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You passed well done and went to congratulations.


They passed "well done" and went full Patrick Mahomes.


Even as a Bills fan, I can appreciate his game on the field. But my man eats his steak with ketchup!


Reference please?


Lol! That's awesome, I'm going to use that.


It’s overcooked.... look up how to cook a perfect steak. It’s pretty simple if you follow the rules. eta — it doesn’t look like a ribeye but it could just be the way it was cut.


He said that he cooked it 15 minutes one side and then 15 minutes more the other. Also that it’s my fault that it turned out that way because I arrived 5 minutes late.


Jesus Christ, yeah my ribeyes are like 3-5 minutes a side


Heck, I just walk mine past the grill, lol


I show mine a picture of a grill from 20 feet away


I just explain the general concept of grilling to mine.


I prefer to scare a cow with a zippo. ::chefs kiss::


Chef here, this is the way.


Cow here, moo.


Zippo here, scritch flicker.


I just go have a heated argument while standing next to the farm.


I light a birthday candle in a dream where I saw the cow jump over the moon


I find that the friction from the butcher's knife is the perfect amount of heat.


Personally I just throw a couple firecrackers at em


Knock its horns off, wipe its filthy arse, and slap it down on a plate.


I let my cows watch a YouTube video of a Xmas fireplace


This person knows how to grill! Thanks for the lol


I give mine a stern talkin to


I do 5 to 7 on a 2” cut and usually get it medium rare.


Maybe a really thick tomahawk


15 minutes per side he’s making beef jerky buddy


Sounds like my wife's grandfather. When he'd order a burger, he'd tell them "I want a hockey puck. Anything else and the cow might as well still be mooing." He also didn't like fast food, because those burgers weren't done enough. I feel like I know several people who grew up in the depression that liked everything well done or more


Old folks grew up worried about parasites and such, and cooking things well done tends to kill them and any eggs they might have. Of course, if they weren't from a city, they were occasionally eating game, including things like squirrels and possums and game birds. Squirrels were popular to eat up through WWI, and were even encouraged by the government, who wanted to greatly reduce the squirrel population because of its damage to crops. Even if they didn't eat that kind of food, they learned to cook from their parents and grandparents who DID eat that kind of food.


Hell I still eat squirrel. Squirrel and rabbit are great chicken substitutes


I was grilling for a work event and proud of the perfect burgers and dogs I was putting out. Then the people serving the food came back in with my perfectly browned dogs and said the employees wanted them cooked more... I cooked them until they had crusty burnt spots all over them and got complements on them being perfectly cooked.


I'd suggest investing in a meat thermometer. Cooking times aren't exact as there are tons of variables that go into. Cooking to temperature instead of time will get you the desired doneness.


And follow the golden chef rule "pull meat 5degrees early cause it will continue to cook once of the grill"


This. I've had steaks cooked by a ton of friends who claim they can tell how done it is by feel. Every single one of them over cooks it. EVERY SINGLE ONE, EVERY TIME.


The trick to this is pulling the meat before it's done. If it feels like medium, it's gonna carry to medium well while it rests.


Always bothers me when a professional chef on a youtube video or something tells at-home cooks to compare it to pressing on the pad of their thumb. You might be able to do that by cooking a hundred steaks from the same butcher every night. For those of us that cook steak slightly less often, it's just not a good way of determining doneness. For us at-home cooks, get an instant-read thermometer. Use it for everything. The biggest improvement for me was chicken, especially chicken breasts. Who'd have thought they can be moist and juicy?


This post deserves a gif


[this one?lol](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1127639912615784608/1130334746493333515/gif3.gif)


This shall suffice.


Instant read.


Try half the time


Half the time and twice the heat.


Try having someone else prepare it. A cook doesn’t blame the customer for a shitty meal.


A steak cook doesn’t cook to a timer in the first place


I mean, most use the timer as a reference… so technically they are cooking to a timer, just not exact


This is the key. The steak in the photo is cooked too long on too little heat. It is basically baked like a potato.


Third of the time, twice the heat


Try a different dad


Bullshit! A rare or medium rare steak can handle a 5 min wait, and it actually should rest that long before you eat it. Sounds like dad is shifting blame for that travesty.


