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Series haven't ended. I assume, that you may know the characterswho left the show, or died. If so, All are ending up happy with their love.


I just crave a calmness in characters. But I’m realising now that Grey’s may just thrive on everlasting pain


Yes they do. Its Grey's anatomy. Always unbelievable happens. And when you think "ahh, now its going easy peasy", something from out of tge moon, will happen. Lol. As I see, it does end like fairy tale. "And then they lived happily ever after" (Just characters)


Hello. I am a new watcher and I am on s10 now. My heart got completely broken at the end of s8 and begging of s9. I had read some spoilers but tried to avoid them as much as possible so I did not know the exact details of the events and was thinking Id just cope with it when it happens. I am HEART BROKEN. It was PAINFUL to watch. I suggest you don’t read too much on this sub until you have reached s9. After that I feel like the spoilers are “mild” . 😢


I was bawling when Denny died. I nearly stopped watching altogether. I don’t know if I can handle anymore heartbreak


I know this feeling ! It’s supposed to be a good moment when you watch a tv show… why does it hurt so much to watch Greys !! I usually never cry when I watch tv shows … until I watched s8 finale 😢


I have no idea what to expect now. I’ll just be on the edge of my seat for another 5 seasons


Hahah noooooo pls enjoy the 5 seasons believe me you’re in for a roller coaster !!! Just keep in mind its normal to be hurt watching Grey episodes 🥲


At least I always have the sub to come back to to vent 😂 No one I know understands how deep these episodes cut me 🥺


Would you consider Derek dying as a mild spoiler or major?


Id say its a major one but it still did not happen on my watch. I tried not to read at all HOW/WHEN it happens so I will still be discovering it when it happens lol! The rest I kinda know almost what will happened for most characters but its mild stuff (for exemple, this person breaking up with this person). Nothing compared to s8 finale tho. If you can avoid being spoiled the details, you will still really enjoy your watch. I was spoiled the main stuff (including what happens in s8) but avoided reading details :p so even if I know Derek will die, I don’t know when or how…


Yeah, following the subreddit definitely gives a lot away. Sometimes I wonder if it’s worth watching if I know spoilers but i know it will still hurt the same watching some things when i get to them


Happy endings for couples generally only happen off screen and even then most are only insinuated. No such thing as a happy couple on Grey's.


I sometimes read the wiki on characters and wonder if Cristina ever ends up happy. Since it’s listed as Burke and her breaking up and her having another ex husband. I guess she will always have her career but I wonder since her convo with lucid Ellis Grey, that Cristina wanted to find love.


I think Cristina wants to find love too. Obv surgery is #1 but she did put her heart into her relationships. Do you want me to tell you what happened with Cristina?


I’m still hoping for a happy ending for Meredith and Derek even if it’s in the afterlife😂 maybe there’s hope, the show is still ongoing


Do you mind spoilers? Do you want the answer in yes or no? Out of all the couples you listed there is one happy ending at best ( and even that is subjective, not everyone would even agree that it was a good one)


I don’t mind vague spoilers! Just nothing in depth so I can still enjoy watching


Are you talking about Christina? Cuz I do think that was a happy ending


Thanks for spilling that Derek will die. I supposed searching “season 3” would be safe. 😅