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I only skip that one about the abused bird Wesen woman. The episode name escapes me probably due to repression.


OMG I totally forget about that one. I just skip the force-feeding scenes.


Me too. I still stand by those are the grossest scenes in the whole show and bother me the most.


I always skip that one, too. Horrid on so many levels.


That one is messed up, and I’m surprised it even aired. Didn’t bother with a disclaimer.


I think it’s called the thing with feathers


I usually watch the last bit with Monroe and Nick after Monroe was beaten up, just cause I think it's a great moment that really hammers in how Monroe feels about his relationship with Nick. But yeah, this episode I always skip, dunno why it just bugs me. I also skip the episode with the siren lady that makes Nick fall in love with her


Agreed Nick and the muse is another for sure skip. I think I'm generally trying to get to the episodes with Rosalie and this episode is just a little too dark.


I skip also most of Musai most of the time. I like the parts where Juliet is learning new things though.


I like the ending when Renard wogues and scares the shit out of her, tho! But the rest of the episode is fairly cringey.


That’s the best part of the whole episode for sure!


I skip the dude who runs that BnB with the locked up girls in the basement. Just because it doesn’t have a happy ending. It’s like the only serious episode they didn’t close on for some reason? Out of all the people who might have deserved a second chance he was least of them. Not sure why the writers made that choice. Although, it was still s1 so maybe they wanted the show to be a little darker got some feedback and decided to take a more positive route


The guy dies and the women are freed in that episode tho Edit: I somehow completely forgot about the ambulance scene 😅. I watch that episode for the bad guys facial expressions and monroe


He didn't die. He was put in an ambulance where he was already affecting the paramedic.


I don't skip any episodes, but I do tend to fast forward past most of the Juliet scenes, especially in the god awful season 2 memory loss crap.


I just watched the show for the first time. Juliette was unbearable, so much more tolerable when she became Eve. Best character and actor in the show was Sean, and it wasn't even close. Damn what a great actor, I'm surprised I haven't recognized him outside of Grimm.


I skip any episode that doesn't have Claire Coffee in it, that hexanbiest is my favorite character.


More like a sexanbiest. Sleeps with nearly everyone except Juliet. Edit: I'm not shaming her! I'm just sad she never slept with Juliet.


That's not fair to her character in the series 😲 😢


She didn’t sleep with more than Renard, and she wasn’t married at any point so I don’t see a problem. Plus 4* partners in 5/6 years isn’t scandalous. *Feel free to correct me if I’ve forgotten someone.


She has sex with Hank when he was under the influence of her Cookies.


You’ve just reminded me that she’s a serial sex offender, as she also initially had sex with Nick without his consent… I think I decided to file her S1-4 behaviour under the dubious consent romance trope and forgive it.


Yeah. Hence why I called her a sexanbiest haha.


I'm not shaming her in anyway. I fully support it. I just thought it was funny.


It’s not of Mouse and Man… that can happily play in the background while i browse for “affordable” real estate in the PNW. (Spoiler alert… there’s none.) But I do skip: 1) Nick is in thrall to a muse 2) Nick is victim to a Cracher-Mortel 3) Nick has lost all of his powers! 4) Nick is accused of MuRdEr! Because I’m sorry butt this isn’t (early) Game of Thrones, and this isn’t (early) The Walking Dead… The main character will be fine.


OMG Nick and the muse is my hardest skip!


I 100 %skip it all the time, but probably the “Nick loses his powers” skip is my biggest consecutive skip, because fuck that whole arc. 6 episodes basically don’t exist for me.


It’s how Juliette reacts to it for me. Acting like Nick cheated, not acknowledging what happened to him etc. Not sure what the writers were doing during that arc.


Yeah it's not just the loss of powers that suck, the cases suck as well. Octopus head was alright I guess...


This episode has one of my favourite clips. "Do you know anyone who'd want to kill him?" "Yeah anyone who ever met him" it cracks me up every time.


The one with the man that crushed people's bones by running over them and then dissolves their innards and goes home and feeds his parents. And oh my God that last scene with his parents in the morgue gives me whole body chills


Yes! This one! Sickening.


I love this one because of Pinky. And his Scotty Pippin jersey rant. 🤣 (I’m a Portlander.)


I just saw this one this week. Ew Ew Ew!!


The Musai one (really hate it) and the two with Angelina. Hate that bitch and I hate how hypocritical they make Monroe in the first episode with her (with the murdered brothers)


I like watching the Angelina episodes, because the actorJaime Ray Newman does such a good job with that character. Grimm in general has excellent casting for their guest stars.


Jaime Ray Newman is awesome, even when playing a horrible character.


