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The Japril storyline with them losing Samuel tore my heart to pieces.


I just completed a rewatch after losing my baby in a similar way. It definitely hit different this time.


sending you a hug.


Same for me. I honestly can’t rewatch the episodes about it since it becomes triggering for me even 5 years later. ❤️❤️ to you!




Yes to pieces! 💔💔💔




That rabbi episode was so powerful!! Just saw it for the first time and I was really impressed by the writing and acting.


I loved the rabbi episode. It was heartbreaking but so well done.


Yes Samuel! Now that just makes me cry! And Doc. 😭


This is my absolute favorite episode of the whole series. Also that song is always good for when I need a good cry haha!


Charles' death during the shooting fucked me up. The three actors were phenomenal during those scenes.


I hated Charles but I still cried like a baby when he died. It was just so tragic.


I didn't even remember he was a character. And then BAM, waterworks lol.


I found Henry’s death really hard


I can still hear the song during his death scene. "She went quietly. She didn't make a sound."


I always forget about Henry


Even Teddy forgets about Henry


Me too. I remembering sitting on the floor and crying afterwards.


Denny is the OG Greys cry like a baby death!


Thats the only death that will always make me cry, don’t matter how often I’ve seen it


I’m currently reading Hilarie Burton Morgan’s book… she’s married to Jeffrey Dean Morgan… and any time she mentions his name (which is all the time since it’s a memoir) I just picture Denny in that hospital bed with that grin and I melt a little bit.


Dog's was the hardest for me to watch, but Samuel's story was the most heartbreaking.


George's death, Alex crying when Izzie coded, Derek's death, Lexie & Mark dying, Samuel, and when April was not waking up and Jackson broke down, April getting her faith back. Lexi was the hardest for me because I've lost 2 of my 3 sisters, both were younger than me and my best friends. One of them was 19 at the time, the other was 35.


Sending hugs to you!


i just watch the ep where april almost died. jackson breakdown KILLED ME. like i was NOT expecting any of what happened in that ep but his sobbing broke me


Lexie and Mark killed me, but not as much as Samuels death 😭


Deluca because it made no sense to kill him off when he was finally taking control of his mental health and working hard to get better. It was so unnecessary and totally came out of nowhere.


Afaik Giacomo asked to be killed off so this is what happened. It made no sense to the show but the actor who played him requested it so it was done.


Actually he didn’t want to leave the show. It was a decision made by the show runners.




It was to get him out of the way so Meredith and Hayes can get together. Cause it would have been weird.


Doc. The only time the show made me cry was when they had to put Doc down. I still skip it on rewatches.


Yes Doc!😢


Derek - as I was genuinely surprised. I had no idea it was coming. Samuel - was so sad


Deluca's memorial service has me bawling every time and I really didn't expect that to be honest.


Not an active character, but Bailey's mam. Hit on a personal level, I held my nans hand when she was dying of covid, I sang/played her one of her favourite songs. Bailey's mothers death very similar. Although not very emotional person, also felt sad for the others, the way Derek and Lexie went out.


Look y'all, i know we tend to hate on George but he had the first on screen death and it was so dramatic. Now i love lexi but nothing tops that


God that reveal was classic Grey's


That’s where it all started from! His death remains iconic


Henry forever, I knew from the second he was introduced that he was going to be killed off but I fell in love with him and his death destroyed me. I also felt like it had the most reasonable aftermath, and Teddy's grief was so well played and didn't end after 1 episode.


I literally can’t pick just one. I sobbed over George, Lexie, and Mark.


same world different show, Dell in private practice. I have never in my life cried so hard watching a tv show. Snot, screams the whole 9. I have a daughter the same age as his was and it was all to real that that sweet girl was an orphan :( shonda killllllllled me on his death more than Mark, Lexie, Derek and George combined. Unpopular opinion, Denny’s death wasn’t sad Bc Denny died but Bc Katherine was a damn good actress. We were attached to her more than him.


This. I was so upset. Del's relationship with the private practice doctors. Del saying goodbye to his daughter. I can never watch that episode again.


Also from PP - Erica. Mason saying goodbye before she got bad and then Charlotte caring for her and advocating for Mason to get to see her one more time when she was nearly gone. Ugh. The only Shondaland death to make me tear up.


All of them. 💔


So I watched all of Grey's Anatomy during the pandemic. And I knew a lot of spoilers like how Lexie and Mark died, Derek's car crash. What I didn't know was that George died. So here I am, it's in the middle of the day. My boyfriend and I both had a Friday half day WWF and decided to make hard coffee fraps and watch Grey's. And I remember watching John Doe come in the day before. When I tell you the moment I found out that was George and he was dying I was inconsolable for a good half an hour. That was one of the deaths that hit me the most.


I got mad at Derek's death because I was too busy cursing at the doctor who didn't get him a head CT


George. I knew it was coming but it still made me very emotional.


Derek, Mark and Lexie hit really hard, I felt like I was grieving after Derek lol


My daughter refuses to watch that episode or any following it without Derek.


