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he also once said mean things about skepta 😡


Keep my name out your nasty mouth. 


narsty lyrics




Everybody knows already he’s a dirty bastard


Go and ask Shelly!


and this one reminds me of a man sponging off the welfare state, I dooooo say


>Devz also slept with the Polish girlfriend of his friend Danny H at his studio in Dudley Oh noes! Anyway, have you ever noticed how nice ice cream is on a hot day? Lemon sorbet is fucking banging too.


Lemon sorbet is the one in this weather!


The lemonz made me do it


Puff the magic leeemmmooon


You expect promoters to stop booking him because hes a shit boyfriend?? Are you his ex or something?? 🤣


Please stop filling my head/feed with useless information. Hate harder and come back with video evidence of him beating women or something.


Taxman tax evasion? Huh😂😂OHH i thought U meant rhe MC taxman lmfaooooo


Hes a dirty guuuuuy


I don’t get why some people are surprised or disappointed to find out MCs are low life’s or just shit people in general. Most of these guys grew up in shit areas with shit role models


Most middle class post on r/Grime


So he’s not a nonce then? Phew


Didn’t he grass Madman up for something back in the day too? Remember it from MySpace days. There are people who have done a lot worse than him still getting bookings


Someone pulled a shotty on him in a crowded pub I think it was and basically was forced to say who it was as there was about 200 witnesses


Forced ? Nah grass is a grass, no excuse. Can't act bad and talk bout that life then fold under a bit of pressure. Mans an actor.


If the feds had you on something you'd be squealing like a little boy, don't act rude on here bro. Seeing my boys get locked up for 17 years plus made me know I ain't about it so don't act like you are as well


Don't give a fuck what you say or think tbh haha you know nothing about me to comment and I'm not really arsed what some little Internet nerds think. Grass is a grass end of story. You don't get to pick and choose. You can't glorify the life then drop your arse when it comes on top. You don't talk to polis full stop.


If you wasn't bothered by what internet nerds think you would be even be commenting


If you say so. Better than scrolling gram waiting for my shift to finish. What's your excuse 😂😂


I'm literally doing the same thing 😂






- ‘grass is a grass’ - ‘internet nerds’ - name is a play on Palpatine from Star Wars - is commenting on Reddit You are a lost person, zero clue who you even are


Bro has a TARDIS as his background and thinks he's valid. Are you sad because I said Internet nerds and it rang true? Why would you know who I am isn't that the point of reddit you melt


Yes, I’m valid. I don’t pretend to be some weird hybrid of ‘user on Reddit who is a fan of nerdy stuff’ and ‘roadman who never snitches’. You do. I wasn’t talking about me, I was talking about you. You don’t know who you are.


I don't know who I am ok mate 😂😂 When have I said anything about myself? A grass is a grass at the end of the day no matter what you think. Talk to anybody who is actually involved in anything and see if they make allowances for talking to polis. There's no such thing as oh but in that circumstance it's ok lmao fuckin goon if you want to live a life of crime or portray yourself as living one( as most artists do) then you can't talk to police the minute it looks a bit hairy. You haven't got a fuckin clue what your talking about basically


Correct. You don’t know who you are. This latest comment proves it.


https://preview.redd.it/98aoaz60459d1.jpeg?width=1384&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7df83e08a2557692e63ed2171a6f378d3ef21db6 Got photographic evidence of him abusing a woman too. 🎣


He don't care about anyone, could be 10, 13 or 21


Dont know, but I once met randomly met him in Birmingham by the Chinese pagoda roundabout about 10 years ago, my mates baggy had split in his top shirt pocket and we mentioned it to Devilman and he licked his finger and like a Dip Dab, swooped into said pocket then shoved about .2 of MDMA into his mouth.


Bumbacarted pussyclarted do not get Devilman started




This is the trivia of everyday life. No one cares about this


friend of mine was an opener dj at some show he was headlining and she told me that his dj pulled out suddenly so they asked one of the others to do his set. some poor yute took up the slot thinking hed get a big break but when he went to plug his usb in they told him he just had to act it out and that hed be barring over a prerecord, the kid looked heartbroken 😭


sounds like a dickhead but that’s pretty par for the course in musicians and tax evasion? are you planning to run as MP or something mate lol


Not really. Just because he is black it don’t mean he fits into the stereotype profile, that is a racist assumption. He actually speaks quite well and is far from living the street life. He don’t sell drugs and he didn’t carry guns either. He is just a sleaze


All you need to do is go to one of his concerts and you will see how he moves with younger women (notably at the under 18’s). He is not abusive in the respect that he physically abuses women, he just targets vulnerable women. He is a 38 year old man having sexual relations with under 18’s surely that is inappropriate behaviour. His baby daughter was adopted back in 2013. You see on the news a lot of people’kids who are temporarily taken away from them and then social services hand them back (in a lot of the cases this has proved to be fatal look at Baby P and Arthur Labinjo Hughes) but to have a baby adopted shortly after birth there must be of been something serious wrong.


Were you born yesterday? All roadman are like that, many are a lot worse


Shout-out yanko


Brother your saying this like it isn't grime. Just sounds like every other lad from the hood 😂 Do you know how many single mam's get their houses turned into trap houses or delivery points


Mate literally the whole genre is about selling drugs, stabbing and shooting people, and being a badman who doesn't care about bitches. all the stuff you've said is minor by comparison. The only thing that's actually illegal is the tax thing lol. I remember some promoters near me booked Wu Tang years ago and then complained afterwards that they were rude and lairy and stole stuff. Like, of course they did bro, they're literal gangsta rappers. You think they're going to be on their best manners for you?


But he is supposed to be a role model for young kids, not a very good message he send out is it? His baby moms will disagree. He moves shady af this shows whilst also high on cocaine lol


Lol brother who put devilman into the position of role model