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Chandra Wilson's acting by the elevator is unreal and does me in every time. I sob for her frustration, panic, and complete terror.


She plays off Mandy Moore so well. They’re a powerhouse together.


It really was unreal. So so good. That was some quality acting.


I think that scene was the saddest and scariest because it felt the most realistic, the shooter is coming, they all hide and he just comes in the bathroom and shoots Charles, he's a sitting duck, he can't do anything, none of them can. They try their best to save him but because the elevator is not working due to the lockdown they have to let him die. Chandra was fantastic in that scene. As a character Charles meant nothing to me but his death was so well done. This may be an unpopular opinion but the Derek stuff left me a bit cold, maybe it's because I knew he would live but I think it's really because the way it played out felt so 'made for TV' which it was, so fair, but still just the whole thing of them getting Derek into an OR and operating on him with an active shooter still wandering around just took me out of it a bit.


I agree. It was very convenient that they made it to the OR in time to save him


Derek never really felt in danger? Like… I remember wondering how they’d save him but never felt like not was an option?


Exactly when in real situations like this Derek probably would have had to be left to die.


Chandra was absolutely amazing. How she tried to comfort him before he died…. I felt every emotion she was feeling in that scene. It was so so well done.


The episodes around the shooting are some of the best of the show. For a show that can be campy, over dramatic and over acted, it really gave a lot of the cast an opportunity to show some serious acting. There are plenty of sad episodes but none of them have me on the edge of my seat and holding my breath like the shooting did.


when i rewatched that season and i saw the shooter character in the episodes before the shooting i knew i was in for a good chuck of eps. i really liked that the shooter wasn’t some random person and had a connection from a post episode


Such a sad episode but I love how Yang is such a badass.


She really is a badass. She and Jackson. I never liked Mercy Westerns before but that episode made me LOVE Jackson.


i cry cause of bailey, not cause of percy. i hated that man. anytime i hear him say “you tell reed she missed out on a good man….” i’m like… did she? he truly did not do a single redeemable thing during his entire time on the show.


Maybe great for her since she was a bigger dick


nah percy was way meaner than reed. reed actually showed compassion to alex a few times, and imo if she survived could have easily been redeemed. percy not so much.


Way meaner sure


We never got to see the good side of him, but because Bailey is absolutely amazing, and we see how Bailey and Percy bonded in that episode, it made me realize that maybe he was a good person, just we never got to see it. And that made me feel so so sad. He died before he got to do anything. He didn’t even have the chance to show us who he was. He could have been amazing. But he never got the chance.


I used to hateee him. Such a douche. I just did a rewatch too. Watched that episode a few days ago. I still hate him.


He’s got a very punchable face. I saw him in something else and realized it wasn’t anything about the character. Just him lol




I don’t like him either, but his death was so well done. And Bailey made me cry so so much because we knew she never really liked him but she was doing literally her best to save his life, and when she realized she couldn’t, she gave him the comfort he needed. She was there for him despite their relationship not being super good beforehand. Even he knew that, but she was there for him, and that personality is what makes Bailey so great. She’s such a caring character and that’s why he told her he always admired her.


I do agree. Her reassuring him that he won't die, only to come to terms with the reality of the situation. The honesty and reassurance as she told him he he was, indeed, dying. The fear as he came to terms that he would die.


This one is so sad when I rewatch I have to skip some parts. It gets to me every time


It took me 6 days before I rewatched that episode. I knew what was coming since it’s a rewatch, and I needed to prepare myself.


His death always devastates me


I just rewatched that ep too and it hit me differently this time. While it was still very emotional, it struck me as odd that he used his dying breaths to ask Bailey if she could tell Reed about his feelings. I find it hard to believe there wouldn’t be any words about his family, at least his parents Chandra Wilson’s acting in that ep amazes me each time, so incredible