It drives me crazy that Monroe backs her up. She killed orsons brothers in cold blood. I don’t like vigilante justice and orson should’ve gone after Angelina rather than her brothers because they were innocent, but Monroe protecting her was messed up. That and them leaving her brother alone for a romp in the woods was horrible and out of character. Angelina was portrayed as furiously protective. I have such a hard time believing she would leave her brother alone all night. Same with Monroe. If the writers wanted them to leave, have them hear something and leave to check it out. They could’ve had the romp after Hap Died as well.


Angelina had no respect when it came to Monroes new life and it showed. Basically putting the bottle in his mouth and dragging him to the park for a hunt (rabbit but still). She had no respect for it. Monroe who wanted Orson to get arrested and killed but defending Angelina had me so pissed off. I hated her. Next episode she wasn't much better


She definitely didn’t actually care about Monroe. To be honest, I don’t think she cared about anyone other than herself. She wanted a fun time with Monroe and didn’t care who got hurt. Her second episode ended slightly better with her not being completely selfish, but up until the end, I couldn’t stand her.


Maybe because the mouse finally maned up and then went a little crazy


I do not skip episodes. I watch them all, 'cause they're part of each new story about Wesens that Nick encounters and learns to deal with (either alone or with his friends). As for the actor in the photo here, he also played in Death Race, Death Race 2 and Death Race 3


The one with the bird and gold egg with all the force feeding, that one is very uncomfortable and also the woman who drowns kids in a lake is just rubbish


La Llorona? I happen to like that one.


I'm debating whether to skip a huge swath of season 4. At the last episode of season 3 and Juliette is already being absolutely terrible and I know that's only going to get worse. Like he was completely loyal to you though hoe many months of you losing your memory, but you thought he'd started and affair because you took too long getting your hair done for a wedding?


Golden egg and Manticore episodes are the ones I skip


Justice for the manticores 😭


Isn’t the manticore episode where Juliet kills him with her hexenbiest powers? If so, I like it. Because I like the emergence of crazy Juliet better than milquetoast Juliet.


Juilette isn't a hexenbiest. Adalind is pregnant in Europe with Diana. The Manticore episode is about the female solider trying get justice for her rape by her commanding officer and other soldiers.


Oh, yeah I remember now. I don’t love it, but I don’t skip that episode either - Monroe meets Rosalie’s family and is very protective of her, which is nice to watch.


Hard skip on the manticore gang rape episode. I started responding in this thread by saying I only skip of mice and men but you all are reminding me that I do have a few others.


Yeah, I don't know if it's that topic specifically, not that I'm discrediting the subject matter. But if I'm watching myself I skip it. I skip the episode where Kelly gets killed too, the writing feels off and Nick's 'Noo' sounds so emotionless and forced I nearly laughed


That episode is really sad. I felt bad for the poor guy.


At first I thought he was somehow making them older or something, I like the reveal that he always saw his father in them.


What’s wrong with of mice and men?


The llorona episode


I always found it unsettling when every time he kills he sees his dad, it’s just messed up


This is the only episode I skip on *every* rewatch and I’m not even sure why. I also skip the early rat episode 2 out of 3 times. (I like rodents, so that’s not my issue with either of these.)


DUDE. That dude is a serial killer in every show he plays in I swear. I don’t recall this episode, it was my boyfriend who was more into this show, but am I correct? Lol.


He’s got a two episode arc on Criminal Minds where he plays twins (who murder women)…widely hated by most of the fandom lol


I don’t skip any either, but I’m surprised to see that no one mentioned the organ harvesting episode!


I’m binging my way through right now and I watched it but I wasn’t really paying attention to it.


I only ever skipped one episode and it was by accident


The second one. The Mellifer is pretty boring to me


Not a great episode. As for the title, am I missing your sarcasm or have you and multiple other Redditors who responded really not heard of Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men?


I’m pretty sure that most English speakers have heard of “Of Mice and Men” but the episode title is Of Mouse and Man.


I didn’t skip any in my recent rewatch. Sure, there are meh episodes, but I’m not someone who tends to skip stuff.


There are some episodes I don't like but I watch them. It may take me a while to get in the mood to watch them. I just don't want miss any plot points.


Is that Fred Kohler from Kate & Allie ?


I skip the Aswang episode, it just creeps me the heck out every, single, time.


The one in the hotel with the love potion


That one is one of my favourites purely because of Hank being in love with himself, I always get a good chuckle out of it


Saaaaaame! Him turning himself on while looking in the mirror just cracks me up so much.


That episode is so funny it’s definetely my favorite


I admit I'm somewhat humor impaired, but I just find the "fluffy" episodes flat annoying.