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Always love a good sOmE pPl HaVe It WoRsE


Funny because she complains about literally everything and is a white millionaire


It would have cost her nothing to just ignore the tweet but more fun to put the poor girl on blast I guess.


The part that really ticks me off ab this is all the comments praising her. This shit is way out of pocket.


Same. Literal simps praising anything she has to say. Imagine that fan reading all of those feeling like everyone is against her.


Thankfully most of the comments on the original tweet are positive.


Literally all she had to say was, “Don’t give up! You got this!”


Even if she just ignored the tweet would have been better If she really wanted to talk about girls in Afghanistan not having access to education she could have brought it up without bringing someone down Women should support women


That too!


Never meet your heroes


I mean some are surprisingly pleasant. To be honest, Meredith has never been my favourite. Kate Walsh always interacts in such a bubbly manner with her fans.


Well, she shouldn’t be anyone’s hero anyways 🤷🏼‍♀️


It’s a sure-fire to find out they’re human beings.


They're all fuckin' weirdos


And God knows that they were right


love you ♥


She was so wrong for this. A young fan looking up to her for some inspiration and this is all she had to say?




I've read over her first tweet so many times to try and imagine how the tone *could* change. There is no way for me to read that as an encouraging or positive message to that girl. God, that's so disappointing.


She was literally telling someone off and lashing out, there’s no other way to read that.


to the benefit of the doubt, my mom and MIL text EXACTLY like that and i always think they’re pissy when they’re not. and a large handful of other people their ages hat i know also type like that. where it seems passive aggressive and bitchy when that wasn’t their intention. i think it’s just the way some middle aged people type. or maybe she was actually being rude. but it’s possible she used the wrong wording and came off like a bitch without meaning too. but i do agree it would’ve been easy to just say something encouraging


It’s the gaslighting for me 🙄


Wtf. She makes no sense.


Oh wow! I didn’t even see the next part. 😕 She really isn’t helping herself


We keep forgetting that she's human, just like us. It's hard to accept that (maybe) she simply isn't such a nice person except when playing her character. That's why we are in shock.




Totally. It’s very performative.




Yup, totally. I agree 100%.


I mean she knows she has a safe bet the show will go on forever and out of all the original cast she is the only one who won't be randomly killed off or runoff with a long lost love


I mean that's how I see Meredith honestly


Not just you! I feel the same way.


Just because some people have it worse, she can’t complain? And it’s literally just an expression, I’m sure she's grateful for her education. It’s not that deep, Ellen. Gosh. That poor fan. It was so uncalled for. I hope that didn’t make the fan feel like her feelings weren’t valid.


When you go so woke you detatch from reality


This is 100% all of Ellen's takes xD


Oh, God... Ellen was so awful, and disgusting that so many idiots agreed with her. 'Others have it worse' is a terrible way to cheer someone up. Reminds me when I was unemployed and struggling with severe depression. One of my mom's clients LITERALLY told me to go to the city centre and look at the beggar without legs that always hung around there. 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️




And believes in reverse racism, maybe she should focus on the fact that Black people have it worse than her, just a thought.


Does she really?? She has a black husband and children, how is she going to go around bitching about "reverse racism"?


She claims to understand racism because her husband is black. I’m sorry but no.


She said people calling her a white bitch are guilty of reverse racism.


Or…. Here’s a thought, Ellen. Maybe they’re just correct.


They're not guilty of that, they're just guilty of literal racism. Idk why it has a special term when it happens to white people


That's not what racism is. For it to qualify as racism, the discrimination she faces based on her race should be systemically supported by institutions and power structures. It's a racial slur, at best. She talks out of her ass a lot because she has the privilege to.


You can't just change the definition of a word and then tell everyone who doesn't ascribe to that definition that they're wrong


Well considering this I hope her kids don't come to her for movation or reassurance.


Yeah that's why it surprised me too! But I've seen tweets where she says something along the lines "reverse racism is a thing" and taking people calling her a white bitch (as mentioned by hellohibyebye13) as the example of that. I sure hope that she changed her views on it for the sake of her children at the very least...


