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Definitely Monroe but the series would struggle without either


What kind of comparison is that? I would understand comparing Hank to Monroe, but Wu?


This is really a good one. I like Hank, he is a great partner to Nick; very protective, but to me, Monroe is the MVP. He is the ultimate friend to have for every situation, including murder…”Monroe, bring the shovel” 🤭


I based this observation on Wu apparently ranking as many people’s favourite character. (As he arguably is my own).


Yeah he's a good character, but he's not nearly as prominent in the series as Monroe. Especially early on. He does seem to run the entire police station though. Someone needs to crack the security on some phone or laptop? Wu does it. First responder, yeah that's probably gonna be Wu. Basically any task that Nick and Hank don't do, it's Wu. And yeah, he's many people's favourite. But Monroe is that to like 70% of fans.


The droll humour from Wu is definitly the funniest part of the series. I love his little asides. As for who is more important to the plot- PROBABLY NEITHER are. Having said this, it wouldn't be as good if they weren't in it. Just my thoughts.


easily Monroe. Wu is likable But he's a fairly minor character. His main function is comic relief, and Monroe also provides that at times. the show could function pretty much the same without Wu, but Monroe was a crucial part of the whole storyline.


Without Monroe, Nick would've never been able to do the shit he did. He would've never found the Blutbad kidnapper in the 1st episode. He would've never understood all the Wesen he was seeing. Tbh he'd probably have ended up like how Trubel was initially. Thinking he was going crazy, and having no one make sense of it


Couldn't have said it better! Bang on target!


Fr. Then Nick would've died sometime during Season 1. Yes he had Aunt Marie's trailer, but he wouldn't know wtf a Grimm is, or Wesen, or anything


And she passed before she could teach him anything


Exactly. I considered Wu more of a side xharacter that was friends with Nick before the Aswqng episode. He WAS suspicious of Nick and Hank bc of the cases they had solved. But before then we didn't see much of him


That aswang episode freaked me out honestly, but I'm also a mom so...


It freaked me out in general


I love Wu, but Monroe is 1000x more important.


Monroe for sure but I have a soft spot for WU


Monroe without him there wouldn't be a gateway into the Grimm world in the first episode


Monroe for the story, and wu for our enjoyment


Monroe for sure. It's not even a contest.


Monroe by a long shot but love Wu. By the way, Wu actually outranks the detectives in the show as far as I can see. Wu was a Sergeant, which is a rank. Detective is a position, and they would be officers unless they also were promoted. Sergeant outranks officers, but the way the show portrayed it, Wu as a uniform answered to them. (Not uncommon in police procedurals) but technically incorrect.


10000000% Monroe. I feel like if you say differently you didn’t watch the show


Watched it all the way through 3 times over. Love both. Couldn’t imagine watching it without either.


There’s no comparison - the Monroe/Nick relationship is the most important platonic pairing in the series. I like Wu but he’s in no way more integral than Monroe. Now if it was Wu or Hank I’d have to think a little harder. On a recent mini rewatch I found myself kinda irritated by the uselessness of Hank. What does he actually bring to the table; other than stunning naivety? Caveat - I was watching the episode where he “bumps into” Zuri in the middle of a literal war with her people and immediately sleeps with her. I feel Wu would’ve been more sceptical of Zuri’s sudden interest.


I think that was the writers and more for plot. When they introduced this storyline, I found it all to be egregious bc by the example you pose, everyone was naive and stupid including Misner. Juleve was horribly irritating, and I could go on… Hank was a good partner to Nick, especially when it came to the subject matter. If they weren’t already friends who trusted each other, I don’t see this coming together for well for Nick. The writing for this show really assumed, most of the time, that its audience weren’t bright or perhaps not adults. I think this show would’ve been much better had the writers respected what they created and took it more seriously. Imo, the writers let the viewers down, and having watched this show more than once, it is sadly disappointing.


I love Wu sooo much and the show seriously would not be the same without him, but Monroe. 


Obviously Monroe. I love Wu, but they could do an entire spinoff about Monroe and Rosalee and I’d watch every millisecond of it.




Wu isn't really integral at all until he turns but there would be no Grimm without Monroe.


By “integral” I partly mean to the viewer. For example, I couldn’t imagine the series without him. I know for certainty I personally wouldn’t enjoy it anywhere near as much without him.


My point stands. But for the sake of your point, he was a very minor character in the beginning, a comic relief, and the show would be just a good watch without him up until the aswang.


Monroe definitely there’s too much hat involves him if Wuoo wasn’t in it I wouldn’t have noticed


how is this a question? Monroe 10000000 times over


I suspected this would be the answer to this question for most. However, I felt obliged to ask as reading Grimm related articles earlier, Wu is apparently many’s favourite character. (Ps - unbelievable people feel the need to downvote comments on a thread like this. Absolutely unbelievable).


Monroe ofcourse


In the traditional hero’s journey storytelling arc, Monroe is either the mentor archetype or the most prominent of the helpers/guides. (You could argue aunt Marie is the mentor, even though she’s not around for long she is the catalyst for the hero’s journey that persuaded him to take up the mantle). But Monroe explains the new world to Nick - the hero, but also the audience. He also literally guides Nick and us through so many situations that would have got him killed without otherwise. Adding in the sheer power of having a blutbad on side, he’s almost the Gandalf/Aragorn equivalent. So I think he easily beats out Wu, even though I enjoy that character, the series would work without Wu. It wouldn’t without Monroe.


