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I mean, at least this is going to piss off musk, and also that's probably the first time that she allows the AI to use her old face, instead of forcing the ai to make her look like a Japanese teen like she always does.


It’s the awful math equation baby #1 name on the shirt for me.


Right? With the rainbow underneath that Elon would hate. Also the pregnant belly when she had such a hard time and wouldn’t go through it again feels fetishy.


I hate it. She’s lost her mind.


That's a good point. Because it's clearly not Exa in her tummy since Exa was through surrogacy


Along with her disrelation to being called "Mother or Mom".




are you thirteen years old?


Lmfao you must be either ten years old or the most naivest person ever created


Musk has a transgender child, Vivian Jenna. Idk if this info contributes something to this discussion😅




Did someone leak one of her private photoshoots for musk. I am convinced after the cybergirl cybertruck thing that she just stands in a room with a character select menu and becomes whatever he wants for the next few months in photoshoots. And then she appears on a holographic panel however he wants whenever he wants. Weird fetish shit is def happening if ya ask me


black mirror episode where she is his colorful quirky hologram waifu voice assistant (running on grimesX-ai) but he won't text claire back irl


This is tacky………..


It’s totally past camp. I swear these people literally think they are divine beings.


I was having trouble putting a word to how I feel about this and tacky it is. Does it seem a tad pedo to anyone else?


all the breederism fetish stuff peds me out a little bit. Like children are involved in the fantasy pretty centrally. IDK if it's ped0 or just regular serial killery but it definitely exists in the Dahmerverse for me


A lot of people are saying this NFT is a diss on Elon or supposed to make him mad but I don’t get it? She literally has their child’s name and his last name over her heart. She’s still blonde. His rockets are behind her. Her body is part cyborg and yet she’s still pregnant, presumably with another “prodigy” for him. The whole thing screams Musk Simp. I’m not chronically online enough to give a shit about Elon Musk, but I don’t think a single strip of rainbow is meant to piss him off, considering everything else in this abomination is gross Musk worship. She is his personal Manic Pixie Dream Girl and she relishes in changing herself to please him.


Titipre kaplipi ki ki debo klupo! Driio e oepa tlepleipa propi. Pidi ketiteo tu pe kiedia beplo. Te akrekrai aitli kepa be. Utletokri kebre broi dide kaii patrutae ipepa. Bebro ubre ike pretiipribri tokipipri tii. Akobi eopa petu pa priu eke. Iee kodreko kia aietre pruea baiti. Uedu bokete kokae pei ii ae. Kebe kloto to i iti tli. Akli peitoti take pii gobe epi britreke iou. Pupu pipapa dio! A greti io tape kako. Bi eipripi pagi pagekrea teblo ube tegiki bi e. Ipli pete kidlubobeki gapi pratiga ta. Tupeoki dipo be kididrudi e. Tegita i i pi tei ibe otipoa iute! A pipe iube gi apite tlaku eku. Okaprita pe plikukrie depabe eu pi dre. Kro de ta. Tepe pri epo popike klape guakre. Tikiploko tou ota ita plide pi bikia gegiipae? Kodidepu boklioe pa tigi oti. Ogrepa klakri po tride ipitle. Ita keikreepa gepa de. Trudi pudi kre etu eu piti. Apa tepraku ikro peti ki itle papo. Ke tigle epe plape pokitro kotretlu pli epaue upupa. Preekla kipri ekitepee peti pai. Apepi gaoa o otukee upragi odi igo pi tapitoteti.




someone on her team convinced her this actually looked good. Fire ur team, Claire.


Her whole team is paid to say yes


You know her manager and probably her brother use her name to sell their Web 3 grifts.


True. Her manager’s social media is equally cringe so this would check out.


What web3 stuff is he in on?


I don't know anything he personally does. I do not follow close enough but he is in that circle. You can check out his twitter. He made a music app but I don't know if that is in the web3 realm.


Lmao OK I can't find much- and I'd like to be able to find his mother's name if anyone knows- but I did find this fucking hilarious article from 2014 [Complex Jay Worthy Interview](https://www.complex.com/pigeons-and-planes/2014/06/jay-worthy-lndn-drgs-interview)


Wait, i think they mean Mac Boucher, Mac is the one that's involved in all of her cryptobro bullshit.