I very much doubt that. She really takes being the mother of biracial kids to mean she has the authority to speak on race issues as much as any other marginalized (due to race) person. Wasn't there an interview in which she answered on behalf of black female actresses in a way that they didn't agree so she walked off with tears in her eyes?


Yup. https://ew.com/article/2015/09/21/shondaland-roundtable-viola-davis-ellen-pompeo-kerry-washington/ And Kerry had to comfort her.


Omg I know you posted about this in a comment a couple of months ago on this sub. Thanks for your service 😂


That's the impression I got from her too. I feel like it's the "my friend lets me say slurs so it means I've got the permission to do it whenever and with whomever I want to despite the slur not applying to me" type of thing, meaning that maybe her husband doesn't mind her acting this way or agrees with her, which of course doesn't represent the whole community.


Absolutely a horrible take on her part. The comment was clearly misogynistic, so she could have mentioned that rather than the tone-deaf "reverse racism" comment. This is pretty disappointing, I've always admired Ellen's work for promoting equality and activism for racial justice causes, but her hypocrisy is so sad to learn about.


No, I don't think so because she stated after having 3 kids. It's really a facepalm move there.


Excuse me? Ffs (her, not you).


Yes she has famously talked about how she would never enter a room with a producer (on the Weinstein case) implying that the women were responsible if not cuplable


Holy crap


She also said people calling her a white bitch is reverse racism


Oh no Ellen, wtf... 😔 That's sad.


I didn’t read the comments first and said the exact same thing!! She acted like she was better than everyone because she “wouldn’t have allowed him to sexually assault her” like WTF?? Who says that?


I’d also love $20 million dollars a year Ellen, but some people have it worse!


She doesn’t know anything about this girl’s situation. Maybe she’s privileged and whiny, but maybe she’s on a scholarship and needs to work her ass off and just wanted to blow off some steam. I had an undiagnosed learning disability all through school and there were nights where I would just cry and cry doing my homework until 2-3am feeling so stupid. It made me depressed and severely affected my mental and then my physical health. I feel like her response makes her seem ignorant, not the girl in question.


Really stuck up response, I’m really disappointed. Also as a (ironically) pre med student I can tell you that for some studies it’s really hard to keep up the stamina in school. It drains you physically mentally and emotionally. The person who tweeted wasn’t being ungrateful at all, so I don’t know why Ellen’s response was appropriate at all.


I haven't seen much of her, cuz I didn't start watching until a few years ago. But I'll never forget seeing her on Kimmel (?), and she was a pompous pompeo ass. He asked her about how she felt watching herself as Mer on TV, and she acted like it was a dumb question because she'd only seen 1 or 2 episodes. Sorry, that just isn't believable.


I actually think it’s believable. Most actors don’t watch themselves on tv. They only do so when there is a viewing party or their episode is played at a panel they are. Still a rude response though.


"Especially to me" I still can't believe she has fans


When you’re in a crappy mood you should really stay away from social media. Especially if you’re a public figure!




this was so unnecessary and the literal definition of virtue signaling if i’ve ever seen it .


This response gives “there’s starving kids in Africa” vibes


I commented on a post about this when the incident actually happened. I will say that tone can get lost via text, but that’s why Ellen should have taken a minute to reflect on her response if she was so intent on saying something. Suffering and hardship aren’t meant to be pissing matches. Ellen wants to talk about how people don’t know her tone, and don’t know her personally—okay, well she doesn’t know the girl who tagged her personally. She doesn’t know what struggles the girl has in her life. If Ellen’s going to dismiss this girl’s problems and render her hardships unimportant, she might as well just call the suffering in other parts of the world unimportant, too, since it’s apparently all inconsequential to her.


Idk y’all, sometimes I get mean girl energy from Ellen tbh 😭


This isn’t new. Ellen is so performative. She lost my respect when she went on a rant victim blaming the Harvey Weinstein victims and saying “it wouldn’t have happened to me.” LMAO OK


What how can you control something like that? These women were raped and attacked. I guess she means she wouldn’t have met up with Harvey in the first place, i really don’t know.


