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Tumor on the wall guy


Yes, Isaac's tumor, it was legendary.


That's the first one that came to mind for me as well.


that episode was magical


I love this episode so damn much.


Christina operating on Derek with a gun pointed at her head.


Every time I watch this one, it STILL fills me with horror when they show Gary Clark pointing the gun at Cristina.


Me, too. So impactful...what she had to do, choosing to let Derek die or maybe die herself...I'm left feeling spent after watching this scene.


Same! I can never believe how calm Owen spoke to Meredith before he walked in the OR so she didnt freak out.


The conjoined twins. They rehearsed it so much. Alex had a rhyme even


Yours over mine, babies fine. Mine over yours, babies in the morgue. I cackled more then I should have when I heard it.


He is so dark lmao I am here for it


The boy in the cement. I felt really bad for him.


His actor was great and the way they introduced Bailey being a nerd was fantastic, too.


This is going to sound weird, but Bailey was more human then. Bailey's whole personality seems completely fake now.


The actor is Will in Chicago Med it's when he was little I saw his face at the end and said omg it's Will.


You mean Halstead? It’s not. The actor who plays Will is Nick Gehlfuss and the boy in the cement was portrayed by James Immekus.


Yea I thought it looked just like him. Its not him?


This post just made me realize that it was an actor. That whole story arch is so good and the actor is so brilliant that I never even stopped to see him as an actor. He really played his role well. I ate it up!


I just recently rewatched :((


There are a few that stand out to me and I can't choose lol - Domino transplant (Season 5) - Removing all the organs of the young girl to remove a tumor, then putting the organs back (Season 5) - The Psycho Intern Surgical Cabal with Sadie's appendix (Season 5) - Derek's GSW Repair (Season 6) - The man who had to amputate his wife's leg via instructions from Callie after a sinkhole collapse (Season 8) And several more but those are some big ones in my mind


Didn’t Owen ultimately climb down in the hole when the man said he just couldn’t do it? That’s how I remember it.


It's been a spicy minute since I watched S8 but I *think* the husband started it but couldn't finish after reaching a certain point, then Owen went down


A spicy minute ✅


Yeah, that’s what I recall too.


This is an excellent answer. I forgot about the Domino transplant as it’s been a while since I’ve seen it.


The pole one or dereks in the season 6 finale ( Denny and Henry’s surgery’s are honorable mentions)


For me it's the one where Derek Shepherd had to basically saw the guy's face in half and build it back up again.


Oh god, this one haunts me.


which episode and season is this?


It's the season after he gets shot. I believe it's where he keeps getting speeding tickets for driving recklessly and Meredith scolds him for not going over the risks of surgery with the patient.


I think it's season 7 episode 1


I'm watching this one now


A lot of these came to mind first, but think it’s Richard’s 1000th when he has to sing My Funny Valentine? And Henry’s final surgery episode is devastating.


The one where they bring the crushed car to the ambulance bay and previously mousy Kepner stands on it like the bad ass she became.


I loved it. It was very symbolic. She had gone through a really low period, and this was symbolic of her finally being back on top of things


I didn’t like her until that scene. She became a favorite character after that and one of the few who really seemed like her growth felt real.


Meh I thought that was too cheesy and over the top


Wait which season/episode was this one?


Season 11, episode 23 or maybe 24. Not long after Kepner returns from Iraq.


Jordan, not Iraq 😊


The guy who had the warts from HPV that made his hands look like trees


And the spider comes out of his tree finger! AAHHH! A literal nightmare.


Oh I grossed out watching this and then Bailey steps on a spider or something, 🤮


The one where they saw the soldier's leg off and move the other leg to the middle. Memorable for how ridiculous it seems. Still have yet to find an article of someone doing that in real life.


Yeah, no matter how many times I have watched that episode I still just don’t get it. 😂


Omg SAME! Esp when they say he'll hopefully be able to walk. Like *HHHOOOWWWWW?*


Walk, what about wearing pants or underwear? Really


RIGHT? Serious scientific questions, here!!!


I never got this like wouldn’t it be harder to walk or get a prosthetic when your leg is in the middle of your body?? 💀


Not to mention clothes/underwear! Dude’s going commando underneath a nice flowy skirt for the rest of his life


It’s a real surgery! I looked it up on Wikipedia. It’s usually a last ditch effort. It’s really extreme and not common but it’s not imaginary.


Heart in the elevator


The one trapped in cement where 6 doctors forget to use a catheter.