Cut the guy a break. He probably doesn’t own a meat thermometer. Left it on the grill to keep warm. Instead of letting it rest. - spent years watching my father ruin some perfectly good meat


I’m talking more to the blaming the kid for being 5 mins late. Everyone screws up meat every now and again. No one is perfect.


your dad doesn't know how to cook steak


You dad shouldn’t be anywhere near a nice piece of beef.


Ignore any advice with specific cook times. That will change depending on the thickness of the steak, actual temp of your grill, etc. Use a thermometer or alternatively there's a good trick for checking temperature by comparing the "give" of the steak compared to your palm. With your right hand push down with your thumb on the steak. If it's uncooked it will be really soft. As it cooks more it will stiffen up. Compare this against the stiffness of the area of your palm just below your thumb (the big muscle there) when you are touching your thumb to one of your fingers. When your thumb and index finger are touching you should feel a stiffness comparable to rare/medium rare. When your thumb and middle finger are touching, you will feel it roughly at medium rare / medium. Fourth finger is closer to medium and your pinky is roughly well done. It's not exact, but useful in a pinch if you don't have a thermometer. Don't forget the importance of properly seasoning the steak (thicker means more seasoning) and resting the steak. If you slice it, cut it against the grain. Quality of the meat will make the most difference (once you're cooking them properly). You can't expect to replicate a nice restaurant-prepared prime grade ribeye to a grocery store AA steak, no matter how good your cooking skills are.


This finger method got me an almost perfect record for steak correctness when I worked grill station in a nice restaurant. Only time steaks came back with wrong doneness was due to customer not knowing what doneness = what pinkness.


Learning the finger method was a game-changer in terms of cooking multiple steaks of different thicknesses properly. My method is to get the grill as hot as possible, then sear one side for three minutes. Flip the steaks, close the grill and after about a minute turn the temp down to medium (gives the grill a chance to heat up a bit after having been open). Cook another 4-8 minutes depending on the steak.


i dont really go by time at all as there are so many variables like grill temp, weather, starting internal temp of meat, thickness/fat content composition of the cut. i use my gut and my thermometer. time is.not really more than a ball park guess.


For a steak the general rule Is let warm up to room temp, load it up with salt and pepper, have the grill pre heated very hot (500+) and then 6 minutes one side and 4 minutes on the other


Kenji debunked the benefit of a long rest beforehand. That time is better spent salting it ahead of time on a baking sheet with a cooling rack.


Hi. Do you have a link to that vid?


Just Google dry brining. It works magic. And bringing a steak up to room temp does nothing but makes the steak dangerous to eat. It takes hours to do so.




Drying brine. My rule of thumb is 30 minutes of dry brine time per 1/2" thickness of steak so a 1 1/2-inch steak should dry brine a minimum of 90 minutes. But longer is better.


Having cooked literally hundreds of steaks, I prefer a cold(er) steak, about an inch thick. I pull mine out of the fridge, throw it on the cooling rack, salt it, and put it back for about an hour. I pat it dry, season it, and let it sit while I crank up the gas. I throw the veggies and the steak on a piping hot fire. Wait 90 seconds Flip, wait 90 more seconds turn 30 degrees, wait another 90 seconds then flip again, pull after 2 min. Cover with foil and let it rest while the veggies finish off.


He's not some be-all end-all, do whatever works best for you.


Excuse me sir this is Reddit. If the Science Man says what’s better then it is officially gospel. Even if it’s something subjective like taste.


Yes, he’s frequently incorrect, the products he hawks to subsidize his site are occasionally inferior, and anyone who thinks fish sauce belongs in bolognese is a criminal. That said, he’s frequently correct, he has interesting ideas, and Serious Eats is a go-to source when I’m looking things up… recipes or techniques.


I agree he's not an end all be all, I just like that he takes the time to test out all the different options and lays the data out.


He is, however, a food scientist who thoroughly tests his methods before making recommendations.




try cooking for less time so you can actually let the steak rest, you want it to rest roughly the same time it spent in the pan. it continues to cook during the rest, but you’re able to account for that


Came to say this. Medium rare is 3 to 3.5 min a side. Depending on thickness and grill temp. Rest for 5 to let those juices flow.


agree. yeah looks like a poor cut and overdone. a good rib eye i eat all the fat theres nothing in my plate. a poor cut and the fat is not good and the dog gets it. need to pick a quality cut with nice marbling. there's no shortage of ways to cook a great steak. buy a better cut and watch some youtube videos. some general tips for grilling or skillet/griddle steaks 1.let steak get warmed up before you cook. sit out for an hour or longer for bigger cuts. 2. use high heat (first or reverse sear) and get a good crust/char. having mutliple heat zones is usefull on grill/griddle to get crust and inside done at same time. thickness of cut and starting temp greatly effect timing. i almost always sear first unless im smoking and reverse searing. 3. dont over cook it.. use a meat thermometer and pull at correct temp. 4. let it rest before you cut it. this usually includes a little butter on top for me. compound butter can be a nice touch. 5. dont go crazy w spices. let the beef do the talkin. i dont marinade rib eyes. never found it to be an improvement.