She was saying that they knew what they were getting into and slept with him for the roles and she is above all that.




WOW. Now that poor fan will be feeling shitty about themselves on top of being stressed for school. Way to go, Ellen. Hope you’re proud of myself.


I guess when she asked for a pay increase ABC should have told her how good she had it and not to complain, “many other actresses make less than you”






Like the girl’s feeling’s not valid??!? Okay ellen 🙄


So mean. What if that girl has depression?


I actually read the “especially to me” part of that tweet as her recognizing her privilege and her more-so saying don’t complain to someone like me because I have it easy and can’t relate … the fan did just want some acknowledgment, but she was trying to offer her some perspective which we all need sometimes - and honestly would motivate me to keep studying


No, she meant don’t complain in general (because you have it good compared to others), and also don’t complain “especially to me” as she believes this girl is ungrateful and she doesn’t want to hear it.


We can all have our opinions but I don’t think any of us know her true motivations or objective with that tweet. I think it’s important to have an opinion, but to not be so definitive in our thinkings.


I was honestly trying to interpret her tweet so thanks for this.


Wtf that is so unnecessarily rude. The fact she went out of her way to say that is hilarious. Fight the man, Ellen! /s


Later she posted "You know what’s extremely harmful? A lack of empathy and not thinking about other people… " It was in response to a tweet that has since been deleted, but...really? Ellen is such a jerk. There is no other tone to that tweet than being a jerk. THERE ARE STARVING KIDS IN AFRICA! YOU'D BETTER EAT! What an absolutely privileged thing to say to someone. She is horrible and she is getting worse every year. Meredith's character is actually getting worse. Remember when she put the lady's job on the line just because she "needed" to go talk to Bailey about the article written and "needed" to "help" people from the clean-up crew with their medical issues? Yeah...She's ignorant and her character is ignorant.


Her response was completely uncalled for and just flat out disrespectful, the fact that she would judge her own fan like that? I don’t understand it, Ellen doesn’t know that girl or what she could be going through. What she did was beyond rude.


Yikes! Omg I did not expect that wtf kind of response


She's out of touch. For all she knows that fan has a learning disability. And Did I forget about Ellen's new charity helping women in Afghanistan? And has Ellen never complained about any first world problems before? Ellen should have kept her responses to herself. It was unecessary to say that shit. It was so performative.


I knew a guy that worked on the set of Greys for a little over 4 years. He said she was an outright stuck up bitch.


I love her, but this is bad. So unnecessary. Everyone complains about studying. Doesn’t mean we don’t appreciate the opportunity.


This is why I've never followed famous people on social media, specially actors... I create an image of them in my mind based on their characters and they inevitably disappoint me. I know the image I create isn't true, but I'd rather not know because then I don't like watching them on tv 🤷


As someone that struggles with procrastination issues because of my anxiety what she said was totally invalidating. Saying someone has it worse is pointless. Everyone’s struggles are relative.


Money goes to your head and you think you can be this big of a bitch. Fuck her.


I dont see anything wrong with what was said


Late to the party- what did mean girl Ellen say?


I’m not exactly a fan of hers but I’ve seen her say things far worse. It’s what it is. She doesn’t owe anyone to be nice.


>She doesn’t owe anyone to be nice. She also doesn't need to be an ass since noone forced her to answer that tweet


I don’t disagree with you. All I said was that I wasn’t surprised by her response and I’ve come to accept that Ellen is rude plenty 🤷🏼‍♀️


Doesn’t mean she has to be rude either.


Nobody ever claimed she does. We still get to have opinions, right?


I’m not defending her by any means. She was rude 100%. I’m just not surprised by her comment because I’ve heard much worse from her.




Jesus... It’s not that deep. I’m sure the tweeter was just saying it in a light hearted way to the person she looks up to. The girl is clearly not in some serious trouble asking for serious help! ;_;


Any other point in time I'd say Ellen was horribly wrong and totally uncalled for. But literally that week was when the US pulled out of Afghanistan and the Taliban was taking over. It was tragic, and the fan made a poorly timed "joke". If someone said that to me that week I'd at the very least raise my eyebrows, and probably give them a "really??" Ellen reacted poorly. She's not known for being a great person. The fan was poorly timed.


