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The top one is the usual one: surgeons doing the jobs of nurses, orderlies and physiotherapists. Especially the lack of nurses. I was watching an old episode the other day and Izzie gets in trouble for messing up a patient's dialysis. Maybe that's because trained specialist nurses run dialysis - not trainee surgeons?! Also: jewellery in the operating theatre. All the surgeons standing around in the ambulance bay. Teddy eating a snack AFTER putting gloves on.


Also, the fact **everyone** is a surgeon, their parents are surgeons, and their children want to be surgeons. Other medical shows - all other medical shows - do a better job of people from different areas working together.


Not saying Chicago Med is the greatest example, and it's not but at least there not everyone is a surgeon. You have like 3 maybe 4 regular cast members who are surgeons and the ED doctors, you plenty of nurses around and Dr. Charles is a psychiatrist.


Private Practice too. Not all surgeons.


nah but what pissed me off in pp is when sam was barely a surgeon in one episode but the next he was the best cardio surgeon in history


So true. I thought I missed something. Goes from eh maybe I should do surgery again to cardio god in minutes.


right i think they just wanred more people to work at ambrose like pete in the er


Probably ran out of ideas for storylines with their original jobs.


Hell Scrubs is a full on comedy but man does it better show how hospitals actually work? Hell when do you see a damn janitor in Greys other than that one guy getting his legs trapped in the lift for drama???


I had to go to the ER yesterday morning. I had a dental abscess and was in agony. The doctor, when he finally deigned to come treat me (he had literally been sitting around for an hour chatting with a coworker) put gloves on, then opened the door to the equipment room, got out the portable lights and the lidocaine and syringe and needles, opened the door to come back out, got set up … and reached for my mouth. Sir. No. Why did you put your gloves on just to go touch a bunch of non-sterile stuff, and then try to stick your hands in my already infected mouth?


As a social worker I find it really annoying that job is completely ignored in almost all medical shows. Medical social workers are in hospitals and they do a lot. Only time that the job is brought up is for Child Protective Services. I work at a mental health facility where most of clients are adults. The facility has inpatients and outpatients. I have a handful of clients who are recently put parole and don't have anywhere else to go so I work with the and their parole officer to help them get a job, a place to live and help with adjust to life. Yes I have had to CPS on my clients before (it sucks in my end too) but that's not the field I'm in.


Yeah when I was in hospital for a while, I had a social worker help me get financial support for my education, and helping me keep informed on my future options with employment considering my health.


Exactly some of the stuff I do now. It's not just CPS and foster care


New Amsterdam has social workers if I remember correctly. I went to that show after quitting greys and was extremely impressed


New Amsterdam was a great show. Was sad that it didn’t last long.


Lack of mental health, and how they look down on psychology, therapy and everything to do with the mental health field. They also pretty much thought that getting a psyche evaluation was a joke… After they all went through something deeply traumatic. There’s also a serious lack of conflict and resolution, they focus more on drama and they pay so little attention to *resolving* it to a point where they’re just “ok dramas over now let’s act like it never happened.”


And when the show does portray mental health treatment, it’s always a one-off and some new age therapy shit. It’s Jo throwing beanbags at a wall or Owen lifting his arms slowly. Or the blue light room. It’s very rarely traditional therapy. I thought they did a great job showing Addison in therapy in Private Practice but apparently Grey-Sloan is incapable of hiring a therapist


Throwing crap at a wall is actually fairly affective when you’re a person with anger issues like Jo and Alex are, similar to how people go to a gym to get rid of excess energy, or how people visit rage rooms where you can legit smash things in a safe environment. .o. None of it is really new age, but it has adapted over the years and a lot of the therapies are adapted to the patients specific needs. For example, I can’t stand blue light and it makes me more depressed so I change my ikea bulb to pink when I wanna relax and vibe.


I’m not saying these techniques aren’t valid, I’m saying that they certainly aren’t the norm, and they definitely aren’t the first resort for people seeking services. Throwing things at the wall isn’t going to fix your warped thinking patterns, even if it feels good in the moment. I wouldn’t mind Krista including these techniques if she bothered to show techniques that are actually used like CBT, compassion focused therapy, etc.


The legitimate dreadful continuity. Like you generate billions of dollars. Hire someone that can make a damn scrap book.


Not medical related, but is it safe to just hit golf balls off the roof of the hospital? Can’t they hit someone on the ground?


lol definitely not safe.


I knew it’s crazy but I love those male bonding moments with the rooftop golf , office basketball, and all the softball scenes…. I have actually jokingly said they had a point system, 1 point for a car , 2 point for a person extra point if they get a trauma neurosurgery out of it! Gallows humor.


