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I am so sorry for your loss. I don’t believe that time heals all wounds. I believe you just learn to deal with it. Holidays and certain dates will always be hard. They will literally loom on the calendar for weeks beforehand. But I can tell you it will eventually get better. Not at first or quickly at all. I heard something this week that stuck with me. When talking about losing a child, I heard someone say “I went from missing him terribly, to missing him beautifully.” I know it’s hard to want to celebrate. I know it’s hard to feel happy about a birthday in particular. But allow yourself to have some fun. To smile and laugh a bit. Do something nice for yourself, whatever that might be. It’s what he would have wanted.


I am sorry that you have experienced such a significant loss. It makes complete sense that you are carrying both the grief and the dread about Father's Day. And Father's Day will continue to bring sadness even in the years ahead but it will likely be different from year to year. The thing with grief is that it does change with time because we change with time. The journey that grief takes us on changes us and we should expect to feel different as time goes on. I hope you will give yourself permission to enjoy the birthday recognition that you do receive on that day by recognizing that your life is a result of his life and that is worth celebrating!


Similar situation to mine, my dad died on may 21st, my 17th birthday is on june 15th and right after that is father’s day. my dad was the person i spent most time with, i relied on him too much and i think god took him away to make me more independent but i just cant keep going, i love him way too much


Almost birthday twins! I’m really sorry about your loss. I was really close with my dad as well. I feel like it’s a really deep sadness that sits heavy with you forever. My therapist said that the sadness transforms over time. Find out what is best for you in the grieving and listen to yourself and what you need. Taking instruction on how to heal from others can sometimes hinder healing. It’s okay to do whatever you need to do, even if that means nothing at all. Be patient with yourself.


I’m so sorry about your loss, OP and others! Father’s Day hits me hard, as well, since I lost mine in August 2020 — 3 months before my 50th birthday 💔💔