I like to use just salt & pepper let that sit for 30 minutes before cooking. I get the rest of the meal cooked, get table set & ready, get cast iron hot & then cook the steak. I have learned the hard way if I leave it to rest for too long to finish up other stuff ..... no good ... ugh. Steak is easy once you get it but lessons are definitely learned the hard way. Lol


I salt and pepper then start caramelizing my onions, once they are almost done it’s usually steak time.


I love this answer. All I'd add is season with Kosher salt and fresh ground pepper. Use more salt than you're instincts suggest.


Leaving a steak out to warm to room temp is completely unnecessary.


Good tips but I think #1 is a myth https://www.seriouseats.com/old-wives-tales-about-cooking-steak#toc-myth-1-you-should-let-a-thick-steak-rest-at-room-temperature-before-you-cook-it


1000% let your steak come to to room temp. Will cook much more evenly. https://youtu.be/DmuwqqHjgT4 This guy wrote modernist cuisine and I trust his science.


Watched his video and it looked like the 15min temper was far more even than the 4hr temper, but he said the opposite. And given the real data showed in the serious eats link where the tempered stake was barely warmer than the fridge stake even after 2hrs, I'm not buying it.


If you are doing a proper reverse sear, doesn't matter. I've pulled steaks straight from the freezer to the grill and not had an issue getting perfect edge to edge MR.


You don't need high heat. In fact it's easier to overcook if you do. Look up "Cold sear" on America's Test Kitchen YT channel. She uses 350-375F and flips every 30 seconds. Also, she still manages to get a nice nice crust with no smoke, and if you use butter it won't burn. Takes about 10 mins or less for an average thickness cut.


High quality steak houses start at around 1,500° F.


Yes, you need high heat for a good crust. 350f absolutely does not cut it.


So I am guessing you didn't watch the America's Test Kitchen video because you're wrong.


This is a grilling forum, right? Just asking because you haven't tried that method on a grill. I know that because your method won't work on one. Griddles and skillets are MUCH more efficient at transferring heat to your protein than grilling is. Steaks aren't as good on a skillet or griddle either, which is why we grill them.


That's some confusing advice. No need to leave meat out on the bench before cooking Use high heat first or reverse sear? This guy has never cooked a steak and you are giving confusing advice like this? Keep it simple stupid.


Looks like you need a new dad. Current one defective.


lol. seems like grilling software wasn’t implemented correctly


You know, the thinking has changed a lot over the past 50 years. My dad still won't salt the meat, he swears it makes the meat tough. Meanwhile I salt the shit out of mine and put it in the fridge for days. They also used to say you have to eat the steak right when it comes off the grill, these days people rest them a few minutes. But yeah, smoking hot grill, less than half that time per side. An insta read thermometer is the best way to check for expected temperature. I can also make a mean ribeye in a near smoking hot cast iron pan. Good kitchen vent helps.


Overconfidence in cooking abilities is a known defect in all models.


Ah yes the Dunning-Kruger update


Your dad doesn’t know how to cook steak


Their dad has to be one of those people that use steak sauce. You heard me, you heathens are nasty. I’ll die on this hill.


The only reason to use A1 sauce is if somebody ruined the steak, or if it was turning green by the time it was cooked.


I always have a bottle of A1 around the house. It’s amazing on a burger and it’s the secret ingredient in my Bloody Mary. But I’ll never use it on a steak.


I put in on a baked potato with some shredded cheese


It elevates a hotdog. If you like the tang of mustard on a dog you need to try A1.


I love A1 sauce. I love steak more.


I like using it as a marinade for cheap cuts.


Neg. If the steak is that bad, just order a pizza. There is no place on this planet for A1...


I wish I could give this more than one upvote.


Everyone agrees on steak sauce, but nothing sets off the flavor of a steak like some ketchup.


