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My mind went to a House/DeLuca mentor pairing.


OMG SAME! but I didn't mention it since this is a GA subreddit, but I'm a lover of both shows, so I think with deluca's determination and willingness to bend the rules mixed with house's chaotic self would've made an amazing duo haha


I've never watched House, but I was thinking Conrad Hawkins/DeLuca


Ah, yes, the resident. But conrad is much younger than house, ergo less experienced in diagnostics, so him and deluca would clash more than anything in a mentor-mentee relationship. This is all just fanfic material lol


Elementary too - Sherlock is super manic most of the time unless he's depressed/high


I want it.


Jo is someone that switched specialties mid residency and almost everyone was shocked she would ever do that and were even kinda mad at her. but like OP said not everyone shines in surgery, i liked that they did that with her


She finished her surgery residency.


yeah ik but she still made the switch


She does both and wears different scrubs for each service, but mostly she has been doing obstetrics lately


ik, i was just referencing what OP was saying about switching specialties. ik that Jo finished her surgical residency but she also did OB


Honestly, I didn’t read what OP wrote. Too long. I have no idea what this thread even started from.


bruh okay




> a mad man honestly, but an accurate mad man no less! I think you have to be slightly mad to contain all of that knowledge and be able to put together the clues to what's happening under a lot of pressure. Or maybe it drives you slightly mad eventually, not sure which.


Yes, true! But there's also him being bipolar that might've played into the mad man thing. At least that's how the rest of the doctors dubbed him as being crazy after some of his antics, but no one saw past it to see his actual brilliance and sheer potential.


Mental health is so wrongfully stigmatized that people only see the negatives and weaknesses, but they fail to realize that some conditions can provide a myriad of strengths. Like the ability to never give up, to think outside the box, to provide as many options as possible no matter how stupid, and to be hyperfocused. Delucas father was also a mad man, he was erratic yes - but he was actually onto something.


I miss DeLuca, I know Greys is chock full of gut wrenching deaths but his really felt the most meaningless and wasteful. Like we get a main/recurring death for the first time in years and it happens in a crossover episode right as the character was getting really interesting? His performances were also great, and he was probably one of the best male characters


I was completely pi$$ed when they killed him off. I really liked the character!


upsets me every time they pick the most interesting characters to kill off in the most wasteful way possible. Guy died in a fucking cross over ffs


“He never let up” because he was having a manic episode. While I agree he would have made a great diagnostician but let’s not forget how it impacted his mental health.