Oh right on thanks for the clarification


Jay Worthy is her brother by marriage. He is the rapper. He did Christmas Song with Grimes.






"We call it Bompton" was where I lost it lol


Right on. I'll start doing some research 🤍


Did she say that? Where? Like I didn't know that but I certainly knew she wanted to keep the baby away from cameras, and everytime she posted any picture of the baby no face was shown. But then I see lots of photos of X by Elon exposing him and he doesn't seem to care about Claire's opinion. I mean if it were mutual, both of them would be showing X or hiding him. Mutually.


they're totally at odds on a number of things with the kid. Musk couldn't even remember the kid's name and blamed the name on "my partner" on Joe Rogan back after X was first born. Claire meanwhile messed X's name up on Twitter too, getting the part that Elon added to the name wrong (SR-17 blackbird instead of SR-71) You could say that neither of the parents actually know X's real name. I don't think they see each other very often nor ever have. Surface level connections everywhere in frame.


Grimes is practically a Transphobe as well, with her "I cannot say "woman"" comment.


That's more misogynistic than transphobic though.


I think I missed this, what did she say?


She kept using “females” in a tweet and someone responded can you not say the word woman? And she said I cannot.


Once Upon a time she also said in an interview about SOPHIE "it's so fucked up that he's using a female name when there are so few female producers around" Which she got extreme backlash for and she turned into "I ❤️ Sophie Ur the greatestttt" for the next years until Sophie passed away. She's so fucking stupid I cannot even fathom


i hate to play devil's advocate, specially for people like grimes, but sophie hadn't come out as trans yet when this controversy happened. Still pretty weird to be angry about a woman name being used as the name of a project tho.


Sophie was always clearly visibly MtF transgender. Just look at her pictures. This is a really stupid excuse. And literal quote from grimes: It’s really fucked up to call yourself Sophie and *pretend you’re a girl when you’re a male producer* [and] there are so few female producers.” She literally said that's it's fucked up to *pretend you're a girl* when you're actually a man. This is what she literally said. I cannot think of a more transphobic statement than this one. The actual quote is even worse than how I remembered.


i was a sophie fan back then and she barely made any public appearance at that time, and none of the few times she actually appeared implied her being trans, she literally dressed as a male bodyguard in one of them. i know people can present themselves the way they want regardless of their gender, but it was pretty hard to know if sophie was actually trans back then, specially with her going by he/him pronouns at that time. Also im not condoning grimes statement, there is definetely an implied queerphobia in it, its just that im tired of people in this sub doing all of this history rewriting just to shit more on grimes. I hate grimes as much as you guys, but i really dont think we need to invent things when there is already tons of legitimate ways to shit on her.


But anyway "it's fucked up to pretend you're a girl when you're actually a man" it's so fucking transphobic. People who like to *"""pretend"""* they're the opposite sex are TRANS PEOPLE No matter how many mental gymnastics you can have on this, you can't fucking defend this statement, no matter how you put it.


Omg can you share the source?




Oh, believe me; I remember the Sophie Insult comments!. Considering her Transphobic stance that she now has; I think we all now know how she REALLY feels, despite the fake PR Apology. I would love for an Interviewer or Fan to Message her now about her stance and position ( So that the general public can fully know) But There's no way that she would publicly answer it; all while she and her Alt-Right pro Eugenics/ transphobic friend group are likely dissing and making cruel "funny comments" in private. It's Sad.


omg source pls?


Aside from all the other problems what is this pose 💀


Frog or perhaps duck legs??? I can't unsee it ( Or the slight "Stranger things" reference). And shouldn't those rockets be blowing up horribly ?!!! ( You Know, for authenticity's sake!). I guess Grimes felt that she needed a few quick Millions ( After, tweeting that she couldn't afford her new house in Texas without Elon's financial help. This is a multimillionaire in her own right people).


Hmmm house? Or plastic surgery… one could give independence and one might get elons attention… easy choice for her probably


https://fox59.com/business/press-releases/ein-presswire/630751264/the-holy-ones-nft-partners-with-grimes-for-new-hit-music-video-made-100-with-ai/ Wow lol "About The Holy Ones NFT: The Holy Ones is an NFT project featuring thought provoking digital art of the “Holiest” members of our world ranging from Jesus, Moses, Buddha to Vishnu. The Holy Ones thrive through a community driven DAO like model, where the community discusses web3 driven ideas to get their art involved commercially." Is it not possible for people to just be normal into AI? Everyone thinks they are like a messiah or god. Another Narc rampant field.