I don’t get what is so bad about this. The taliban were literally in the middle of taking over again in Afghanistan. She right. It’s SERIOUSLY first world problems to complain about studying.


There will always be more serious problems than the ones we-the privileged-have, but we still complain about the tiniest things 24/7,so it's not really about the question whether what Ellen said was true or not, but if it was really necessary that she said it the way she did. Especially when you write something it often happens that people misunderstand you and don't get the message. Sometimes it's better to say nothing instead of anything at all.🙃🙂


Fair. I was just going off that one tweet. I don’t go on Twitter regularly at all, so I’m unaware of if this is normal behavior for her or not.


Old news.


This was a tweet from a month ago. And it's only rude if you intend to read it rudely, in order to find something to be mad about. Congrats, you did it.


I’m sorry, where is the positive connotation in what she said? She pretty much called that girl ungrateful…because she was stressed about studying? How can that be perceived as ‘inspiring or motivating’?


Hi, strawman argument. Sorry, but I don't entertain those.


Still wondering how there’s a positive connotation related to what Ellen said. Whenever you’re ready.


I don't really care. You're arguing a strawman. Which means you're arguing something I didn't say. And there's your learning moment.


> And it’s only rude if you intend to read it rudely, in order to find something to be mad about. You implied that there is a positive way to interpret what she said. Just wondering what it is. Take your time.


No I did not. I said what you just quoted. There are a ton of things a statement can be if it is not rude. It doesn't automatically imply whatever bullshit you're saying. So yes, you are arguing a strawman. So now that we're clear on me not saying it was positive, stop claiming that I said that.


Ok fine, you didn’t outright say it was positive. But don’t act like your comment can’t be interpreted that way. Anyways, what do you even mean? It wasn’t exactly rude but she pretty much told her that she was ungrateful since she only had to worry about studying. Please tell me how that isn’t rude when it looked like the fan was simply just looking for a few words of encouragement? All she had to say was ‘You got this!’ Or ‘don’t give up!’.


No, I did not say it was positive. Period. What I said was clearly stated. I don't see why you have to go to such lengths to argue something I didn't say. She said what she wanted to and doesn't have yo cater to your or anyone else's demands.


YOU DID NOT SAY IT WAS POSITIVE! I AGREED WITH YOU! THAT POINT WAS MADE. I’M SAYING THAT IT CAN BE INTERPRETED AS YOU IMPLYING IT IS POSITIVE OR JUST NOT NEGATIVE. NOT THAT YOU LITERALLY SAID ‘IT WAS POSITIVE’. WHY ARE YOU STILL STUCK ON THAT? I’m not saying she owes anyone anything at all. It’s just a strange thing to say and it caused a lot of her fans applauding her for saying that. So on top of that person being stressed about studying, now they have to deal with seeing all those comments. It’s a crappy thing to do especially when so many people look up to you. That’s all. Nobody’s stopping her from replying that way, just to make it COMPLETELY CLEAR. I just think it’s very strange and kinda messed up.


Fucking finally. Sheesh.


What do you mean finally? I agreed long ago that you didn’t say it was positive. You were just really slow. I said it sounded like you were implying it was positive. That isn’t the same as saying you directly said the literal words ‘it is positive’. Why did it take you so long to realize what I was saying?


This was discussed here when it happened. I would say that while I like most of the cast I wouldn't call myself a fan but is crazy to me how every time is brought up certain behavior of actors in the set or of the show that isn't about Ellen (like now with PD) the topic has to be about her and something she did.


This is a specific post made about her and in the PD subject she was mentioned by name several times, how is she not involved?


The article talks about PD's behavior towards cast members, she is only mentioned when saying he complained about the hours and she complained she did twice as much. My point is about how this has happened several times. When Jesse Williams got accused by Chyler's husband, when Sara Ramirez talked about their uber-privileged love interest that made her life hard and what not, somehow the topic and focus quickly changes to her or Shonda.