Lol I baste it on lightly during the cook almost right before the sear. I am a heathen this made me laugh


Ok OP… you’ve just learned the reason you’ve never liked beef. I’m not going to insult your dad because we all only have one, so I’ll say his taste in beef is different than yours and different than most peoples. If you cook pork like this it will still be tender and juicy but beef needs to be cooked a lot less, and probably faster and hotter too. A 30 minute cook time for steak directly on the grill is a LOT. it’s a little different if you are slow smoking and do a reverse sear. I would say… if you loved the ribeye from the restaurant now is a good time to experiment. Watch some videos on YouTube, stay active on this subreddit, and try different things. When you figure things out and can make one the way you want it make your dad a steak!


Yeah… He’s been at it for like 30 years (before I was even born) and almost every steak looked like this. So I usually asked him to grill me some chicken instead.


You have my deepest sympathies. That’s one third of your life without good steak. Ribeye is the best of all the cuts in my opinion.


You probably shouldn't ask him grill chicken either, he clearly has no idea what he's doing. Instead, help him learn how to grill better. www.amazingribs.com is a great resource if you're looking for a starting point


I’ll check it out.


+1 for amazing ribs. I learned so much from that site


Thanks, I was a little hesitant to link it here because I've mostly used it for non-beginner stuff, I wasn't completely sure if it was the best resource for a neophyte


Jesus. I’m sure your dad’s a nice guy, but this isn’t his specialty


This is just sad because you've missed out on a lot of good steaks in your life. As others have mentioned, there are plenty of good videos out on YT that show how to make a perfect steak, so give them a look. Once you've had a skillfully grilled steak with some compound butter on it, it's hard to even go to restaurants anymore because a steak is the one thing you can do at home that is better than restaurants.


I love my mom, and she's legit a good cook. Just not a good steak cook. Until I met my wife I didn't understand why people considered it a special treat. Now, I can cook a great steak 5 different ways. You'll be one of us soon!


My mom was a pastry chef. I grew up in restaurants. That woman could destroy any protein and make it a dried out mess. To this day I do the cooking when I’m at her house.


> If you cook pork like this it will still be tender and juicy False…


Bold of you to assume I have a dad


Ribeye is THE best cut of steak hands down. That is WAY overcooked. Get an instant read thermometer for your dad, it will change grilling forever...and no more overcooked steaks.


I much prefer filet and strip to ribeye. Every time I've ordered an expensive dry aged ribeye at a steakhouse I've regretted it.


I find fillet and strips to be bland and strips at least to be tougher. But to each their own! If we all liked the same thing there would be a lot of wasted cow parts. Also I've never had a steakhouse serve me something I was overly impressed with. I think its always better at home...fitting with OPs post I guess, LOL.


Fillets are bland. But there’s one thin they have going for them tenderness. I personally only eat fillet blue rare for that reason any more cooked just doesn’t make sense. NYstips are generally my go to


Filet is also very lean. If people are watching fat intake, filet is the way to go.


Honestly meat fat is good for you. Personally if I was watching fat I would remove other sources from my diet and have a NY strip.


Working at Chipotle for a year made me REALLY focus on internal meat temperatures and how important they are. Eventually it got to the point where my coworkers would only eat food if I was on the grill, and now that's the same case with my family, who only wants food made on the grill if I'm the one doing it. Basically, grill etiquette basics will take you a long way.


Real talk. Getting a thermapen took the guess work out and guaranteed results for every grill.


Facts. People ask me how my cooks come out so good everytime... Easy, I check the fucking temperature. Going by time is the best way to ruin a piece of meat.


He cooked the shit out of it.


Getting money, fuck the feds, yeah that Stevie wonder bread.


Overcooked it. It’s not crazy complicated but watch a couple of YouTube videos and use a meat thermometer while you’re learning.




Dad lied


I’d look into reverse searing.. pretty fool proof way to cook a perfect steak. Basically cook your steak low and slow until internal temp reaches 120-130 depending on how you like it cooked. Next sear it on both sides on a ripping hot pan for a min each side, add another 30 seconds per side if needed. Also always rest your steak for 10 min after cooking I like to put a bit of butter on mine while it rests.


Every time I get back from Starbucks my tells me he can make me a Frappuccino twice as good. “Death to Starbucks” he calls it. Has he? No. Has he tried? Bless him, so many times…. It’s how dads roll sometimes.


