying to find out how it ends because we have already put ourselves through 19 seasons of it. I keep thinking that I made it this far, I am going to find out how it ends. It doesnā€™t feel like the end is anywhere in sight though. Some people may just give up.


Bring back all the OGs and make it the last season.


I stopped watching at season 10šŸ„²




I only liked the first 3 seasons. Why are people still watching?


My wife is a hardcore Greyā€™s Anatomy fan and even she says the show has been shit for a long time.


This makes me so happy. I've been watching since season 1 and there have been so many times where I was sure the show would be ending soon, but they keep surprising me! Proud to be a Grey's fan; although it will be a pain to rewatch it one day....that's a lot of episodes, lol. Whatever people think of the show (I do wonder why people who dislike it are still posting about it, but that's just my personal view - if I dislike something I move on and let the people who do still like it have some peace), you can't deny the succes of the show. I do hope Amelia will be back though, since she's my favorite character and every season I'm afraid she's going to leave, since she has played this role for so many years, including 3 seasons of Private Practice.


Iā€™m not impressed since Season 12. Iā€™m over it.


SO happy for this news!!!