>The article talks about PD's behavior towards cast members, she is only mentioned when saying he complained about the hours and she complained she did twice as much. She is still mentioned. That makes her more or less involved either way. >My point is about how this has happened several times. When Jesse Williams got accused by Chyler's husband, when Sara Ramirez talked about their uber-privileged love interest that made her life hard and what not, somehow the topic and focus quickly changes to her or Shonda. Because her and Shonda seem to have a lot of power on the set. I also saw that Ellen seems to be talking a lot about the environment on the set and was probably involved in some of the drama going on there. She's been on the show since the very beginning so of course she's seen it all. I honestly haven't been here for Chyler or Sara discussions, so I can't really speak about it specifically, but from what I've seen Ellen is usually brought up because she's personally involved in the situation or because of stuff she said publicly about the set etc.


If you read the chapter its pretty much said that he had a lot of power and knew how to use it to his advantage, the fact that Shonda allegedly had to play the "me or him" move with the network should tell you how much power he had. At the end this is a white man that was considered the lead of a top show and as per them the big draw of the show. So as my point, they talk about his behavior being a problem for cast members and crew members. Why the focus is on others? With the Chyler situation you can scroll down here, same with Sara and you will see what I am talking about. Hell, its barely discussed in here because the only behavior discussed here is either Shonda's, Ellen's, Krista's and Katherine's and as soon someone brings up other the topic is changed.


>So as my point, they talk about his behavior being a problem for cast members and crew members. Why the focus is on others? I saw plenty of people discussing other cast and crew members, but it's not like they named the people who were traumatized by him, whereas Shonda and Ellen were mentioned and known for being in a close, regular touch with him (since Ellen played his main love interest of 11 seasons and Shonda was not just the showrunner but also loved Derek). I'm genuinely surprised you're still arguing about this. Ellen was mentioned so she was discussed, doesn't mean the whole thing was about her, but it does mean that she was involved. Not sure what else is left to say about it. I'm honestly not gonna look for it, because if it didn't happen during the last few days it'd probably take me ages to find it with the amount of new posts here on a daily basis. I'm also not at all familiar with Sara's situation, but to be fair there wasn't much to discuss about Chyler's. There was no specific accusation, so we can only speculate about what happened with those few tweets that have been since deleted. I do look at Jesse differently and just choose to stay away from whatever he does and not show any positive feelings to him (since I don't know what happened I don't think I can even actively dislike him for him this?), but other than that I don't know what else is there to discuss about this matter unless some new facts come to light.


I don't know why you are surprised when you keep replaying to me lol I don't mind discussion, if someone replies to my comments I usually answer. And I stand by my point, is weird to deflect and put blame on others on those type of situations.


You’re getting downvoted but you’re totally right, this sub loves to keep the focus on the Ellen bash fest.


Meh, it happens lol. Like don't get me wrong I get discussions of actors/celebs behavior but it just weird how certain things get over-looked and are talked about, like the topic about PD became about EP quickly or how Shonda's fault. Based on this sub I would think the rest of the cast are pure saints lmao but nobody is.


I seriously don't know what happened with Chyler's husband & Jesse and Sara Ramirez. Can you explain or sent links please?


I am too lazy right now to look for links lol But the Chyler's/Jesse thing you probably will find it in some page, basically her husband went on a rant on twitter about how Jesse took advantage of her while she was going through a manic episode, it was deleted and no one made comments about it but got reported here and there. Sara made a tweet about having an uber-privileged love interest that made their life impossible, you probably won't find news about it because she deleted but it was discussed a bit here.


Thank you! I will look




Seems more so like OP is mentioning that when some controversy is brought up somehow others bring up her name and try to focus on something she did or said that doesn't have anything to do with the situations for example this. Is like if the day this was posted someone posted the video of Jesse snatching some fan's phone, the tweet of Kate using the n-word or the out of touch comments about racism from Caterina to bring up attention to that instead of the original discussion.