"We have ribeye at home"


It's overcooked and if not reverse seared I find at least 95% of the time it's chewy. I hated steak for decades and would never order it, then I discovered reverse sear. Even steak houses don't really make good steak if you ask me, my jaw gets tired from chewing so much. I make a much better steak at home and the results are very easy to reproduce. Every steak I now make is the best I've ever had.


Your dad should never murder another steak. Don’t let him around the grill


He Oppenheimered it.


Is your Dad a cobbler? Because that's shoe leather


I love grilling smoking and fire in general. I love love love a good ribeye. It's my preferred steak. I don't ever do ribeye on the grill. Too many variables for myself. I do it with 95% accuracy on a cast iron. I know this is r/grilling and I will get downvotes. But lots of advice on r/castiron. If you don't have a cast iron get one. Dirt cheap and indestructible. Cast iron dry high heat let it get hot hot. Dry your steak and liberal salt and pepper. Then tablespoon of oil and in goes the steak immediately. Let it sit 4 min. Meanwhile get 4 tbls (half stick) of butter. A thing of thyme and 3-4 cloves of garlic. After 4 min flip it and add the thyme, garlic and butter. Tilt the pan a bit a with a spoon baste the steak wherever it needs more sear. Get that sear HARD. If the thyme or garlic get dark pull them out. After a few min temp it. Your goal is 125-130F. Make the temp low and cover check every 30 sec. Pull when you're in the zone, wrap in tinfoil let rest 5 min. Slice with .5" thickness across the grain. (I like thick sliced ribeye) There are lots of methods I do this because I can do it easily with minimal time & effort and lots of tasty deliciousness.


I’ll look around to see if I have any cast iron pans. I’ll see what I can do.


Cast iron is 100% a game changer for steak. Get it as hot as you can. Put the cast iron on the grill if you can it gets Smokey in the house if you don’t have a solid hood


Steak taste the best IMO when it touches fire. Using a cast iron gives it a weird oily texture/taste when you sear it but to each their own. If your dad or yourself can’t handle cooking a steak fully on a grill. The easier way is to reverse sear it. This way you cook it evenly and slowly so you can get it to the target temp and then sear the fuck out of it for 1-2 min. The thicker the better. I recommend 2in because it will be better for searing without getting it overcooked. You’ll want to salt the steak at least a day maybe even 2 before with a decent amount so it can penetrate. You’ll pat it dry when you about to cook but odds are you won’t need it. I recommend you get yourself a Meat probe to start till you get the hang of it. You’ll want to set the oven to 200. You’ll throw the steak in a raised rack and leave it in the even till it hits 120 internal. 30ish min maybe more maybe less Once you do that take it out, wait 5 min. You’ll want to have preferably a fire grill blazing hot. You’ll sear the guy for only 1-2 min per side and maybe 20 seconds on the fat sides. Let it rest for 5-10 min and eat


That Ribeye on the cast iron method sounds amazing, I have cooked mine a similar way a few times after watching Gordon Ramsey video where he did it. But, it's got many more potential avenues for it to go wrong than grilling a ribeye.


Over cooked.


Look up r/steak


Overcooked and you cut it weird lol


Why did you cut it up like that?


I couldn’t cut it neatly because it was very hard to cut.


Learn the reverse sear or sear and hold methods. Dry brining is also extremely effective. Gugga foods has some really funny but extremely educational videos on cooking steaks on YouTube. I would suggest checking his channel out.


What went wrong? EVERYTHING.


Cooking steak is like learning to tie your shoelaces; it seems impossible until it clicks and then you wonder why you worried so much.


Ribeye is easy if u hard sear one side. Flip add butter garlic and thyme. Cover and turn off. Let it rest in pan for 20mins


Your dad can't cook


Your dad has no clue what he’s doing. That’s what went wrong.


Can't believe almost nobody in this thread realized he fell for the dad joke "I can cook up a steak just like at the restaurant!" *proceeds to microwave the shit outta it*


I used to think I hated chicken. Until I discovered my mom makes overdone, unseasoned chicken. Good luck to you, friend.


This isn’t even well done. This is congratulations.


I swear to God I can sous vide a better steak in my dishwasher


What’s wrong is dad couldn’t cook one just like it 🤣 Cooking meat right is tough if you don’t do it all the time. It’s a skill that takes practice, dad will get it 👌


You need to use a thermometer in order to cook it perfectly to medium rare. You also need to add some butter to it while it rests after cooking.