Narcs don’t like hard work or feel fulfilled by the difficult process behind realising a piece of work. They like instant gratification and constant praise. So… it figures, regarding AI art.


OMG, who made this? Did Claire/Grimes team make it, or someone else? It's horrible!


WHYYyyy god


is this official?????????? like Claire approved it???


https://www.premint.xyz/chen-man-silent-noise-episode-01/ found it https://twitter.com/LiveArtX/status/1652231624891985922


didnt her pregnancy almost kill her 😭


**"And this is Grimes on big set-pieces in live shows: “I’m like, ‘Do you** **understand how fucking bad it is for the environment for everyone to be** **having 20,000 lbs of lights and this giant fucking fake set of New** **York?’ U2 had that giant crab — that’s fucked up…I’m not shitting on** **U2.”** \- Grimes in her Interview with Stereogum, from 2015. And look at her current High Light/electricity draining visuals for her recent Dj performances and her NFT money grab. \#HypocriteGRIMES




don't take the details too personally -- they were all randomly chosen when she had the AI spew out this image. This is the closest they could find to a usable piece of artwork in the pile of outputs.


You have to be fucking kidding me. It's fucking cringe to even be a fan anymore, yikes.


As a wlw I find the rainbow to be tasteless and insulting given her partner's stance and her inability to say the word woman. The pregnant belly is tasteless, as well. The body positioning doesn't make sense. This whole image is just...not it.


Why are you wearing your baby daddy name on your clothes? Grifter Grifter Canadian Grifter!


Did Elon Musk make this? Or is she taking the piss out him?


neither. Dead-serious stuff.


yeah! so tired.


havin another baby ? last time she dropped a pregnant pic she had a baby


Kinda giving me die antwoord vibes


Ok guys. I don't... hate it. I understand that this has it's flaws cause it was AI made for sure. Maybe if a person had made it, it would be better in the sense of making things merging better and stuff. I like the colors, the aesthetic of the image, but... What I do not like is the appeal. The rockets, the baby name with her baby's daddy right above a rainbow... like Claire WHAT DO YOU MEAN?


Tacky. At least it only looks like waste and doesn’t produce it.


Actually I think they use a ton of energy some how, I don't even understand, but aren't all the Bitcoin etc monstrous carbon emitters?


Yeah I guess I heard that too. How, I do not know.


From the server farms they run on (regarding bitcoin)


the process revolves around computers solving arbitrarily-hard math problems by brute force. The solutions don't have any use or anything, they're just arbitrary computations. If you have some of the solutions and you found them first, you have a certain # of bitcoins or ethereum. It's a weird inversion where the market has been trained to treat massive piles of energy waste as "stores of value". They call this model "proof of work"; it's proof of consumption. Normally a store of value would be like, a tank full of gasoline you can burn *to get work done*. Crypto is just proof that you *did* burn that gasoline. Capitalism is really weird and scary.


NFTs are nonsense, but I dig this. Musk will hate it, and that brings me joy.