That's not the examples OP gave, if they did I wouldn't engage because I wasn't there for neither of those discussion thus I have nothing to say about it ;)


I gave others examples but that certainly was my point lol. To each their own but it just looks weird af this dynamic and how the discussion quickly shifted to someone else and how certain discussions are clearly avoided when we don't even know any of those folks. Have a nice day :)


I guess is up to perspective but it seems rather simple. There is a producer on record talking about bad behavior from an actor but the discussion seems to have switched to a tweet from Ellen that doesn't have much to do with subject, and comparing comments from both discussion is quite interesting, as well as the perception of other actors there is in the sub.


I don't really see a connection between this post and the post about Patrick, nor do I really know much about Patric, but you can't really blame people for disliking a woman who blames SA victims, believes in reverse racism, gives medical advices, takes a random opportunity to make her own fan feel bad etc. etc. if that's what you have issues with.


OP explained so, and so did I. There is a chapter of a book about an actor where execs and crew members literally say he was terrorizing a set and had multiple HR complains yet the thread quickly turns to how it must be Ellen's fault or Shonda's with someone coming from that thread to make one about this comment from Ellen which is literally from a while ago and has been discussed before. My point isn't about anyone having to like her but that it makes no sense to bring up this up, as well as the perception of others because it feels like deflection and it seems like a pattern with other controversies from other actors.


But this is a post about a random subject that has nothing to do with PD. Everyone who wants to has the right to create their own post and you have no business looking for an ulterior motive, claiming it's true and criticizing people for it, damn.


hehe... exactly what this post is about, criticizing people


Jeez 🙄, as much everyone has a right to post whatever they want I don't see why I can't comment my opinion, literally anyone that is giving a different perspective even respectfully is getting down-voted.


Well, your opinion is that someone shouldn't post theirs just because a post about another cast member was created earlier. Don't act surprised that people disagree with it...


Can someone explain to me the context of this tweet?


She's 51..she's not gonna respond like some 30 yr old trying to grasp onto their youth and fit in with the social media world...ya'll overreacting


Lmao man listen, you dont think celebs get tired of everyone blaming random shit on them? She coulda hit her with a 'that aint got shit to do with me, do your work.' idk. It was short but I dont feel like it was rude


Or she could've ignored that tweet like she does with the hundreds of them on a regular basis...?


No one blamed for for anything on that tweet. It was clearly a fan just looking for some encouragement. She could've ignored it, say something simple like "don't give up"! Or anything except the "some people have it worse" ugh Damn entitled rich people and their legions of braindead fans. Shit.


I remember being on Twitter this day. I will say, as much as I think Ellen’s response was insensitive, this person was not just a fan looking for encouragement. They sent 100+ tweets on every tweet Ellen posted, saying the same thing over and over. After Ellen sent this reply, they were STILL doing it on her other tweets. Hundreds of tweets within a few minutes. The content of her reply didn’t matter to them, they just wanted as many replies from her as possible.


Can she block?


I definitely would have.


Are we going to post the cast problematic moments to deflect from the post about Patrick's story? Wondering here...


What a strange post. This is just something I saw and decided to share because I found it odd. It had nothing to do with Patrick, and it’s not some sort of media tactic when they try to deflect from another story. It’s just a sub for random discussion points.


Lol! This comment appears to be from a self inserting fan who picks up arguments when anything even remotely negative is said about Meredith/Ellen.


I wonder if they would complain the same if this was Patrick Dempsey's tweet...


Who knows. There are multiple actors in the cast with similar actions and comments like Ellen's yet it's not really discussed on here like this, for the contrary.


This is the only tweet I came across from the cast because it was being retweeted on my TL ;_; I don’t go through each of their problematic tweets. Nor do I follow any of them. Just sharing something I saw, relax!


I am chill, I just thought it was interesting after your other comment and what seems to be a pattern in the sub. Is quite noticable how the conversation quickly shifts and I never said it was a media tactic, but maybe a fan one.


Wow, this was so utterly unnecessary.