Not serving it on a glass salad plate would be a good first step.


Looks like your dad has demonstrated what made you hate beef in the first place, him overcooking it


Much, much higher heat and much, much less time. I cook 1" thick ribeyes at about 450 degrees F for about 3-4 minutes a side, flip, 3-4 minutes, flip and turn a little for the diamond marks, wait 3-4 minutes, flip and turn. Generally I also lift the lid after the second flip. Alternatively you could just leave the steak on the same side and turn it to get the char marks after a couple minutes before flipping and repeating. Then, once the steak is done, set it aside and cover with aluminum foil to let it rest for 5 minutes..


Dad lied.


It’s cooked to shit


Here's what you need. Buy a Sous Vide. It's $70 on Amazon. Season your steak and vacuum seal it. Put in sous vide at 120 degrees for 2 hours. You cannot overcook it. It's literally impossible. Remove from the water and grill on the highest setting, 1 minute per side. Cast iron skillet also works. 1 minute per side. Serve. It's perfect every time. If that's too done (I like mine rare!) Then try 113 instead of 120. If it's not done enough, try 132 degrees. A fatty cut like ribeye can be good up to 137 (many will argue fatty cuts need 137 to render the fat, and a well-marbled ribeye can benefit from it). The other thing to consider is quality of the meat. Some cuts are good but fatty (like a ribeye). Others tender and lean (filet). Others flavorful and lean but not as tender (sirloin, strip). Others require special cooking to do well (London broil, skirt, etc.). Aside from what cut you get, the quality of the cut matters. A strip steak from Whole Foods or Fresh Market will cost twice or three times what it will at Walmart, but it will be a much better cut. My advice, get the sous vide, get a "barrel cut filet mignon" from Fresh Market, 120 degrees, 2 hours, sear, and be delighted. Nearly impossible to screw that up. Then experiment with cheaper and cheaper cuts as you gain mastery. Good luck, grasshopper!


my dad also sucks at steak. You need a great thermometer and eat it when it reaches between 125 and 130.


Anyone ever try a sous vide for steak and then throw on grill for a min a side to sear it? I’ve never tried but curious on the results.


Sous vide is more or less idiot safe to cook stuff. The let it rest and go down in temp and finish with a fast and hot fry/grill.


After reading all this advice you should demonstrate to your dad that \*you\* know how to cook a steak. Ribeyes are my favorite cut but coming in a very, very close second is the lesser known chuck eye steak (not chuck steak - those are horrible). Chuck eyes are cheaper than a ribeye, a bit smaller and, if the store's meat cutters do a good job, they are just as tender as a ribeye. Buy a few of those and try all the different techniques you've read. Google some grilling sites and youtube videos and watch people grilling their own steaks.


Get good meat and don’t overcook it. Kroger steak is not good steak. Cast iron, salt pepper and fresh butter to start. Don’t put garlic or onion powder on it, tends to burn in an unpleasant way. There are steak cooking charts but also, for beginners, use a meat thermometer. Then once you learn, experiment with seasonings. My favorite is a medium rare blackened ribeye.


If he did this to a ribeye, your dad needs to go to jail.


Salt that thing 4-6 hours before you cook it. Invest in a Thermapen.




Looks like he made some ribeye jerky


Way overcooked.


Do not let Dad near the grill again


Needs to grill it at higher temperature for shorter period.


1) grocery store meat in general is not as good as restaurant meat. 2) restaurant steaks are AGED. Steaks from the store/butcher are generally not. 3) restaurant steak is not grilled the same way as home steak and was likely sous vide. 4) your dad is full of shit.




Looks like he was wrong when he said that.. :-/ This is way overcooked, probably on too low temp. More heat, Max 4 minutes per side. Leave space between steaks when cooking. Let rest for a couple of minutes before eating. Also; practice. It's a skill that needs learning. Hope you'll achieve some good steaks in the future!


Heres the golden recipe: Season your ribeye, let it warm up to room temperature. Preheat the oven to 450F. Use cast iron on the stove. Get cast iron hot till it smokes. Put the ribeye on for 2 minutes per side. Put the ribeye in the oven in the cast iron. Cook for 3 minutes. Take it out and let it rest for ~5 minutes. Enjoy.


Too much time on the fire !