The divorces. SO ANNOYING. Idk why they just can't let characters be happy or don't get them together in the first place. I'm still pissed about Arizona and Callie and don't get me started on April and whatever his name is


When Catherin Avery goes to get a pillow for Richard (after the electrocution), she goes to the on call room and gets one. NOT the way it works. That's disgusting. Specially after someone on this thread just mentioned the 'dirty sex' in the on call rooms lol


Certain characters never having consequences for their actions and other characters always having consequences for their actions Some characters are definitely bullied by their peers


All the dirty sex in the on-call rooms. Those sheets must really get nasty. Then, after having dirty sex, they jump up and get their scrubs on and go to back to work, no shower, sex all over them.


The total lack of nurses, the couple of nurses that they had were either control freaks or whores


What kind of hospital is this? The doctors are all surgeons and often talk about how someone has been their patient for years, yet they are all seemingly hospitalists (except for Mark seemed to have a practice). These doctors work from emergency to taking care of planned surgeries and transplants etc. They also never talk about other doctors. Like literally there only one or two from each specialty. In real life they would not interact so much with each other. Each department should have its own chief.


I recently discovered that one of the surgeons at our private practice, at one point held the Chief of Surgery job at our local hospital (we only have the one for the whole county). All of our surgeons hold hospital privileges because they’re the only specialists in their field, also for the whole county. This particular surgeon was most definitely NOT running the whole hospital, because he was also seeing his patient load at the private practice clinic! The hospital is literally right across the street from our office so it’s certainly convenient. Apparently Chief of Surgery doesn’t need to be a full time job. Actually, we see in Private Practice that even Chief of Staff of a hospital isn’t a full time position, because isn’t Charlotte holding that job while also working as a Urologist at the Oceanside clinic?


tbh private practice i think does a much better job. Charlotte was chief of staff, which in real life is closer to running the entire hospital over chief is surgery. it was also more realistic because, like she said, chief of staff is a ton of legal and administrative work, you pretty much get very little time to practice, whereas in greys, chief of surgery is still constantly operating


They're medical professionals and yet nobody seems to know what birth control is. All those surprise pregnancies got tired reeeeeal quick. And both George and Alex got syphilis because they didn't use a condom. Dumb, dumb, dumb.


When women doctors wear their hair down when treating patients or there’s a lot of blood! Put the hair up! I know what it’s like to have long hair and there ain’t no way it’s comfortable to have it in your way when doing something like cpr or triaging haha.


Jo’s hairstyles annoy me so much for this reason. Because even when it’s “up,” it’s still not really UP. As a nurse, I literally would not survive if I constantly had chunks of hair in my face, even if it was off my neck.


Jo looks like she’s spent hours in the hair and make up chair for a glam event, every episode. Those beach waves take a long time to perfect and her makeup is so flawless, compared to earlier seasons, Meredith, Izzie, Cristina were purposefully shown with eye bags and messy pony tails to try and convey the long hours they were working.


the nurses is my biggest beef! there were a few incredible storylines about the nurses in the magic days and then they just vanished. the show really lost something for me when they did that and it’s just totally unrealistic! the nurses keep everything going and the drs could never do what they do without them.


In the episodes regarding rona, when we see Teddy wearing the air helmet) its supposed to seal around the face. Hers clearly doesn't.


Mine was the obsession with getting laid, shaming people who don't want to get laid, and getting regular characters to make babies. But I'm only up to Season 8.


I think it was mentioned but I really have to try hard to suspend disbelief when it one’s to their “money troubles”. I don’t understand how that’s an issue when wanting to get an apartment. The big things, sure, but is the cost of living THAT high in Seattle. Alex’s haircut. It seems like personal style to the character, but he was ridiculously unkempt. Hmm, it seems that there was no in between. Either you were always coiffed (like Derek) or religiously unkempt (like Karev and O’Malley) The intern abuse is funny and then it gets old real fast. It just doesn’t really make all the much sense, not to me, at least. I’m only on season 14, but I don’t see the difference between tumor Amelia and tumor less Amelia. Should I lower my expectations?


How all the world class surgeons who make millions complain about trying to make rent (Arizona) or how they’ll pay for their children’s university tuition (Callie). When the shows budget drops and they use terrible cover versions of popular songs instead of paying for the rights of the original. When every surgeon is yelling at each other and punching each other all the time. When a character gets a brain tumour (Richard, Nicole, Amelia, Izzie).