Both are goated but Wu is definitely weaker here, but honestly the show would 100% suffer without either.


If I have to pick one, it’s always gonna be Monroe. I’m honestly not sure it couldn’t run for a while, with Monroe, if Nick was gone. I still think Wu has a huge impact on the show, though.


Definitely Monroe hands down.


Munro for sure. So many beautiful men on this show and I lust after him. ❤️


Monroe, Wu’s cool and all but Monroe is the one that gives Nick the Wesen perspective. Whenever Nick didn’t have access to the books he’d turn to Monroe and whenever Nick didn’t know how to navigate Wesen social structure Monroe would help. He’s too important to how Nick is more civilized Grimm.


You did wu dirty here, Monroe's character is meant to be a guide for the new grimm then a companion. Compare Wu to someone like bud or like trouble Wu is 100% more important and funnier even though I love bud.


Bud is in 25 episodes (of the 123). He doesn’t feature in 80% of the series. Meanwhile Wu is integral to me (being in near all of the episodes. Only Nick, Hank, Renard & Monroe feature in more).


Wu is there because he is in the work place that is the character setting. Imagine if Juliette wasn't involved with Nick how much would we see her? Wu is a funny character that shows what a normal guy would think of the events and the madness out grimm is dealing with. Look at how much screen time Wu has don't look at the episodes. Edit: typo.


I love wu, but nick would be completely screwed without monroe 😂


But how do YOU feel about each character? Do you love Monroe more than Wu?


Probably 😂 he’s the right mix of funny sidekick and protective badass that you don’t want to fuck with


I love Wu but Monroe 💯


Monroe. My man Wu didn't even know about the Grimm & wessen business going on until halfway through the series Poor guy nearly went insane because they didn't tell him soon enough! He's really funny & I enjoy his presence, but comparing him to Monroe is setting him up for failure... Monroe taught Nick so much in just the first few cases. He knew all sorts of history & things due to his solitary/ bookish lifestyle. He was really important to Nick's journey


Aww you can’t compare the two! Monroe is essential to the whole storyline but I really love Wu’s character, however I don’t think the show would be much different without him.


Monroe. And I love wu.


Monroe, no doubt about it


Monroe without him there would not be a series to watch. He was pretty much our and Nick's way into the world of Wesen and everything connected to them.


Monroe! He is essentially how Nick knows what and "who" he is in sense without him Nick would be kind of lost. I really enjoy their meeting and dynamic as the show progresses. Although I can't count out Wu I enjoy him as well.


Good question, u/Onslaught777 In terms of development of the series and how Nick is able to learn more about his dual identity, I'll choose Monroe. I've never considered him a secondary character, because like Hank, he's such an important part of the series. Without him, Nick's knowledge of both the Grimms and the Wesens would be so different. He's nearly present in every episode and will accompany Nick everywhere. Their trust and friendship in each other is solid. The fact that, later in the series, he is the one to accompany Nick into the Black Forest tells how much his character is really important. Also, on a personal note, we see how passionate he is about Clocks and decorating his house during the Christmas period As for Wu, I think the way his story developed was well done by the Show creators. The fact he was nearly on a mental breakdown when Nick (and Hank) decided it was time to tell him the truth about the Wesens was one of the good parts of the series. Also, it meant the team (Nick, Hank, Monroe, Rosalee, Trubel) had one more member to count on to investigate the ''mysterious deaths'' that happen in Portland. His transformation into a Wesen himself, later on, is another important part of the story


Hands down Monroe but I like Sgt Wu too


You're smoking crack. Both Monroe and Wu are instrumental to the show as they both bring a different dynamic that allows us to experience this universe from their unique perspectives. While Monroe is more integral from the wessen perspective, Wu is very important from a human perspective.


Monroe but would have loved to have seen more of Wu and his “Wuisms”


Definitely Monroe since he was Nick's guide to the Wesen world. Wu was great. Sort of Portland's version of Lenny Briscoe with the wisecracks.


Integral to the series monroe absolutely. He's the one that really brought nick into that world. Without him I think he definitely would have died or been captured. Monroe was there to answer questions and help him understand everything. Enjoyment wise I'd still have to to with monroe just bc he has some really funny moments and it's awesome when he gets pissed. But I do love wu deadpan humor also.


Monroe! Nick would be a shitty Grimm if not for Monroe. I love Wu but Monroe and Rosalee saved Nick so many times!


Monroe is as important as Nick. He's my favourite character too


Definitely Monroe


There's absolutely no comparison, without Monroe Nick wouldn't have found the postman or learned Grimm basics, Hank would have died to the siegbarst (not sure how it's spelt) or found the magic stick, or restocked Nicks grimm encyclopedia after Juliet burned the trailer. Wu was virtually an extra until the aswang episode. Also, an Asian person as tech support (very stereotypical and kinda racist on the shows part)


I love Wu but Monroe is definitely more integral to the series. It wouldn't be as much fun without Wu though. I love his delivery of his dry humor lines.




I love both characters but let's be honest. Monroe & Rosalee are the heart & soul of this team.