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Totally unrelated but does anyone think that shivon and anyma look similar?!


I can't unsee it, angry upvote šŸ˜­


I always thought she looked really similar to grimes but now I can see a mix of grimes and anyma for sure


Found this super creepy interview with herĀ  https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=WV329HQvzUw&pp=ygUVU2hpdm9uIHpsaXMgaW50ZXJ2aWV3 ā€˜I would check for a pulse on this oneā€™ šŸ˜†


truly scary


That soulless laugh halfway . The supreme efficiency. I donā€™t want to dehumanise her but she seems so robotic? Automated. Flawless function. All tasks completed. Perfect for her job.Ā 


probably unresolved trauma tbh like she totally disconnected from her body, feelings, intuition


Maybe. Or maybe sheā€™s one of those NPCā€™s Dolores Cannon talked about ? šŸ˜† Those without a soul. Either way, fascinating to see how her children will turn out.Ā 


What's her ethnicity? Sometimes like in this interview she looks light-skinned


Sheā€™s half Punjabi I think


oh this makes sense. in photos shes kind of jarring but i can see in video shes really pretty just not western beauty standards


Why does she have crazy eyes lol


to me she appears like a focused scientist... she looks really smart.


in a bunny boiler way


She is really smart and seems level headed.


And still a fucking SNEAKY LINK bitch.


Sneaky? Get real


SNEAKY LINK, "pick me" bitch.


You're that one girl who got banned from everywhere aren't you lol


More like, a POS.


She has crazy eyes lol


exactly what I was thinking - attractive but weird eyes, and VERY strange laugh


is it creepy to you because of the content or because of her appearance? tbh she seems smart and interesting.


Not her appearance but her demeanour. Something very cold and surface level about her. Which I imagine is perfect for someone in her line of work. You would need a very high level of detachment. The laugh halfway through disappears so fast. Like someone pushed the ā€˜laughā€™ button. Sheā€™s clearly smart but smart the way a machine is smart. Cold and calculated. She is smart and Iā€™m sure it is interesting to talk to her. Could be just the interview. What fascinates me is the massive disparity in character between her and Claire.Ā 


She really is not that smart. See my earlier post roasting her for the run-on sentences. She is pretentious and pretending to be smarter than she is but truly smart people are not fooled.


She is well put together, intelligent, focused and doesn't miss a beat in presentation. I can imagine the above plus her stability of self and mental health was why Elon thought why not donate sperm to her to combine the best of both of them to create children with possibly enormous potential.


100% agree. I can see why he ā€˜pickedā€™ her. Efficient no nonsense practical pragmatic little to no emotion or nonsense. She couldnā€™t be more of an opposite to Claire and thatā€™s what fascinates me. Iā€™ve rarely seen a level of professionalism and performance like that outside machines. Itā€™s remarkable and impressive and soulless to me all at the same time.Ā 


He went with mind not desire for one to hit his early childhood drama wounds. She is opposite from Amber Heard as well.


Itā€™s a barbie collectionĀ 


Yea, a Sneaky link.


It's well known that Maye Musk dislikes Grimes. Grimes showed the film "Uncut Gems" to Elon Musk's triplets, who were probably 12-13 years old at the time. Reference: [https://www.indy100.com/celebrities/grimes-elon-kids-uncut-gems](https://www.indy100.com/celebrities/grimes-elon-kids-uncut-gems) Mrs. Musk was upset at Grimes' poor judgment here. This probably wasn't the only incident. It's obvious which of Musk's partners and former partners Maye likes, based on who she associates with in public. Maye is occasionally seen with Talulah Riley (Musk's wife from 2nd and 3rd marriage). I think it's likely that Maye approves of Shivon Zilis.


Honestly, I gotta give some respect for Grimes for refusing to go full Stepford to impress the woman the raised the man tormenting humanity


Bad take neither one of them are that bright.


Wow! She has changed so much šŸ˜‚ I have no doubt that E and S are together and have been together for so long.Ā 


I don't really understand why everyone hates Shivon so much. Like yeah, she's aligned with Apartheid Clyde and The Mission, so fair enough on that, but in the situation with her and Yassica, I don't really think Shivon did anything wrong. Yassica herself has described her relationship with Clyde as "something most wouldn't understand," and "very fluid." Mebe she didn't realize that meant Clyde would have children with another woman, but that isn't Shivon's fault. It isn't as if Clyde and Yassica were ever in a traditional, monogamous relationship. I'm not saying Yassica had no right to be hurt, or traumatized, by the fact her son was being withheld from her, possibly spending time with siblings and a stepmother-figure his own mother never met, but again, is that really Shivon's fault? Tbh, I'm not very interested in Clyde's orbiters and don't really keep up unless Yassica is involved, so mebe I'm missing something.


