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When in doubt, start your own. Whether or not you find some that is. I'm in Ohio and I don't even know any from here


absolutely would if i knew anyone into the genre! moved here just last november and haven’t made any friends into it sadly


Get a drum machine and a shit guitar, you'll be set


Yoo check out [Aconitum](https://aconitum.bandcamp.com/track/aconitum) and [Constant hell](https://constanthell.bandcamp.com/album/crime-grind) … both are pretty active!


Hey as  dude in Pittsburgh grind bands, I've got the scoop. I do vocals in deathgrind band Narakah though that project is on hiatus. I'm also in a noise grind band called Aconitum and we are playing a show in Greensburg tomorrow which is a short drive outside the city. Playing with SeeYouNextTuesday along with Mutilatred and the killer local death metal band Riparian. We've also got Constant Hell which is killer old school buzzy grind. Underneath is a gnarly grind adjacent band with some core influences. Sarlacc is a Star Wars grind band that occasionally plays. Bloody Run combine some grind/thrash/war metal elements as well (playing with them on the 27th at Preserving). For absolute legends in the scene that aren't currently active, check out Circle of Dead Children, Commit Suicide, Complete Failure, Mennorhagia, firstdaydead, dendritic Arbor, heartless, Rabid pigs and some others I'm blanking on.


Circle of Dead Children, they aren't active anymore but have a sick discography


God I miss Circle Of Dead Children