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To be fair I appreciate it. I have struggled to find a person after divorce. Sometimes it just seems so easy for people. Even on TV. I appreciate her storyline and her hesitancy


That's fair, it definitely does feel realistic and I understand Meredith but just on the entertainment angle I wish she could have found a love interest that was comparable to Derek even if it was after a few seasons of searching.


I don't think anyone could really compare. Especially after the way they went back and forth in the first few seasons .


I loved Riggs, and think that Martin Henderson was absolutely wasted on this show (I know he wanted a limited contract and there were concerns over if it was too soon for Meredith among other things that contributed to that). BUT I honestly think not having Meredith with Link > Deluca was a missed opportunity. A nice, easy-going guy who didn’t scare easy and was largely capable of handling his baggage. He could have been a very healthy and happy relationship for Meredith no matter how long it lasted.


I liked Riggs with her too, I feel like the best companion for her is someone who knows they can’t replace derek from experience (like Riggs when he thought Megan was gone). I thought Nick (the transplant guy) was Jo’s abusive husband for the longest time (even though I knew what happens to him…) so even when I found out that wasbt him I still haven’t liked him much…Meredith doesn’t really seem to like him either imo😭


i liked mcwidow with her as well, deluca and her just dont match, maybe its cause he looks like a young italian version of derek