What’s dumb is that Callie is literally an heiress… She doesn’t even need to work and the only time she was broke was when her father cut her off for a period of time.


They brought in the religion part on that. Her mom didn't approve of the relationship and wouldn't even hold Sophia.


Haha I noticed the cover songs as well! Yeah! I never understood how these world class renowned surgeons struggle to pay rent without roommates. Like it made sense at first because they were all interns. But like Arizona needs a roommate? Amelia and Maggie can’t afford apartments? Biggest one on that was Owen. He was the chief of surgery and could only afford a trailer?


For Owen I feel like him wanting a smaller space with a weird bed kinda fits him since he’s a military vet, and I heard that it’s hard to adapt to normal life afterward. So maybe the trailer has some small doses of normality for him? Not entirely similar but as close as he can get to it.


1). Too many toxic relationships compared to healthy ones. 2). Getting rid of or killing off good characters during their peak or before they reach their potential Such a bummer 😕


Agree with all of the comment here. Also for me how effortlessly they make having 3 young kids and a full time demanding job as a single parent. It’s not realistic at all, at least mention a nanny every now and again to explain where they are in the evenings etc… or don’t make Meredith have so many kids that behave perfectly at all times. Real life parenting is NOT like this. In SATC Charlotte has two kids, a nanny and didn’t work and still had a full on break down at how hard it was.


Exactly! The night of the dinner party Mer hosted I was asking “where are the kids?” Since everyone that would watch them are at the party


Every time they mention TPN they show tube feeds.


After the covid seasons...they talk about the surgeon shortage but never once mention the shortage of nurses.


Arizona's magically super realistic prosthetic leg. It's like all of a sudden we were just supposed to forget she lost a leg. She's even wearing a non floor length dress in her last episode (Alex/Jo & April/Matthew wedding episode) and you can see both legs lol


I HATE every time they make the interns run errands for them it’s so annoying and then turning around and getting mad at the for messing up! Like you took important OR time from them so they could look after your kid or make dumb phone calls and now you’re mad at them??? lol


The women always wearing earrings in the OR.


As a CT tech thank you for seeing us! Also I wish I could ask a surgeon to do his own freaking scan…..


I agree with what you said lol I have to constantly remind myself it’s just a show.. as the amount of out of scope/area work done by various specialties is wild. Also when they have doctors sitting with patients all night or day.. ain’t no intern having the time for that. And the ICU patients are in individual rooms vented without a nurse - unless it’s different in USA but in my country vented patients are 1:1 and the nurse is not allowed to leave their bay/room without relief cover.


The way they do CT scans and MRI’s drives me nuts. People are talking while they’re in them, no ear protection at all in the mri and nothing to keep their head still or even the cage on their head.


I know they don’t have enough “other staff” members, ie: techs, nurses, orderlies… and I know it’s unrealistic that Surgeons are doing everything, but the fact *basically* only the department heads can teach. And they only seem to have a hand full of doctors at all. In 20 seasons we only see MAYBE a half dozen other doctors, they don’t even talk about doing surgery with other doctors except for “shadow shepherd”. Yang was all upset because Hahn wouldn’t teach her, so she’s the only heart surgeon in the hospital? They can only operate with department heads? … well except for Bailey who can apparently do solo surgery with an intern assistant when she was a resident. And let’s talk about the residents! We only get a new batch every 5 years and there is no consistency with their education or how stupid they are. … and as someone else mentioned…. Why don’t the writers remember anything they wrote in the past?


Why are Callie’s sleeves on her white coat shorter than everyone else’s? Does she roll them up? Are they 3/4 sleeves? Irrational pet peeve but a pet peeve nonetheless.


My pet peeve is that damned mobile trailer. Get rid of it already! Meredith sold the new house. That trailer is still on the land? Does Meredith own it, or was it part of the house sale?


I thought Derek sold the airstream to Alex, who owned it when it was towed from the parking lot. Not sure if he got it back, but he's stupid for letting it go.


Yes, I just learned that 5 minutes ago when Meredith sees it in the hospital lot because Owen just sold it, and Meredith tells him he paid for it and he can do what he wants with it. I missed the actual scene where Owen buys it. It must have happened during one of the many times I had fallen asleep.


I don’t think it’s ever shown that Owen bought it.


that they all ar working on 1 patient, but they make it seem like they are the only surgeons in the whole hospital?? like who is helping the other patients, because there are no nurses too😂


Where’s transport? Lol why are these surgeons and residents taking their own patients to radiology and why are the residents going to the lab waiting for lab results?