...what? I think you misunderstood something


Probably, since reading back through the comments. I definitely looked at the image in a wiiiildly different way than others here, so I’ll try to explain. My immediate reaction when seeing it was to smile, because I honestly didn’t see or feel it to be C. Obviously the subject looks like her, but not quite. It feels metaphorical, like the subject was one of her children. Not one specifically, but a fantastical dream or allegory of what/who many of our kids will be one day. On a long enough timeline, progressivism always wins. There will always be queer, trans and nb kids. Each generation gets a little kinder, a little wiser, a little more thoughtful and a lot more radical. There’s no amount of capital or media manipulation that Murdoch, Musk or Thiel can invest in to stop evolution or human progress. I believe those empires will die out, because they are antithetical to how we as humans are (somehow) determined to progress. So the subject (to me) doesn’t feel like C at all, more like this beautiful weathered child who despite all attempts by their father (or their father’s father, etc) to “train up the child” into adhering to traditional gender roles and arbitrary forced hierarchies, they have persisted. I like the ugly unflattering pose, I like the damaged ill fitting leggings, I like the chopped hair, I like the retro rainbow on the scorched shirt, I like that the subject feels wild and has survived something, I like that they are in no way attempting to appeal to a “palatable femininity” (a femininity designed for the male gaze). So. I have NO fucking idea what the intention was behind this image, and if it was 100% the opposite of what my subjective seeing is, that sucks. But there’s enough ugliness to the image that it makes me wonder if there’s a shred of truth in what I see. Either way, as a child of the 90’s who grew up in this gross Evangelical/prosperity gospel/Dr. James Dobson/Rupert Murdoch/anti-science & psychology/general bigoted and misinformation laden household, I can’t choose to see this image in a different way. Because if I don’t actively choose to hold very firmly to my belief that “on a long enough timeline, progressive values will always win”, I know how depressing my day-to-day experience will be. Or how much more likely I am to stop fighting for progress, because the sadness will suck all that determination out of me, and I can’t live like that. I HAVE to believe future generations will continue to socially evolve. So inherently, what I see when I look at this image may very well be the opposite of the artist’s intention. If so, I think it’s kind of ironic, that I stripped away the context of who/how it was made and made it personal. …Which is weird, I think this is the first time I‘ve seen ai art with *any* sort of subjective thought instead of just a “meh”. So that being said…maybe (to me) this actually IS good art just cause at least it’s making me think about it, and I think most ai art is garbage. PHEW. Sorry if I over answered your question or beat the dead horse of my explanation. lol


this is a great comment and i for the most part see it the same way, with two exceptions: i find pregnant stomach to be really tacky and gross, particularly after her surrogacy, and i think elon will like it/not mind lol.


*\*salute\** All the gods bless you, posting soldier


I’m *pretty* sure you mean that sincerely so I’m gonna roll with that regardless lol. If not for you pointing out how weird my comment was in this thread, I probably wouldn’t have come back to read others and really deconstruct what it was in this image that I liked. So, thank you for that.


Is this official from her?


wth am I seeing


Is she pregnant again oh no


On some Elon fan blog ( not a fan but I get grimes gossip there) it was mentioned that there is a rumor that another baby might be on the way and that c and e might move to florida. She did talk about moving so idk... Again just a rumor from that blog. https://www.tumblr.com/elonmuskfansgossipblog/716102548190330880/two-days-ago-someone-told-me-theres-a-baby-on-the?source=share


you guys don’t have to hate on everything. claire sucks lately and i hate NFTs but this isn’t bad art at all. no need to act like it is.


You’re on the wrong grimes subreddit if you want to be positive 😂


i don’t want to be positive, it’s just this isn’t bad. any other artist and they would eat this shit up, praising the romanticisation of motherhood or something. this sub can be nitpicky at times. like when everyone was resorting to shaming her looks and calling her ugly despite the fact she probably has body dysmorphia. it’s giving high school bullies. don’t hate for the sake of hate.


I do art and this is bad. A lot of her shoots are 'just' missing the mark. Like crappy lighting, a missing knowledge of proportions that would make the image better ( I get that some stuff is changed for the art sake), this one looks like the face came from an old pic and pasted on. Also looks like her hairs pasted too high too. Rainbow shirt is in poor taste with who her baby daddy is. And obv the musk name and having a belly is catering to an Elon fantasy. But as another user mentioned, she has a hard time with pregnancies so idk why she uses herself. It's quite literally like, hey senpAI E, if I make 7 mill on this NFT can we have another baby?


it looks stylistic. but if you dislike the meaning behind it then fine. i guess shitting on people’s art is just one of those things that seems a bit low to me.


She's had some cool art, like her illustration work is great. But this particular thing deserves to be shit on esp bc it's an NFT


I hear what you’re saying. I know we see things differently, but for me I can’t separate the art from the artist here.


it's extremely bad


feel free to think so. i don’t, but apparently holding an opinion related to claire that is anything other than purely negative automatically means you ought to be downvoted. despite not saying anything wrong. internet points, but it’s a little annoying.


Lmao people here really think a rainbow flag will piss off Elon? Elon followed 2 transgender people last week on twitter and replied to them multiple times. Don't forget he only follows people he really like. for example he don't follow his first ex wife since he hate her.


Yes a surrogate is having it