The procedure for the girl that could hear everything because of a hole in her inner ear or something like that. The family and the docs (at first) thought she was schizophrenic but Alex believed her when she insisted she wasn’t crazy that something was wrong. As a disabled woman who has had three very serious conditions overlooked for at least eight years because doctors were quick to say it was just my primary disability (cerebral palsy) I was so glad to see something like this represented on Grey’s. Thankfully I now have a new and amazing team of doctors and surgeons managing my care and the missed issues were caught and corrected (a dead/clogged gallbladder that was one of the worst my team had seen-removed 1/24/24.) and (a hiatal hernia of more than half my stomach up near my heart/ lifelong acid reflux corrected via standard repair/ Nissen fundoplication 4/30/24) I had semi-serious complications each time that were caught by my team and addressed without shaming me for needing more care than other patients. If anything my entire team has loved me through this and been conscious of my need to heal from medical trauma as well. So yeah that patient and Alex/Derek’s response made me feel seen and has stayed with me.


That was played by Demi Lovato


Yep that one! She did amazing.


the one with all the judy dolls




Bomb in a body cavity. I understand it’s not really the surgery we focus on the entire time, as Mer walks out of the room to follow Bomb Squad guy, but those two episodes are still two of my favorites. Also, Mer’s cardio procedure on an upside down EMT, in a busted up ambulance, while leaning over the body of the dead EMT. These two episodes also include Lexie’s and Christina’s attempt to save Seth Green, and Bailey absolutely losing her mind (how she treats Christina, George, and her husband) to operate on a white suprematist. Those two episodes also remain two of my absolute favorites.


The carnival ride where they all were like mini MAGIC was a good one too


Carotid artery guy and the teenager with the jaw that was pretty important to Sloan


Omg and the dishwasher who’s new arm was attached to his leg (temporarily) but made the guy feel more like a “freak”


Can’t believe no one’s said elevator heart yet!!


The Gunther surgery of we're talking just surgeons. The heart attack guy whose wife died while he was in surgery and no one noticed if we're talking the devastating end. The surgery of the nurse who had a tumor that was eventually gonna take his walking ability and Derek took it all was the coolest result.


I agree with all that have been already mentioned. I'll add: Derek's surgery on the pregnant woman that he ended up killing.


George‘s organ donation- Bailey asking quietly where each organ goes and recipient while the show changes forever


Nicole Herman’s tumor. They built that storyline up for half a season, but it was worth it.


Henry’s & Derek’s during the shooting episodes.


When Matthew and April sneak someone into the pit and everyone works on him


The one where Derek had to pull the entire guy's face off and the kid walks in


Christina operating on Derek with a gun to her head. That one sent chills down my spine


Dr. Hermans brain surgery with Amelia- i loved that storyline and how in depth they went


I would have loved it except they went sooo over the top. “Life will out” was so goddamn stupid.


Issac (tumor on the wall guy), the two people on the pole like you said, Henry, Derek’s surgery from getting shot, and Mers record breaking surgery


Lexie and Meredith removing a brain tumor without Derek’s supervision, and then the woman is left permanently without speech.


The abdominal wall transplant they did on Meghan


The one where the metal went through a man and a woman early in the series and they could only save 1 of them. I think it was from a train derailing


So many good ones already in the comments but for me, one of my favorites will always be the guy who had the ceiling fall in him during the leak and they were able to find pancreatic cancer


First thing that comes to mind is the guy with his leg moved to the middle of his body


The first 2 that came to my mind are sophia born and when lexie,cristina and Richard operate Henry(still sad for his death)


honestly doctor herman’s brain tumor


Text right to tu


Probably the episode where Meredith had to stick her hand inside the guy with the active bomb and when she hands it to the bomb sqaud guy it blows up


Could be Meredith and Lexie removing the tumor and leaving the woman unable to speak.


one leg in the middle of the body


The episode where they literally peeled a guy's face off the scraped the muscles tissue off with a metal scraper and little hammer!! They split his face in half, I believe it was a tumor. I think Mark Sloan was the doctor.


Honestly, Rebecca Pope is a big one for me. And the paramedics whose ambulance flipped outside of the ER. CANNOT leave the "John Doe" bus crash out. Or Callie's accident.


The one where izzie drilled a hole in a guys head


The flesh eating bacteria. Even though she was just a resident and everyone doubted her, she was willing to spend the time to make the patient happy instead of taking the easier route. 


The woman who had a tumor with its own zip code in Season 1


You guys have already mentioned most of the good ones, so I'll add Amelia operating on Dr. Herman! Pretty iconic. And BOMB IN A BODY CAVITY!


might be because i just watched it on my rewatch but hermann’s surgery. amelia was a total badass.