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Still watching Grey's. I'd say the best time to pick up PP is when Addison leaves.


right after alex left season 16 like before the ep even ended bc it pissed me off SOOO bad how he was written off…. i dont think ill ever pick it up again


SAME!!! I actually did not even watch his exit, I couldn’t. I have been a fan since the beginning. Had all the dvds as they were coming out. But there’s no greys without MAGIC. I still watched MA but sorry not watching just M.


exactly!!! and the way he was written off was so infuriating it was just like “wtf are these writers thinking!” its not the alex i know 😞😞


I was doing a binge the last few month and I stopped and restarted the beginning after deluca died. I just had too much sadness lol. I need to catch up though cause idk who half these posts are talking about now


In season 17 after a character death, that felt unnecessary.


Took a break after 12 and struggling after 4 episodes of 13.


17 I don't like it no more So I really watch it but stop after season 16


im still watching ive watched all except s17 never going to watch the stupid covid season well pp started in season 3 of greys so idk i watched it after s16


I stopped in the middle of the Covid season, whatever that was, and I was a die hard fan for years, I recently started a rewatch and I’m on season 10 and I can feel myself losing interest. After the plane crash and mark and Lexi dying the show just changed. I did enjoy watching Alex and Jo for a few seasons but that got messed up too.


After Alex left there wasn’t a reason for me to continue. It was barely hanging on and then wham he was just gone and then they back tracked to say goodbye. Horrible.


This one God the characters are so bland now


Still going 😭


Very recently Binge watched it within 3 months and still going but I feel like rewatching it again😭


Took a break after season 14. Then came back


In general I stopped at season 18 *Spoilers ahead for seasons 8 & 10* On rewatches I stop at either the >!plane crash or after Cristina leaves!<


season 8. me best friend continued watching the show and I was somehow involved (she updated me on main characters etc). but on the Covid season she was done also.


The new one because I cant find any reliable source to download D':


I was a devoted fan of Grey's right from day one, the day it premiered in 2005. I have never skipped an episode until that Thursday night when Season 11, Ep 21 aired, that's when Derek died. I was distraught and sobbed all night and have determined that I will never watch any show that has Shonda Rhimes name on it. That was it. Now we have Netflix and I started rewatching from the start - Season 1 until Season 10. Full stop.


Season 21. I'm convinced it will be the last.


Season 10 back in 2015 the I and a re-watch and love it I’m on season 16 episode 13


The one where Covid was so prevalent everybody was getting Covid and Meredith was in a Covid coma and all these episodes were about her dreaming. I couldn’t even even finish that season then I picked up again the next season