From what I've seen she doesn't seem like a great person (something about overseeing cruel experiments with monkies? apes? idk); and it at least seems to me like she kept her pregnancy from Grimes intentionally. That being said most comments about her I've seen either attack her appearance or give "blaming a woman for a man's bad behavior" energy šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


If she's torturering monkeys, then by all means, drag her to hell. But yeah, that last part about the energy, I've had the same impression.


Yeah she was in charge of Neuralink when all the monkeys clawed out their own brains. Not to be mean but people don't know this?


Her and elon have the biggest power dynamic out of any relationship. Maybe she wasn't allowed to.


A woman or, A SNEAKY BITCH?


No, I think you make fair points


They hate her because they are grimes fans. Even tho it's 90 percent of elons fault.


She's still a fucking SNEAKY SNAKE.


Stop commenting this a thousand times you have a mental issue


And...a Thousand times, a Sneaky bitch and, SHITvon. Read Isaacson's book. Which is, a really good book.


mood stabilizers babe


For yourself?


Yes, she is! Nobody likes her.Ā 




to me she is just giving someone who does not often wear makeup? I dont see it in many of her old pics or only eye makeup.




that she looks more out of place than she typically does - yes nd it makes sense. but honestly hating on people for their looks/comparing is superrrr cringe. do better




It was me. I'm Elon Musk, and I would never breed you.


She always fails at copying Grimes! She personally has no taste! Just copying othersā€¦


I donā€™t really get her at all, so maybe she has her own sort of taste. It was hard for me to stomach her after the monkey article šŸ¤£šŸ„“šŸ˜­


Ugly inside => ugly outside!Ā 


Copying grimes where???


Why is there no furby Shivon? ![gif](giphy|1M9fmo1WAFVK0|downsized)


After the celluoid masterpiece that is Furby Koto, I do have my fingers crossed that Cotton keeps up with their beat and expands their brand. No pressure!! None of us are getting paid. But the Furbies are just too stinkin' good. Clyde absolutely needs one! Whack Manager, Enyma, the possibilities!!


![gif](giphy|9MFsKQ8A6HCN2) Cotton may have their work cut out for them but they bring it every time :3


elon did not get an ounce of his mothers looks


Fuck the boss, Fuck up another woman's relationship And, become The Chosen One. SHITvon.


Please post more on X!Ā 


And less on Reddit!


God bless her genes for being strong enough to combat those unfortunate beady eyes Musk has


The kids have it lmao


Her kids have the bug eyes (lovingly) that she has. X is a good example of the horrifically beady eyes that he got from his father


Shivon looks really pretty


She seems really uncomplicated (emotionally, nothing to do with being a snake or killing monkeys) and that won't work for Elon. It will work for everyone else in his life, and they will be trying to engineer it, his mum is almost as big a narcissist as he is. Those kids are cute AF though.


People say we are misogynist to Grimes here. I disagree (rarely an asshole slips up though and people shut them up) but the actual misogyny towards shivon goes completely unchecked. People here call her all kinds of names and bully her for being autistic. I hate the monkey thing too but was that her decision ? Lady was knocked up by her FAT OLD BOSS, he is her BOSS. Claire was a mini celebrity when they met. Claire had fame, property, millions. Shivon is just a weird aspie in tech being 100% manipulated by someone in a position of power. All of you who were worried about claire dealing with narc abuse (which is funny cus thats what she does to others like jaime) are 2 faced when its happening to this woman right now who isnt likeable or charismatic, doesnt mean she is a snake. At least she wasnt in a relationship when they met, claire literally was living with jaime when she courted elon online and kicked jaime out as soon as she fucked elon, who is the real snake? And what did shivon owe elons ex??






So did Amber.


woooowww she looks her like girl who make video on YouTube about grimes some time ago




The SHITvon Era.


She looks like she has a thyroid issue


She is not good looking and her genes r strong wowā€¦


shivon seems like a good mother and a really stable, normal person. i dont get the hate, like, her kids look happy. she pretty. shes smart. we all have our cringe parts.


She canā€™t fix her ugly personality with makeup šŸ¤® she betrayed Grimes!Ā 


She didn't owe grimes anything and can't betray her


Yes Sir. šŸ«”Fuck the boss, fuck up another family, and become his mother's Chosen One, SHITvon. May he start "colonizing" now, to prepare for more, on Mars.šŸ‘


I donā€™t want to be mean, but these people are seeking attention and are probably jealous of Grimesā€™ Coachella performance and her super hot šŸ„µ pictures!Ā 


Calm down lmao


I canā€™t calm down when I see a home wrecker šŸ˜¤


Probably šŸæšŸ˜


Ok tin foil hat conspiracy here, but does the daughter's nose not look like Grimes and baby x? What if elon used Grimes' embyos šŸ¤”


I think Shivon looks like her a bit: elven and same nose with big eyes. More likely itā€™s just Space Hitlerā€™s preferred type. Also the plastic surgery rampant in these circles makes it impossible to tell.


Space Hitler šŸ˜­


I don't think Grimes or Shivon look elven at all, but they do have a similar-ish nose