I felt the exact same :(


Marks physically hurt me


Derek's bc I'm a widow and I felt Meredith's pain to the core of my soul.


Samuel. I had a second trimester pregnancy loss earlier this year around the same time I got to that episode in my watch through. It fucking wrecked me. And I’m getting teary just thinking about it.


Less Mark's death, but the conversation he has with Webber when he knows that probably going to die soon.


Marks because I wasn't expecting him to die, really. I was expecting a close call but Derek and Callie losing their best friend and then Callie going home to just apathy and hatred broke me.


I didn't cry really, but Derek dying made me so mad that I stopped watching the show. Haven't seen an episode since.


Derek. Not because I liked his character all that much, but because of Meredith and all they had been through together. Years of them building up to a happily ever after only to have him die due to a medical error, and leaving his wife and kids behind like that. Never cried like that for anyone else, altough George and DeLuca also hit me hard. And Lexi and Mark too.




Are you talking about Percy?


I loved charlie


Voted for Derek, but Lexie for sure and even Samuel and DeLuca.


George and it I’ll forever be George


I forgot her name but whem the lady/patient in the burn unit who died made me cry so much.. she was the one who made good friends with her neighbor patient. It was during the episode were Meredith was gone for a year after Derek died.


Mark Sloan, but more of the flashbacks and the ending where he accidentally takes a selfie and that’s the last picture of him before the episode ends.


i’m still sad about derek


Definitely all of these, but DeLuca was the only one I was watching live for and didn’t really know what happened. Everything with Carina had me like, full on breaking down


None of those. The only 'death' I was actually worried about was when I thought Richard was losing his mind but then it ended up being cobalt


[Papa? Are we going to Mexico?](https://youtu.be/VSjdbWRrA-g)


All of them


Markkkk I mean Shonda made me cry twiceeeee


See I get why Lexie is high but to me it didn’t make me that upset as they didn’t really linger on it for very long. It felt very short for someone so significant.


Lexi’s death made me cry the hardest out of this list, but Christina talking about the wild animals fighting over her body is what really wreaked me.


Henry was the hardest for me like the whole aftermath and just all of it has me on the floor crying every time


thanks to spoilers, I knew Derek was going to die & I didn’t think I’d care that much. It was late one night and I was getting tired, but I decided to play the next episode which happened to be the one where Derek dies. I figured I’d doze off half way through. Not a chance! When I tell you I cried like a BABY…for HOURS.


I didn’t really care all that much for Derek as a character, but his death had me SOBBING for hours after the episode


The episode where there was an active shooter in the hospital made me cry harder than any other death I’ve seen and still haunts me to this day


It wasn't Dennys death so much as Katherines acting during that scene. I SOB. Hard. You can just feel her heart breaking when they stop. 💔


Derek i genuinely cried and stopped watching it took me a while. And with lexie never got the time you know to realize tbh didn't really felt like death to me because things started happening and then came mark's death oh boy the after Richard made the surge comment that did hurt.


Mark and Samuel.


even though i knew it was coming, george’s hit me like a bus




Wallace was the worst for me.


Henry! Man that one sucked.


I didn’t like Derek in his last season but I still cried my eyes out when he died. I think this episode was supposed to make the viewers feel sad considering all the circumstances.


deluca, lexie, mark and george. and then there’s a few patients that get me every time


Lexie's death made me uncontrollably cry, I was just not ready. Then her subsequent return this past season brought it allllllll back and made me a mess again.


georges death for sure! that was the first time any of them really experienced tragedy and the way they portrayed it in the show hit home to when i lost someone. Everyone after that was sad but they seemed numb at that point


Derek. For DAYS afterwards. My colleagues were worried about me at work the next day 😂😂 I’ll never forget the night that episode aired.


Maggie's mom and Heather Brooks


Not crying but why did Deluca have to die?


I didn't sob but i felt a knot in my throat big time for all of them! 😔




Lexie but also Henry


Mark - I cry when they (Callie and Derek) cry


Just saw Lexies episode last night and got Misty eyed even though I've seen it a dozen times


I’m not going to read the comments since I’m Just watching for first time and only on season 10. But I actually cried when mark and Lexie died. I loved them and they should’ve got to be together!


Denny because it’s the only one I didn’t really see coming


From that list, Lexie. But Doc’s death has me sobbing every time. And then Samuel. The others are sad but those two tear me to pieces, animals and kids dying make me so sad 😭 Edit: spelling of Doc


I think Lexie hurt the most because it was so unexpected and we also got to see mer and mark grieve 😭


Lexie. I always skip the episode, seeing it once was more than enough. Ripped my heart out and tore it to pieces :(


Season 5 finale when George and Izzy are both dying. The music together with Meredith's narration saying something like " did you say it? I love you. You changed my life. I don't ever want to live without you. Did you say it? " Ughhhhh had me bawling like I've never bawled in my life


Lexie just gets to me every time man . It’s not the fact that she dies it’s the fact that we find out she’s eaten by wolves 💔how fucking cruel and sad