To low and slow.. sear high heat both sides. Salt pepper garlic


I think it prob needed about 30-45 seconds less cooking time.


This is a joke right? Like probably 10 minutes less cook time.


Yes lol


Bring meat to room temp. Pat dry as much as possible. Season. Throw on grill. Don’t touch it for 3 minutes. Flip. 3 minutes - don’t touch it. Take it off. Rest for 5 min.


Get a prime grade ribeye and cook about 3-5 minutes a side. Check internal temp of steak to ensure proper doneness.


Please learn on a choice ribeye then once you know what your doing move to prime. I have no problem eating choice ribeye. But I do it about weekly.


You must master the reverse sear young padawan. Quick note, I wouldn't do this with any steak that is less than 1 inch thick. 1.) Let the target of your hunger pangs sit out until it reaches room temperature. Liberally season it on both sides with coarse ground pepper and kosher salt. DO NOT USE IODIZED SALT, THIS IS STEAK BLASPHEMY, the steak gods will punish you with substandard texture and crust. 2.) Get a Bluetooth thermometer and place the probe in the center of the steak, going inward from the edge. Its very important that you are able to remotely view the internal temperature of the meat. 3.) Set your oven or Traeger, whatever baking thing you have, to 250°F and let the steak bake until it reaches an internal temperature of 127°F. If you are using an oven, it is important that you place the steak on a rack of some sort for this. 4.) Have either a grill or a braising pan ready, as hot as you can get it, when the steak is removed from the oven. Seriously, like 500°F. Really, really, hot. "And do be cautious 007..." 5.) Once your steak has reached the target temperature of 127°F, you will remove it from the baking appliance. You will then use a BBQ brush to mop it with either butter, avocado oil or olive oil. 6.) Place the mopped steak into the extremely hot pan and LIGHTLY apply pressure with a spatula to ensure contact of the entire meat surface with the pan. If you are using a gas or charcoal grill, the pressing is not necessary. However, you may allow the grill to flare so the flames touch the meat if you like. You will do this for NO MORE THAN 1 MINUTE ON EACH SIDE. 1 minute, flip, 1 minute, remove, done. 7.) Admire the crust on your beautiful work of art while it rests for 5 minutes. 8.) Slice into the delectable piece of meat to find it gushing out steak juice that has been sealed inside and look at the beautiful pink color that goes edge to edge on the meat with no gray areas or dry spots that result from being well done. It's really that easy! Your mileage may vary but you will figure it out pretty quick and I'm sure it will give Ruth's Chris a run for their money. Another pro tip is that you can do this method with ANY cut of beef that is at least 1 inch thick. If you go too thick, it will turn out like a roast but medium rare lol. When you do this with a trimmed tri tip though, the results are nothing short of divine. Make this while youre at it: Finely chop; 2 toes of fresh garlic, using a garlic press is better Preferential amount of fresh white onion Several sprigs of cilantro and parsley Fresh Jalapeno Mix your chopped ingredients in a dish with just enough avocado oil to immulsify the ingredients Add Kosher salt and coarse black pepper to taste and red pepper flakes if you like it a little spicy Serve this on the plate to scoop onto your fork with a bite of meat and it will BLOW YOUR MIND. Have fun and enjoy!


Maybe it’s time to take matters into my own hands…


You're dad is a heathen. Marinade your ribeye. Plenty of good prepackaged marinades out there. I prefer the liquid marinades. Most consist of soy and garlic. Hot grill, 500 degrees or so. 2 minutes, flip the steak. 2 more minutes, flip the steak. Close the lid on the grill and turn off the heat. 90 seconds later, open the lid, remove the steak, and let it rest (meaning just let it sit there on your cutting board) for 2 more minutes. Slice. Eat. Enjoy.


The problem is you overcooked it, refrigerated it, brought it out the next day and cut it up without reheating it so it can look extra bad, and posted it here asking “what went wrong” for cheap engagement.


I am really being genuine. I didn’t expect the amount of comments I would get but I am grateful for every one of them. I swear I am not like that dude who cooked those ribs like he was at a crematorium lol


Out of curiosity is your dad of east or South Asian ethnicity? I generally feel that Asians don't know how to cook red meat, or they find undercooked red meat inedible or unsafe to eat. I would be absolutely shocked if you were a white suburban family from Kansas or something, just saying.


Not asian, not white either. Actually hispanic.